lib/raygun/client.rb in raygun4ruby-3.2.3 vs lib/raygun/client.rb in raygun4ruby-3.2.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,305 +1,305 @@
-module Raygun
- # client for the Raygun REST APIv1
- # as per
- class Client
- ENV_IP_ADDRESS_KEYS = %w(action_dispatch.remote_ip raygun.remote_ip REMOTE_ADDR)
- NO_API_KEY_MESSAGE = "[RAYGUN] Just a note, you've got no API Key configured, which means we can't report exceptions. Specify your Raygun API key using Raygun#setup (find yours at"
- include HTTParty
- def initialize
- @api_key = require_api_key
- @headers = {
- "X-ApiKey" => @api_key
- }
- enable_http_proxy if Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:address]
- self.class.base_uri Raygun.configuration.api_url
- self.class.default_timeout(Raygun.configuration.error_report_send_timeout)
- end
- def require_api_key
- Raygun.configuration.api_key || print_api_key_warning
- end
- def track_exception(exception_instance, env = {}, user = nil)
- create_entry(build_payload_hash(exception_instance, env, user))
- end
- private
- def enable_http_proxy
- self.class.http_proxy(Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:address],
- Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:port] || "80",
- Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:username],
- Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:password])
- end
- def client_details
- {
- name: Raygun::CLIENT_NAME,
- version: Raygun::VERSION,
- clientUrl: Raygun::CLIENT_URL
- }
- end
- def error_details(exception)
- details = {
- className: exception.class.to_s,
- message: exception.message.to_s.encode('UTF-16', :undef => :replace, :invalid => :replace).encode('UTF-8'),
- stackTrace: (exception.backtrace || []).map { |line| stack_trace_for(line) },
- }
- details.update(innerError: error_details(exception.cause)) if exception.respond_to?(:cause) && exception.cause
- details
- end
- def stack_trace_for(line)
- # see
- file_name, line_number, method = line.split(":")
- {
- lineNumber: line_number,
- fileName: file_name,
- methodName: method ? method.gsub(/^in `(.*?)'$/, "\\1") : "(none)"
- }
- end
- def hostname
- Socket.gethostname
- end
- def version
- Raygun.configuration.version
- end
- def user_information(env)
- env["raygun.affected_user"]
- end
- def affected_user_present?(env)
- !!env["raygun.affected_user"]
- end
- def rack_env
- end
- def rails_env
- end
- def request_information(env)
- Raygun.log('retrieving request information')
- return {} if env.nil? || env.empty?
- {
- hostName: env["SERVER_NAME"],
- url: env["PATH_INFO"],
- httpMethod: env["REQUEST_METHOD"],
- iPAddress: "#{ip_address_from(env)}",
- queryString: Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(env["QUERY_STRING"]),
- headers: headers(env),
- form: form_params(env),
- rawData: raw_data(env)
- }
- end
- def headers(rack_env)
- { |k, v| k.to_s.start_with?("HTTP_") }.inject({}) do |hsh, (k, v)|
- hsh[normalize_raygun_header_key(k)] = v
- hsh
- end
- end
- def normalize_raygun_header_key(key)
- key.sub(/^HTTP_/, '')
- .sub(/_/, ' ')
-' ')
- .sub(/ /, '-')
- end
- def form_params(env)
- Raygun.log('retrieving form params')
- params = action_dispatch_params(env) || rack_params(env) || {}
- filter_params_with_blacklist(params, env["action_dispatch.parameter_filter"])
- end
- def action_dispatch_params(env)
- env["action_dispatch.request.parameters"]
- end
- def rack_params(env)
- request =
- request.params if env["rack.input"]
- end
- def raw_data(rack_env)
- Raygun.log('retrieving raw data')
- request =
- return unless Raygun.configuration.record_raw_data
- return if request.get?
- Raygun.log('passed raw_data checks')
- input = rack_env['rack.input']
- if input && !request.form_data?
