core/string.rbs in rbs-3.3.2 vs core/string.rbs in rbs-3.4.0.pre.1
- old
+ new
@@ -79,25 +79,25 @@
# * `\n` (*n* a non-negative integer) refers to `$n`.
# * `\k<name>` refers to the named capture `name`.
-# See regexp.rdoc for details.
+# See Regexp for details.
# Note that within the string `replacement`, a character combination such as
# `$&` is treated as ordinary text, and not as a special match variable.
# However, you may refer to some special match variables using these
# combinations:
# * `\&` and `\0` correspond to `$&`, which contains the complete matched
# text.
# * `\'` corresponds to `$'`, which contains string after match.
# * `\`` corresponds to `$``, which contains string before match.
-# * `+` corresponds to `$+`, which contains last capture group.
+# * `\+` corresponds to `$+`, which contains last capture group.
-# See regexp.rdoc for details.
+# See Regexp for details.
# Note that `\\\` is interpreted as an escape, i.e., a single backslash.
# Note also that a string literal consumes backslashes. See [String
# Literals](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals) for details about
@@ -277,11 +277,11 @@
# s[/[aeiou](.)\1/] # => "ell"
# s[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 0] # => "ell"
# If argument `capture` is given and not `0`, it should be either an capture
# group index (integer) or a capture group name (string or symbol); the slice is
-# the specified capture (see Regexp@Capturing):
+# the specified capture (see Regexp@Groups+and+Captures):
# s = 'hello there'
# s[/[aeiou](.)\1/, 1] # => "l"
# s[/(?<vowel>[aeiou])(?<non_vowel>[^aeiou])/, "non_vowel"] # => "l"
# s[/(?<vowel>[aeiou])(?<non_vowel>[^aeiou])/, :vowel] # => "e"
@@ -627,10 +627,13 @@
# calls to #succ.
class String
include Comparable
+ # A `selector` is a special type of string, used within methods like `String#tr`.
+ type selector = string
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - String.try_convert(object) -> object, new_string, or nil
# -->
# If `object` is a String object, returns `object`.
@@ -640,16 +643,83 @@
# Returns `nil` if `object` does not respond to `:to_str`.
# Raises an exception unless `object.to_str` returns a String object.
- def self.try_convert: (untyped obj) -> String?
+ def self.try_convert: (String object) -> String # technically will return `object` unchanged.
+ | (_ToStr object) -> String
+ | (untyped object) -> String?
- public
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=string.c
+ # - = '', **opts) -> new_string
+ # -->
+ # Returns a new String that is a copy of `string`.
+ #
+ # With no arguments, returns the empty string with the Encoding `ASCII-8BIT`:
+ #
+ # s =
+ # s # => ""
+ # s.encoding # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
+ #
+ # With optional argument `string` and no keyword arguments, returns a copy of
+ # `string` with the same encoding:
+ #
+ #'foo') # => "foo"
+ #'тест') # => "тест"
+ #'こんにちは') # => "こんにちは"
+ #
+ # (Unlike, a [string
+ # literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals) like `''` or a [here
+ # document literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@Here+Document+Literals) always
+ # has [script encoding](rdoc-ref:encodings.rdoc@Script+Encoding).)
+ #
+ # With optional keyword argument `encoding`, returns a copy of `string` with the
+ # specified encoding; the `encoding` may be an Encoding object, an encoding
+ # name, or an encoding name alias:
+ #
+ #'foo', encoding: Encoding::US_ASCII).encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
+ #'foo', encoding: 'US-ASCII').encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
+ #'foo', encoding: 'ASCII').encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
+ #
+ # The given encoding need not be valid for the string's content, and that
+ # validity is not checked:
+ #
+ # s ='こんにちは', encoding: 'ascii')
+ # s.valid_encoding? # => false
+ #
+ # But the given `encoding` itself is checked:
+ #
+ #'foo', encoding: 'bar') # Raises ArgumentError.
+ #
+ # With optional keyword argument `capacity`, returns a copy of `string` (or an
+ # empty string, if `string` is not given); the given `capacity` is advisory
+ # only, and may or may not set the size of the internal buffer, which may in
+ # turn affect performance:
+ #
+ # 1)
+ #'foo', capacity: 4096)
+ #
+ # The `string`, `encoding`, and `capacity` arguments may all be used together:
+ #
+ #'hello', encoding: 'UTF-8', capacity: 25)
+ #
+ def initialize: (?string source, ?encoding: encoding?, ?capacity: int?) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
+ # - replace(other_string) -> self
+ # -->
+ # Replaces the contents of `self` with the contents of `other_string`:
+ #
+ # s = 'foo' # => "foo"
+ # s.replace('bar') # => "bar"
+ #
+ alias initialize_copy replace
+ # <!--
+ # rdoc-file=string.c
# - string % object -> new_string
# -->
# Returns the result of formatting `object` into the format specification `self`
# (see Kernel#sprintf for formatting details):
@@ -660,12 +730,12 @@
# "%-5s: %016x" % [ "ID", self.object_id ] # => "ID : 00002b054ec93168"
# "foo = %{foo}" % {foo: 'bar'} # => "foo = bar"
# "foo = %{foo}, baz = %{baz}" % {foo: 'bar', baz: 'bat'} # => "foo = bar, baz = bat"
- def %: (Hash[Symbol, untyped]) -> String
- | (Array[untyped]) -> String
+ def %: (array[untyped] positional_args) -> String
+ | (hash[Symbol, untyped] named_args) -> String
| (untyped arg) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string * integer -> new_string
@@ -673,44 +743,52 @@
# Returns a new String containing `integer` copies of `self`:
# "Ho! " * 3 # => "Ho! Ho! Ho! "
# "Ho! " * 0 # => ""
- def *: (int n) -> String
+ def *: (int amount) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string + other_string -> new_string
# -->
# Returns a new String containing `other_string` concatenated to `self`:
# "Hello from " + self.to_s # => "Hello from main"
- def +: (string other_str) -> String
+ def +: (string other_string) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - +string -> new_string or self
# -->
# Returns `self` if `self` is not frozen.
# Otherwise returns `self.dup`, which is not frozen.
- def +@: () -> String
+ def +@: () -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - -string -> frozen_string
+ # - dedup -> frozen_string
# -->
# Returns a frozen, possibly pre-existing copy of the string.
# The returned String will be deduplicated as long as it does not have any
# instance variables set on it and is not a String subclass.
- # String#dedup is an alias for String#-@.
