stdlib/pstore/0/pstore.rbs in rbs-2.0.0 vs stdlib/pstore/0/pstore.rbs in rbs-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+# <!-- rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb -->
# PStore implements a file based persistence mechanism based on a Hash. User
# code can store hierarchies of Ruby objects (values) into the data store file
# by name (keys). An object hierarchy may be just a single object. User code
# may later read values back from the data store or even update data, as needed.
@@ -80,18 +81,26 @@
# backup the PStore files from time to time.
class PStore
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - [](name)
+ # -->
# Retrieves a value from the PStore file data, by *name*. The hierarchy of Ruby
# objects stored under that root *name* will be returned.
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will
# raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def []: (untyped name) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - []=(name, value)
+ # -->
# Stores an individual Ruby object or a hierarchy of Ruby objects in the data
# store file under the root *name*. Assigning to a *name* already in the data
# store clobbers the old data.
# ## Example:
@@ -109,10 +118,14 @@
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction and it cannot
# be read-only. It will raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def []=: (untyped name, untyped value) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - abort()
+ # -->
# Ends the current PStore#transaction, discarding any changes to the data store.
# ## Example:
# require "pstore"
@@ -130,10 +143,14 @@
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will
# raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def abort: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - commit()
+ # -->
# Ends the current PStore#transaction, committing any changes to the data store
# immediately.
# ## Example:
@@ -153,45 +170,69 @@
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will
# raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def commit: () -> nil
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - delete(name)
+ # -->
# Removes an object hierarchy from the data store, by *name*.
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction and it cannot
# be read-only. It will raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def delete: (untyped name) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - fetch(name, default=PStore::Error)
+ # -->
# This method is just like PStore#[], save that you may also provide a *default*
# value for the object. In the event the specified *name* is not found in the
# data store, your *default* will be returned instead. If you do not specify a
# default, PStore::Error will be raised if the object is not found.
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will
# raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def fetch: (untyped name, ?untyped default) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - path()
+ # -->
# Returns the path to the data store file.
def path: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - root?(name)
+ # -->
# Returns true if the supplied *name* is currently in the data store.
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will
# raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def root?: (untyped name) -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - roots()
+ # -->
# Returns the names of all object hierarchies currently in the store.
# **WARNING**: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction. It will
# raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.
def roots: () -> Array[untyped]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - transaction(read_only = false) { |pstore| ... }
+ # -->
# Opens a new transaction for the data store. Code executed inside a block
# passed to this method may read and write data to and from the data store file.
# At the end of the block, changes are committed to the data store
# automatically. You may exit the transaction early with a call to either
@@ -205,10 +246,11 @@
# Note that PStore does not support nested transactions.
def transaction: (?untyped read_only) -> untyped
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb -->
# Whether PStore should do its best to prevent file corruptions, even when under
# unlikely-to-occur error conditions such as out-of-space conditions and other
# unusual OS filesystem errors. Setting this flag comes at the price in the form
# of a performance loss.
@@ -216,60 +258,120 @@
# all POSIX platforms: Linux, MacOS X, FreeBSD, etc). The default value is
# false.
def ultra_safe: () -> untyped
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb -->
+ # Whether PStore should do its best to prevent file corruptions, even when under
+ # unlikely-to-occur error conditions such as out-of-space conditions and other
+ # unusual OS filesystem errors. Setting this flag comes at the price in the form
+ # of a performance loss.
+ #
+ # This flag only has effect on platforms on which file renames are atomic (e.g.
+ # all POSIX platforms: Linux, MacOS X, FreeBSD, etc). The default value is
+ # false.
+ #
def ultra_safe=: (untyped) -> untyped
def dump: (untyped table) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - empty_marshal_checksum()
+ # -->
+ #
def empty_marshal_checksum: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - empty_marshal_data()
+ # -->
+ #
def empty_marshal_data: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - in_transaction()
+ # -->
# Raises PStore::Error if the calling code is not in a PStore#transaction.
def in_transaction: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - in_transaction_wr()
+ # -->
# Raises PStore::Error if the calling code is not in a PStore#transaction or if
# the code is in a read-only PStore#transaction.
def in_transaction_wr: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - new(file, thread_safe = false)
+ # -->
# To construct a PStore object, pass in the *file* path where you would like the
# data to be stored.
# PStore objects are always reentrant. But if *thread_safe* is set to true, then
# it will become thread-safe at the cost of a minor performance hit.
def initialize: (untyped file, ?boolish thread_safe) -> untyped
def load: (untyped content) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - load_data(file, read_only)
+ # -->
# Load the given PStore file. If `read_only` is true, the unmarshalled Hash will
# be returned. If `read_only` is false, a 3-tuple will be returned: the
# unmarshalled Hash, a checksum of the data, and the size of the data.
def load_data: (untyped file, untyped read_only) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - on_windows?()
+ # -->
+ #
def on_windows?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - open_and_lock_file(filename, read_only)
+ # -->
# Open the specified filename (either in read-only mode or in read-write mode)
# and lock it for reading or writing.
# The opened File object will be returned. If *read_only* is true, and the file
# does not exist, then nil will be returned.
# All exceptions are propagated.
def open_and_lock_file: (untyped filename, untyped read_only) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - save_data(original_checksum, original_file_size, file)
+ # -->
+ #
def save_data: (untyped original_checksum, untyped original_file_size, untyped file) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - save_data_with_atomic_file_rename_strategy(data, file)
+ # -->
+ #
def save_data_with_atomic_file_rename_strategy: (untyped data, untyped file) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=lib/pstore.rb
+ # - save_data_with_fast_strategy(data, file)
+ # -->
+ #
def save_data_with_fast_strategy: (untyped data, untyped file) -> untyped