lib/rbnacl/hash/blake2b.rb in rbnacl-4.0.2 vs lib/rbnacl/hash/blake2b.rb in rbnacl-5.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -26,57 +26,157 @@
sodium_function :generichash_blake2b,
[:pointer, :size_t, :pointer, :ulong_long, :pointer, :size_t, :pointer, :pointer]
+ sodium_function :generichash_blake2b_init,
+ :crypto_generichash_blake2b_init_salt_personal,
+ [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t, :size_t, :pointer, :pointer]
+ sodium_function :generichash_blake2b_update,
+ :crypto_generichash_blake2b_update,
+ [:pointer, :pointer, :ulong_long]
+ sodium_function :generichash_blake2b_final,
+ :crypto_generichash_blake2b_final,
+ [:pointer, :pointer, :size_t]
EMPTY_SALT = ("\0" * SALTBYTES).freeze
- # Create a new Blake2b hash object
+ # Calculate a Blake2b digest
- # @param [Hash] opts Blake2b configuration
+ # @param [String] message Message to be hashed
+ # @param [Hash] options Blake2b configuration
# @option opts [String] :key for Blake2b keyed mode
# @option opts [Integer] :digest_size size of output digest in bytes
# @option opts [String] :salt Provide a salt to support randomised hashing.
# This is mixed into the parameters block to start the hashing.
# @option opts [Personal] :personal Provide personalisation string to allow pinning a hash for a particular purpose.
# This is mixed into the parameters block to start the hashing
# @raise [RbNaCl::LengthError] Invalid length specified for one or more options
- # @return [RbNaCl::Hash::Blake2b] A Blake2b hasher object
- def initialize(opts = {})
- @key = opts.fetch(:key, nil)
+ # @return [String] Blake2b digest of the string as raw bytes
+ def self.digest(message, options)
+ opts = validate_opts(options)
+ digest = Util.zeros(opts[:digest_size])
+ generichash_blake2b(digest, opts[:digest_size], message, message.bytesize,
+ opts[:key], opts[:key_size], opts[:salt], opts[:personal]) ||
+ raise(CryptoError, "Hashing failed!")
+ digest
+ end
- if @key
- @key_size = @key.bytesize
- raise LengthError, "key too short" if @key_size < KEYBYTES_MIN
- raise LengthError, "key too long" if @key_size > KEYBYTES_MAX
+ # Validate and sanitize values for Blake2b configuration
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options Blake2b configuration
+ # @option opts [String] :key for Blake2b keyed mode
+ # @option opts [Integer] :digest_size size of output digest in bytes
+ # @option opts [String] :salt Provide a salt to support randomised hashing.
+ # This is mixed into the parameters block to start the hashing.
+ # @option opts [Personal] :personal Provide personalisation string to allow pinning a hash for a particular purpose.
+ # This is mixed into the parameters block to start the hashing
+ #
+ # @raise [RbNaCl::LengthError] Invalid length specified for one or more options
+ #
+ # @return [Hash] opts Configuration hash with sanitized values
+ def self.validate_opts(opts)
+ key = opts.fetch(:key, nil)
+ if key
+ key_size = key.bytesize
+ raise LengthError, "key too short" if key_size < KEYBYTES_MIN
+ raise LengthError, "key too long" if key_size > KEYBYTES_MAX
- @key_size = 0
+ key_size = 0
+ opts[:key_size] = key_size
- @digest_size = opts.fetch(:digest_size, BYTES_MAX)
- raise LengthError, "digest size too short" if @digest_size < BYTES_MIN
- raise LengthError, "digest size too long" if @digest_size > BYTES_MAX
+ digest_size = opts.fetch(:digest_size, BYTES_MAX)
+ raise LengthError, "digest size too short" if digest_size < BYTES_MIN
+ raise LengthError, "digest size too long" if digest_size > BYTES_MAX
+ opts[:digest_size] = digest_size
- @personal = opts.fetch(:personal, EMPTY_PERSONAL)
- @personal = Util.zero_pad(PERSONALBYTES, @personal)
+ personal = opts.fetch(:personal, EMPTY_PERSONAL)
+ opts[:personal] = Util.zero_pad(PERSONALBYTES, personal)
- @salt = opts.fetch(:salt, EMPTY_SALT)
- @salt = Util.zero_pad(SALTBYTES, @salt)
+ salt = opts.fetch(:salt, EMPTY_SALT)
+ opts[:salt] = Util.zero_pad(SALTBYTES, salt)
+ opts
- # Calculate a Blake2b digest
+ private_class_method :validate_opts
+ def = {})
+ opts = validate_opts(opts)
+ super
+ end
+ # Create a new Blake2b hash object
+ # @param [Hash] opts Blake2b configuration
+ # @option opts [String] :key for Blake2b keyed mode
+ # @option opts [Integer] :digest_size size of output digest in bytes
+ # @option opts [String] :salt Provide a salt to support randomised hashing.
+ # This is mixed into the parameters block to start the hashing.
+ # @option opts [Personal] :personal Provide personalisation string to allow pinning a hash for a particular purpose.
+ # This is mixed into the parameters block to start the hashing
+ #
+ # @raise [RbNaCl::LengthError] Invalid length specified for one or more options
+ #
+ # @return [RbNaCl::Hash::Blake2b] A Blake2b hasher object
+ def initialize(opts = {})
+ @key = opts[:key]
+ @key_size = opts[:key_size]
+ @digest_size = opts[:digest_size]
+ @personal = opts[:personal]
+ @salt = opts[:salt]
+ @incycle = false
+ @instate = nil
+ end
+ # Initialize state for Blake2b hash calculation,
+ # this will be called automatically from #update if needed
+ def reset
+ @instate.release if @instate
+ @instate =
+ self.class.generichash_blake2b_init(@instate.pointer, @key, @key_size, @digest_size, @salt, @personal) ||
+ raise(CryptoError, "Hash init failed!")
+ @incycle = true
+ @digest = nil
+ end
+ # Reentrant version of Blake2b digest calculation method
+ #
# @param [String] message Message to be hashed
+ def update(message)
+ reset unless @incycle
+ self.class.generichash_blake2b_update(@instate.pointer, message, message.bytesize) ||
+ raise(CryptoError, "Hashing failed!")
+ end
+ alias << update
+ # Finalize digest calculation, return cached digest if any
# @return [String] Blake2b digest of the string as raw bytes
- def digest(message)
- digest = Util.zeros(@digest_size)
- self.class.generichash_blake2b(digest, @digest_size, message, message.bytesize, @key, @key_size, @salt, @personal) ||
- raise(CryptoError, "Hashing failed!")
- digest
+ def digest
+ raise(CryptoError, "No message to hash yet!") unless @incycle
+ return @digest if @digest
+ @digest = Util.zeros(@digest_size)
+ self.class.generichash_blake2b_final(@instate.pointer, @digest, @digest_size) ||
+ raise(CryptoError, "Hash finalization failed!")
+ @digest
+ end
+ # The crypto_generichash_blake2b_state struct representation
+ # ref: jedisct1/libsodium/src/libsodium/include/sodium/crypto_generichash_blake2b.h#L23
+ class State < FFI::Struct
+ layout :h, [:uint64, 8],
+ :t, [:uint64, 2],
+ :f, [:uint64, 2],
+ :buf, [:uint8, 2 * 128],
+ :buflen, :size_t,
+ :last_node, :uint8