+ # Note that `-string` variant is more convenient for defining constants:
- def -@: () -> String
+ # FILENAME = -'config/database.yml'
+ #
+ # while `dedup` is better suitable for using the method in chains of
+ # calculations:
+ #
+ # @url_list.concat(
+ #
+ def -@: () -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string << object -> string
# -->
@@ -726,11 +804,11 @@
# s = 'foo'
# s << 33 # => "foo!"
# Related: String#concat, which takes multiple arguments.
- def <<: (string | Integer str_or_codepoint) -> String
+ def <<: (string | Integer str_or_codepoint) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string <=> other_string -> -1, 0, 1, or nil
# -->
@@ -749,12 +827,12 @@
# 'food' <=> 'foo' # => 1
# 'FOO' <=> 'foo' # => -1
# 'foo' <=> 'FOO' # => 1
# 'foo' <=> 1 # => nil
- def <=>: (string other) -> Integer
- | (untyped other) -> Integer?
+ def <=>: (string) -> (-1 | 0 | 1)
+ | (untyped) -> (-1 | 0 | 1)?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string == object -> true or false
# - string === object -> true or false
@@ -771,11 +849,11 @@
# "\u{e4 f6 fc}".encode("ISO-8859-1") == ("\u{c4 d6 dc}") # => false
# If `object` is not an instance of String but responds to `to_str`, then the
# two strings are compared using `object.==`.
- def ==: (untyped obj) -> bool
+ def ==: (untyped other) -> bool
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Returns `true` if `object` has the same length and content; as `self`; `false`
# otherwise:
@@ -788,11 +866,11 @@
# "\u{e4 f6 fc}".encode("ISO-8859-1") == ("\u{c4 d6 dc}") # => false
# If `object` is not an instance of String but responds to `to_str`, then the
# two strings are compared using `object.==`.
- def ===: (untyped obj) -> bool
+ alias === ==
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string =~ regexp -> integer or nil
# - string =~ object -> integer or nil
@@ -802,11 +880,11 @@
# 'foo' =~ /f/ # => 0
# 'foo' =~ /o/ # => 1
# 'foo' =~ /x/ # => nil
- # Note: also updates Regexp@Special+global+variables.
+ # Note: also updates Regexp@Global+Variables.
# If the given `object` is not a Regexp, returns the value returned by `object
# =~ self`.
# Note that `string =~ regexp` is different from `regexp =~ string` (see
@@ -816,12 +894,17 @@
# "no. 9" =~ /(?<number>\d+)/
# number # => nil (not assigned)
# /(?<number>\d+)/ =~ "no. 9"
# number #=> "9"
- def =~: (untyped obj) -> Integer?
+ def =~: (Regexp regex) -> Integer?
+ | [T] (_MatchAgainst[self, T] object) -> T
+ interface _MatchAgainst[O, T]
+ def =~: (O string) -> T
+ end
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string[index] -> new_string or nil
# - string[start, length] -> new_string or nil
# - string[range] -> new_string or nil
@@ -829,16 +912,14 @@
# - string[substring] -> new_string or nil
# -->
# Returns the substring of `self` specified by the arguments. See examples at
# [String Slices](rdoc-ref:String@String+Slices).
- def []: (int index) -> String?
- | (int start, int length) -> String?
- | (Range[Integer] | Range[Integer?] range) -> String?
- | (Regexp regexp) -> String?
- | (Regexp regexp, int | String capture) -> String?
- | (String match_str) -> String?
+ def []: (int start, ?int length) -> String?
+ | (range[int?] range) -> String?
+ | (Regexp regexp, ?MatchData::capture backref) -> String?
+ | (String substring) -> String?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - string[index] = new_string
# - string[start, length] = new_string
@@ -861,19 +942,16 @@
# s[/e$/] = 'ly' # => "ly"
# s # => "finally"
# s['lly'] = 'ncial' # => "ncial"
# s # => "financial"
- # String#slice is an alias for String#[].
- #
- def []=: (int pos, String new_str) -> String
- | (int begin_pos, int end_pos, String new_str) -> String
- | (Range[Integer] | Range[Integer?] range, String new_str) -> String
- | (Regexp regexp, String new_str) -> String
- | (Regexp regexp, int capture, String new_str) -> String
- | (Regexp regexp, String name, String new_str) -> String
- | (String other_str, String new_str) -> String
+ def []=: [T < _ToStr] (int index, T replacement) -> T
+ | [T < _ToStr] (int start, int length, T replacement) -> T
+ | [T < _ToStr] (range[int?] range, T replacement) -> T
+ | [T < _ToStr] (Regexp regexp, T replacement) -> T
+ | [T < _ToStr] (Regexp regexp, MatchData::capture backref, T replacement) -> T
+ | [T < _ToStr] (String substring, T replacement) -> T
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - ascii_only? -> true or false
# -->
@@ -943,11 +1021,11 @@
# If `offset` does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, `IndexError` is
# raised.
# Related: String#index, String#byterindex.
- def byteindex: (Regexp | string substr_or_regexp, ?int offset) -> Integer?
+ def byteindex: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - byterindex(substring, offset = self.bytesize) -> integer or nil
# - byterindex(regexp, offset = self.bytesize) -> integer or nil
@@ -1004,11 +1082,11 @@
# If `offset` does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, `IndexError` is
# raised.
# Related: String#byteindex.
- def byterindex: (Regexp | string substr_or_regexp, ?int offset) -> Integer?
