core/kernel.rbs in rbs-1.0.0 vs core/kernel.rbs in rbs-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
# sprintf "%.1f", 1.234 #=> "1.2"
# ```
module Kernel : BasicObject
- def caller: (?Integer start_or_range, ?Integer length) -> ::Array[String]?
+ def self?.caller: (?Integer start_or_range, ?Integer length) -> ::Array[String]?
| (?::Range[Integer] start_or_range) -> ::Array[String]?
| () -> ::Array[String]
- def caller_locations: (?Integer start_or_range, ?Integer length) -> ::Array[Thread::Backtrace::Location]?
+ def self?.caller_locations: (?Integer start_or_range, ?Integer length) -> ::Array[Thread::Backtrace::Location]?
| (?::Range[Integer] start_or_range) -> ::Array[Thread::Backtrace::Location]?
- def catch: [T] (T tag) { (T tag) -> untyped } -> untyped
+ def self?.catch: [T] (T tag) { (T tag) -> untyped } -> untyped
| () { (Object tag) -> untyped } -> untyped
# In a perfect world this should be:
# returns(T.class_of(T.self_type))
@@ -36,14 +36,13 @@
def `class`: () -> untyped
def define_singleton_method: (Symbol | String symbol, ?Proc | Method | UnboundMethod method) -> Symbol
| (Symbol | String symbol) { () -> untyped } -> Symbol
- def eval: (String arg0, ?Binding arg1, ?String filename, ?Integer lineno) -> untyped
+ def self?.eval: (String arg0, ?Binding arg1, ?String filename, ?Integer lineno) -> untyped
# Returns `true` if `yield` would execute a block in the current context.
- # The `iterator?` form is mildly deprecated.
# ```ruby
# def try
# if block_given?
# yield
@@ -53,25 +52,24 @@
# end
# try #=> "no block"
# try { "hello" } #=> "hello"
# try do "hello" end #=> "hello"
# ```
- def iterator?: () -> bool
- alias block_given? iterator?
+ def self.block_given?: () -> bool
# Returns the names of the current local variables.
# ```ruby
# fred = 1
# for i in 1..10
# # ...
# end
# local_variables #=> [:fred, :i]
# ```
- def local_variables: () -> ::Array[Symbol]
+ def self?.local_variables: () -> ::Array[Symbol]
- def srand: (?Numeric number) -> Numeric
+ def self?.srand: (?Numeric number) -> Numeric
# Creates a subprocess. If a block is specified, that block is run in the
# subprocess, and the subprocess terminates with a status of zero.
# Otherwise, the `fork` call returns twice, once in the parent, returning
# the process ID of the child, and once in the child, returning *nil* .
@@ -86,11 +84,11 @@
# If fork is not usable, Process.respond\_to?(:fork) returns false.
# Note that fork(2) is not available on some platforms like Windows and
# NetBSD 4. Therefore you should use spawn() instead of fork().
- def fork: () -> Integer?
+ def self?.fork: () -> Integer?
| () { () -> untyped } -> Integer?
def initialize_copy: (self object) -> self
# Returns `arg` as an [Array](
@@ -110,54 +108,54 @@
# Array(1..5) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Array(key: :value) #=> [[:key, :value]]
# Array(nil) #=> []
# Array(1) #=> [1]
# ```
- def Array: (NilClass x) -> [ ]
+ def self?.Array: (NilClass x) -> [ ]
| [T] (::Array[T] x) -> ::Array[T]
| [T] (::Range[T] x) -> ::Array[T]
| [K, V] (::Hash[K, V] x) -> ::Array[[K, V]]
| [T] (T x) -> ::Array[T]
- def Complex: (Numeric | String x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Complex
+ def self?.Complex: (Numeric | String x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Complex
- def Float: (Numeric | String x, ?exception: bool exception) -> Float
+ def self?.Float: (Numeric | String x, ?exception: bool exception) -> Float
- def Hash: [K, V] (Object x) -> ::Hash[K, V]
+ def self?.Hash: [K, V] (Object x) -> ::Hash[K, V]
- def Integer: (Numeric | String arg, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer
+ def self?.Integer: (Numeric | String arg, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer
| (String arg, ?Integer base, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer
- def Rational: (Numeric | String | Object x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Rational
+ def self?.Rational: (Numeric | String | Object x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Rational
- def String: (Object x) -> String
+ def self?.String: (Object x) -> String
# Returns the called name of the current method as a
# [Symbol]( If called
# outside of a method, it returns `nil` .
- def __callee__: () -> Symbol?
