rdoc/fft.rdoc in rb-gsl- vs rdoc/fft.rdoc in rb-gsl-
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# = Fast Fourier Transforms
# Contents:
-# 1. {Mathematical Definitions}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Mathematical+Definitions]
-# 1. {Complex data FFTs}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Complex+data+FFTs]
-# 1. {Overview of complex data FFTs}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Overview+of+complex+data+FFTs]
-# 1. {Radix-2 FFT routines for complex data}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Radix-2+FFT+routines+for+complex+data]
-# 1. {Example of the complex Radix-2 FFT}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Example+of+complex+Radix-2+FFT]
-# 1. {Mixed-radix FFT routines for complex data}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Mixed-radix+FFT+routines+for+complex+data]
-# 1. {GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable class}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-ComplexWavetable+class]
-# 1. {GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace class}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-ComplexWorkspace+class]
-# 1. {Methods to compute the transform}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Methods+to+compute+transform]
-# 1. {Example of the mixed-radix FFT}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Example+to+use+the+mixed-radix+FFT+algorithm]
-# 1. {Real data FFTs}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Real+data+FFTs]
-# 1. {Overview of real data FFTs}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Overview+of+real+data+FFTs]
-# 1. {Radix-2 FFT routines for real data}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Radix-2+FFT+routines+for+real+data]
-# 1. {Mixed-radix FFT routines for real data}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Mixed-radix+FFT+routines+for+real+data]
-# 1. {Data storage scheme}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Data+storage+scheme]
-# 1. {Wavetable and Workspace classes}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Wavetable+and+Workspace+classes]
-# 1. {Methods for real FFTs}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Methods+for+mixed-radix+real+FFTs]
-# 1. {Examples}[link:fft_rdoc.html#label-Examples]
+# 1. {Mathematical Definitions}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Mathematical+Definitions]
+# 1. {Complex data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Complex+data+FFTs]
+# 1. {Overview of complex data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Overview+of+complex+data+FFTs]
+# 1. {Radix-2 FFT routines for complex data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Radix-2+FFT+routines+for+complex+data]
+# 1. {Example of the complex Radix-2 FFT}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Example+of+complex+Radix-2+FFT]
+# 1. {Mixed-radix FFT routines for complex data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Mixed-radix+FFT+routines+for+complex+data]
+# 1. {GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable class}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-ComplexWavetable+class]
+# 1. {GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace class}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-ComplexWorkspace+class]
+# 1. {Methods to compute the transform}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Methods+to+compute+transform]
+# 1. {Example of the mixed-radix FFT}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Example+to+use+the+mixed-radix+FFT+algorithm]
+# 1. {Real data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Real+data+FFTs]
+# 1. {Overview of real data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Overview+of+real+data+FFTs]
+# 1. {Radix-2 FFT routines for real data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Radix-2+FFT+routines+for+real+data]
+# 1. {Mixed-radix FFT routines for real data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Mixed-radix+FFT+routines+for+real+data]
+# 1. {Data storage scheme}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Data+storage+scheme]
+# 1. {Wavetable and Workspace classes}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Wavetable+and+Workspace+classes]
+# 1. {Methods for real FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Methods+for+mixed-radix+real+FFTs]
+# 1. {Examples}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#label-Examples]
# == Mathematical Definitions
# Fast Fourier Transforms are efficient algorithms for calculating the discrete
# fourier transform (DFT),
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# == Complex data FFTs
# === Overview of complex data FFTs
# The complex data FFT routines are provided as instance methods of
-# {GSL::Vector::Complex}[link:vector_complex_rdoc.html].
+# {GSL::Vector::Complex}[link:rdoc/vector_complex_rdoc.html].
# Here is a table which shows the layout of the array data, and the correspondence
# between the time-domain complex data z, and the frequency-domain complex data x.
# index z x = FFT(z)
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# When N is even the location N/2 contains the most positive and negative
# frequencies +1/(2 Delta), -1/(2 Delta) which are equivalent. If N is odd then
# general structure of the table above still applies, but N/2 does not appear.
-# {GSL::Vector::Complex}[link:vector_complex_rdoc.html] provides four methods for
+# {GSL::Vector::Complex}[link:rdoc/vector_complex_rdoc.html] provides four methods for
# shifting the frequency domain data between <b>FFT order</b>, shown in the table
# above, and <b>natural order</b>, which has the most negative freqeuncy component
# first, the zero frequency component in the middle, and the most positive
# frequency component last.
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# == Real data FFTs
# === Overview of real data FFTs
# The functions for real data FFTs are provided as instance methods of
-# {GSL::Vector}[link:vector_rdoc.html]. While they are similar to those for
+# {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector_rdoc.html]. While they are similar to those for
# complex data, there is an important difference in the data storage layout
# between forward and inverse transforms. The Fourier transform of a real
# sequence is not real. It is a complex sequence with a special symmetry. A
# sequence with this symmetry is called <tt>conjugate-complex</tt> or
# <tt>half-complex</tt> and requires only as much storage as the original real
# sequence instead of twice as much.
# Forward transforms of real sequences produce half complex sequences of the same
# length. Backward and inverse transforms of half complex sequences produce real
# sequences of the same length. In both cases, the input and output sequences
-# are instances of {GSL::Vector}[link:vector_rdoc.html].
+# are instances of {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector_rdoc.html].
# The precise storage arrangements of half complex seqeunces depend on the
# algorithm, and are different for radix-2 and mixed-radix routines. The radix-2
# functions operate in-place, which constrains the locations where each element
# can be stored. The restriction forces real and imaginary parts to be stored far
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# complex sequence produces by a radix-2 forward transform <b>cannot</b> be
# recovered by a mixed-radix inverse transform (and vice versa).
# === Radix-2 FFT routines for real data
# The routines for readix-2 real FFTs are provided as instance methods of
-# {GSL::Vector}[link:vector_rdoc.html].
+# {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector_rdoc.html].
# <b>The FFT methods described below return FFTed data, and the input vector is
# not changed. Use methods with '!' as <tt>radix2_tranform!</tt> for in-place
# transform.</b>
@@ -524,12 +524,12 @@
# #data2 = ffted.halfcomplex_inverse()
# data2 = ffted.ifft
# graph(nil, data, data2, "-T X -C -g 3 -L 'Real-halfcomplex' -x 0 #{data.size}")
-# {prev}[link:eigen_rdoc.html]
-# {next}[link:wavelet_rdoc.html]
+# {prev}[link:rdoc/eigen_rdoc.html]
+# {next}[link:rdoc/wavelet_rdoc.html]
-# {Reference index}[link:ref_rdoc.html]
+# {Reference index}[link:rdoc/ref_rdoc.html]
# {top}[link:index.html]