+ def byterindex: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - bytes -> array_of_bytes
# -->
@@ -1018,11 +1096,11 @@
# 'тест'.bytes # => [209, 130, 208, 181, 209, 129, 209, 130]
# 'こんにちは'.bytes
# # => [227, 129, 147, 227, 130, 147, 227, 129, 171, 227, 129, 161, 227, 129, 175]
def bytes: () -> Array[Integer]
- | () { (Integer byte) -> void } -> String
+ | () { (Integer byte) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - bytesize -> integer
# -->
@@ -1080,28 +1158,38 @@
# s.encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
# s.byteslice(4).encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
def byteslice: (int start, ?int length) -> String?
- | (Range[Integer] | Range[Integer?] range) -> String?
+ | (range[int?] range) -> String?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - bytesplice(index, length, str) -> string
- # - bytesplice(range, str) -> string
+ # - bytesplice(index, length, str, str_index, str_length) -> string
+ # - bytesplice(range, str) -> string
+ # - bytesplice(range, str, str_range) -> string
# -->
# Replaces some or all of the content of `self` with `str`, and returns `self`.
# The portion of the string affected is determined using the same criteria as
# String#byteslice, except that `length` cannot be omitted. If the replacement
# string is not the same length as the text it is replacing, the string will be
- # adjusted accordingly. The form that take an Integer will raise an IndexError
- # if the value is out of range; the Range form will raise a RangeError. If the
- # beginning or ending offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, an
- # IndexError will be raised.
+ # adjusted accordingly.
- def bytesplice: (int index, int length, string str) -> String
- | (Range[int?], string str) -> String
+ # If `str_index` and `str_length`, or `str_range` are given, the content of
+ # `self` is replaced by str.byteslice(str_index, str_length) or
+ # str.byteslice(str_range); however the substring of `str` is not allocated as a
+ # new string.
+ #
+ # The form that take an Integer will raise an IndexError if the value is out of
+ # range; the Range form will raise a RangeError. If the beginning or ending
+ # offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, an IndexError will be
+ # raised.
+ #
+ def bytesplice: (int start, int length, string str) -> String
+ | (int start, int length, string str, int str_start, int str_length) -> String
+ | (range[int?] range, string str, ?range[int?] str_range) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - capitalize(*options) -> string
# -->
@@ -1136,14 +1224,14 @@
# The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case
# Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc).
# Related: String#capitalize.
- def capitalize!: () -> String?
- | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> String?
- | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> String?
- | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> String?
+ def capitalize!: () -> self?
+ | (:ascii | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> self?
+ | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> self?
+ | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - casecmp(other_string) -> -1, 0, 1, or nil
# -->
@@ -1166,11 +1254,12 @@
# See [Case Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc).
# Related: String#casecmp?.
- def casecmp: (untyped other) -> Integer?
+ def casecmp: (string other) -> (-1 | 0 | 1)
+ | (untyped) -> (-1 | 0 | 1)?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - casecmp?(other_string) -> true, false, or nil
# -->
@@ -1189,11 +1278,12 @@
# See [Case Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc).
# Related: String#casecmp.
- def casecmp?: (untyped other) -> bool?
+ def casecmp?: (string other) -> bool
+ | (untyped) -> bool?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - center(size, pad_string = ' ') -> new_string
# -->
@@ -1214,11 +1304,11 @@
# 'hello'.center(5) # => "hello"
# 'hello'.center(1) # => "hello"
# Related: String#ljust, String#rjust.
- def center: (int width, ?string padstr) -> String
+ def center: (int width, ?string pad_string) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - chars -> array_of_characters
# -->
@@ -1227,11 +1317,11 @@
# 'hello'.chars # => ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
# 'тест'.chars # => ["т", "е", "с", "т"]
# 'こんにちは'.chars # => ["こ", "ん", "に", "ち", "は"]
def chars: () -> Array[String]
- | () { (String char) -> void } -> String
+ | () { (String char) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - chomp(line_sep = $/) -> new_string
# -->
@@ -1262,20 +1352,22 @@
# separator if there is one:
# 'abcd'.chomp('d') # => "abc"
# 'abcdd'.chomp('d') # => "abcd"
- def chomp: (?string separator) -> String
+ def chomp: (?string? separator) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - chomp!(line_sep = $/) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#chomp, but modifies `self` in place; returns `nil` if no
# modification made, `self` otherwise.
- def chomp!: (?string separator) -> String?
+ def chomp!: (nil) -> nil
+ # | (?string separator) -> self? #
+ | (?string? separator) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - chop -> new_string
# -->
@@ -1307,11 +1399,11 @@
# Like String#chop, but modifies `self` in place; returns `nil` if `self` is
# empty, `self` otherwise.
# Related: String#chomp!.
- def chop!: () -> String?
+ def chop!: () -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - chr -> string
# -->
@@ -1329,11 +1421,11 @@
# Removes the contents of `self`:
# s = 'foo' # => "foo"
# s.clear # => ""
- def clear: () -> String
+ def clear: () -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - codepoints -> array_of_integers
# -->
@@ -1342,12 +1434,12 @@
# 'hello'.codepoints # => [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
# 'тест'.codepoints # => [1090, 1077, 1089, 1090]
# 'こんにちは'.codepoints # => [12371, 12435, 12395, 12385, 12399]
- def codepoints: () -> ::Array[Integer]
- | () { (Integer codepoint) -> void } -> String
+ def codepoints: () -> Array[Integer]
+ | () { (Integer codepoint) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - concat(*objects) -> string
# -->
@@ -1363,11 +1455,11 @@
# s = 'foo'
# s.concat(32, 'bar', 32, 'baz') # => "foo bar baz"
# Related: String#<<, which takes a single argument.
- def concat: (*string | Integer str_or_codepoint) -> String
+ def concat: (*string | Integer string_or_codepoints) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - count(*selectors) -> integer
# -->
@@ -1387,11 +1479,11 @@
# c = "hello world\\r\\n"
# c.count "\\" #=> 2
# c.count "\\A" #=> 0
# c.count "X-\\w" #=> 3
- def count: (string other_str, *string other_strs) -> Integer
+ def count: (selector selector_0, *selector more_selectors) -> Integer
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - crypt(salt_str) -> new_string
# -->
@@ -1451,12 +1543,19 @@
# Returns a frozen, possibly pre-existing copy of the string.
# The returned String will be deduplicated as long as it does not have any
# instance variables set on it and is not a String subclass.
- # String#dedup is an alias for String#-@.
