spec/rake/funnel/integration/teamcity/nunit_plugin_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.3.2.pre vs spec/rake/funnel/integration/teamcity/nunit_plugin_spec.rb in rake-funnel-0.4.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
-include Rake::Funnel::Support
-describe Rake::Funnel::Integration::TeamCity::NUnitPlugin do
- before {
- allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with(described_class::ENV_VAR).and_return(env_var)
- allow(Which).to receive(:which).and_return(which)
- allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([])
- allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p)
- allow(Rake).to receive(:rake_output_message)
- }
- before {
- allow(BinaryVersionReader).to receive(:read_from).with(which).and_return(nunit_version)
- }
- describe 'success' do
- let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
- let(:addin_dlls) { [env_var + 'addin.dll'] }
- let(:which) { 'path/to/nunit-console.exe' }
- let(:nunit_version) { VersionInfo.new({ file_version: '' }) }
- let(:plugin_version) { nunit_version.file_version.split('.').take(3).join('.') }
- before {
- allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(addin_dlls)
- allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:cp)
- }
- before {
- described_class.setup('nunit-console.exe')
- }
- it 'should create addin directory' do
- expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.join(File.dirname(which), 'addins'))
- end
- it 'should enumerate addin files' do
- expect(Dir).to have_received(:glob).with(/#{Regexp.escape("#{env_var}-#{plugin_version}\.*")}$/)
- end
- it 'should copy the addin from TeamCity to NUnit' do
- expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:cp).with(addin_dlls, File.join(File.dirname(which), 'addins'), { preserve: true })
- end
- it 'should report that the addin is installed' do
- expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with("Installing TeamCity NUnit addin for version #{plugin_version} in #{which}")
- end
- context 'Windows-style path in environment variable', platform: :win32 do
- let(:env_var) { 'C:\path\to\nunit plugins\nunit-' }
- it 'should convert path to Ruby-style' do
- expect(Dir).to have_received(:glob).with(%r|^C:/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit-|)
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'failures' do
- let(:env_var) { nil }
- let(:which) { nil }
- let(:nunit_version) { VersionInfo.new }
- before {
- described_class.setup('nunit-console.exe')
- }
- context 'TeamCity plugin path not in environment' do
- let(:env_var) { nil }
- it 'should skip reading the version' do
- expect(BinaryVersionReader).to_not have_received(:read_from)
- end
- end
- context 'NUnit executable not found' do
- let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
- let(:which) { nil }
- it 'should skip reading the version' do
- expect(BinaryVersionReader).to_not have_received(:read_from)
- end
- end
- context 'NUnit executable without version' do
- let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
- let(:which) { 'path/to/nunit-console.exe' }
- it 'should report that the version could not be read' do
- expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with("Could read version from NUnit executable in #{which}")
- end
- it 'should skip' do
- expect(Dir).not_to have_received(:glob)
- end
- end
- context 'plugin for NUnit version not available' do
- let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
- let(:which) { 'path/to/nunit-console.exe' }
- let(:nunit_version) { VersionInfo.new({ file_version: '' }) }
- it 'should report that the addin version is not available' do
- expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with(/Could not find TeamCity NUnit addin for version 1\.2\.3 in .*#{env_var}$/)
- end
- it 'should skip' do
- expect(RakeFileUtils).not_to have_received(:mkdir_p)
- end
- end
- end
+include Rake::Funnel::Support
+describe Rake::Funnel::Integration::TeamCity::NUnitPlugin do
+ before {
+ allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with(described_class::ENV_VAR).and_return(env_var)
+ allow(Which).to receive(:which).and_return(which)
+ allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([])
+ allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p)
+ allow(Rake).to receive(:rake_output_message)
+ }
+ before {
+ allow(BinaryVersionReader).to receive(:read_from).with(which).and_return(nunit_version)
+ }
+ describe 'success' do
+ let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
+ let(:addin_dlls) { [env_var + 'addin.dll'] }
+ let(:which) { 'path/to/nunit-console.exe' }
+ let(:nunit_version) { VersionInfo.new({ file_version: '' }) }
+ let(:plugin_version) { nunit_version.file_version.split('.').take(3).join('.') }
+ before {
+ allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(addin_dlls)
+ allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:cp)
+ }
+ before {
+ described_class.setup('nunit-console.exe')
+ }
+ it 'should create addin directory' do
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(File.join(File.dirname(which), 'addins'))
+ end
+ it 'should enumerate addin files' do
+ expect(Dir).to have_received(:glob).with(/#{Regexp.escape("#{env_var}-#{plugin_version}\.*")}$/)
+ end
+ it 'should copy the addin from TeamCity to NUnit' do
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:cp).with(addin_dlls, File.join(File.dirname(which), 'addins'), preserve: true)
+ end
+ it 'should report that the addin is installed' do
+ expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with("Installing TeamCity NUnit addin for version #{plugin_version} in #{which}")
+ end
+ context 'Windows-style path in environment variable', platform: :win32 do
+ let(:env_var) { 'C:\path\to\nunit plugins\nunit-' }
+ it 'should convert path to Ruby-style' do
+ expect(Dir).to have_received(:glob).with(%r|^C:/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit-|)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'failures' do
+ let(:env_var) { nil }
+ let(:which) { nil }
+ let(:nunit_version) { VersionInfo.new }
+ before {
+ described_class.setup('nunit-console.exe')
+ }
+ context 'TeamCity plugin path not in environment' do
+ let(:env_var) { nil }
+ it 'should skip reading the version' do
+ expect(BinaryVersionReader).to_not have_received(:read_from)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'NUnit executable not found' do
+ let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
+ let(:which) { nil }
+ it 'should skip reading the version' do
+ expect(BinaryVersionReader).to_not have_received(:read_from)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'NUnit executable without version' do
+ let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
+ let(:which) { 'path/to/nunit-console.exe' }
+ it 'should report that the version could not be read' do
+ expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with("Could read version from NUnit executable in #{which}")
+ end
+ it 'should skip' do
+ expect(Dir).not_to have_received(:glob)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'plugin for NUnit version not available' do
+ let(:env_var) { '/path/to/nunit plugins/nunit' }
+ let(:which) { 'path/to/nunit-console.exe' }
+ let(:nunit_version) { VersionInfo.new({ file_version: '' }) }
+ it 'should report that the addin version is not available' do
+ expect(Rake).to have_received(:rake_output_message).with(/Could not find TeamCity NUnit addin for version 1\.2\.3 in .*#{env_var}$/)
+ end
+ it 'should skip' do
+ expect(RakeFileUtils).not_to have_received(:mkdir_p)
+ end
+ end
+ end