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- <h1 id="contribution-guide">Contribution Guide</h1>
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<p>Contributing to RBCli is the same as most open source projects:</p>
<li>Fork the repository</li>
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<li>Submit a pull request when ready</li>
-<p>That's all there is to it! We've also kept our acceptance criteria pretty simple, as you'll see below. Feel free to submit a pull request even if you don't meet it if you would like your code or feature to be reviewed first; we do want to be mindful of your time and will review submissions before they are polished.</p>
+<p>That’s all there is to it! We’ve also kept our acceptance criteria pretty simple, as you’ll see below. Feel free to submit a pull request even if you don’t meet it if you would like your code or feature to be reviewed first; we do want to be mindful of your time and will review submissions before they are polished.</p>
+<h1 id="develpment-mode">Develpment Mode</h1>
+<p>To allow for easy deveopment, Rbcli has a development mode which allows a project to include rbcli from a local folder instead of the default gem path. To use it, add the following to your shell’s profile (typically <code>~/.bash_profile</code> or <code>~/.profile</code>):</p>
+<pre><code class="language-bash">export RBCLI_ENV='development'
+export RBCLI_DEVPATH='/path/to/rbcli/lib/rbcli'
+alias rbcli='/path/to/rbcli/exe/rbcli'
<h1 id="code-acceptance-criteria">Code Acceptance Criteria</h1>
<h2 id="tabs-not-spaces">Tabs, Not Spaces</h2>
<p>Please, and thanks. We all like to use different indentation levels and styles, and this will keep us consistent between editors.</p>
<p>For filetypes where tabs are not supported (such as YAML), please stick to using two (2) spaces.</p>
<h2 id="documentation-for-user-features">Documentation for User Features</h2>
-<p>For any modification that alters the way RBCli is used -- we're talking additional features, options, keyword changes, major behavioral changes, and the like -- the documentation will need to be updated as well. You'll be happy to know we designed it to make the process relatively painless.</p>
-<p>RBCli's documentation is essentially a collection of markdown files that have been compiled into a static site using <a href="">MkDocs</a>. If you already have python and pip on your system, you can install it by running:</p>
-<pre><code class="bash">pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material
+<p>For any modification that alters the way RBCli is used – we’re talking additional features, options, keyword changes, major behavioral changes, and the like – the documentation will need to be updated as well. You’ll be happy to know we designed it to make the process relatively painless.</p>
+<p>RBCli’s documentation is essentially a collection of markdown files that have been compiled into a static site using <a href="">MkDocs</a>. If you already have python and pip on your system, you can install it by running:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-bash">pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material
<p>You can find the source markdown files in the <code>docs-src/docs</code> folder, and the menu organization in <code>docs-src/mkdocs.yml</code>. To preview your changes on a live site, run:</p>
-<pre><code class="bash">mkdocs serve
+<pre><code class="language-bash">mkdocs serve
-<p>Also, don't forget to update the <strong>Quick Reference Guide</strong> in the <code></code> file (the main project one) with information about your changes.</p>
-<p>Once you've completed your edits, run the <code></code> command to build the actual HTML pages automatically in the <code>docs</code> folder, from where they will be served when live.</p>
+<p>Also, don’t forget to update the <strong>Quick Reference Guide</strong> in the <code></code> file (the main project one) with information about your changes.</p>
+<p>Once you’ve completed your edits, run the <code></code> command to build the actual HTML pages automatically in the <code>docs</code> folder, from where they will be served when live.</p>
<h2 id="deprecations">Deprecations</h2>
<p>If a feature needs to be deprecated, RBCli has a built-in deprecation message feature. You can leverage it by calling the following code when a deprecated command is called:</p>
-<pre><code class="ruby"> deprecated_command, message, version_when_code_will_be_removed
+<pre><code class="language-ruby"> deprecated_command, message, version_when_code_will_be_removed
<p>So, for example:</p>
-<pre><code class="ruby"> '', 'Please use `RBCli::Configurate.hooks` as the parent block instead.', '0.3.0'
+<pre><code class="language-ruby"> '', 'Please use `RBCli::Configurate.hooks` as the parent block instead.', '0.3.0'
<p>will display the following message to the user, in red, any any time the application is run:</p>
-<pre><code class="text">DEPRECATION WRNING: The feature `` has been deprecated. Please use `RBCli::Configurate.hooks` as the parent block instead. This feature will be removed in version 0.3.0.
+<pre><code class="language-text">DEPRECATION WRNING: The feature `` has been deprecated. Please use `RBCli::Configurate.hooks` as the parent block instead. This feature will be removed in version 0.3.0.
<p>Additionally, it will place the same line in the logs using <code>Rbcli.logger.warn</code> if logging is enabled.</p>
<p>If a deprecation warning has been added, please remember to mention it in the pull request so that others can update it later.</p>
-<h1 id="maintainers-notes">Maintainer's Notes</h1>
+<h1 id="maintainer-s-notes">Maintainer’s Notes</h1>
<p>To install this gem onto your local machine from source, run <code>bundle exec rake install</code>.</p>
<p>To release a new version, follow theese steps:</p>
<li>Update the version number in <code>version.rb</code></li>
<li>Run <code>bundle exec rake install</code>, which will update <code>gemfile.lock</code> with the correct version and all dependency changes</li>
<li>Run <code>docs-src/</code>, which re-compiles the documentation and pulls in the changelog and quick reference automatically</li>
-<li>Commit the above changes to master with a commit message of "vX.X.X" (where X.X.X is the version number), but do not push</li>
+<li>Commit the above changes to master with a commit message of “vX.X.X” (where X.X.X is the version number), but do not push</li>
<li>Run <code>bundle exec rake release</code>, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the <code>.gem</code> file to <a href=""></a>.</li>
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