+ def self?.__callee__: () -> Symbol?
# Returns the canonicalized absolute path of the directory of the file
# from which this method is called. It means symlinks in the path is
# resolved. If `__FILE__` is `nil`, it returns `nil` . The return value
# equals to `File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))` .
- def __dir__: () -> String?
+ def self?.__dir__: () -> String?
# Returns the name at the definition of the current method as a
# [Symbol]( If called
# outside of a method, it returns `nil` .
- def __method__: () -> Symbol?
+ def self?.__method__: () -> Symbol?
- def `: (String arg0) -> String
+ def self?.`: (String arg0) -> String
- def abort: (?String msg) -> bot
+ def self?.abort: (?String msg) -> bot
- def at_exit: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
+ def self?.at_exit: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
- def autoload: (String | Symbol _module, String filename) -> NilClass
+ def self?.autoload: (String | Symbol _module, String filename) -> NilClass
- def autoload?: (Symbol | String name) -> String?
+ def self?.autoload?: (Symbol | String name) -> String?
# Returns a `Binding` object, describing the variable and method bindings
# at the point of call. This object can be used when calling `eval` to
# execute the evaluated command in this environment. See also the
# description of class `Binding` .
@@ -167,11 +165,11 @@
# binding
# end
# b = get_binding("hello")
# eval("param", b) #=> "hello"
# ```
- def binding: () -> Binding
+ def self?.binding: () -> Binding
# Initiates the termination of the Ruby script by raising the `SystemExit`
# exception. This exception may be caught. The optional parameter is used
# to return a status code to the invoking environment. `true` and `FALSE`
# of *status* means success and failure respectively. The interpretation
@@ -205,14 +203,14 @@
# *produces:*
# at_exit function
# in finalizer
- def exit: () -> bot
+ def self?.exit: () -> bot
| (?Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot
- def exit!: (Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot
+ def self?.exit!: (Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot
# With no arguments, raises the exception in `$!` or raises a
# `RuntimeError` if `$!` is `nil` . With a single `String` argument,
# raises a `RuntimeError` with the string as a message. Otherwise, the
# first parameter should be the name of an `Exception` class (or an object
@@ -228,28 +226,30 @@
# The `cause` of the generated exception is automatically set to the
# “current” exception ( `$!` ) if any. An alternative value, either an
# `Exception` object or `nil`, can be specified via the `:cause`
# argument.
- def fail: () -> bot
+ def self?.fail: () -> bot
| (String arg0) -> bot
| (_Exception arg0, ?untyped arg1, ?::Array[String] arg2) -> bot
alias raise fail
+ alias self.raise
- def format: (String format, *untyped args) -> String
+ def self?.format: (String format, *untyped args) -> String
alias sprintf format
+ alias self.sprintf self.format
- def gets: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> String?
+ def self?.gets: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> String?
# Returns an array of the names of global variables.
# ```ruby
# global_variables.grep /std/ #=> [:$stdin, :$stdout, :$stderr]
# ```
- def global_variables: () -> ::Array[Symbol]
+ def self?.global_variables: () -> ::Array[Symbol]
- def load: (String filename, ?boolish) -> bool
+ def self?.load: (String filename, ?boolish) -> bool
# Repeatedly executes the block.
# If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
@@ -275,14 +275,14 @@
# result = loop {
# puts
# } #=> :ok
# ```
- def loop: () { (nil) -> untyped } -> bot
+ def self?.loop: () { (nil) -> untyped } -> bot
| () -> ::Enumerator[nil, bot]
- def open: (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm) -> IO?
