stdlib/pathname/0/pathname.rbs in rbs-2.0.0 vs stdlib/pathname/0/pathname.rbs in rbs-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+# <!-- rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c -->
# Pathname represents the name of a file or directory on the filesystem, but not
# the file itself.
# The pathname depends on the Operating System: Unix, Windows, etc. This library
# works with pathnames of local OS, however non-Unix pathnames are supported
@@ -159,10 +160,12 @@
# * #each_line(*args, &block)
# * #read(*args)
# * #binread(*args)
# * #readlines(*args)
# * #sysopen(*args)
+# * #write(*args)
+# * #binwrite(*args)
# ### Utilities
# These methods are a mixture of Find, FileUtils, and others:
@@ -179,29 +182,41 @@
# FileTest.writable?", as you should be familiar with the original method
# anyway, and its documentation (e.g. through `ri`) will contain more
# information. In some cases, a brief description will follow.
class Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - getwd()
+ # -->
# Returns the current working directory as a Pathname.
# Pathname.getwd
# #=> #<Pathname:/home/zzak/projects/ruby>
# See Dir.getwd.
def self.getwd: () -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - glob(p1, p2 = v2, p3 = v3)
+ # -->
# Returns or yields Pathname objects.
# Pathname.glob("lib/i*.rb")
# #=> [#<Pathname:lib/ipaddr.rb>, #<Pathname:lib/irb.rb>]
# See Dir.glob.
def self.glob: (String | Array[String] pattern, ?Integer flags) -> Array[Pathname]
| (String | Array[String] pattern, ?Integer flags) { (Pathname) -> untyped } -> nil
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pwd()
+ # -->
# Returns the current working directory as a Pathname.
# Pathname.getwd
# #=> #<Pathname:/home/zzak/projects/ruby>
@@ -209,10 +224,14 @@
def self.pwd: () -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - +(other)
+ # -->
# Appends a pathname fragment to `self` to produce a new Pathname object.
# p1 ="/usr") # Pathname:/usr
# p2 = p1 + "bin/ruby" # Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby
# p3 = p1 + "/etc/passwd" # Pathname:/etc/passwd
@@ -223,12 +242,21 @@
# This method doesn't access the file system; it is pure string manipulation.
def +: (Pathname | String | _ToStr other) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - /(other)
+ # -->
+ #
alias / +
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - <=>(p1)
+ # -->
# Provides a case-sensitive comparison operator for pathnames.
#'/usr') <=>'/usr/bin')
# #=> -1
#'/usr/bin') <=>'/usr/bin')
@@ -241,22 +269,31 @@
# not comparable.
def <=>: (Pathname other) -> Integer
| (untyped other) -> nil
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - ==(p1)
+ # -->
# Compare this pathname with `other`. The comparison is string-based. Be aware
# that two different paths (`foo.txt` and `./foo.txt`) can refer to the same
# file.
def ==: (untyped) -> bool
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c -->
# Compare this pathname with `other`. The comparison is string-based. Be aware
# that two different paths (`foo.txt` and `./foo.txt`) can refer to the same
# file.
def ===: (untyped) -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - absolute?()
+ # -->
# Predicate method for testing whether a path is absolute.
# It returns `true` if the pathname begins with a slash.
# p ='/im/sure')
@@ -267,10 +304,14 @@
# p.absolute?
# #=> false
def absolute?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - ascend() { |self| ... }
+ # -->
# Iterates over and yields a new Pathname object for each element in the given
# path in ascending order.
#'/path/to/some/file.rb').ascend {|v| p v}
# #<Pathname:/path/to/some/file.rb>
@@ -295,68 +336,82 @@
# It doesn't access the filesystem.
def ascend: () { (Pathname) -> untyped } -> nil
| () -> Enumerator[Pathname, nil]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.atime -> time
+ # -->
# Returns the last access time for the file.
# See File.atime.
def atime: () -> Time
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - basename(p1 = v1)
+ # -->
# Returns the last component of the path.
# See File.basename.
def basename: (?String | _ToStr suffix) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.binread([length [, offset]]) -> string
+ # -->
# Returns all the bytes from the file, or the first `N` if specified.
# See File.binread.
def binread: (?Integer length, ?Integer offset) -> String
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.binwrite(string, [offset] ) => fixnum
