core/kernel.rbs in rbs-3.2.0.pre.1 vs core/kernel.rbs in rbs-3.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@
# end
# str = "hello"
# eval "str + ' Fred'" #=> "hello Fred"
# eval "str + ' Fred'", get_binding("bye") #=> "bye Fred"
- def self?.eval: (String arg0, ?Binding arg1, ?String filename, ?Integer lineno) -> untyped
+ def self?.eval: (string src, ?Binding? scope, ?string filename, ?int lineno) -> untyped
# <!--
# rdoc-file=vm_eval.c
# - block_given? -> true or false
# -->
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@
# [ rand, rand ] # => [0.1915194503788923, 0.6221087710398319]
# [ rand(10), rand(1000) ] # => [4, 664]
# srand 1234 # => 1234
# [ rand, rand ] # => [0.1915194503788923, 0.6221087710398319]
- def self?.srand: (?Numeric number) -> Numeric
+ def self?.srand: (?int number) -> Integer
# <!--
# rdoc-file=process.c
# - Kernel.fork [{ block }] -> integer or nil
# - Process.fork [{ block }] -> integer or nil
@@ -381,11 +381,11 @@
# Note that fork(2) is not available on some platforms like Windows and NetBSD
# 4. Therefore you should use spawn() instead of fork().
def self?.fork: () -> Integer?
- | () { () -> untyped } -> Integer?
+ | () { () -> void } -> Integer
def initialize_copy: (self object) -> self
# <!--
# rdoc-file=object.c
@@ -401,16 +401,14 @@
# Returns `object` in an array, `[object]`, if `object` cannot be converted:
# Array(:foo) # => [:foo]
- def self?.Array: (NilClass x) -> [ ]
- | [T] (::Array[T] x) -> ::Array[T]
- | [T] (::Range[T] x) -> ::Array[T]
- | [T] (_Each[T] x) -> ::Array[T]
- | [K, V] (::Hash[K, V] x) -> ::Array[[ K, V ]]
- | [T] (T x) -> ::Array[T]
+ def self?.Array: (nil) -> []
+ | [T] (Array[T] ary) -> Array[T]
+ | [T] (_ToAry[T] | _ToA[T] array_like) -> Array[T]
+ | [T] (T ele) -> [T]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=complex.c
# - Complex(x[, y], exception: true) -> numeric or nil
# -->
@@ -444,11 +442,15 @@
# digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
# extra spaces = ? \s* ? ;
# See String#to_c.
- def self?.Complex: (Numeric | String x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Complex
+ def self?.Complex: (_ToC complex_like, ?exception: true) -> Complex
+ | (_ToC complex_like, exception: bool) -> Complex?
+ | (Numeric | String real, ?Numeric | String imag, ?exception: true) -> Complex
+ | (Numeric | String real, ?Numeric | String imag, exception: bool) -> Complex?
+ | (untyped, ?untyped, exception: false) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=kernel.rb
# - Float(arg, exception: true) -> float or nil
# -->
@@ -462,11 +464,13 @@
# Float("123.456") #=> 123.456
# Float("123.0_badstring") #=> ArgumentError: invalid value for Float(): "123.0_badstring"
# Float(nil) #=> TypeError: can't convert nil into Float
# Float("123.0_badstring", exception: false) #=> nil
- def self?.Float: (Numeric | String x, ?exception: bool exception) -> Float
+ def self?.Float: (_ToF float_like, ?exception: true) -> Float
+ | (_ToF float_like, exception: bool) -> Float?
+ | (untyped, exception: false) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=object.c
# - Hash(object) -> object or new_hash
# -->
@@ -486,11 +490,12 @@
# Hash({foo: 0, bar: 1}) # => {:foo=>0, :bar=>1}
# Hash(nil) # => {}
# Hash([]) # => {}
- def self?.Hash: [K, V] (Object x) -> ::Hash[K, V]
+ def self?.Hash: [K, V] (nil | [] _empty) -> Hash[K, V]
+ | [K, V] (_ToHash[K, V] hash_like) -> Hash[K, V]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=object.c
# - Integer(object, base = 0, exception: true) -> integer or nil
# -->
@@ -572,12 +577,15 @@
# With `exception` given as `false`, an exception of any kind is suppressed and
# `nil` is returned.
- def self?.Integer: (Numeric | String arg, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer
- | (String arg, ?Integer base, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer
+ def self?.Integer: (_ToInt | _ToI int_like, ?exception: true) -> Integer
+ | (_ToInt | _ToI int_like, exception: bool) -> Integer?
