lib/rbbt/rest/knowledge_base.rb in rbbt-rest-1.6.28 vs lib/rbbt/rest/knowledge_base.rb in rbbt-rest-1.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -85,26 +85,59 @@
neighs.concat neighbours[:children].target
halt 200, neighs * "\n"
- get '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/subset' do
+ #get '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/subset' do
+ # name = consume_parameter :name
+ # database = consume_parameter :database
+ # source = consume_parameter :source
+ # target = consume_parameter :target
+ # source = source == "all" ? :all : source.split(@array_separator) if source
+ # target = target == "all" ? :all : target.split(@array_separator) if target
+ # entities = { :source => source, :target => target }
+ # kb = get_knowledge_base name
+ # subset = kb.subset(database, entities)
+ # case @format
+ # when :tsv
+ # content_type "text/tab-separated-values"
+ # halt 200, subset.tsv.to_s
+ # when :html
+ # template_render('knowledge_base_partials/subset', {:subset => subset}, "Subset: #{ [name, database] }")
+ # when :json
+ # content_type :json
+ # halt 200, subset.source.to_json
+ # else
+ # content_type :text
+ # halt 200, subset.source * "\n"
+ # end
+ #end
+ route :get, :post, '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/subset' do
name = consume_parameter :name
database = consume_parameter :database
source = consume_parameter :source
target = consume_parameter :target
+ target = source if target.nil?
source = source == "all" ? :all : source.split(@array_separator) if source
target = target == "all" ? :all : target.split(@array_separator) if target
entities = { :source => source, :target => target }
kb = get_knowledge_base name
subset = kb.subset(database, entities)
case @format
when :tsv
content_type "text/tab-separated-values"
halt 200, subset.tsv.to_s
+ when :tsv_json
+ content_type :json
+ halt 200, subset.tsv.to_json
when :html
template_render('knowledge_base_partials/subset', {:subset => subset}, "Subset: #{ [name, database] }")
when :json
content_type :json
halt 200, subset.source.to_json
@@ -127,19 +160,31 @@
kb = get_knowledge_base name
matches = collection.keys.inject({}){|acc,type|
entities = collection[type]
entities.each do |entity|
_matches = kb.children(database, entity)
- acc.merge!({ _matches.target_type => _matches}) if _matches and _matches.any?
+ type = _matches.target_type
+ next unless _matches and _matches.any?
+ if (acc[type])
+ acc[type].concat(_matches)
+ else
+ acc[type] = _matches
+ end
+ acc
case @format
when :tsv
content_type "text/tab-separated-values"
matches = matches.sort_by{|k,list| list.length }.last.last
halt 200, matches.tsv.to_s
+ when :tsv_json
+ content_type :json
+ halt 200, {}.to_json if matches.empty?
+ matches = matches.sort_by{|k,list| list.length }.last.last
+ halt 200, matches.tsv.to_json
when :html
template_render('knowledge_base_partials/matches', {:matches => matches}, "Collection Children: #{ [name, database] }")
when :json
content_type :json
_matches = {}
@@ -164,19 +209,31 @@
kb = get_knowledge_base name
matches = collection.keys.inject({}){|acc,type|
entities = collection[type]
entities.each do |entity|
_matches = kb.parents(database, entity)
- acc.merge!({ _matches.target_type => _matches}) if _matches and _matches.any?
+ type = _matches.target_type
+ next unless _matches and _matches.any?
+ if acc[type]
+ acc[type].concat(_matches)
+ else
+ acc[type] = _matches
+ end
+ acc
case @format
when :tsv
content_type "text/tab-separated-values"
matches = matches.sort_by{|k,list| list.length }.last.last
halt 200, matches.tsv.to_s
+ when :tsv_json
+ content_type :json
+ halt 200, {}.to_json if matches.empty?
+ matches = matches.sort_by{|k,list| list.length }.last.last
+ halt 200, matches.tsv.to_json
when :html
template_render('knowledge_base_partials/matches', {:matches => matches}, "Collection Parents: #{ [name, database] }")
when :json
content_type :json
_matches = {}
@@ -234,39 +291,37 @@
matches = matches.sort_by{|k,list| list.length }.last.last
halt 200, * "\n"
- get '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/subset' do
+ #{{{ Info
+ get '/knowledge_base/:name/:database/info' do
name = consume_parameter :name
database = consume_parameter :database
- source = consume_parameter :source
- target = consume_parameter :target
- source = source == "all" ? :all : source.split(@array_separator) if source
- target = target == "all" ? :all : target.split(@array_separator) if target
- entities = { :source => source, :target => target }
kb = get_knowledge_base name
- subset = kb.subset(database, entities)
- case @format
- when :tsv
- content_type "text/tab-separated-values"
- halt 200, subset.tsv.to_s
- when :html
- template_render('knowledge_base_partials/subset', {:subset => subset}, "Subset: #{ [name, database] }")
- when :json
- content_type :json
- halt 200, subset.source.to_json
- else
- content_type :text
- halt 200, subset.source * "\n"
- end
- end
- #{{{ Info
+ source = kb.source(database)
+ target =
+ source_type = kb.source_type(database)
+ target_type = kb.target_type(database)
+ source_entity_options = kb.entity_options_for source_type
+ target_entity_options = kb.entity_options_for target_type
+ info = {
+ :source => source,
+ :target => target,
+ :source_type => source_type,
+ :target_type => target_type,
+ :source_entity_options => source_entity_options,
+ :target_entity_options => target_entity_options,
+ }
+ halt 200, info.to_json
+ end
get '/knowledge_base/info/:name/:database/:pair' do
name = consume_parameter :name
database = consume_parameter :database
pair = consume_parameter :pair
@@ -457,11 +512,10 @@
kb = get_knowledge_base name
found = kb.identify database, entity
raise ParameterException, "Entity #{entity} was not found" unless found
- iii kb.children(database, found)
list = kb.children(database, found).target_entity
content_type "application/json"
halt 200, serialize_entities(list).to_json
@@ -473,10 +527,9 @@
kb = get_knowledge_base name
found = kb.identify database, entity
raise ParameterException, "Entity #{entity} was not found" unless found
- iii kb.parents(database, found)
list = kb.parents(database, found).target_entity
content_type "application/json"
halt 200, serialize_entities(list).to_json