+ # Note that `-string` variant is more convenient for defining constants:
+ # FILENAME = -'config/database.yml'
+ #
+ # while `dedup` is better suitable for using the method in chains of
+ # calculations:
+ #
+ # @url_list.concat(
+ #
alias dedup -@
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - delete(*selectors) -> new_string
@@ -1468,20 +1567,20 @@
# "hello".delete "l","lo" #=> "heo"
# "hello".delete "lo" #=> "he"
# "hello".delete "aeiou", "^e" #=> "hell"
# "hello".delete "ej-m" #=> "ho"
- def delete: (string other_str, *string other_strs) -> String
+ def delete: (selector selector_0, *selector more_selectors) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - delete!(*selectors) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#delete, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any
# changes were made, `nil` otherwise.
- def delete!: (string other_str, *string other_strs) -> String?
+ def delete!: (selector selector_0, *selector more_selectors) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - delete_prefix(prefix) -> new_string
# -->
@@ -1501,11 +1600,11 @@
# - delete_prefix!(prefix) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#delete_prefix, except that `self` is modified in place. Returns
# `self` if the prefix is removed, `nil` otherwise.
- def delete_prefix!: (string prefix) -> String?
+ def delete_prefix!: (string prefix) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - delete_suffix(suffix) -> new_string
# -->
@@ -1525,11 +1624,11 @@
# - delete_suffix!(suffix) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#delete_suffix, except that `self` is modified in place. Returns
# `self` if the suffix is removed, `nil` otherwise.
- def delete_suffix!: (string suffix) -> String?
+ def delete_suffix!: (string suffix) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - downcase(*options) -> string
# -->
@@ -1563,14 +1662,14 @@
# The casing may be affected by the given `options`; see [Case
# Mapping](rdoc-ref:case_mapping.rdoc).
# Related: String#downcase, String#upcase, String#upcase!.
- def downcase!: () -> String?
- | (:ascii | :fold | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> String?
- | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> String?
- | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> String?
+ def downcase!: () -> self?
+ | (:ascii | :fold | :lithuanian | :turkic) -> self?
+ | (:lithuanian, :turkic) -> self?
+ | (:turkic, :lithuanian) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - dump -> string
# -->
@@ -1605,12 +1704,12 @@
# 209 130 208 181 209 129 209 130
# 227 129 147 227 130 147 227 129 171 227 129 161 227 129 175
# Returns an enumerator if no block is given.
- def each_byte: () { (Integer byte) -> void } -> self
- | () -> ::Enumerator[Integer, self]
+ def each_byte: () -> Enumerator[Integer, self]
+ | () { (Integer byte) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - each_char {|c| ... } -> self
# - each_char -> enumerator
@@ -1631,12 +1730,12 @@
# т е с т
# こ ん に ち は
# Returns an enumerator if no block is given.
- def each_char: () { (String char) -> void } -> self
- | () -> ::Enumerator[String, self]
+ def each_char: () -> Enumerator[String, self]
+ | () { (String char) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - each_codepoint {|integer| ... } -> self
# - each_codepoint -> enumerator
@@ -1657,12 +1756,12 @@
# 1090 1077 1089 1090
# 12371 12435 12395 12385 12399
# Returns an enumerator if no block is given.
- def each_codepoint: () { (Integer codepoint) -> void } -> self
- | () -> ::Enumerator[Integer, self]
+ def each_codepoint: () -> Enumerator[Integer, self]
+ | () { (Integer codepoint) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - each_grapheme_cluster {|gc| ... } -> self
# - each_grapheme_cluster -> enumerator
@@ -1679,12 +1778,12 @@
# ä - p q r - b̈ - x y z - c̈
# Returns an enumerator if no block is given.
- def each_grapheme_cluster: () { (String grapheme) -> void } -> self
- | () -> ::Enumerator[String, self]
+ def each_grapheme_cluster: () -> Enumerator[String, self]
+ | () { (String grapheme_cluter) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - each_line(line_sep = $/, chomp: false) {|substring| ... } -> self
# - each_line(line_sep = $/, chomp: false) -> enumerator
@@ -1745,12 +1844,12 @@
# "This is the first line.\nThis is line two.\n\n"
# "This is line four.\nThis is line five.\n"
# With no block given, returns an enumerator.
- def each_line: (?string separator, ?chomp: boolish) { (String line) -> void } -> self
- | (?string separator, ?chomp: boolish) -> Enumerator[String, self]
+ def each_line: (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) -> Enumerator[String, self]
+ | (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) { (String line) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - empty? -> true or false
# -->
@@ -1761,11 +1860,11 @@
# "".empty? # => true
def empty?: () -> bool
# <!--
- # rdoc-file=transcode.rdoc
+ # rdoc-file=transcode.c
# - encode(dst_encoding = Encoding.default_internal, **enc_opts) -> string
# - encode(dst_encoding, src_encoding, **enc_opts) -> string
# -->
# Returns a copy of `self` transcoded as determined by `dst_encoding`. By
# default, raises an exception if `self` contains an invalid byte or a character
@@ -1807,20 +1906,56 @@
# t.encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
# Optional keyword arguments `enc_opts` specify encoding options; see [Encoding
# Options](rdoc-ref:encodings.rdoc@Encoding+Options).
- def encode: (?encoding encoding, ?encoding from_encoding, ?invalid: :replace ?, ?undef: :replace ?, ?replace: String, ?fallback: String::encode_fallback, ?xml: :text | :attr, ?universal_newline: true, ?cr_newline: true, ?crlf_newline: true) -> String
+ # Please note that, unless `invalid: :replace` option is given, conversion from
+ # an encoding `enc` to the same encoding `enc` (independent of whether `enc` is
+ # given explicitly or implicitly) is a no-op, i.e. the string is simply copied
+ # without any changes, and no exceptions are raised, even if there are invalid
+ # bytes.