+ | (string str, ?int base, ?exception: true) -> Integer
+ | (string str, ?int base, exception: bool) -> Integer?
+ | (untyped, ?untyped, exception: false) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=rational.c
# - Rational(x, y, exception: true) -> rational or nil
# - Rational(arg, exception: true) -> rational or nil
@@ -612,12 +620,22 @@
# digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
# extra spaces = ? \s* ? ;
# See also String#to_r.
- def self?.Rational: (Numeric | String | Object x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Rational
+ def self?.Rational: (_ToInt | _ToR rational_like, ?exception: true) -> Rational
+ | (_ToInt | _ToR rational_like, exception: bool) -> Rational?
+ | (_ToInt | _ToR numer, ?_ToInt | _ToR denom, ?exception: true) -> Rational
+ | (_ToInt | _ToR numer, ?_ToInt | _ToR denom, exception: bool) -> Rational?
+ | [T] (Numeric&_RationalDiv[T] numer, Numeric denom, ?exception: bool) -> T
+ | [T < Numeric] (T value, 1, ?exception: bool) -> T
+ | (untyped, ?untyped, exception: false) -> nil
+ interface _RationalDiv[T]
+ def /: (Numeric) -> T
+ end
# <!--
# rdoc-file=object.c
# - String(object) -> object or new_string
# -->
# Returns a string converted from `object`.
@@ -628,11 +646,11 @@
# String(0..5) # => "0..5"
# String({foo: 0, bar: 1}) # => "{:foo=>0, :bar=>1}"
# Raises `TypeError` if `object` cannot be converted to a string.
- def self?.String: (_ToStr | _ToS x) -> String
+ def self?.String: (string | _ToS string_like) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=eval.c
# - __callee__ -> symbol
# -->
@@ -689,11 +707,11 @@
# - Process.abort([msg])
# -->
# Terminate execution immediately, effectively by calling `Kernel.exit(false)`.
# If *msg* is given, it is written to STDERR prior to terminating.
- def self?.abort: (?String msg) -> bot
+ def self?.abort: (?string msg) -> bot
# <!--
# rdoc-file=eval_jump.c
# - at_exit { block } -> proc
# -->
@@ -710,11 +728,11 @@
# *produces:*
# goodbye cruel world
- def self?.at_exit: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
+ def self?.at_exit: () { () -> void } -> Proc
# <!--
# rdoc-file=load.c
# - autoload(const, filename) -> nil
# -->
@@ -793,23 +811,22 @@
# *produces:*
# at_exit function
# in finalizer
- def self?.exit: () -> bot
- | (?Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot
+ def self?.exit: (?int | bool status) -> bot
# <!--
# rdoc-file=process.c
# - Process.exit!(status=false)
# -->
# Exits the process immediately. No exit handlers are run. *status* is returned
# to the underlying system as the exit status.
# Process.exit!(true)
- def self?.exit!: (?Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot
+ def self?.exit!: (?int | bool status) -> bot
# <!-- rdoc-file=eval.c -->
# With no arguments, raises the exception in `$!` or raises a RuntimeError if
# `$!` is `nil`. With a single `String` argument, raises a `RuntimeError` with
# the string as a message. Otherwise, the first parameter should be an
@@ -826,12 +843,12 @@
# raise "Failed to create socket"
# raise ArgumentError, "No parameters", caller
def self?.fail: () -> bot
- | (String message, ?cause: Exception?) -> bot
- | (_Exception exception, ?untyped message, ?::Array[String] backtrace, ?cause: Exception?) -> bot
+ | (string message, ?cause: Exception?) -> bot
+ | (_Exception exception, ?_ToS? message, ?nil | String | Array[String] backtrace, ?cause: Exception?) -> bot
