in rails_semantic_logger-1.6.0 vs in rails_semantic_logger-1.6.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,554 +1,40 @@
-Improved logging for Ruby on Rails
+Next generation logging system for Rails to support highly concurrent, high throughput, low latency systems
-## Overview
Rails Semantic Logger replaces the Rails default logger with [Semantic Logger](
-[Semantic Logger]( takes
-logging in Ruby to a new level by adding several new capabilities to the
-commonly used Logging API:
+## Documentation
-* Increase the log level at runtime for just one class
-* For example enable debug level logging for a single class (logging instance)
- while the program is running to get more detailed logging in production for just that class
+For complete documentation see:
-Tagged Logging
-* Supply custom data to be added to every log entry within a block of code,
- including libraries and existing gems
-* Tagged logging is critical for any high traffic site so that one can narrow
- down log entries for a single call that is mixed in with log entries
- from hundreds of other log entries
-High Performance
-* Logging is performed in a separate thread so as not to impact performance of
- running code
-* Custom formatting by destination
-* Easy to "roll your own" destination (Appender).
- For example to log to Hadoop, Redis, etc..
-Payload support
-* Aside from the regular log message, a hash payload can also be supplied with
- every log entry
-* Very powerful when logging to NOSQL destinations that allow queries against
- any data in the payload
-* Directly log exceptions
-* Semantic Logger standardizes the logging of exceptions with their backtraces
- to text destinations and writes the exception elements as a hash to NOSQL
- destinations
-Drop-in Replacement
-* Simple drop-in replacement for the Ruby, or the Rails loggers
-* Supports current common logging interface
-* No changes to existing to code to use new logger ( other than replacing the logger )
-Rails 2, 3 & 4 Support
-* Just include the semantic_logger gem into Rails and it will immediately
- replace the existing loggers to improve performance and information
- in the log files
-* The Rails 3 Tagged logging feature is already available for Rails 2 by using Semantic Logger
-* Rails 4 push_tags and pop_tags methods are supported
-Thread Aware
-* Includes the process and thread id information in every log entry
-* If running JRuby it will also include the name of the thread for every log entry
-Trace Level
-* :trace is a new level common in other languages and is commonly used for
- logging trace level detail. It is intended for logging data at level below
- :debug.
-* :trace can be used for logging the actual data sent or received over the network
- that is rarely needed but is critical when things are not working as expected.
-* Since :trace can be enabled on a per class basis it can even be turned on
- in production to resolve what was actually sent to an external vendor
-Multiple Destinations
-* Log to multiple destinations at the same time ( File and MongoDB, etc.. )
-* Each destination can also have its own log level.
- For example, only log :info and above to MongoDB, or :warn and above to a
- second log file
-* The performance of any block of code can be measured and logged at the same time
- depending on the active log level
-Semantic Capabilities
-* With Semantic Logger it is simple to mix-in additional semantic information with
-every log entry
-* The application or class name is automatically included for every log entry under
- a specific logging instance
-* Includes the duration of blocks of code
-* Any hash containing context specific information such as user_id or location information
-Beyond Tagged Logging
-* Supply entire hash of custom data to be added to the payload of every log entry
- within a block of code, including libraries and existing gems
-NOSQL Destinations
-* Every log entry is broken down into elements that NOSQL data stores can understand:
- "_id" : ObjectId("5034fa48e3f3fea945e83ef2"),
- "time" : ISODate("2012-08-22T15:27:04.409Z"),
- "host_name" : "release",
- "pid" : 16112,
- "thread_name" : "main",
- "name" : "UserLocator",
- "level" : "debug",
- "message" : "Fetch user information",
- "duration" : 12,
- "payload" : {
- "user" : "Jack",
- "zip_code" : 12345,
- "location" : "US"
- }
-Thread Safe
-* Semantic Logger is completely thread safe and all methods can be called
- concurrently from any thread
-* Tagged logging keeps any tagging data on a per-thread basis to ensure that
- tags from different threads are not inter-mingled
-## Introduction
-Just by including the rails_semantic_logger gem, Rails Semantic Logger will
-replace the default Rails logger with Semantic Logger. Without further
-configuration it will log to the existing Rails log file in a more efficient
-multi-threaded way.
