core/enumerable.rbs in vs core/enumerable.rbs in rbs-3.6.0.pre.1
- old
+ new
@@ -527,11 +527,11 @@
# (0..4).to_a # => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
def entries: () -> ::Array[Elem]
def enum_for: (Symbol method, *untyped, **untyped) ?{ (?) -> Integer } -> Enumerator[untyped, untyped]
- | () ?{ () -> Integer } -> Enumerator[Elem, self]
+ | () ?{ () -> Integer } -> Enumerator[Elem, self]
alias to_enum enum_for
# <!--
@@ -1297,11 +1297,11 @@
# a # => [[:baz, 2], [:bar, 1], [:foo, 0]]
# With no block given, returns an Enumerator.
def reverse_each: () { (Elem arg0) -> untyped } -> void
- | () -> ::Enumerator[Elem, void]
+ | () -> ::Enumerator[Elem]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - sort -> array
# - sort {|a, b| ... } -> array
@@ -1758,11 +1758,11 @@
# p pythagorean_triples.take(10).force # take is lazy, so force is needed
# p pythagorean_triples.first(10) # first is eager
# # show pythagorean triples less than 100
# p pythagorean_triples.take_while { |*, z| z < 100 }.force
- def lazy: () -> Enumerator::Lazy[Elem, void]
+ def lazy: () -> Enumerator::Lazy[Elem]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - uniq -> array
# - uniq {|element| ... } -> array
@@ -1844,11 +1844,11 @@
# enumerables.
# e = (1..3).chain([4, 5])
# e.to_a #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- def chain: (*self enumerables) -> ::Enumerator::Chain[Elem]
+ def chain: [Elem2] (*_Each[Elem2] enumerables) -> ::Enumerator::Chain[Elem | Elem2]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - tally -> new_hash
# - tally(hash) -> hash
@@ -2090,12 +2090,12 @@
# /\A\s*\z/ !~ line || nil
# }.each { |_, lines|
# pp lines
# }
- def chunk: [U] () { (Elem elt) -> U } -> ::Enumerator[[ U, ::Array[Elem] ], void]
- | () -> ::Enumerator[Elem, ::Enumerator[[ untyped, ::Array[Elem] ], void]]
+ def chunk: [U] () { (Elem elt) -> U } -> ::Enumerator[[ U, ::Array[Elem] ]]
+ | () -> ::Enumerator[Elem, ::Enumerator[[ untyped, ::Array[Elem] ]]]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - enum.chunk_while {|elt_before, elt_after| bool } -> an_enumerator
# -->
@@ -2140,11 +2140,11 @@
# #=> [[7, 5, 9], [2, 0], [7, 9], [4, 2, 0]]
# Enumerable#slice_when does the same, except splitting when the block returns
# `true` instead of `false`.
- def chunk_while: () { (Elem elt_before, Elem elt_after) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem], void]
+ def chunk_while: () { (Elem elt_before, Elem elt_after) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem]]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - enum.slice_when {|elt_before, elt_after| bool } -> an_enumerator
# -->
@@ -2202,11 +2202,11 @@
# #=> [["foo\n", "bar\n", "\n"], ["baz\n", "qux\n"]]
# Enumerable#chunk_while does the same, except splitting when the block returns
# `false` instead of `true`.
- def slice_when: () { (Elem elt_before, Elem elt_after) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem], void]
+ def slice_when: () { (Elem elt_before, Elem elt_after) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem]]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - enum.slice_after(pattern) -> an_enumerator
# - enum.slice_after { |elt| bool } -> an_enumerator
@@ -2237,12 +2237,12 @@
# p e.to_a
# #=> [["foo\n"], ["bar\\\n", "baz\n"], ["\n"], ["qux\n"]]
# p {|ll| ll[0...-1].map {|l| l.sub(/\\\n\z/, "") }.join + ll.last }
# #=>["foo\n", "barbaz\n", "\n", "qux\n"]
- def slice_after: (untyped pattern) -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem], void]
- | () { (Elem elt) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem], void]
+ def slice_after: (untyped pattern) -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem]]
+ | () { (Elem elt) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem]]
# <!--
# rdoc-file=enum.c
# - slice_before(pattern) -> enumerator
# - slice_before {|elt| ... } -> enumerator
@@ -2394,8 +2394,8 @@
# mail.pop if mail.last == "\n"
# pp mail
# }
# }
- def slice_before: (untyped pattern) -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem], void]
- | () { (Elem elt) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem], void]
+ def slice_before: (untyped pattern) -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem]]
+ | () { (Elem elt) -> boolish } -> ::Enumerator[::Array[Elem]]