+ #
+ def encode: (
+ ?encoding source_encoding,
+ ?encoding? from_encoding,
+ ?invalid: :replace ?,
+ ?undef: :replace ?,
+ ?replace: string?,
+ ?xml: (:text | :attr)?,
+ ?newline: (:universal | :crlf | :cr | :lf)?,
+ ?universal_newline: boolish,
+ ?cr_newline: boolish,
+ ?crlf_newline: boolish,
+ ?lf_newline: boolish,
+ ?fallback: ^(String) -> string? | Method | _EncodeFallbackAref
+ ) -> instance
+ interface _EncodeFallbackAref
+ def []: (String) -> string?
+ end
# <!--
# rdoc-file=transcode.c
# - encode!(dst_encoding = Encoding.default_internal, **enc_opts) -> self
# - encode!(dst_encoding, src_encoding, **enc_opts) -> self
# -->
# Like #encode, but applies encoding changes to `self`; returns `self`.
- def encode!: (?encoding encoding, ?encoding from_encoding, ?invalid: :replace ?, ?undef: :replace ?, ?replace: String, ?fallback: String::encode_fallback, ?xml: :text | :attr, ?universal_newline: true, ?cr_newline: true, ?crlf_newline: true) -> self
+ def encode!: (
+ ?encoding source_encoding,
+ ?encoding? from_encoding,
+ ?invalid: :replace ?,
+ ?undef: :replace ?,
+ ?replace: string?,
+ ?xml: (:text | :attr)?,
+ ?newline: (:universal | :crlf | :cr | :lf)?,
+ ?universal_newline: boolish,
+ ?cr_newline: boolish,
+ ?crlf_newline: boolish,
+ ?lf_newline: boolish,
+ ?fallback: ^(String) -> string? | Method | _EncodeFallbackAref
+ ) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - obj.encoding -> encoding
# -->
@@ -1886,11 +2021,11 @@
# s.valid_encoding? # => false
# s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) # => "łał"
# s.valid_encoding? # => true
- def force_encoding: (string | Encoding encoding) -> self
+ def force_encoding: (encoding enc) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - freeze()
# -->
@@ -1924,11 +2059,12 @@
# s = "\u0061\u0308-pqr-\u0062\u0308-xyz-\u0063\u0308" # => "ä-pqr-b̈-xyz-c̈"
# s.grapheme_clusters
# # => ["ä", "-", "p", "q", "r", "-", "b̈", "-", "x", "y", "z", "-", "c̈"]
- def grapheme_clusters: () -> ::Array[::String]
+ def grapheme_clusters: () -> Array[String]
+ | () { (String grapheme_cluter) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - gsub(pattern, replacement) -> new_string
# - gsub(pattern) {|match| ... } -> new_string
@@ -1940,14 +2076,13 @@
# Returns an Enumerator if no `replacement` and no block given.
# Related: String#sub, String#sub!, String#gsub!.
- def gsub: (Regexp | string pattern, string replacement) -> String
- | (Regexp | string pattern, Hash[String, String] hash) -> String
+ def gsub: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> String
+ | (Regexp | string pattern) -> Enumerator[String, String]
| (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> String
- | (Regexp | string pattern) -> ::Enumerator[String, self]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - gsub!(pattern, replacement) -> self or nil
# - gsub!(pattern) {|match| ... } -> self or nil
@@ -1960,14 +2095,13 @@
# Returns an Enumerator if no `replacement` and no block given.
# Related: String#sub, String#gsub, String#sub!.
- def gsub!: (Regexp | string pattern, string replacement) -> String?
- | (Regexp | string pattern, Hash[String, String] hash) -> String?
- | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> String?
- | (Regexp | string pattern) -> ::Enumerator[String, self]
+ def gsub!: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> self?
+ | (Regexp | string pattern) -> Enumerator[String, self]
+ | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - hash -> integer
# -->
@@ -2004,11 +2138,11 @@
# s = 'foo'
# s.include?('f') # => true
# s.include?('fo') # => true
# s.include?('food') # => false
- def include?: (string other_str) -> bool
+ def include?: (string other_string) -> bool
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - index(substring, offset = 0) -> integer or nil
# - index(regexp, offset = 0) -> integer or nil
@@ -2050,11 +2184,11 @@
# 'foo'.index(/o./, -2) # => 1
# 'foo'.index(/.o/, -2) # => 1
# Related: String#rindex.
- def index: (Regexp | string substr_or_regexp, ?int offset) -> Integer?
+ def index: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - insert(index, other_string) -> self
# -->
@@ -2067,11 +2201,11 @@
# If the Integer `index` is negative, counts backward from the end of `self` and
# inserts `other_string` at offset `index+1` (that is, *after* `self[index]`):
# 'foo'.insert(-2, 'bar') # => "fobaro"
- def insert: (int index, string other_str) -> String
+ def insert: (int index, string other_str) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - inspect -> string
# -->
@@ -2119,22 +2253,21 @@
# 'foo'.bytesize # => 3
# 'тест'.bytesize # => 8
# 'こんにちは'.bytesize # => 15
- # String#size is an alias for String#length.
