spec/rake/funnel/support/copier_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.3.2.pre vs spec/rake/funnel/support/copier_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.4.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-describe Rake::Funnel::Support::Copier do
- let(:source) { files + directories }
- let(:files) { %w(bin/1 bin/2 bin/3/4 bin/directory/file) }
- let(:directories) { %w(bin/directory bin/directory-no-content) }
- let(:target) { 'target path' }
- context 'failure' do
- context 'target not defined' do
- let(:target) { nil }
- it 'should fail' do
- expect { described_class.copy([], nil) }.to raise_error(/Target not defined/)
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'recursive copy' do
- before {
- allow(File).to receive(:directory?).and_return(false)
- directories.each do |dir|
- allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with(dir).and_return(true)
- end
- allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p)
- allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:cp)
- }
- before {
- described_class.copy(source, target)
- }
- def no_prefix(file)
- file.sub(%r|bin/|, '')
- end
- it 'should create target directories' do
- expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.join(target, '3'))
- expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.join(target, 'directory'))
- end
- it 'should skip source directories' do
- directories.each do |dir|
- expect(RakeFileUtils).not_to have_received(:cp).with(dir, anything)
- end
- end
- it 'should copy files with common path removed' do
- files.each do |file|
- target_path = File.join(target, no_prefix(file))
- expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:cp).with(file, target_path, anything)
- end
- end
- it 'should preserve metdata' do
- expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:cp).with(anything, anything, { preserve: true }).exactly(files.length).times
- end
- end
+describe Rake::Funnel::Support::Copier do
+ let(:source) { files + directories }
+ let(:files) { %w(bin/1 bin/2 bin/3/4 bin/directory/file) }
+ let(:directories) { %w(bin/directory bin/directory-no-content) }
+ let(:target) { 'target path' }
+ context 'failure' do
+ context 'target not defined' do
+ let(:target) { nil }
+ it 'should fail' do
+ expect { described_class.copy([], nil) }.to raise_error(/Target not defined/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'recursive copy' do
+ before {
+ allow(File).to receive(:directory?).and_return(false)
+ directories.each do |dir|
+ allow(File).to receive(:directory?).with(dir).and_return(true)
+ end
+ allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p)
+ allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:cp)
+ }
+ before {
+ described_class.copy(source, target)
+ }
+ def no_prefix(file)
+ file.sub(%r|bin/|, '')
+ end
+ it 'should create target directories' do
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.join(target, '3'))
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.join(target, 'directory'))
+ end
+ it 'should skip source directories' do
+ directories.each do |dir|
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).not_to have_received(:cp).with(dir, anything)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should copy files with common path removed' do
+ files.each do |file|
+ target_path = File.join(target, no_prefix(file))
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:cp).with(file, target_path, anything)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should preserve metdata' do
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:cp).with(anything, anything, preserve: true).exactly(files.length).times
+ end
+ end