lib/rant/rantvar.rb in rant-0.4.6 vs lib/rant/rantvar.rb in rant-0.4.8
- old
+ new
@@ -14,18 +14,17 @@
# thus it acts as a namespace.
# If you're looking for general info about Rant, read the
# README[link:files/README.html].
module Rant
- VERSION = '0.4.6'
+ VERSION = '0.4.8'
# Those are the filenames for rantfiles.
# Case matters!
ROOT_RANTFILE = "root.rant"
SUB_RANTFILE = "sub.rant"
RANTFILES = [ "Rantfile", "rantfile", ROOT_RANTFILE ]
- DEPRECATED_RANTFILES = [ "Rantfile.rb", "rantfile.rb" ]
# Names of plugins and imports for which code was loaded.
# Files that where loaded with the `import' commant are directly
# added; files loaded with the `plugin' command are prefixed with
# "plugin/".
@@ -46,83 +45,9 @@
@__rant_no_value__ =
def self.__rant_no_value__
- module MetaUtils
- # Creates three accessor methods:
- # obj.attr_name:: Return value of instance variable
- # @attr_name
- # obj.attr_name = val:: Set value instance variable
- # @attr_name to val
- # obj.attr_name val:: same as above
- def rant_attr attr_name
- attr_name = valid_attr_name attr_name
- attr_writer attr_name
- module_eval <<-EOD
- def #{attr_name} val=Rant.__rant_no_value__
- if val.equal? Rant.__rant_no_value__
- @#{attr_name}
- else
- @#{attr_name} = val
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- # Creates three accessor methods:
- # obj.attr_name?:: Return value, true or false
- # obj.attr_name:: Set attribute to true
- # obj.no_attr_name:: Set attribute to false
- def rant_flag attr_name
- attr_name = valid_attr_name attr_name
- module_eval <<-EOD
- def #{attr_name}?
- @#{attr_name}
- end
- def #{attr_name}
- @#{attr_name} = true
- end
- def no_#{attr_name}
- @#{attr_name} = false
- end
- end
- # Creates accessor methods like #rant_attr for the attribute
- # attr_name. Additionally, values are converted with to_str
- # before assignment to instance variables happens.
- def string_attr attr_name
- attr_name = valid_attr_name attr_name
- module_eval <<-EOD
- def #{attr_name}=(val)
- if val.respond_to? :to_str
- @#{attr_name} = val.to_str
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "string (#to_str) value required", caller
- end
- end
- def #{attr_name} val=Rant.__rant_no_value__
- if val.equal? Rant.__rant_no_value__
- @#{attr_name}
- else
- self.__send__(:#{attr_name}=, val)
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- # attr_name is converted to a string with #to_s and has to
- # match /^\w+$/. Returns attr_name.to_s.
- def valid_attr_name attr_name
- attr_name = attr_name.to_s
- attr_name =~ /^\w+$/ or
- raise ArgumentError,
- "argument has to match /^\w+$/", caller
- attr_name
- end
- end # module MetaUtils
module RantVar
class Error < Rant::Error