- input.rewind
- body = || ''
- input.rewind
- body
- else
- {}
- end
- end
- def filter_custom_data(env)
- params = env.delete(:custom_data) || {}
- filter_params_with_blacklist(params, env["action_dispatch.parameter_filter"])
- end
- # see
- def build_payload_hash(exception_instance, env = {}, user = nil)
- Raygun.log('building payload hash')
- custom_data = filter_custom_data(env) || {}
- exception_custom_data = if exception_instance.respond_to?(:raygun_custom_data)
- exception_instance.raygun_custom_data
- else
- {}
- end
- tags = env.delete(:tags) || []
- if rails_env
- tags << rails_env
- else
- tags << rack_env
- end
- configuration_tags = []
- if Raygun.configuration.tags.is_a?(Proc)
- configuration_tags =, env)
- else
- configuration_tags = Raygun.configuration.tags
- end
- Raygun.log('set tags')
- grouping_key = env.delete(:grouping_key)
- correlation_id = env.delete(:correlation_id)
- configuration_custom_data = Raygun.configuration.custom_data
- configured_custom_data = if configuration_custom_data.is_a?(Proc)
-, env)
- else
- configuration_custom_data
- end
- Raygun.log('set custom data')
- error_details = {
- machineName: hostname,
- version: version,
- client: client_details,
- error: error_details(exception_instance),
- userCustomData: exception_custom_data.merge(custom_data).merge(configured_custom_data),
- tags: configuration_tags.concat(tags).compact.uniq,
- request: request_information(env),
- environment: {
- utcOffset: / 3600
- }
- }
- store = ::Raygun::Breadcrumbs::Store
- error_details[:breadcrumbs] = store.take_until_size(MAX_BREADCRUMBS_SIZE).map(&:build_payload) if store.any?
- Raygun.log('set details and breadcrumbs')
- error_details.merge!(groupingKey: grouping_key) if grouping_key
- error_details.merge!(correlationId: correlation_id) if correlation_id
- user_details = if affected_user_present?(env)
- user_information(env)
- elsif user != nil
- AffectedUser.information_hash(user)
- end
- error_details.merge!(user: user_details) unless user_details == nil
- Raygun.log('set user details')
- if Raygun.configuration.filter_payload_with_whitelist
- Raygun.log('filtering payload with whitelist')
- error_details = filter_payload_with_whitelist(error_details)
- end
- {
- occurredOn:,
- details: error_details
- }
- end
- def create_entry(payload_hash)
- Raygun.log('sending payload to api')
- "/entries",
- verify_peer: true,
- verify: true,
- headers: @headers,
- body: JSON.generate(payload_hash),
- )
- end
- def filter_params_with_blacklist(params_hash = {}, extra_filter_keys = nil)
- filter_parameters = Raygun.configuration.filter_parameters
- if filter_parameters.is_a? Proc
- else
- filter_keys = (Array(extra_filter_keys) + filter_parameters).map(&:to_s)
- filter_params_with_array(params_hash, filter_keys)
- end
- end
- def filter_payload_with_whitelist(payload_hash)
- shape = Raygun.configuration.whitelist_payload_shape
- if shape.is_a? Proc
- else
- # Always keep the client hash, so force it to true here
- true), payload_hash)
- end
- end
- def filter_params_with_array(params_hash, filter_keys)
- # Recursive filtering of (nested) hashes
- (params_hash || {}).inject({}) do |result, (k, v)|
- result[k] = case v
- when Hash
- filter_params_with_array(v, filter_keys)
- else
- filter_keys.any? { |fk| /#{fk}/i === k.to_s } ? "[FILTERED]" : v
- end
- result
- end
- end
- def ip_address_from(env_hash)
- ENV_IP_ADDRESS_KEYS.each do |key_to_try|
- return env_hash[key_to_try] unless env_hash[key_to_try].nil? || env_hash[key_to_try] == ""
- end
- "(Not Available)"
- end
- def print_api_key_warning