+ # - pathname.binwrite(string, [offset], open_args ) => fixnum
+ # -->
# Writes `contents` to the file, opening it in binary mode.
# See File.binwrite.
- def binwrite: (String, ?Integer offset,
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
+ def binwrite: (String, ?Integer offset, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?invalid: :replace ?, ?undef: :replace ?, ?replace: String, ?fallback: Hash[String, String] | Proc | Method, ?xml: :text | :attr, ?universal_newline: true, ?cr_newline: true, ?crlf_newline: true) -> Integer
- # From String#encode
- ?invalid: :replace ?,
- ?undef: :replace ?,
- ?replace: String,
- ?fallback: Hash[String, String] | Proc | Method,
- ?xml: :text | :attr,
- ?universal_newline: true,
- ?cr_newline: true,
- ?crlf_newline: true,
- ) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.birthtime -> time
+ # -->
# Returns the birth time for the file. If the platform doesn't have birthtime,
# raises NotImplementedError.
# See File.birthtime.
def birthtime: () -> Time
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - blockdev?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.blockdev?.
def blockdev?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - chardev?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.chardev?.
def chardev?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - children(with_directory=true)
+ # -->
# Returns the children of the directory (files and subdirectories, not
# recursive) as an array of Pathname objects.
# By default, the returned pathnames will have enough information to access the
# files. If you set `with_directory` to `false`, then the returned pathnames
@@ -374,22 +429,34 @@
# Note that the results never contain the entries `.` and `..` in the directory
# because they are not children.
def children: (?boolish with_directory) -> Array[Pathname]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.chmod(mode_int) -> integer
+ # -->
# Changes file permissions.
# See File.chmod.
def chmod: (Integer mode_int) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.chown(owner_int, group_int) -> integer
+ # -->
# Change owner and group of the file.
# See File.chown.
def chown: (Integer owner, Integer group) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - cleanpath(consider_symlink=false)
+ # -->
# Returns clean pathname of `self` with consecutive slashes and useless dots
# removed. The filesystem is not accessed.
# If `consider_symlink` is `true`, then a more conservative algorithm is used to
# avoid breaking symbolic linkages. This may retain more `..` entries than
@@ -398,22 +465,31 @@
# See Pathname#realpath.
def cleanpath: (?boolish consider_symlink) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.ctime -> time
+ # -->
# Returns the last change time, using directory information, not the file
# itself.
# See File.ctime.
def ctime: () -> Time
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c -->
# Removes a file or directory, using File.unlink if `self` is a file, or
# Dir.unlink as necessary.
def delete: () -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - descend() { |v| ... }
+ # -->
# Iterates over and yields a new Pathname object for each element in the given
# path in descending order.
#'/path/to/some/file.rb').descend {|v| p v}
# #<Pathname:/>
@@ -438,20 +514,32 @@
# It doesn't access the filesystem.
def descend: () { (Pathname) -> untyped } -> nil
| () -> Enumerator[Pathname, nil]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - directory?()
+ # -->
# See
def directory?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - dirname()
+ # -->
# Returns all but the last component of the path.
# See File.dirname.
def dirname: () -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - each_child(with_directory=true, &b)
+ # -->
# Iterates over the children of the directory (files and subdirectories, not
# recursive).
# It yields Pathname object for each child.
@@ -487,15 +575,23 @@
# See Pathname#children
def each_child: (?boolish with_directory) { (Pathname) -> void } -> Array[Pathname]
| (?boolish with_directory) -> Enumerator[Pathname, Array[Pathname]]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - each_entry()
+ # -->
# Iterates over the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory,
# yielding a Pathname object for each entry.
def each_entry: () { (Pathname) -> untyped } -> nil
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - each_filename() { |filename| ... }
+ # -->
# Iterates over each component of the path.
#"/usr/bin/ruby").each_filename {|filename| ... }
# # yields "usr", "bin", and "ruby".
@@ -507,71 +603,39 @@
# # yields "usr", "bin", and "ruby".
def each_filename: () { (String) -> untyped } -> nil
| () -> Enumerator[String, nil]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.each_line {|line| ... }