# <!--
# rdoc-file=eval.c
# - raise
# - raise(string, cause: $!)
@@ -986,11 +1003,11 @@
# result = loop {
# puts
# } #=> :ok
- def self?.loop: () { (nil) -> untyped } -> bot
+ def self?.loop: () { () -> void } -> bot
| () -> ::Enumerator[nil, bot]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=io.c
# - open(path, mode = 'r', perm = 0666, **opts) -> io or nil
@@ -1135,11 +1152,11 @@
# recent user input):
# gets # Sets $_ to the most recent user input.
# print # Prints $_.
- def self?.print: (*Kernel args) -> nil
+ def self?.print: (*_ToS args) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=io.c
# - printf(format_string, *objects) -> nil
# - printf(io, format_string, *objects) -> nil
@@ -1169,13 +1186,13 @@
# 0024 24 24.00# => nil
# With no arguments, does nothing.
- def self?.printf: (IO arg0, String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil
- | (String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil
- | () -> nil
+ def self?.printf: () -> nil
+ | (String fmt, *untyped args) -> nil
+ | (_Writer io, string fmt, *untyped args) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=proc.c
# - proc { |...| block } -> a_proc
# -->
@@ -1200,22 +1217,22 @@
# $stdout.putc(int)
# See IO#putc for important information regarding multi-byte characters.
- def self?.putc: (Integer arg0) -> Integer
- | (String arg0) -> String
+ def self?.putc: [T < _ToInt] (T chr) -> T
+ | (String chr) -> String
# <!--
# rdoc-file=io.c
# - puts(*objects) -> nil
# -->
# Equivalent to
# $stdout.puts(objects)
- def self?.puts: (*untyped arg0) -> NilClass
+ def self?.puts: (*_ToS objects) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=io.c
# - p(object) -> obj
# - p(*objects) -> array of objects
@@ -1238,12 +1255,12 @@
# Output:
# 0..4
# [0..4, 0..4, 0..4]
- def self?.p: [T] (T arg0) -> T
- | (untyped, untyped, *untyped) -> Array[untyped]
+ def self?.p: [T < _Inspect] (T arg0) -> T
+ | (_Inspect arg0, _Inspect arg1, *_Inspect rest) -> Array[_Inspect]
| () -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=lib/pp.rb
# - pp(*objs)
@@ -1548,11 +1565,11 @@
# sleep 1.2 #=> 1
# #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:20 +0900
# sleep 1.9 #=> 2
# #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:22 +0900
- def self?.sleep: () -> bot
+ def self?.sleep: (?nil) -> bot
| ((Integer | Float | _Divmod) duration) -> Integer
interface _Divmod
def divmod: (Numeric) -> [ Numeric, Numeric ]
@@ -1648,11 +1665,11 @@
# Transfers control to the end of the active `catch` block waiting for *tag*.
# Raises `UncaughtThrowError` if there is no `catch` block for the *tag*. The
# optional second parameter supplies a return value for the `catch` block, which
# otherwise defaults to `nil`. For examples, see Kernel::catch.
- def self?.throw: (Object tag, ?untyped obj) -> bot
+ def self?.throw: (untyped tag, ?untyped obj) -> bot
# <!--
# rdoc-file=warning.rb
# - warn(*msgs, uplevel: nil, category: nil) -> nil
# -->
@@ -1695,10 +1712,10 @@
# : Used for warning for deprecated functionality that may be removed in the
# future.
# :experimental
# : Used for experimental features that may change in future releases.
- def self?.warn: (*untyped msg, ?uplevel: Integer | nil, ?category: :deprecated | :experimental | nil) -> NilClass
+ def self?.warn: (*_ToS msg, ?uplevel: int?, ?category: Warning::category?) -> nil
# <!--
# rdoc-file=process.c
# - exec([env,] command... [,options])
# -->