core/math.rbs in rbs-3.2.2 vs core/math.rbs in rbs-3.3.0.pre.1
- old
+ new
@@ -125,10 +125,41 @@
# #### Hypotenuse Function
# * ::hypot: Returns `sqrt(a**2 + b**2)` for the given `a` and `b`.
module Math
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=math.c -->
+ # Definition of the mathematical constant E for Euler's number (e) as a Float
+ # number.
+ #
+ E: Float
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=math.c -->
+ # Definition of the mathematical constant PI as a Float number.
+ #
+ PI: Float
+ # <!-- rdoc-file=math.c -->
+ # Raised when a mathematical function is evaluated outside of its domain of
+ # definition.
+ #
+ # For example, since `cos` returns values in the range -1..1, its inverse
+ # function `acos` is only defined on that interval:
+ #
+ # Math.acos(42)
+ #
+ # *produces:*
+ #
+ # Math::DomainError: Numerical argument is out of domain - "acos"
+ #
+ class DomainError < StandardError
+ end
+ # A type that's passable to `Math` functions: A `Numeric` type that defines `.to_f`.
+ #
+ type double = Numeric & _ToF
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.acos(x) -> float
# -->
# Returns the [arc
@@ -142,11 +173,11 @@
# acos(-1.0) # => 3.141592653589793 # PI
# acos(0.0) # => 1.5707963267948966 # PI/2
# acos(1.0) # => 0.0
- def self.acos: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.acos: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.acosh(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -160,11 +191,11 @@
# Examples:
# acosh(1.0) # => 0.0
# acosh(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.acosh: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.acosh: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.asin(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -179,11 +210,11 @@
# asin(-1.0) # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI/2
# asin(0.0) # => 0.0
# asin(1.0) # => 1.5707963267948966 # PI/2
- def self.asin: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.asin: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.asinh(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -198,11 +229,11 @@
# asinh(-INFINITY) # => -Infinity
# asinh(0.0) # => 0.0
# asinh(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.asinh: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.asinh: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.atan(x) -> Float
# -->
@@ -222,11 +253,11 @@
# atan(0.0) # => 0.0
# atan(PI/2) # => 1.0038848218538872
# atan(PI) # => 1.2626272556789115
# atan(INFINITY) # => 1.5707963267948966 # PI/2
- def self.atan: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.atan: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.atan2(y, x) -> float
# -->
@@ -245,11 +276,11 @@
# atan2(-1.0, -1.0) # => -2.356194490192345 # -3*PI/4
# atan2(-1.0, 0.0) # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI/2
# atan2(-1.0, 1.0) # => -0.7853981633974483 # -PI/4
# atan2(0.0, -1.0) # => 3.141592653589793 # PI
- def self.atan2: (Numeric y, Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.atan2: (double y, double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.atanh(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -264,11 +295,11 @@
# atanh(-1.0) # => -Infinity
# atanh(0.0) # => 0.0
# atanh(1.0) # => Infinity
- def self.atanh: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.atanh: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.cbrt(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -290,11 +321,11 @@
# cbrt(2.0) # => 1.2599210498948732
# cbrt(8.0) # => 2.0
# cbrt(27.0) # => 3.0
# cbrt(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.cbrt: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.cbrt: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.cos(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -312,11 +343,11 @@
# cos(-PI/2) # => 6.123031769111886e-17 # 0.0000000000000001
# cos(0.0) # => 1.0
# cos(PI/2) # => 6.123031769111886e-17 # 0.0000000000000001
# cos(PI) # => -1.0
- def self.cos: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.cos: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.cosh(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -333,11 +364,11 @@
# cosh(-INFINITY) # => Infinity
# cosh(0.0) # => 1.0
# cosh(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.cosh: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.cosh: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.erf(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -354,11 +385,11 @@
# erf(0.0) # => 0.0
# erf(INFINITY) # => 1.0
# Related: Math.erfc.
- def self.erf: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.erf: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.erfc(x) -> Float
# -->
@@ -376,11 +407,11 @@
# erfc(0.0) # => 1.0
# erfc(INFINITY) # => 0.0
# Related: Math.erf.
- def self.erfc: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.erfc: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.exp(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -398,11 +429,11 @@
# exp(0.5) # => 1.6487212707001282 # sqrt(E)
# exp(1.0) # => 2.718281828459045 # E
# exp(2.0) # => 7.38905609893065 # E**2
# exp(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.exp: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.exp: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.frexp(x) -> [fraction, exponent]