+ # - pathname.each_line(sep=$/ [, open_args]) {|line| block } -> nil
+ # - pathname.each_line(limit [, open_args]) {|line| block } -> nil
+ # - pathname.each_line(sep, limit [, open_args]) {|line| block } -> nil
+ # - pathname.each_line(...) -> an_enumerator
+ # -->
# Iterates over each line in the file and yields a String object for each.
- def each_line: (?String sep, ?Integer limit,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- # getline_args
- ?chomp: boolish,
- ) { (String) -> untyped } -> nil
- | (Integer limit,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- # getline_args
- ?chomp: boolish,
- ) { (String) -> untyped } -> nil
- | (?String sep, ?Integer limit,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- # getline_args
- ?chomp: boolish,
- ) -> Enumerator[String, nil]
- | (Integer limit,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- # getline_args
- ?chomp: boolish,
- ) -> Enumerator[String, nil]
+ def each_line: (?String sep, ?Integer limit, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?chomp: boolish) { (String) -> untyped } -> nil
+ | (Integer limit, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?chomp: boolish) { (String) -> untyped } -> nil
+ | (?String sep, ?Integer limit, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?chomp: boolish) -> Enumerator[String, nil]
+ | (Integer limit, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?chomp: boolish) -> Enumerator[String, nil]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - empty?()
+ # -->
# Tests the file is empty.
# See Dir#empty? and FileTest.empty?.
def empty?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - entries()
+ # -->
# Return the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory, each as a
# Pathname object.
# The results contains just the names in the directory, without any trailing
# slashes or recursive look-up.
@@ -595,44 +659,73 @@
# If you don't want `.` and `..` and want directories, consider
# Pathname#children.
def entries: () -> Array[Pathname]
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c -->
# Compare this pathname with `other`. The comparison is string-based. Be aware
# that two different paths (`foo.txt` and `./foo.txt`) can refer to the same
# file.
def eql?: (untyped) -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - executable?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.executable?.
def executable?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - executable_real?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.executable_real?.
def executable_real?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - exist?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.exist?.
def exist?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - expand_path(p1 = v1)
+ # -->
# Returns the absolute path for the file.
# See File.expand_path.
def expand_path: (?String dir) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - extname()
+ # -->
# Returns the file's extension.
# See File.extname.
def extname: () -> String
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - file?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.file?.
def file?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - find(ignore_error: true) { |pathname| ... }
+ # -->
# Iterates over the directory tree in a depth first manner, yielding a Pathname
# for each file under "this" directory.
# Returns an Enumerator if no block is given.
@@ -645,52 +738,78 @@
# See Find.find
def find: (?ignore_error: boolish) { (Pathname) -> untyped } -> nil
| (?ignore_error: boolish) -> Enumerator[Pathname, nil]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.fnmatch(pattern, [flags]) -> true or false
+ # - pathname.fnmatch?(pattern, [flags]) -> true or false
+ # -->
# Return `true` if the receiver matches the given pattern.
# See File.fnmatch.
def fnmatch: (String pattern, ?Integer flags) -> bool
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c -->
# Return `true` if the receiver matches the given pattern.
# See File.fnmatch.
alias fnmatch? fnmatch
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.freeze -> obj
+ # -->
# Freezes this Pathname.
# See Object.freeze.
def freeze: () -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.ftype -> string
+ # -->
# Returns "type" of file ("file", "directory", etc).
# See File.ftype.
def ftype: () -> String
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - glob(p1, p2 = v2)
+ # -->
# Returns or yields Pathname objects.
# Pathname("ruby-2.4.2").glob("R*.md")
# #=> [#<Pathname:ruby-2.4.2/>, #<Pathname:ruby-2.4.2/>]
# See Dir.glob. This method uses the `base` keyword argument of Dir.glob.
def glob: (String | Array[String] pattern, ?Integer flags) -> Array[Pathname]
| (String | Array[String] pattern, ?Integer flags) { (Pathname) -> untyped } -> nil
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - grpowned?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.grpowned?.
def grpowned?: () -> bool
def hash: () -> Integer
def inspect: () -> String
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - join(*args)
+ # -->
# Joins the given pathnames onto `self` to create a new Pathname object.
# path0 ="/usr") # Pathname:/usr
# path0 = path0.join("bin/ruby") # Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby
# # is the same as
@@ -698,166 +817,227 @@
# path0 == path1
# #=> true
def join: (*String | _ToStr | Pathname args) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.lchmod(mode_int) -> integer
+ # -->
# Same as Pathname.chmod, but does not follow symbolic links.
# See File.lchmod.
def lchmod: (Integer mode) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.lchown(owner_int, group_int) -> integer
+ # -->
# Same as Pathname.chown, but does not follow symbolic links.
# See File.lchown.
def lchown: (Integer owner, Integer group) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - lstat()
+ # -->
# See File.lstat.
def lstat: () -> ::File::Stat
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.make_link(old)
+ # -->
# Creates a hard link at *pathname*.
# See
def make_link: (String | Pathname | _ToStr old) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.make_symlink(old)