- $stderr.puts(NO_API_KEY_MESSAGE)
- end
- end
+module Raygun
+ # client for the Raygun REST APIv1
+ # as per
+ class Client
+ ENV_IP_ADDRESS_KEYS = %w(action_dispatch.remote_ip raygun.remote_ip REMOTE_ADDR)
+ NO_API_KEY_MESSAGE = "[RAYGUN] Just a note, you've got no API Key configured, which means we can't report exceptions. Specify your Raygun API key using Raygun#setup (find yours at"
+ include HTTParty
+ def initialize
+ @api_key = require_api_key
+ @headers = {
+ "X-ApiKey" => @api_key
+ }
+ enable_http_proxy if Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:address]
+ self.class.base_uri Raygun.configuration.api_url
+ self.class.default_timeout(Raygun.configuration.error_report_send_timeout)
+ end
+ def require_api_key
+ Raygun.configuration.api_key || print_api_key_warning
+ end
+ def track_exception(exception_instance, env = {}, user = nil)
+ create_entry(build_payload_hash(exception_instance, env, user))
+ end
+ private
+ def enable_http_proxy
+ self.class.http_proxy(Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:address],
+ Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:port] || "80",
+ Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:username],
+ Raygun.configuration.proxy_settings[:password])
+ end
+ def client_details
+ {
+ name: Raygun::CLIENT_NAME,
+ version: Raygun::VERSION,
+ clientUrl: Raygun::CLIENT_URL
+ }
+ end
+ def error_details(exception)
+ details = {
+ className: exception.class.to_s,
+ message: exception.message.to_s.encode('UTF-16', :undef => :replace, :invalid => :replace).encode('UTF-8'),
+ stackTrace: (exception.backtrace || []).map { |line| stack_trace_for(line) },
+ }
+ details.update(innerError: error_details(exception.cause)) if exception.respond_to?(:cause) && exception.cause
+ details
+ end
+ def stack_trace_for(line)
+ # see
+ file_name, line_number, method = line.split(":")
+ {
+ lineNumber: line_number,
+ fileName: file_name,
+ methodName: method ? method.gsub(/^in `(.*?)'$/, "\\1") : "(none)"
+ }
+ end
+ def hostname
+ Socket.gethostname
+ end
+ def version
+ Raygun.configuration.version
+ end
+ def user_information(env)
+ env["raygun.affected_user"]
+ end
+ def affected_user_present?(env)
+ !!env["raygun.affected_user"]
+ end
+ def rack_env
+ end
+ def rails_env
+ end
+ def request_information(env)
+ Raygun.log('retrieving request information')
+ return {} if env.nil? || env.empty?
+ {
+ hostName: env["SERVER_NAME"],
+ url: env["PATH_INFO"],
+ httpMethod: env["REQUEST_METHOD"],
+ iPAddress: "#{ip_address_from(env)}",
+ queryString: Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(env["QUERY_STRING"]),
+ headers: headers(env),
+ form: form_params(env),
+ rawData: raw_data(env)
+ }
+ end
+ def headers(rack_env)
+ { |k, v| k.to_s.start_with?("HTTP_") }.inject({}) do |hsh, (k, v)|
+ hsh[normalize_raygun_header_key(k)] = v
+ hsh
+ end
+ end
+ def normalize_raygun_header_key(key)
+ key.sub(/^HTTP_/, '')
+ .sub(/_/, ' ')
+' ')
+ .sub(/ /, '-')
+ end
+ def form_params(env)
+ Raygun.log('retrieving form params')
+ params = action_dispatch_params(env) || rack_params(env) || {}
+ filter_params_with_blacklist(params, env["action_dispatch.parameter_filter"])
+ end
+ def action_dispatch_params(env)
+ env["action_dispatch.request.parameters"]
+ end
+ def rack_params(env)
+ request =
+ request.params if env["rack.input"]
+ end
+ def raw_data(rack_env)
+ Raygun.log('retrieving raw data')
+ request =
+ return unless Raygun.configuration.record_raw_data
+ return if request.get?
+ Raygun.log('passed raw_data checks')
+ input = rack_env['rack.input']
+ if input && !request.form_data?