- #
def length: () -> Integer
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - lines(Line_sep = $/, chomp: false) -> array_of_strings
# -->
# Forms substrings ("lines") of `self` according to the given arguments (see
# String#each_line for details); returns the lines in an array.
- def lines: (?string separator, ?chomp: boolish) -> Array[String]
+ def lines: (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) -> Array[String]
+ | (?string? separator, ?chomp: boolish) { (String line) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - ljust(size, pad_string = ' ') -> new_string
# -->
@@ -2155,11 +2288,11 @@
# 'hello'.ljust(5) # => "hello"
# 'hello'.ljust(1) # => "hello"
# Related: String#rjust, String#center.
- def ljust: (int integer, ?string padstr) -> String
+ def ljust: (int size, ?string pad_string) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - lstrip -> new_string
# -->
@@ -2191,11 +2324,11 @@
# - match(pattern, offset = 0) -> matchdata or nil
# - match(pattern, offset = 0) {|matchdata| ... } -> object
# -->
# Returns a MatchData object (or `nil`) based on `self` and the given `pattern`.
- # Note: also updates Regexp@Special+global+variables.
+ # Note: also updates Regexp@Global+Variables.
# * Computes `regexp` by converting `pattern` (if not already a Regexp).
# regexp =
# * Computes `matchdata`, which will be either a MatchData object or `nil`
@@ -2219,21 +2352,21 @@
# 'foo'.match(/o/) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => #<MatchData "o">
# 'foo'.match(/x/) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => nil
# 'foo'.match(/f/, 1) {|matchdata| matchdata } # => nil
- def match: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int pos) -> MatchData?
- | [A] (Regexp | string pattern, ?int pos) { (MatchData) -> A } -> A
+ def match: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> MatchData?
+ | [T] (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) { (MatchData matchdata) -> T } -> T?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - match?(pattern, offset = 0) -> true or false
# -->
# Returns `true` or `false` based on whether a match is found for `self` and
# `pattern`.
- # Note: does not update Regexp@Special+global+variables.
+ # Note: does not update Regexp@Global+Variables.
# Computes `regexp` by converting `pattern` (if not already a Regexp).
# regexp =
# Returns `true` if `self+.match(regexp)` returns a MatchData object, `false`
@@ -2245,11 +2378,11 @@
# If Integer argument `offset` is given, the search begins at index `offset`:
# 'foo'.match?('f', 1) # => false
# 'foo'.match?('o', 1) # => true
- def match?: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int pos) -> bool
+ def match?: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> bool
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Returns the successor to `self`. The successor is calculated by incrementing
# characters.
@@ -2299,20 +2432,16 @@
# The successor to an empty String is a new empty String:
# ''.succ # => ""
- # String#next is an alias for String#succ.
- #
- def next: () -> String
+ alias next succ
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Equivalent to String#succ, but modifies `self` in place; returns `self`.
- # String#next! is an alias for String#succ!.
- #
- def next!: () -> self
+ alias next! succ!
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - oct -> integer
# -->
@@ -2371,11 +2500,11 @@
# 'hello'.partition('x') # => ["hello", "", ""]
# Related: String#rpartition, String#split.
- def partition: (Regexp | string sep_or_regexp) -> [ String, String, String ]
+ def partition: (Regexp | string pattern) -> [String, String, String]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - prepend(*other_strings) -> string
# -->
@@ -2385,19 +2514,19 @@
# s.prepend('bar', 'baz') # => "barbazfoo"
# s # => "barbazfoo"
# Related: String#concat.
- def prepend: (*string other_strs) -> String
+ def prepend: (*string other_strings) -> self
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Replaces the contents of `self` with the contents of `other_string`:
# s = 'foo' # => "foo"
# s.replace('bar') # => "bar"
- def replace: (string other_str) -> String
+ def replace: (string other_string) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - reverse -> string
# -->
@@ -2473,11 +2602,11 @@
# 'foo'.rindex('o', -3) # => nil
# 'foo'.rindex('o', -4) # => nil
# Related: String#index.
- def rindex: (string | Regexp substr_or_regexp, ?int pos) -> Integer?
+ def rindex: (Regexp | string pattern, ?int offset) -> Integer?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - rjust(size, pad_string = ' ') -> new_string
# -->
@@ -2498,11 +2627,11 @@
# 'hello'.rjust(5, 'ab') # => "hello"
# 'hello'.rjust(1, 'ab') # => "hello"
# Related: String#ljust, String#center.
- def rjust: (int integer, ?string padstr) -> String
+ def rjust: (int size, ?string pad_string) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - rpartition(sep) -> [head, match, tail]
# -->
@@ -2530,11 +2659,11 @@
# 'hello'.rpartition('x') # => ["", "", "hello"]
# Related: String#partition, String#split.
- def rpartition: (string | Regexp sep_or_regexp) -> [ String, String, String ]
+ def rpartition: (Regexp | string pattern) -> [String, String, String]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - rstrip -> new_string
# -->
@@ -2599,13 +2728,13 @@
# <<cruel>> <<world>>
# rceu lowlr
def scan: (Regexp pattern) -> Array[String | Array[String]]
- | (Regexp pattern) { (String | Array[String]) -> void } -> self
+ | (Regexp pattern) { (String | Array[String] matches) -> void } -> self
| (string pattern) -> Array[String]
- | (string pattern) { (String) -> void } -> self
+ | (string pattern) { (String match) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - scrub(replacement_string = default_replacement) -> new_string
# - scrub{|bytes| ... } -> new_string
@@ -2633,23 +2762,23 @@
# Output:
# "\x81"
# "\x81"
- def scrub: (?string repl) -> String
- | () { (String bytes) -> string } -> String
+ def scrub: (?string? replacement) -> String
+ | (?nil) { (String bytes) -> string } -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - scrub! -> self
# - scrub!(replacement_string = default_replacement) -> self
# - scrub!{|bytes| ... } -> self
# -->
# Like String#scrub, except that any replacements are made in `self`.
- def scrub!: (?string repl) -> self
- | () { (String bytes) -> string } -> self
+ def scrub!: (?string? replacement) -> self
+ | (?nil) { (String bytes) -> string } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - setbyte(index, integer) -> integer
# -->
@@ -2659,11 +2788,11 @@
# s.setbyte(0, 98) # => 98
# s # => "bbcde"
# Related: String#getbyte.
- def setbyte: (int index, int integer) -> int
+ def setbyte: [T < _ToInt] (int index, T byte) -> T
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Returns the count of characters (not bytes) in `self`:
# 'foo'.length # => 3
@@ -2674,12 +2803,10 @@
# 'foo'.bytesize # => 3
# 'тест'.bytesize # => 8
# 'こんにちは'.bytesize # => 15
- # String#size is an alias for String#length.