# -->
@@ -429,11 +460,11 @@
# frexp(2.0) # => [0.5, 2]
# frexp(INFINITY) # => [Infinity, -1]
# Related: Math.ldexp (inverse of Math.frexp).
- def self.frexp: (Numeric x) -> [ Float, Integer ]
+ def self.frexp: (double x) -> [Float, Integer]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.gamma(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -456,11 +487,11 @@
# gamma(4.0) # => 6.0
# gamma(5.0) # => 24.0
# Related: Math.lgamma.
- def self.gamma: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.gamma: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.hypot(a, b) -> float
# -->
@@ -481,11 +512,11 @@
# hypot(1.0, sqrt(3.0)) # => 1.9999999999999998 # Near 2.0
# Note that if either argument is `INFINITY` or `-INFINITY`, the result is
# `Infinity`.
- def self.hypot: (Numeric x, Numeric y) -> Float
+ def self.hypot: (double x, double y) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.ldexp(fraction, exponent) -> float
# -->
@@ -509,11 +540,11 @@
# ldexp(-0.5, 2) # => 2.0
# ldexp(INFINITY, -1) # => Infinity
# Related: Math.frexp (inverse of Math.ldexp).
- def self.ldexp: (Numeric fraction, Numeric exponent) -> Float
+ def self.ldexp: (double fraction, int exponent) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.lgamma(x) -> [float, -1 or 1]
# -->
@@ -550,11 +581,11 @@
# lgamma(1.5) # => [-0.12078223763524676, 1]
# lgamma(2.5) # => [0.2846828704729205, 1]
# Related: Math.gamma.
- def self.lgamma: (Numeric x) -> [ Float, Integer ]
+ def self.lgamma: (double x) -> [Float, -1 | 1]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.log(x, base = Math::E) -> Float
# -->
@@ -578,11 +609,11 @@
# log(0.0, 10.0) # => -Infinity
# log(1.0, 10.0) # => 0.0
# log(10.0, 10.0) # => 1.0
- def self.log: (Numeric x, ?Numeric base) -> Float
+ def self.log: (double x, ?double base) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.log10(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -598,11 +629,11 @@
# log10(0.0) # => -Infinity
# log10(1.0) # => 0.0
# log10(10.0) # => 1.0
# log10(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.log10: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.log10: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.log2(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -618,11 +649,11 @@
# log2(0.0) # => -Infinity
# log2(1.0) # => 0.0
# log2(2.0) # => 1.0
# log2(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.log2: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.log2: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.sin(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -640,11 +671,11 @@
# sin(-PI/2) # => -1.0
# sin(0.0) # => 0.0
# sin(PI/2) # => 1.0
# sin(PI) # => 1.2246063538223773e-16 # 0.0000000000000001
- def self.sin: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.sin: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.sinh(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -661,11 +692,11 @@
# sinh(-INFINITY) # => -Infinity
# sinh(0.0) # => 0.0
# sinh(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.sinh: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.sinh: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.sqrt(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -684,11 +715,11 @@
# sqrt(2.0) # => 1.4142135623730951
# sqrt(4.0) # => 2.0
# sqrt(9.0) # => 3.0
# sqrt(INFINITY) # => Infinity
- def self.sqrt: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.sqrt: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.tan(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -707,11 +738,11 @@
# tan(-PI/2) # => -1.633123935319537e+16 # -16331239353195370.0
# tan(0.0) # => 0.0
# tan(PI/2) # => 1.633123935319537e+16 # 16331239353195370.0
# tan(PI) # => -1.2246467991473532e-16 # -0.0000000000000001
- def self.tan: (Numeric x) -> Float
+ def self.tan: (double x) -> Float
# <!--
# rdoc-file=math.c
# - Math.tanh(x) -> float
# -->
@@ -728,34 +759,7 @@
# tanh(-INFINITY) # => -1.0
# tanh(0.0) # => 0.0
# tanh(INFINITY) # => 1.0
- def self.tanh: (Numeric x) -> Float
-# <!-- rdoc-file=math.c -->
-# Definition of the mathematical constant E for Euler's number (e) as a Float
-# number.
-Math::E: Float
-# <!-- rdoc-file=math.c -->
-# Definition of the mathematical constant PI as a Float number.
-Math::PI: Float
-# <!-- rdoc-file=math.c -->
-# Raised when a mathematical function is evaluated outside of its domain of
-# definition.
-# For example, since `cos` returns values in the range -1..1, its inverse
-# function `acos` is only defined on that interval:
-# Math.acos(42)
-# *produces:*
-# Math::DomainError: Numerical argument is out of domain - "acos"
-class Math::DomainError < StandardError
+ def self.tanh: (double x) -> Float