+ input.rewind
+ body = || ''
+ input.rewind
+ body
+ else
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ def filter_custom_data(env)
+ params = env.delete(:custom_data) || {}
+ filter_params_with_blacklist(params, env["action_dispatch.parameter_filter"])
+ end
+ # see
+ def build_payload_hash(exception_instance, env = {}, user = nil)
+ Raygun.log('building payload hash')
+ custom_data = filter_custom_data(env) || {}
+ exception_custom_data = if exception_instance.respond_to?(:raygun_custom_data)
+ exception_instance.raygun_custom_data
+ else
+ {}
+ end
+ tags = env.delete(:tags) || []
+ if rails_env
+ tags << rails_env
+ else
+ tags << rack_env
+ end
+ configuration_tags = []
+ if Raygun.configuration.tags.is_a?(Proc)
+ configuration_tags =, env)
+ else
+ configuration_tags = Raygun.configuration.tags
+ end
+ Raygun.log('set tags')
+ grouping_key = env.delete(:grouping_key)
+ correlation_id = env.delete(:correlation_id)
+ configuration_custom_data = Raygun.configuration.custom_data
+ configured_custom_data = if configuration_custom_data.is_a?(Proc)
+, env)
+ else
+ configuration_custom_data
+ end
+ Raygun.log('set custom data')
+ error_details = {
+ machineName: hostname,
+ version: version,
+ client: client_details,
+ error: error_details(exception_instance),
+ userCustomData: exception_custom_data.merge(custom_data).merge(configured_custom_data),
+ tags: configuration_tags.concat(tags).compact.uniq,
+ request: request_information(env),
+ environment: {
+ utcOffset: / 3600
+ }
+ }
+ store = ::Raygun::Breadcrumbs::Store
+ error_details[:breadcrumbs] = store.take_until_size(MAX_BREADCRUMBS_SIZE).map(&:build_payload) if store.any?
+ Raygun.log('set details and breadcrumbs')
+ error_details.merge!(groupingKey: grouping_key) if grouping_key
+ error_details.merge!(correlationId: correlation_id) if correlation_id
+ user_details = if affected_user_present?(env)
+ user_information(env)
+ elsif user != nil
+ AffectedUser.information_hash(user)
+ end
+ error_details.merge!(user: user_details) unless user_details == nil
+ Raygun.log('set user details')
+ if Raygun.configuration.filter_payload_with_whitelist
+ Raygun.log('filtering payload with whitelist')
+ error_details = filter_payload_with_whitelist(error_details)
+ end
+ {
+ occurredOn:,
+ details: error_details
+ }
+ end
+ def create_entry(payload_hash)
+ Raygun.log('sending payload to api')
+ "/entries",
+ verify_peer: true,
+ verify: true,
+ headers: @headers,
+ body: JSON.generate(payload_hash),
+ )
+ end
+ def filter_params_with_blacklist(params_hash = {}, extra_filter_keys = nil)
+ filter_parameters = Raygun.configuration.filter_parameters
+ if filter_parameters.is_a? Proc
+ else
+ filter_keys = (Array(extra_filter_keys) + filter_parameters).map(&:to_s)
+ filter_params_with_array(params_hash, filter_keys)
+ end
+ end
+ def filter_payload_with_whitelist(payload_hash)
+ shape = Raygun.configuration.whitelist_payload_shape
+ if shape.is_a? Proc
+ else
+ # Always keep the client hash, so force it to true here
+ true), payload_hash)
+ end
+ end
+ def filter_params_with_array(params_hash, filter_keys)
+ # Recursive filtering of (nested) hashes
+ (params_hash || {}).inject({}) do |result, (k, v)|
+ result[k] = case v
+ when Hash
+ filter_params_with_array(v, filter_keys)
+ else
+ filter_keys.any? { |fk| /#{fk}/i === k.to_s } ? "[FILTERED]" : v
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ def ip_address_from(env_hash)
+ ENV_IP_ADDRESS_KEYS.each do |key_to_try|
+ return env_hash[key_to_try] unless env_hash[key_to_try].nil? || env_hash[key_to_try] == ""
+ end
+ "(Not Available)"
+ end
+ def print_api_key_warning
+ $stderr.puts(NO_API_KEY_MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end