spec/rake/funnel/tasks/zip_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.3.2.pre vs spec/rake/funnel/tasks/zip_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.4.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-include Rake
-include Rake::Funnel::Support
-describe Rake::Funnel::Tasks::Zip do
- before {
- Task.clear
- }
- describe 'defaults' do
- its(:name) { should == :package }
- its(:source) { should eq([]) }
- its(:target) { should be_nil }
- its(:zip_root) { should be_nil }
- end
- describe 'execution' do
- let(:source) { %w(bin/1 bin/2 bin/3/4) }
- let(:finder) { instance_double(Finder).as_null_object }
- before {
- allow(finder).to receive(:all_or_default).and_return(source)
- allow(Finder).to receive(:new).and_return(finder)
- }
- before {
- allow(Zipper).to receive(:zip)
- allow(Rake).to receive(:rake_output_message)
- }
- subject {
- described_class.new do |t|
- t.source = source
- t.target = 'some path/file.zip'
- t.zip_root = 'zip root'
- end
- }
- before {
- Task[subject.name].invoke
- }
- it 'should delegate to Zipper' do
- expect(Zipper).to have_received(:zip).with(subject.source, subject.target, subject.zip_root)
- end
- it 'should report the created zip file' do
- expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with("Created #{subject.target}")
- end
- end
+include Rake
+include Rake::Funnel::Support
+describe Rake::Funnel::Tasks::Zip do
+ before {
+ Task.clear
+ }
+ describe 'defaults' do
+ its(:name) { should == :package }
+ its(:source) { should eq([]) }
+ its(:target) { should be_nil }
+ its(:zip_root) { should be_nil }
+ end
+ describe 'execution' do
+ let(:source) { %w(bin/1 bin/2 bin/3/4) }
+ let(:finder) { instance_double(Finder).as_null_object }
+ before {
+ allow(finder).to receive(:all_or_default).and_return(source)
+ allow(Finder).to receive(:new).and_return(finder)
+ }
+ before {
+ allow(Zipper).to receive(:zip)
+ allow(Rake).to receive(:rake_output_message)
+ }
+ subject {
+ described_class.new do |t|
+ t.source = source
+ t.target = 'some path/file.zip'
+ t.zip_root = 'zip root'
+ end
+ }
+ before {
+ Task[subject.name].invoke
+ }
+ it 'should delegate to Zipper' do
+ expect(Zipper).to have_received(:zip).with(subject.source, subject.target, subject.zip_root)
+ end
+ it 'should report the created zip file' do
+ expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with("Created #{subject.target}")
+ end
+ end