lib/rconf/configurators/ruby_configurator.rb in rconf-0.10.1 vs lib/rconf/configurators/ruby_configurator.rb in rconf-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -16,22 +16,14 @@
include Configurator
register :ruby
description "Installs ruby interpreter and rubygems.\n" +
- 'Installs and uses rvm on supported (i.e. non-Windows) platforms'
+ 'Installs and uses rbenv on supported (i.e. non-Windows) platforms'
- setting 'version', 'Ruby version using rvm notation (see "rvm list known")', :required => true
- setting 'rubygems', 'Rubygems version, e.g. "1.3.7"'
- setting 'gemset', 'Gemset to be used for platforms supporting rvm'
+ setting 'version', 'Ruby version using rbenv notation (see "rbenv versions")', :required => true
- # RVM version used to install rubies
- RVM_VERSION = '1.10.2'
- # RVM releases URL
# Let configurator run, it is idempotent
# === Return
# false:: Always return false
def check_linux
@@ -39,82 +31,27 @@
alias :check_darwin :check_linux
alias :check_windows :check_linux
# Switch to ruby version defined in settings
- # Use rvm and install it if needed
+ # Use rbenv and install it if needed
# === Return
# true:: Always return true
def run_linux
- check_rvm(RVM_VERSION)
- return true if aborting
- Command.set_ruby(version, gemset)
- report_check("Checking whether #{version} is the active ruby")
- out = Command.execute('rvm', 'current').output
- if out =~ /^#{version.gsub('.', '\\.')}/
- report_success
- check_rvmrc
- else
- report_failure
- report_check("Switching to #{version}")
- out = Command.execute('rvm', 'use', version).output
- case out
- when /is not installed\./
- report_failure
- report_fatal "Failed to install #{ruby}" if @tried
- Platform.dispatch(version) { :install_ruby }
- @tried = true
- Command.execute_in_ruby('gem', 'install', 'rconf') unless gemset
- run
- return true
- when /^Using /
- report_success
- check_rvmrc
- else
- report_fatal("Failed to use #{version}:\n#{out}")
- end
+ if Command.execute('rvm').success?
+ report_fatal "rconf detected an installation of RVM, rconf now uses rbenv to configure ruby versions.\n" +
+ "Unfortunately rbenv and RVM cannot be installed together on the same machine (see\n" +
+ "Please uninstall RVM and try again ('rvm implode' will delete RVM and all installed rubies and gems).\n" +
+ "Once RVM is uninstalled please start a new shell (you may also need to remove references to RVM from your ~/.bash_profile)"
+ return true
- if gemset
- report_check("Checking whether gemset #{gemset} exists")
- res = Command.execute('rvm', version, 'exec', 'rvm', 'gemset', 'list')
- if res.output =~ /^(\s+|=> )#{gemset}$/
- report_success
- else
- report_failure
- report_check("Creating gemset #{gemset} for #{version}")
- Command.execute('rvm', version, 'exec', 'rvm', 'gemset', 'create', gemset,
- :abort_on_failure => "Failed to create gemset '#{gemset}'")
- end
- report_check("Switching to gemset #{gemset}")
- Command.execute('rvm', version, 'exec', 'rvm', 'gemset', 'use', gemset,
- :abort_on_failure => "Failed to switch to gemset '#{gemset}'")
- report_success
- report_check("Checking whether rconf is installed")
- res = Command.execute_in_ruby('rconf', '--version')
- if res.output =~ /#{RightConf::VERSION}/
- report_success
- else
- report_failure
- report_check("Installing rconf")
- Command.execute_in_ruby('gem', 'install', 'rconf', :abort_on_failure => "Failed to install rconf")
- report_success
- end
- end
- if rubygems
- report_check("Checking whether rubygems #{rubygems} is installed")
- res = Command.execute_in_ruby('gem', '--version')
- if res.success? && res.output =~ /^#{rubygems}$/
- report_success
- else
- report_failure
- report_check("Installing rubygems #{rubygems}")
- Command.execute_rvm('rubygems', rubygems, :abort_on_failure => 'Failed to install rubygems')
- report_success
- end
- end
- true
+ check_rbenv
+ return true if aborting
+ check_ruby
+ Command.set_ruby(ruby_version)
+ true
alias :run_darwin :run_linux
# Switch to ruby version defined in settings
@@ -122,97 +59,107 @@
# === Return
# true:: Always return true
def run_windows
- # Set command prefix when already configured
- # Re-create .rvmrc if needed
+ protected
+ # Make version compatible with RVM
+ def ruby_version
+ @ruby_version ||= version.start_with?('ruby-') ? version[5..-1] : version
+ end
+ # Check whether rbenv and ruby-build are installed and installs it/them if not
# === Return
# true:: Always return true
- def post_process
- Command.set_ruby(version, gemset)
- check_rvmrc
- true
+ def check_rbenv
+ res = Command.execute('rbenv')
+ rbenv_in_path = res.success?
