sig/collection/sources.rbs in vs sig/collection/sources.rbs in
- old
+ new
@@ -76,31 +76,37 @@
def _install: (dest: Pathname , name: String, version: String) -> void
def cp_r: (Pathname, Pathname) -> void
- # Ensure the git repository status is expected one
+ # Ensure the git repository exists, and
- # * It exists, and
- # * The `HEAD` is the `revision`
+ # * When `revision` is a commit hash, the commit exists in the local repository, or
+ # * When `revision` is a branch name, the latest version is fetched from `origin`
+ # It may require a network connection to fetch or clone the repository from remote.
+ #
+ # * If `revision` is a commit hash and the commit doesn't exists in the local repository, it runs `git fetch`
+ # * If `revision` is a branch name, it runs `git fetch` once per instance
+ #
def setup!: [T] () { () -> T } -> T
| () -> void
def need_to_fetch?: (String revision) -> bool
+ # The full path of local git repository
def git_dir: () -> Pathname
+ # The full path of `repo_dir` in the local git repository
def gem_repo_dir: () -> Pathname
- def with_revision: [T] () { () -> T } -> T
# Returns `true` if `revision` looks like a commit hash
- #
def commit_hash?: () -> bool
+ # Executes a git command, raises an error if failed
def git: (*String cmd, **untyped opt) -> String
+ # Executes a git command, returns `nil` if failed
def git?: (*String cmd, **untyped opt) -> String?
def sh!: (*String cmd, **untyped opt) -> String
def format_config_entry: (String name, String version) -> String