+ # -->
# Creates a symbolic link.
# See File.symlink.
def make_symlink: (String | Pathname | _ToStr old) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - mkdir(p1 = v1)
+ # -->
# Create the referenced directory.
# See Dir.mkdir.
def mkdir: (?Integer perm) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - mkpath(mode: nil)
+ # -->
# Creates a full path, including any intermediate directories that don't yet
# exist.
# See FileUtils.mkpath and FileUtils.mkdir_p
def mkpath: () -> nil
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - mountpoint?()
+ # -->
# Returns `true` if `self` points to a mountpoint.
def mountpoint?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.mtime -> time
+ # -->
# Returns the last modified time of the file.
# See File.mtime.
def mtime: () -> Time
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # -
+ # -"r" [, opt]) -> file
+ # -[mode [, perm]] [, opt]) -> file
+ # -"r" [, opt]) {|file| block } -> obj
+ # -[mode [, perm]] [, opt]) {|file| block } -> obj
+ # -->
# Opens the file for reading or writing.
# See
- def open: (?(string | int) mode, ?int perm) -> File
- | [T] (?(string | int) mode, ?int perm) { (File) -> T } -> T
+ def open: (?string | int mode, ?int perm) -> File
+ | [T] (?string | int mode, ?int perm) { (File) -> T } -> T
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - opendir()
+ # -->
# Opens the referenced directory.
# See
def opendir: () -> Dir
- | [U] () { (Dir) -> U } -> U
+ | [U] () { (Dir) -> U } -> U
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - owned?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.owned?.
def owned?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - parent()
+ # -->
# Returns the parent directory.
# This is same as `self + '..'`.
def parent: () -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pipe?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.pipe?.
def pipe?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # -[length [, offset]]) -> string
+ # -[length [, offset]], open_args) -> string
+ # -->
# Returns all data from the file, or the first `N` bytes if specified.
# See
- def read: (?Integer length, ?Integer offset,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- ) -> String
+ def read: (?Integer length, ?Integer offset, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish) -> String
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - readable?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.readable?.
def readable?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - readable_real?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.readable_real?.
def readable_real?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.readlines(sep=$/ [, open_args]) -> array
+ # - pathname.readlines(limit [, open_args]) -> array
+ # - pathname.readlines(sep, limit [, open_args]) -> array
+ # -->
# Returns all the lines from the file.
# See File.readlines.
- def readlines: (?String sep, ?Integer limit,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- # getline_args
- ?chomp: boolish,
- ) -> Array[String]
- | (Integer limit,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- # getline_args
- ?chomp: boolish,
- ) -> Array[String]
+ def readlines: (?String sep, ?Integer limit, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?chomp: boolish) -> Array[String]
+ | (Integer limit, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish, ?chomp: boolish) -> Array[String]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - readlink()
+ # -->
# Read symbolic link.
# See File.readlink.
def readlink: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - realdirpath(p1 = v1)
+ # -->
# Returns the real (absolute) pathname of `self` in the actual filesystem.
# Does not contain symlinks or useless dots, `..` and `.`.
# The last component of the real pathname can be nonexistent.
def realdirpath: (?string | Pathname base_dir) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - realpath(p1 = v1)
+ # -->
# Returns the real (absolute) pathname for `self` in the actual filesystem.
# Does not contain symlinks or useless dots, `..` and `.`.
# All components of the pathname must exist when this method is called.
def realpath: (?string | Pathname base_dir) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - relative?()
+ # -->
# The opposite of Pathname#absolute?
# It returns `false` if the pathname begins with a slash.
# p ='/im/sure')
@@ -868,179 +1048,291 @@
# p.relative?
# #=> true
def relative?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - relative_path_from(base_directory)
+ # -->
# Returns a relative path from the given `base_directory` to the receiver.
# If `self` is absolute, then `base_directory` must be absolute too.
# If `self` is relative, then `base_directory` must be relative too.
# This method doesn't access the filesystem. It assumes no symlinks.
# ArgumentError is raised when it cannot find a relative path.
+ # Note that this method does not handle situations where the case sensitivity of
+ # the filesystem in use differs from the operating system default.
