Rakefile in rbs-0.5.0 vs Rakefile in rbs-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -76,15 +76,14 @@
def call
ERB.new(<<~ERB, trim_mode: "-").result(binding)
require_relative "test_helper"
- require 'rbs/test/test_helper'
<%- unless class_methods.empty? -%>
class <%= klass %>SingletonTest < Minitest::Test
- include RBS::Test::TypeAssertions
+ include TypeAssertions
# library "pathname", "set", "securerandom" # Declare library signatures to load
testing "singleton(::<%= klass %>)"
<%- class_methods.each do |method_name, definition| %>
@@ -98,10 +97,10 @@
<%- end -%>
<%- unless instance_methods.empty? -%>
class <%= klass %>Test < Minitest::Test
- include RBS::Test::TypeAssertions
+ include TypeAssertions
# library "pathname", "set", "securerandom" # Declare library signatures to load
testing "::<%= klass %>"
<%- instance_methods.each do |method_name, definition| %>