sig/validator.rbs in rbs-2.2.0 vs sig/validator.rbs in rbs-2.2.1

- old
+ new

@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ # - There is no circular definition between aliases # - The type alias is _regular_ # - The generics type parameter variance annotation is consistent with respect to their usage # - There is no circular dependencies between the generics type parameter bounds # - def validate_type_alias: (entry: Environment::SingleEntry[TypeName, AST::Declarations::Alias]) -> void + # It yields the rhs type if block is given, so that you can validate the rhs type. + # + def validate_type_alias: (entry: Environment::SingleEntry[TypeName, AST::Declarations::Alias]) ?{ (Types::t rhs_type) -> void } -> void # Validates the type parameters in generic methods. # def validate_method_definition: (AST::Members::MethodDefinition, type_name: TypeName) -> void