spec/rake/funnel/tasks/msdeploy_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.3.2.pre vs spec/rake/funnel/tasks/msdeploy_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.4.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,220 +1,220 @@
-include Rake
-include Rake::Funnel
-include Rake::Funnel::Support
-include Rake::Funnel::Support::MSDeploy
-describe Rake::Funnel::Tasks::MSDeploy do
- before {
- Task.clear
- }
- describe 'defaults' do
- its(:name) { should == :msdeploy }
- its(:msdeploy) { should == 'msdeploy' }
- its(:log_file) { should == 'msdeploy.log' }
- its(:args) { should == {} }
- context 'when task name is specified' do
- it 'should have a default log file equal to the task name' do
- expect(described_class.new(:foo).log_file).to eq('foo.log')
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'execution' do
- let(:msdeploy) { 'msdeploy' }
- let(:args) { {} }
- subject {
- described_class.new do |t|
- t.msdeploy = msdeploy
- t.args = args
- end
- }
- before {
- allow(subject).to receive(:shell)
- allow(RegistryPatch).to receive(:new).and_yield
- }
- describe 'argument mapping and invocation' do
- let(:mapper) { double(Mapper).as_null_object }
- before {
- allow(Mapper).to receive(:new).and_return(mapper)
- }
- before {
- Task[subject.name].invoke
- }
- it 'should use MSDeploy mapper' do
- expect(Mapper).to have_received(:new).with(:MSDeploy)
- end
- it 'should map arguments' do
- expect(mapper).to have_received(:map).with(args)
- end
- it 'should run with shell' do
- expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(/^msdeploy /,
- {
- log_file: 'msdeploy.log',
- error_lines: /^(error|[\w\.]*exception)/i
- })
- end
- end
- describe 'arg examples' do
- before {
- Task[subject.name].invoke
- }
- context 'skip actions' do
- let (:args) {
- {
- verb: :sync,
- source: {
- content_path: 'deploy'
- },
- dest: {
- computer_name: 'remote.example.com',
- username: 'bob',
- password: 'secret',
- auto: true
- },
- skip: [
- { directory: 'logs' },
- {
- object_name: 'filePath',
- skip_action: 'Delete',
- absolute_path: 'App_Offline\.htm$'
- }
- ],
- use_checksum: nil,
- allow_untrusted: nil
- }
- }
- it 'should succeed' do
- args = %w(
- msdeploy
- -verb:sync
- -source:contentPath=deploy
- -dest:computerName=remote.example.com,username=bob,password=secret,auto=true
- -skip:directory=logs
- -skip:objectName=filePath,skipAction=Delete,absolutePath=App_Offline\.htm$
- -useChecksum
- -allowUntrusted
- )
- expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args.join(' '), be_an_instance_of(Hash))
- end
- end
- context 'runCommand' do
- let(:args) {
- {
- verb: :sync,
- source: {
- run_command: 'cd "C:\Program Files"',
- wait_interval: 1
- },
- dest: {
- computer_name: 'remote.example.com',
- username: 'bob',
- password: 'secret',
- auto: true
- }
- }
- }
- it 'should succeed' do
- args = %w(
- msdeploy
- -verb:sync
- -source:runCommand="cd ""C:\Program Files""",waitInterval=1
- -dest:computerName=remote.example.com,username=bob,password=secret,auto=true
- )
- expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args.join(' '), be_an_instance_of(Hash))
- end
- end
- context 'preSync runCommand' do
- let(:args) {
- {
- verb: :sync,
- pre_sync: {
- run_command: 'cd "C:\Program Files"',
- dont_use_command_exe: :true
- },
- source: {
- content_path: 'deploy'
- },
- dest: {
- computer_name: 'remote.example.com',
- username: 'bob',
- password: 'secret'
- }
- }
- }
- it 'should succeed' do
- args = %w(
- msdeploy
- -verb:sync
- -preSync:runCommand="cd ""C:\Program Files""",dontUseCommandExe=true
- -source:contentPath=deploy
- -dest:computerName=remote.example.com,username=bob,password=secret
- )
- expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args.join(' '), be_an_instance_of(Hash))
- end
- end
- end
- describe "MSDeploy's idiocy" do
- before {
- Task[subject.name].invoke
- }
- describe 'version registry value that is required to exist' do
- it 'should patch the registry' do
- expect(RegistryPatch).to have_received(:new)
- end
- end
- describe 'command line parser that requires quotes inside but not outside parameters' do
- let(:msdeploy) { 'path to/msdeploy' }
- let(:args) {
- {
- 'simple key' => 'simple value',
- hash: {
- 'hash key 1' => 'hash value 1',
- 'hash key 2' => 'hash value 2'
- },
- array: ['array value 1', 'array value 2'],
- 'some flag' => nil
- }
- }
- it 'should quote the string' do
- args = '"path to/msdeploy" -"simple key":"simple value" -hash:"hash key 1"="hash value 1","hash key 2"="hash value 2" -array:"array value 1" -array:"array value 2" -"some flag"'
- args = %w(
- "path to/msdeploy"
- -"simple key":"simple value"
- -hash:"hash key 1"="hash value 1","hash key 2"="hash value 2"
- -array:"array value 1"
- -array:"array value 2"
- -"some flag"
- ).join(' ')
- expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args, be_an_instance_of(Hash))
- end
- end