+ #
def relative_path_from: (Pathname | string base_directory) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - rename(p1)
+ # -->
# Rename the file.
# See File.rename.
def rename: (Pathname | string new_name) -> 0
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - rmdir()
+ # -->
# Remove the referenced directory.
# See Dir.rmdir.
def rmdir: () -> 0
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - rmtree()
+ # -->
# Recursively deletes a directory, including all directories beneath it.
# See FileUtils.rm_r
def rmtree: () -> void
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb
+ # - root?()
+ # -->
# Predicate method for root directories. Returns `true` if the pathname
# consists of consecutive slashes.
# It doesn't access the filesystem. So it may return `false` for some pathnames
# which points to roots such as `/usr/..`.
def root?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - setgid?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.setgid?.
def setgid?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - setuid?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.setuid?.
def setuid?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - size()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.size.
def size: () -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - size?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.size?.
def size?: () -> Integer?
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - socket?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.socket?.
def socket?: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - split()
+ # -->
# Returns the #dirname and the #basename in an Array.
# See File.split.
- def split: () -> [Pathname, Pathname]
+ def split: () -> [ Pathname, Pathname ]
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - stat()
+ # -->
# Returns a File::Stat object.
# See File.stat.
def stat: () -> File::Stat
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - sticky?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.sticky?.
def sticky?: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - sub(*args)
+ # -->
# Return a pathname which is substituted by String#sub.
# path1 ='/usr/bin/perl')
# path1.sub('perl', 'ruby')
# #=> #<Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby>
def sub: (Regexp | string pattern, string | Hash[String, String] replacement) -> Pathname
| (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> string } -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - sub_ext(p1)
+ # -->
# Return a pathname with `repl` added as a suffix to the basename.
# If self has no extension part, `repl` is appended.
# #=> #<Pathname:/usr/bin/shutdown.rb>
def sub_ext: (string replacement) -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - symlink?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.symlink?.
def symlink?: () -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.sysopen([mode, [perm]]) -> fixnum
+ # -->
# See IO.sysopen.
def sysopen: (?String mode, ?Integer perm) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.taint -> obj
+ # -->
# Returns pathname. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
def taint: () -> Pathname
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c -->
# Return the path as a String.
# to_path is implemented so Pathname objects are usable with, etc.
def to_path: () -> String
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.to_s -> string
+ # - pathname.to_path -> string
+ # -->
# Return the path as a String.
# to_path is implemented so Pathname objects are usable with, etc.
alias to_s to_path
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - truncate(p1)
+ # -->
# Truncates the file to `length` bytes.
# See File.truncate.
def truncate: (Integer length) -> 0
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - unlink()
+ # -->
# Removes a file or directory, using File.unlink if `self` is a file, or
# Dir.unlink as necessary.
def unlink: () -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.untaint -> obj
+ # -->
# Returns pathname. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
def untaint: () -> Pathname
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - utime(p1, p2)
+ # -->
# Update the access and modification times of the file.
# See File.utime.
def utime: (Integer | Time atime, Integer | Time mtime) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - world_readable?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.world_readable?.
def world_readable?: () -> (Integer | nil)
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - world_writable?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.world_writable?.
def world_writable?: () -> (Integer | nil)
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - writable?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.writable?.
def writable?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - writable_real?()
+ # -->
# See FileTest.writable_real?.
def writable_real?: () -> bool
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - pathname.write(string, [offset] ) => fixnum
+ # - pathname.write(string, [offset], open_args ) => fixnum
+ # -->
# Writes `contents` to the file.
# See File.write.
- def write: (String content, ?Integer offset,
- # open_args
- ?mode: Integer | String,
- ?flags: Integer,
- ?external_encoding: encoding,
- ?internal_encoding: encoding,
- ?encoding: encoding,
- ?textmode: boolish,
- ?binmode: boolish,
- ?autoclose: boolish,
- ) -> Integer
+ def write: (String content, ?Integer offset, ?mode: Integer | String, ?flags: Integer, ?external_encoding: encoding, ?internal_encoding: encoding, ?encoding: encoding, ?textmode: boolish, ?binmode: boolish, ?autoclose: boolish) -> Integer
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - zero?()
+ # -->
# See
def zero?: () -> bool
@@ -1055,10 +1347,14 @@
def del_trailing_separator: (untyped path) -> untyped
def has_trailing_separator?: (untyped path) -> untyped
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - new(p1)
+ # -->
# Create a Pathname object from the given String (or String-like object). If
# `path` contains a NULL character (`\0`), an ArgumentError is raised.
def initialize: (string | Pathname) -> void
@@ -1075,12 +1371,17 @@
TO_PATH: Symbol
module Kernel
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=ext/pathname/pathname.c
+ # - Pathname(path) -> pathname
+ # -->
# Creates a new Pathname object from the given string, `path`, and returns
# pathname object.
# In order to use this constructor, you must first require the Pathname standard
# library extension.