lib/rawbotz/views/order/non_remote.haml in rawbotz-0.1.5 vs lib/rawbotz/views/order/non_remote.haml in rawbotz-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,62 +1,139 @@
= haml "orders/menu".to_sym
+ $( function() {
+ $( document ).tooltip();
+ });
%h1 Non-Remote Order for supplier #{}
-- if @mail_preview.to_s != ""
- %h2 Mail preview
- %pre~ @mail_preview
- %a{:href => "mailto:#{}?Subject=Order&body=%s" % URI::escape(@mail_preview).gsub(/&/,'%26')} Open mail
- %br
+ - if @supplier.order_info.present?
+ #flash.ui-state-highlight
+ = info_icon
+ %b Delivery info:
+ = @supplier.order_info
+ - if @supplier.delivery_time_days
+ #flash.ui-state-highlight
+ = info_icon
+ %b Delivery Time (in days):
+ = @supplier.delivery_time_days
+ - if @supplier.minimum_order_value
+ #flash.ui-state-highlight
+ = info_icon
+ %b Minimum Order Value
+ = @supplier.minimum_order_value
+ €
+ - if @supplier.order_info.present? || @supplier.delivery_time_days || @supplier.minimum_order_value
+ %br
%form#non_remote_order.pure-form(action="" method="post")
%input(name="supplier_id" type="hidden" value="#{}")
- %table.pure-table
+ %table.pure-table.pure-table-striped
%th Name
%th Qty
- %th Packsize
- %th Rough Avg. sales/ m
+ %th(title="Packsize")
+ = packsize_icon
+ %th Avg. sales / m
%th Stock
+ %th Missing
+ %th Purchase Price
%th Chart
- - @products.find_each do |product|
- %tr
+ - @order.order_items.find_each do |order_item|
+ - product = order_item.local_product
+ - product_monthly_sales = @monthly_sales && @monthly_sales[product.product_id]
+ - product_stock = @stock[product.product_id]
+ %tr(title="Complete sales info")
= product_link product
- if product.supplier_prod_name
= product.supplier_sku
= product.supplier_prod_name
- %td
- = haml "widgets/_qty_wished_input".to_sym, locals: {product: product, input_id_num:}
- %td
+ - if product.order_info.present?
+ #flash.ui-state-highlight
+ = error_icon
+ = product.order_info
+ %td(title="Quantity to order")
+ - if @order.state == "new"
+ = haml "widgets/_qty_wished_input".to_sym, locals: {product: product, input_id_num:, num_wished: order_item.num_wished}
+ - else
+ %input.qty{readonly: true, value: order_item.num_wished, size: 2}
+ %td(title="Packsize of product")
- if product.packsize.present?
= product.packsize
- else
+ %td(title="Monthly sales of product")
+ = product_monthly_sales
+ %td(title="Product Stock")
+ = product_stock
+ %td(title="Predicted quantity missing to stock for 30 days")
+ - if product_stock && product_monthly_sales
+ -# red/yellow/green
+ -# if negative, put button
+ = product_stock - product_monthly_sales
+ %td(title="Purchase Price")
+ - if product.purchase_price
+ = product.purchase_price
+ €
- - if @monthly_sales
- = @monthly_sales[product.product_id]
- %td
- = @stock[product.product_id]
- %td
- stock_url = "/product/#{}/stock_sales_plot"
%a.stock_show_action{:href => "", :data => {url: stock_url, product:}}
+ %br
+ %center
+ Total price (updates on 'Save' click):
+ %br
+ %b
+ = "%.2f" % @order.order_items.inject(0.0) {|acc, oi| acc += oi.num_wished.to_i * oi.local_product.purchase_price.to_f}
+ €
+ - if @order.order_items.detect{|oi| oi.num_wished.to_i > 0 && oi.local_product.purchase_price.present?}
+ \... plus products without purchase price
+ %br
+ .br
+ %table.pure-table.pure-table-bordered(width="100%")
+ %thead
+ %tr
+ %th
+ %label(for="internal_comment")
+ Internal Comment
+ %th
+ %label(for="public")
+ Public Comment
+ %tbody
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %textarea#internal_comment(name="internal_comment")~ @order.internal_comment
+ %td
+ %textarea#public_comment(name="public_comment")~ @order.public_comment
- %button.pure-button.pure-button-primary
- %i.fa.fa-envelope
- Show me the mail!
+ %h2 Actions
+ - if @order.state != "deleted" && @order.state != "mailed"
+ %button.pure-button.pure-button-primary(name="action" value="save")
+ = save_icon
+ Save
+ - if @order.state != "deleted" && @order.state != "mailed"
+ %button.pure-button.pure-button-secondary(name="action" value="fix")
+ Save and fix, mark as mailed
+ - if @order.state != "deleted"
+ %button.pure-button.pure-button-primary(name="action" value="delete")
+ Delete
-# %i.fa.fa-envelope
-# Open mail
-# $("#ajax_mailto").click(function(e){
@@ -76,10 +153,27 @@
-# });
-#Edit supplier ...
-%h2 Mail template
-%pre~ @supplier.order_template
- Edit template
+- if @mail_preview_text.to_s != ""
+ %table.pure-table
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %h2 Mail preview
+ %pre~ "SUBJECT: #{@mail_preview_subject}"
+ %pre~ "TO: #{}"
+ %pre~ @mail_preview_text
+ %a{:href => @mailto_url, :target => 'rawbotz_mail_order'}
+ Open mail
+ %td
+ %h2 Mail template
+ %pre~ @supplier.order_template
+ %a.pure-button(href="/supplier/#{}#tab_order_settings")
+ Edit template
+ %br
+- else
+ %h2 Mail template
+ %pre~ @supplier.order_template
+ %a.pure-button(href="/supplier/#{}#tab_order_settings")
+ Edit template
+ %br