- end
- end
+include Rake
+include Rake::Funnel
+include Rake::Funnel::Support
+include Rake::Funnel::Support::MSDeploy
+describe Rake::Funnel::Tasks::MSDeploy do
+ before {
+ Task.clear
+ }
+ describe 'defaults' do
+ its(:name) { should == :msdeploy }
+ its(:msdeploy) { should == 'msdeploy' }
+ its(:log_file) { should == 'msdeploy.log' }
+ its(:args) { should == {} }
+ context 'when task name is specified' do
+ it 'should have a default log file equal to the task name' do
+ expect(described_class.new(:foo).log_file).to eq('foo.log')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'execution' do
+ let(:msdeploy) { 'msdeploy' }
+ let(:args) { {} }
+ subject {
+ described_class.new do |t|
+ t.msdeploy = msdeploy
+ t.args = args
+ end
+ }
+ before {
+ allow(subject).to receive(:shell)
+ allow(RegistryPatch).to receive(:new).and_yield
+ }
+ describe 'argument mapping and invocation' do
+ let(:mapper) { double(Mapper).as_null_object }
+ before {
+ allow(Mapper).to receive(:new).and_return(mapper)
+ }
+ before {
+ Task[subject.name].invoke
+ }
+ it 'should use MSDeploy mapper' do
+ expect(Mapper).to have_received(:new).with(:MSDeploy)
+ end
+ it 'should map arguments' do
+ expect(mapper).to have_received(:map).with(args)
+ end
+ it 'should run with shell' do
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(/^msdeploy /,
+ {
+ log_file: 'msdeploy.log',
+ error_lines: /^(error|[\w\.]*exception)/i
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'arg examples' do
+ before {
+ Task[subject.name].invoke
+ }
+ context 'skip actions' do
+ let (:args) {
+ {
+ verb: :sync,
+ source: {
+ content_path: 'deploy'
+ },
+ dest: {
+ computer_name: 'remote.example.com',
+ username: 'bob',
+ password: 'secret',
+ auto: true
+ },
+ skip: [
+ { directory: 'logs' },
+ {
+ object_name: 'filePath',
+ skip_action: 'Delete',
+ absolute_path: 'App_Offline\.htm$'
+ }
+ ],
+ use_checksum: nil,
+ allow_untrusted: nil
+ }
+ }
+ it 'should succeed' do
+ args = %w(
+ msdeploy
+ -verb:sync
+ -source:contentPath=deploy
+ -dest:computerName=remote.example.com,username=bob,password=secret,auto=true
+ -skip:directory=logs
+ -skip:objectName=filePath,skipAction=Delete,absolutePath=App_Offline\.htm$
+ -useChecksum
+ -allowUntrusted
+ )
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args.join(' '), be_an_instance_of(Hash))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'runCommand' do
+ let(:args) {
+ {
+ verb: :sync,
+ source: {
+ run_command: 'cd "C:\Program Files"',
+ wait_interval: 1
+ },
+ dest: {
+ computer_name: 'remote.example.com',
+ username: 'bob',
+ password: 'secret',
+ auto: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it 'should succeed' do
+ args = %w(
+ msdeploy
+ -verb:sync
+ -source:runCommand="cd ""C:\Program Files""",waitInterval=1
+ -dest:computerName=remote.example.com,username=bob,password=secret,auto=true
+ )
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args.join(' '), be_an_instance_of(Hash))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'preSync runCommand' do
+ let(:args) {
+ {
+ verb: :sync,
+ pre_sync: {
+ run_command: 'cd "C:\Program Files"',
+ dont_use_command_exe: :true
+ },
+ source: {
+ content_path: 'deploy'
+ },
+ dest: {
+ computer_name: 'remote.example.com',
+ username: 'bob',
+ password: 'secret'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it 'should succeed' do
+ args = %w(
+ msdeploy
+ -verb:sync
+ -preSync:runCommand="cd ""C:\Program Files""",dontUseCommandExe=true
+ -source:contentPath=deploy
+ -dest:computerName=remote.example.com,username=bob,password=secret
+ )
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args.join(' '), be_an_instance_of(Hash))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "MSDeploy's idiocy" do
+ before {
+ Task[subject.name].invoke
+ }
+ describe 'version registry value that is required to exist' do
+ it 'should patch the registry' do
+ expect(RegistryPatch).to have_received(:new)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'command line parser that requires quotes inside but not outside parameters' do
+ let(:msdeploy) { 'path to/msdeploy' }
+ let(:args) {
+ {
+ 'simple key' => 'simple value',
+ hash: {
+ 'hash key 1' => 'hash value 1',
+ 'hash key 2' => 'hash value 2'
+ },
+ array: ['array value 1', 'array value 2'],
+ 'some flag' => nil
+ }
+ }
+ it 'should quote the string' do
+ args = '"path to/msdeploy" -"simple key":"simple value" -hash:"hash key 1"="hash value 1","hash key 2"="hash value 2" -array:"array value 1" -array:"array value 2" -"some flag"'
+ args = %w(
+ "path to/msdeploy"
+ -"simple key":"simple value"
+ -hash:"hash key 1"="hash value 1","hash key 2"="hash value 2"
+ -array:"array value 1"
+ -array:"array value 2"
+ -"some flag"
+ ).join(' ')
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:shell).with(args, be_an_instance_of(Hash))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end