- #
alias size length
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Returns the substring of `self` specified by the arguments. See examples at
# [String Slices](rdoc-ref:String@String+Slices).
@@ -2704,14 +2831,14 @@
# string.slice!(3..6) #=> " is "
# string.slice!(/s.*t/) #=> "sa st"
# string.slice!("r") #=> "r"
# string #=> "Thing"
- def slice!: (int integer, ?int integer) -> String?
- | (Range[Integer] | Range[Integer?] range) -> String?
- | (Regexp regexp, ?int | String capture) -> String?
- | (String other_str) -> String?
+ def slice!: (int index, ?int length) -> String?
+ | (range[int?] range) -> String?
+ | (String substring) -> String?
+ | (Regexp regexp, ?MatchData::capture backref) -> String?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - split(field_sep = $;, limit = nil) -> array
# - split(field_sep = $;, limit = nil) {|substring| ... } -> self
@@ -2795,12 +2922,12 @@
# "def"
# "ghi"
# Related: String#partition, String#rpartition.
- def split: (?Regexp | string pattern, ?int limit) -> Array[String]
- | (?Regexp | string pattern, ?int limit) { (String) -> void } -> self
+ def split: (?Regexp | string | nil pattern, ?int limit) -> Array[String]
+ | (?Regexp | string | nil pattern, ?int limit) { (String substring) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - squeeze(*selectors) -> new_string
# -->
@@ -2814,20 +2941,20 @@
# "yellow moon".squeeze #=> "yelow mon"
# " now is the".squeeze(" ") #=> " now is the"
# "putters shoot balls".squeeze("m-z") #=> "puters shot balls"
- def squeeze: (*string other_str) -> String
+ def squeeze: (*selector selectors) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - squeeze!(*selectors) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#squeeze, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any
# changes were made, `nil` otherwise.
- def squeeze!: (*string other_str) -> self?
+ def squeeze!: (*selector selectors) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - start_with?(*string_or_regexp) -> true or false
# -->
@@ -2849,11 +2976,11 @@
# 'тест'.start_with?('т') # => true
# 'こんにちは'.start_with?('こ') # => true
# Related: String#end_with?.
- def start_with?: (*string prefixes) -> bool
+ def start_with?: (*Regexp | string prefixes) -> bool
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - strip -> new_string
# -->
@@ -2890,11 +3017,11 @@
# See [Substitution Methods](rdoc-ref:String@Substitution+Methods).
# Related: String#sub!, String#gsub, String#gsub!.
- def sub: (Regexp | string pattern, string | Hash[String, String] replacement) -> String
+ def sub: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> String
| (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - sub!(pattern, replacement) -> self or nil
@@ -2905,12 +3032,12 @@
# See [Substitution Methods](rdoc-ref:String@Substitution+Methods).
# Related: String#sub, String#gsub, String#gsub!.
- def sub!: (Regexp | string pattern, string | Hash[String, String] replacement) -> self?
- | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> String?
+ def sub!: (Regexp | string pattern, string | hash[String, _ToS] replacement) -> self?
+ | (Regexp | string pattern) { (String match) -> _ToS } -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - succ -> new_str
# -->
@@ -2963,23 +3090,19 @@
# The successor to an empty String is a new empty String:
# ''.succ # => ""
- # String#next is an alias for String#succ.
- #
def succ: () -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - succ! -> self
# -->
# Equivalent to String#succ, but modifies `self` in place; returns `self`.
- # String#next! is an alias for String#succ!.
- #
- def succ!: () -> String
+ def succ!: () -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - sum(n = 16) -> integer
# -->
@@ -2992,11 +3115,11 @@
# 'тест'.sum # => 1405
# 'こんにちは'.sum # => 2582
# This is not a particularly strong checksum.
- def sum: (?int n) -> Integer
+ def sum: (?int bits) -> Integer
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - swapcase(*options) -> string
# -->
@@ -3115,11 +3238,11 @@
# Returns zero if there is no leading valid number:
# 'abcdef'.to_i # => 0
# '2'.to_i(2) # => 0
- def to_i: (?int base) -> Integer
+ def to_i: (?int radix) -> Integer
# <!--
# rdoc-file=rational.c
# - str.to_r -> rational
# -->
@@ -3153,21 +3276,17 @@
# - to_s -> self or string
# -->
# Returns `self` if `self` is a String, or `self` converted to a String if
# `self` is a subclass of String.
- # String#to_str is an alias for String#to_s.
- #
def to_s: () -> String
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Returns `self` if `self` is a String, or `self` converted to a String if
# `self` is a subclass of String.
- # String#to_str is an alias for String#to_s.
- #
- def to_str: () -> String
+ alias to_str to_s
# <!-- rdoc-file=string.c -->
# Returns the Symbol corresponding to *str*, creating the symbol if it did not
# previously exist. See Symbol#id2name.
@@ -3180,11 +3299,11 @@
# This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be represented using the
# `:xxx` notation.
# 'cat and dog'.to_sym #=> :"cat and dog"
- def to_sym: () -> Symbol
+ alias to_sym intern
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - tr(selector, replacements) -> new_string
# -->
@@ -3220,20 +3339,20 @@
# # Escapes.
# 'hel^lo'.tr('\^aeiou', '-') # => "h-l-l-" # Escaped leading caret.
# 'i-b-m'.tr('b\-z', 'a-z') # => "ibabm" # Escaped embedded hyphen.
# 'foo\\bar'.tr('ab\\', 'XYZ') # => "fooZYXr" # Escaped backslash.
- def tr: (string from_str, string to_str) -> String
+ def tr: (selector source, string relpacement) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - tr!(selector, replacements) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#tr, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any changes
# were made, `nil` otherwise.
- def tr!: (string from_str, string to_str) -> String?