+ def self?.open: (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm) -> IO?
| [T] (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm) { (IO) -> T } -> T
# Prints each object in turn to `$stdout` . If the output field separator
# ( `$,` ) is not `nil`, its contents will appear between each field. If
# the output record separator ( `$\` ) is not `nil`, it will be appended
@@ -298,29 +298,29 @@
# *produces:*
# cat12399
# cat, 1, 2, 3, 99
- def print: (*Kernel args) -> nil
+ def self?.print: (*Kernel args) -> nil
- def printf: (IO arg0, String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil
+ def self?.printf: (IO arg0, String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil
| (String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil
| -> nil
- def proc: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
+ def self?.proc: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
- def lambda: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
+ def self?.lambda: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc
- def putc: (Integer arg0) -> Integer
+ def self?.putc: (Integer arg0) -> Integer
| (String arg0) -> String
- def puts: (*untyped arg0) -> NilClass
+ def self?.puts: (*untyped arg0) -> NilClass
- def p: [T] (T arg0) -> T
+ def self?.p: [T] (T arg0) -> T
| (*untyped arg0) -> Array[untyped]
- def pp: [T] (T arg0) -> T
+ def self?.pp: [T] (T arg0) -> T
| (*untyped arg0) -> Array[untyped]
# If called without an argument, or if `max.to_i.abs == 0`, rand returns
# a pseudo-random floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0, including 0.0
# and excluding 1.0.
@@ -354,35 +354,35 @@
# different runs of a program.
# See also
# [Random\#rand](
# .
- def rand: () -> Float
+ def self?.rand: () -> Float
| (Integer arg0) -> Integer
| (::Range[Integer] arg0) -> Integer
| (::Range[Float] arg0) -> Float
- def readline: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> String
+ def self?.readline: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> String
- def readlines: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> ::Array[String]
+ def self?.readlines: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> ::Array[String]
- def require: (String path) -> bool
+ def self?.require: (String path) -> bool
- def require_relative: (String feature) -> bool
+ def self?.require_relative: (String feature) -> bool
- def select: (::Array[IO] read, ?::Array[IO] write, ?::Array[IO] error, ?Integer timeout) -> ::Array[String]
+ def self?.select: (::Array[IO] read, ?::Array[IO] write, ?::Array[IO] error, ?Integer timeout) -> ::Array[String]
- def sleep: () -> bot
+ def self?.sleep: () -> bot
| (Numeric duration) -> Integer
- def syscall: (Integer num, *untyped args) -> untyped
+ def self?.syscall: (Integer num, *untyped args) -> untyped
- def test: (String | Integer cmd, String | IO file1, ?String | IO file2) -> (TrueClass | FalseClass | Time | nil | Integer)
+ def self?.test: (String | Integer cmd, String | IO file1, ?String | IO file2) -> (TrueClass | FalseClass | Time | nil | Integer)
- def throw: (Object tag, ?untyped obj) -> bot
+ def self?.throw: (Object tag, ?untyped obj) -> bot
- def warn: (*untyped msg, ?uplevel: Integer | nil) -> NilClass
+ def self?.warn: (*untyped msg, ?uplevel: Integer | nil) -> NilClass
# Replaces the current process by running the given external *command* ,
# which can take one of the following forms:
# - `exec(commandline)`
@@ -459,11 +459,11 @@
# # never get here
# exec "echo", "*" # echoes an asterisk
# # never get here
# ```
- def exec: (*String args) -> bot
+ def self?.exec: (*String args) -> bot
# Executes *command…* in a subshell. *command…* is one of following forms.
# commandline : command line string which is passed to the standard shell
# cmdname, arg1, ... : command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
@@ -486,9 +486,9 @@
# config.h main.rb
# *
# See `Kernel.exec` for the standard shell.
- def system: (*String args) -> (NilClass | FalseClass | TrueClass)
+ def self?.system: (*String args) -> (NilClass | FalseClass | TrueClass)