docs/ in rbs-3.3.2 vs docs/ in rbs-3.4.0.pre.1
- old
+ new
@@ -53,5 +53,34 @@
Measure.ancestors #=> [Measure, #<Class:0xOOF>, Data, ...]
[^1]: [Shannon Skipper]( told me it in Discord
+## Generate prototype for `Data` and `Struct`
+RBS prototypes for classes using `Data` and `Struct` can be generated by `rbs prototype runtime`.
+# t.rb
+class Measure < Data.define(:amount, :unit)
+$ bundle exec rbs prototype runtime -R t.rb Measure
+class Measure < ::Data
+ def (untyped amount, untyped unit) -> instance
+ | (amount: untyped, unit: untyped) -> instance
+ def self.[]: (untyped amount, untyped unit) -> instance
+ | (amount: untyped, unit: untyped) -> instance
+ def self.members: () -> [ :amount, :unit ]
+ def members: () -> [ :amount, :unit ]
+ attr_reader amount: untyped
+ attr_reader unit: untyped