+ if rbenv_in_path
+ res.output =~ /^rbenv ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/
+ maj, min, build = [$1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i]
+ if maj == 0 && min < 4
+ report_fatal("rconf requires rbenv version 0.4.0 or greater, you have #{maj}.#{min}.#{build} installed, please upgrade (e.g. via brew upgrade rbenv) and try again")
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ rbenv_present = File.exist?(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.rbenv', 'bin', 'rbenv'))
+ update_msg = "You should add 'eval \"$(rbenv init -)\"' to your .bash_profile / .bashrc etc. " +
+ "so rbenv is properly initialized in new shells, the following assumes ~/.bash_profile is used (Mac OS X):\n\n" +
+ "echo 'eval \"$(rbenv init -)\"' >> ~/.bash_profile\n\n".blue +
+ "You should also update your PATH environment variable with:\n\n" +
+ "echo 'export PATH=\"$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH\" >> ~/.bash_profile'\n".blue
+ if rbenv_present
+ post_note "rconf detected rbenv is installed in #{rbenv_path} but it is not in the PATH.\n" + update_msg
+ aborting(true)
+ return true
+ else
+ opts = { :report => true, :post_install => update_msg }.merge(abort_option('Failed to install rbenv'))
+ PackageInstaller.install('rbenv', opts)
+ opts = { :report => true }.merge(abort_option('Failed to install ruby-build'))
+ PackageInstaller.install('ruby-build', opts) { !Command.execute('ruby-build') }
+ true
+ end
- protected
- # Check whether the right version of RVM is installed and install it if not
+ # Check .ruby-version and its content
- # === Parameters
- # version(String):: Version of RVM to be checked, e.g. '1.2.6'
- #
# === Return
# true:: Always return true
- def check_rvm(version)
- report_check("Checking that rvm #{version} is installed")
- out = Command.execute('rvm', '--version').output
- if out =~ /rvm #{RVM_VERSION.gsub('.', '\\.')}/
- report_success
- else
- report_failure
- if out =~ /rvm ([^\s]+)/
- report_error "WARNING!: You have rvm #{Regexp.last_match[1]} installed which may not be compatible with rconf.\n" +
- "rconf will proceed and try to install rvm #{version}."
+ def check_ruby
+ exists = File.exist?('.ruby-version')
+ if exists
+ contents ='.ruby-version')
+ right_ruby = !!(contents =~ /#{ruby_version}/)
+ end
+ unless exists && right_ruby
+ unless Command.execute('rbenv', 'local', ruby_version).success?
+ report_check("Installing ruby #{ruby} (this will take a while, please be patient)")
+ Platform.dispatch(ruby_version) { :install_ruby }
+ Command.execute('rbenv', 'local', ruby_version)
- report_check("Installing rvm #{version}")
- rvm_src = File.join(ENV['HOME'] || '/root', '.rvm/src')
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(rvm_src)
- Dir.chdir(rvm_src) do
- Command.execute('curl', '-O', '-f',
- "#{RVM_RELEASES_URL}/rvm-#{version}.tar.gz",
- :abort_on_failure => "Failed to download rvm #{version}")
- Command.execute('tar', 'zxf', "rvm-#{version}.tar.gz",
- :abort_on_failure => "Failed to extract rvm tgz from #{File.join(Dir.getwd, 'rvm-' + version + '.tar.gz')}")
- end
- Dir.chdir(File.join(rvm_src, "rvm-#{version}")) do
- Command.execute('./install', :abort_on_failure => "Failed to install rvm #{version}")
- end
- post_note "Configuration required installing RVM, please start a new shell to activate it and re-run rconf to finish configuration".green
- aborting(true)
- report_success
- setup_bashrc
- # Install given ruby version using rvm
+ # Install given ruby version using rbenv
+ # Install any prerequesites first
# === Parameters
- # ruby(String):: Ruby version compatible with rvm
+ # ruby(String):: Ruby version compatible with rbenv
# === Return
# true:: Always return true
def install_ruby(ruby)
Platform.dispatch(ruby) { :install_ruby_prerequisites }
- report_check("Installing #{ruby} (this will take a while, please be patient)")
- Command.execute('rvm', 'install', ruby, :abort_on_failure => 'Failed to install ruby')
+ # Can't abort on failure rbenv install seems to exist with a non zero error code even when successful :(
+ Command.execute('rbenv', 'install', ruby)
- # Install given ruby version using rvm
- # On Lion, need to setup CC env var before running rvm install
+ # Install given ruby version using rbenv
