README.rdoc in rake-compiler-0.6.0 vs README.rdoc in rake-compiler-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
= rake-compiler
-rake-compiler aims to help Gem developers while dealing with Ruby C
-extensions, simplifying the code and reducing the duplication.
+rake-compiler aims to help Gem developers deal with Ruby extensions, simplifying
+code and reducing duplication.
-It follows *convention over configuration* and set an standardized
-structure to build and package C extensions in your gems.
+It followss *convention over configuration* and sets a standardized structure to
+build and package both C and Java extensions in your gems.
-This is the result of experiences dealing with several Gems that required
-native extensions across platforms and different user configurations
-where details like portability and clarity of code were lacking.
+This is the result of experiences dealing with several Gems that required native
+extensions across platforms and different user configurations where details like
+portability and clarity of code were lacking.
== An Overview
Let's summarize what rake-compiler provides:
* No custom rake tasks required. Less code duplication and errors.
* Painlessly build extensions on different platforms (Linux, OSX and Windows).
+* Painlessly build extensions for different Ruby implementations (JRuby,
+ Rubinius and MRI).
* Allow multiple extensions be compiled inside the same gem.
-* Mimics RubyGems installation process, so helps as test environment.
+* Mimics RubyGems installation process, so helps as a test environment.
* Simplify cross platform compilation of extensions (target Windows from Linux).
== I'm sold! show me how to use it! (Installation)
@@ -30,29 +33,23 @@
First, you need to install the gem:
$ gem install rake-compiler
-Since this package is in constant evolution, you could try installing it
-from GitHub:
- $ gem install luislavena-rake-compiler --source
-The development gem is usually in pretty good shape actually.
== Now what? (Usage)
Now that you have the gem installed, let's give your project some structure.
=== Structure
Let's say we want to compile an extension called 'hello_world', so we should
-organize the code and folders that will help rake-compiler do it's job:
+organize the code and folders that will help rake-compiler do its job:
|-- ext
| `-- hello_world
| |-- extconf.rb
+ | |--
| `-- hello_world.c
|-- lib
`-- Rakefile
TIP: Having a consistent folder structure will help developers and newcomers
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=== Adding the code
So now it's time to introduce the code to compile our extension:
# File: Rakefile
require 'rake/extensiontask'
Ok, that's it. No other line of code.
+If we wanted to do the same for a JRuby extension (written in Java):
+ # File: Rakefile
+ require 'rake/javaextensiontask'
=== Compile process
Those *two* lines of code automatically added the needed rake tasks to build
-the hello_world extension:
+the hello_world extension. Running Rake on 1.8.x/1.9 (MRI):
$ rake -T
- (in /home/user/my_extesion)
+ (in /home/user/my_extension)
rake compile # Compile the extension(s)
rake compile:hello_world # Compile just the hello_world extension
Simply calling <tt>compile</tt>:
@@ -89,10 +94,14 @@
NOTE: Please be aware that building C extensions requires the proper
development environment for your Platform, which includes libraries, headers
and build tools. Check your distro / vendor documentation on how to install it.
+NOTE: Building Java extensions requires the <tt>javac</tt>, part of the Java
+Development Kit (JDK). This should be included by default on Mac OS X, and
+downloadable from for other operating systems.
=== Generate native gems
A common usage scenario of rake-compiler is generate native gems that bundles
your extensions.
@@ -139,10 +148,27 @@
File: my_gem-0.1.0-x86-mingw32.gem
mv my_gem-0.1.0-x86-mingw32.gem pkg/my_gem-0.1.0-x86-mingw32.gem
You get two gems for the price of one.
+And the same for JRuby extensions:
+ # rake java gem
+ (... compilation output ...)
+ mkdir -p pkg
+ Successfully built RubyGem
+ Name: my_gem
+ Version: 0.1.0
+ File: my_gem-0.1.0.gem
+ mv my_gem-0.1.0.gem pkg/my_gem-0.1.0.gem
+ Successfully built RubyGem
+ Name: my_gem
+ Version: 0.1.0
+ File: my_gem-0.1.0-java.gem
+ mv my_gem-0.1.0-java.gem pkg/my_gem-0.1.0-java.gem
=== What about breaking the standards? (Customization)
In case you want to bend the convention established, rake-compiler let you
personalize several settings for <tt>Rake::ExtensionTask</tt>:
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== Future is now: Cross compilation
rake-compiler provides now an standardized way to generate, from Linux or OSX
both extensions and gem binaries for Windows!
-It takes advantages from GCC host/target to build binaries (for target) on
+It takes advantages from GCC host/target to build binaries (for target) on
different OS (hosts).
=== How I enjoy this?
Besides having the development tool chain installed (GCC), you should install
also <tt>mingw32</tt> cross compilation package.
-This depends on your operating system distribution, a simple
-<tt>apt-get install mingw32</tt> will be enough.
+Installation depends will depend on your operating system/distribution. On
+Ubuntu and Debian machines, a simple <tt>apt-get install mingw32</tt> will be
-Please check OSX documentation about installing mingw32 from macports.
+On OSX, mingw32 is available via MacPorts: <tt>port install i386-mingw32-gcc</tt>
+(ensure you update your ports tree before hand as <tt>mingw32</tt> has been
+been broken).
=== I have my tool-chain, now what?
You need to build Ruby for Windows.
-Relax, no need to freak out. rake-compiler do it for you:
+Relax, no need to freak out! Let rake-compiler do it for you:
rake-compiler cross-ruby
And you're done. It will automatically download, configure and compile latest
stable version of Ruby for Windows, and place it into <tt>~/.rake-compiler</tt>
@@ -199,10 +228,15 @@'my_extension', gem_spec) do |ext|
ext.cross_compile = true # enable cross compilation (requires cross compile toolchain)
ext.cross_platform = 'i386-mswin32' # forces the Windows platform instead of the default one
# configure options only for cross compile
ext.cross_config_options << '--with-something'
+ # perform alterations on the gemspec when cross compiling
+ ext.cross_compiling do |gem_spec|
+ gem_spec.post_install_message = "You installed the binary version of this gem!"
+ end
By default, cross compilation targets 'i386-mingw32' which is default GCC platform
for Ruby.
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You can find more information about rake-compiler:
-=== Some of the desired features
-* <tt>Rake::JavaJarTask</tt> to generate <tt>jar</tt> packages and gems for JRuby.
- $ rake java gem
== Disclaimer
If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to contact the author. As always,
I'm not going to say "Use at your own risk" because I don't want this library