stdlib/yaml/0/dbm.rbs in rbs-2.7.0 vs stdlib/yaml/0/dbm.rbs in rbs-2.8.0.pre.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,53 +1,5 @@
-# <!-- rdoc-file=lib/yaml.rb -->
-# YAML Ain't Markup Language
-# This module provides a Ruby interface for data serialization in YAML format.
-# The YAML module is an alias of Psych, the YAML engine for Ruby.
-# ## Usage
-# Working with YAML can be very simple, for example:
-# require 'yaml'
-# # Parse a YAML string
-# YAML.load("--- foo") #=> "foo"
-# # Emit some YAML
-# YAML.dump("foo") # => "--- foo\n...\n"
-# { :a => 'b'}.to_yaml # => "---\n:a: b\n"
-# As the implementation is provided by the Psych library, detailed documentation
-# can be found in that library's docs (also part of standard library).
-# ## Security
-# Do not use YAML to load untrusted data. Doing so is unsafe and could allow
-# malicious input to execute arbitrary code inside your application. Please see
-# doc/security.rdoc for more information.
-# ## History
-# Syck was the original YAML implementation in Ruby's standard library developed
-# by why the lucky stiff.
-# You can still use Syck, if you prefer, for parsing and emitting YAML, but you
-# must install the 'syck' gem now in order to use it.
-# In older Ruby versions, ie. <= 1.9, Syck is still provided, however it was
-# completely removed with the release of Ruby 2.0.0.
-# ## More info
-# For more advanced details on the implementation see Psych, and also check out
-# for spec details and other helpful information.
-# Psych is maintained by Aaron Patterson on github:
-# Syck can also be found on github:
module YAML
# <!-- rdoc-file=lib/yaml/dbm.rb -->
# YAML::DBM provides the same interface as ::DBM.