+ def tr!: (selector source, string relpacement) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - tr_s(selector, replacements) -> string
# -->
@@ -3244,22 +3363,22 @@
# 'hello'.tr_s('el', '-') #=> "h-o"
# 'hello'.tr_s('el', 'hx') #=> "hhxo"
# Related: String#squeeze.
- def tr_s: (string from_str, string to_str) -> String
+ def tr_s: (selector source, string replacement) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - tr_s!(selector, replacements) -> self or nil
# -->
# Like String#tr_s, but modifies `self` in place. Returns `self` if any changes
# were made, `nil` otherwise.
# Related: String#squeeze!.
- def tr_s!: (string from_str, string to_str) -> String?
+ def tr_s!: (selector source, string replacement) -> self?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - undump -> string
# -->
@@ -3307,22 +3426,22 @@
# "a\u0300".unicode_normalize # => "a"
# "\u00E0".unicode_normalize(:nfd) # => "a "
# Related: String#unicode_normalize!, String#unicode_normalized?.
- def unicode_normalize: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd) -> String
+ def unicode_normalize: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd form) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - unicode_normalize!(form = :nfc) -> self
# -->
# Like String#unicode_normalize, except that the normalization is performed on
# `self`.
# Related String#unicode_normalized?.
- def unicode_normalize!: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd) -> String
+ def unicode_normalize!: (?:nfc | :nfd | :nfkc | :nfkd form) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - unicode_normalized?(form = :nfc) -> true or false
# -->
@@ -3351,20 +3470,21 @@
# - unpack(template, offset: 0) -> array
# -->
# Extracts data from `self`, forming objects that become the elements of a new
# array; returns that array. See [Packed Data](rdoc-ref:packed_data.rdoc).
- def unpack: (String format, ?offset: Integer) -> Array[Integer | Float | String | nil]
+ def unpack: (string template, ?offset: int) -> Array[Integer | Float | String | nil]
+ | (string template, ?offset: int) { (Integer | Float | String | nil value) -> void } -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=pack.rb
# - unpack1(template, offset: 0) -> object
# -->
# Like String#unpack, but unpacks and returns only the first extracted object.
# See [Packed Data](rdoc-ref:packed_data.rdoc).
- def unpack1: (String format) -> (Integer | Float | String | nil)
+ def unpack1: (string template, ?offset: int) -> (Integer | Float | String)?
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - upcase(*options) -> string
# -->
@@ -3437,12 +3557,12 @@
# With no block given, returns a new Enumerator:
# 'a8'.upto('b6') # => #<Enumerator: "a8":upto("b6")>
- def upto: (string other_str, ?boolish exclusive) -> Enumerator[String, self]
- | (string other_str, ?boolish exclusive) { (String s) -> void } -> self
+ def upto: (string other_string, ?boolish exclusive) -> Enumerator[String, self]
+ | (string other_string, ?boolish exclusive) { (String s) -> void } -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=string.c
# - valid_encoding? -> true or false
# -->
@@ -3451,81 +3571,14 @@
# "\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? # => true
# "\xc2".force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? # => false
# "\x80".force_encoding("UTF-8").valid_encoding? # => false
def valid_encoding?: () -> bool
- private
- # <!--
- # rdoc-file=string.c
- # - = '', **opts) -> new_string
- # -->
- # Returns a new String that is a copy of `string`.
- #
- # With no arguments, returns the empty string with the Encoding `ASCII-8BIT`:
- #
- # s =
- # s # => ""
- # s.encoding # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
- #
- # With optional argument `string` and no keyword arguments, returns a copy of
- # `string` with the same encoding:
- #
- #'foo') # => "foo"
- #'тест') # => "тест"
- #'こんにちは') # => "こんにちは"
- #
- # (Unlike, a [string
- # literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals) like `''` or a [here
- # document literal](rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@Here+Document+Literals) always
- # has [script encoding](rdoc-ref:encodings.rdoc@Script+Encoding).)
- #
- # With optional keyword argument `encoding`, returns a copy of `string` with the
- # specified encoding; the `encoding` may be an Encoding object, an encoding
- # name, or an encoding name alias:
- #
- #'foo', encoding: Encoding::US_ASCII).encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
- #'foo', encoding: 'US-ASCII').encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
- #'foo', encoding: 'ASCII').encoding # => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
- #
- # The given encoding need not be valid for the string's content, and that
- # validity is not checked:
- #
- # s ='こんにちは', encoding: 'ascii')
- # s.valid_encoding? # => false
- #
- # But the given `encoding` itself is checked:
- #
- #'foo', encoding: 'bar') # Raises ArgumentError.
- #
- # With optional keyword argument `capacity`, returns a copy of `string` (or an
- # empty string, if `string` is not given); the given `capacity` is advisory
- # only, and may or may not set the size of the internal buffer, which may in
- # turn affect performance:
- #
- # 1)
- #'foo', capacity: 4096)
- #
- # The `string`, `encoding`, and `capacity` arguments may all be used together:
- #
- #'hello', encoding: 'UTF-8', capacity: 25)
- #
- def initialize: (?string str, ?encoding: encoding, ?capacity: int) -> void
- # <!--
- # rdoc-file=string.c
- # - replace(other_string) -> self
- # -->
- # Replaces the contents of `self` with the contents of `other_string`:
- #
- # s = 'foo' # => "foo"
- # s.replace('bar') # => "bar"
- #
- alias initialize_copy replace
interface _ArefFromStringToString
def []: (String) -> String
type String::encode_fallback = Hash[String, String] | Proc | Method | _ArefFromStringToString