+ # On Lion, need to setup CC env var before running rbenv install
# === Parameters
- # ruby(String):: Ruby version compatible with rvm
+ # ruby(String):: Ruby version compatible with rbenv
# === Return
# true:: Always return true
def install_ruby_darwin(ruby)
- report_check("Installing #{ruby} (this will take a while, please be patient)")
- version = `system_profiler SPDeveloperToolsDataType -xml | xpath "//*[text()='_items']/following-sibling::array/dict/child::key[text()='spdevtools_version']/following-sibling::string/text()" 2> /dev/null`
+ c_version = `system_profiler SPDeveloperToolsDataType -xml | xpath "//*[text()='_items']/following-sibling::array/dict/child::key[text()='spdevtools_version']/following-sibling::string/text()" 2> /dev/null`
env = {}
- if version =~ /^4\.2\.[0-9]+/
+ if c_version =~ /^4\.2\.[0-9]+/
if !File.executable?('/usr/bin/gcc-4.2')
- report_fatal("The C compiler included with Xcode #{version} produces buggy ruby interpreters, please install the C compilers from and re-run rconf")
+ report_fatal("The C compiler included with Xcode #{c_version} produces buggy ruby interpreters, please install the C compilers from or update your version of Xcode and re-run rconf")
env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/gcc-4.2'
- Command.execute('rvm', 'install', ruby, :abort_on_failure => 'Failed to install ruby', :env => env)
+ Command.execute('rbenv', 'install', ruby, :abort_on_failure => 'Failed to install ruby', :env => env)
# Make sure to install all required linux packages first
@@ -252,83 +199,20 @@
# true:: Always return true
def install_ruby_prerequisites_darwin(ruby)
- # Check .rvmrc and its content
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: Always return true
- def check_rvmrc
- if !File.exist?('.rvmrc') ||'.rvmrc') !~ /#{version}@#{gemset}/
- report_check('Setting up .rvmrc')
- begin
-'.rvmrc', 'w') do |f|
- f.puts "environment_id=\"#{version}@#{gemset}\""
- f.puts RVM_HOOK
- f.puts "type -P rconf &>/dev/null && { rconf; }"
- f.puts "type -P rconf &>/dev/null || { echo 'rconf not installed, skipping (see .rvmrc)'; }"
- end
- report_success
- post_note "Configuration required switching the active ruby\nPlease run " + 'cd ..;cd -'.blue + ' to activate it and finish configuration'.green
- aborting(true)
- rescue Exception => e
- report_failure
- report_error(e.message)
- end
- end
- true
- end
- # rvm mojo for creating and enabling 'environments'
-if [[ -d "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/environments" \
- && -s "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/environments/$environment_id" ]]
- \. "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/environments/$environment_id"
- if [[ -s "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/hooks/after_use" ]]
- then
- . "${rvm_path:-$HOME/.rvm}/hooks/after_use"
- fi
- # If the environment file has not yet been created, use the RVM CLI to select.
- if ! rvm --create "$environment_id"
- then
- echo "Failed to create RVM environment '${environment_id}'."
- return 1
- fi
-if [[ $- == *i* ]] # check for interactive shells
- echo "Using: $(tput setaf 2)$GEM_HOME$(tput sgr0)" # show the user the ruby and gemset they are using in green
- echo "Using: $GEM_HOME" # don't use colors in interactive shells
- # Setup .bashrc for rvm support
+ # Produce abort on failure option
- # === Return
- # true:: Always return true
- def setup_bashrc
- if EnvironmentUpdater.update(rvm_bash_activation, ['PATH'])
- post_note '.rvmrc was updated, please reload your shell to activate it and re-run rconf'
- aborting(true)
- end
- end
- # rvm bash activation code
+ # === Parameters
+ # message(String):: Abort message to be used in case abort option should be set
# === Return
- # code(String):: Code that needs to be added to bashrc to activate rvm
- def rvm_bash_activation
- code = <<EOS
-export rvm_trust_rvmrcs_flag=1
-if [[ -n "$PS1" ]]; then
- if [[ -s $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]] ; then source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ; fi
+ # {}:: Empty hash if 'abort_on_failure' is notset
+ # opts(Hash):: Abort option with give message otherwise
+ def abort_option(message)
+ opts = abort_on_failure && { :abort_on_failure => message } || {}