Rakefile in rango- vs Rakefile in rango-0.2.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require_relative "lib/rango/version"
# ENV setup for external commands
-ENV["RUBYLIB"] = Dir["vendor/*/lib"].join(":")
+ENV["RUBYLIB"] = Dir["gems/gems/*/lib"].join(":")
# http://support.runcoderun.com/faqs/builds/how-do-i-run-rake-with-trace-enabled
Rake.application.options.trace = true
+task :bundle do
+ # NOTE: the sense of the checkout is to avoid overwriting our changes in scripts
+ exec "gem bundle --cached && git checkout script"
# default task for RunCodeRun.com
-task :default => ["submodules:init", :spec]
+task :default => [:bundle, :spec]
# load tasks
Dir["tasks/*.rake"].each do |taskfile|
load File.join(Dir.pwd, taskfile)