lib/rbvmomi/vim.rb in rbvmomi-1.8.5 vs lib/rbvmomi/vim.rb in rbvmomi-1.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
# Copyright (c) 2011 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
require 'rbvmomi'
+# Win32::SSPI is part of core on Windows
+ require 'win32/sspi'
+rescue LoadError
+WIN32 = (defined? Win32::SSPI)
module RbVmomi
# A connection to one vSphere SDK endpoint.
# @see #serviceInstance
class VIM < Connection
@@ -20,27 +27,41 @@
# @option opts [Boolean] :debug (false) If true, print SOAP traffic to stderr.
def self.connect opts
fail unless opts.is_a? Hash
fail "host option required" unless opts[:host]
opts[:cookie] ||= nil
- opts[:user] ||= 'root'
+ opts[:user] ||= (WIN32 ? ENV['USERNAME'].dup : 'root')
opts[:password] ||= ''
opts[:ssl] = true unless opts.member? :ssl or opts[:"no-ssl"]
opts[:insecure] ||= false
opts[:port] ||= (opts[:ssl] ? 443 : 80)
opts[:path] ||= '/sdk'
opts[:ns] ||= 'urn:vim25'
rev_given = opts[:rev] != nil
- opts[:rev] = '4.0' unless rev_given
+ opts[:rev] = '6.0' unless rev_given
opts[:debug] = (!ENV['RBVMOMI_DEBUG'].empty? rescue false) unless opts.member? :debug
new(opts).tap do |vim|
unless opts[:cookie]
- vim.serviceContent.sessionManager.Login :userName => opts[:user], :password => opts[:password]
+ if WIN32 && opts[:password] == ''
+ # Attempt login by SSPI if no password specified on Windows
+ negotiation = opts[:user], ENV['USERDOMAIN'].dup
+ begin
+ vim.serviceContent.sessionManager.LoginBySSPI :base64Token => negotiation.get_initial_token
+ rescue RbVmomi::Fault => fault
+ if !fault.fault.is_a?(RbVmomi::VIM::SSPIChallenge)
+ raise
+ else
+ vim.serviceContent.sessionManager.LoginBySSPI :base64Token => negotiation.complete_authentication(fault.base64Token)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ vim.serviceContent.sessionManager.Login :userName => opts[:user], :password => opts[:password]
+ end
unless rev_given
rev = vim.serviceContent.about.apiVersion
- vim.rev = [rev, '5.5'].min
+ vim.rev = [rev, '6.0'].min
def close