-Extract from a Rails log file after adding the semantic_logger gem:
-2012-10-19 12:05:46.736 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] Rails --
-Started GET "/" for at 2012-10-19 12:05:46 +0000
-2012-10-19 12:05:47.318 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Processing by AdminController#index as HTML
-2012-10-19 12:05:47.633 D [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActiveRecord -- User Load (2.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
-2012-10-19 12:05:49.833 D [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActiveRecord -- Role Load (2.0ms) SELECT `roles`.* FROM `roles`
-2012-10-19 12:05:49.868 D [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActiveRecord -- Role Load (1.0ms) SELECT * FROM `roles` INNER JOIN `roles_users` ON `roles`.id = `roles_users`.role_id WHERE (`roles_users`.user_id = 1 )
-2012-10-19 12:05:49.885 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Rendered menus/_control_system.html.erb (98.0ms)
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.014 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Rendered layouts/_top_bar.html.erb (386.0ms)
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.071 D [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActiveRecord -- Announcement Load (20.0ms) SELECT `announcements`.* FROM `announcements` WHERE `announcements`.`active` = 1 ORDER BY created_at desc
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.072 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Rendered layouts/_announcement.html.erb (26.0ms)
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.083 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Rendered layouts/_flash.html.erb (4.0ms)
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.109 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Rendered layouts/_footer.html.erb (16.0ms)
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.109 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Rendered admin/index.html.erb within layouts/base (1329.0ms)
-2012-10-19 12:05:51.113 I [35940:JRubyWorker-10] ActionController -- Completed 200 OK in 3795ms (Views: 1349.0ms | ActiveRecord: 88.0ms | Mongo: 0.0ms)
-## Logging API
-### Standard Logging methods
-The Semantic Logger logging API supports the existing logging interface for
-the Rails and Ruby Loggers. For example:
-```ruby"Hello World")
-Or to query whether a specific log level is set
-The following logging methods are available
-trace(message, payload=nil, exception=nil, &block)
-debug(message, payload=nil, exception=nil, &block)
-info(message, payload=nil, exception=nil, &block)
-warn(message, payload=nil, exception=nil, &block)
-error(message, payload=nil, exception=nil, &block)
-fatal(message, payload=nil, exception=nil, &block)
-- message: The text message to log.
- Mandatory only if no block is supplied
-- payload: Optional, either a Ruby Exception object or a Hash
-- exception: Optional, Ruby Exception object. Allows both an exception and a payload to be logged
-- block: The optional block is executed only if the corresponding log level
- is active. Can be used to prevent unnecessary calculations of debug data in
- production.
-logger.debug("Calling Supplier")
-logger.debug("Calling Supplier", :request => 'update', :user => 'Jack')
-logger.debug { "A total of #{result.inject(0) {|sum, i| i+sum }} were processed" }
-## Exceptions
-The Semantic Logger adds an optional parameter to the existing log methods so that
-a corresponding Exception can be logged in a standard way
- # ... Code that can raise an exception
-rescue Exception => exception
- logger.error("Oops external call failed", exception)
- # Re-raise or handle the exception
- raise exception
-### Payload
-The Semantic Logger adds an extra parameter to the existing log methods so that
-additional payload can be logged, such as a Hash or a Ruby Exception object.
-```ruby"Oops external call failed", :result => :failed, :reason_code => -10)
-The additional payload is machine readable so that we don't have to write complex
-regular expressions so that a program can analyze log output. With the MongoDB
-appender the payload is written directly to MongoDB as part of the document and
-is therefore fully searchable
-### Benchmarking
-Another common logging requirement is to measure the time it takes to execute a block
-of code based on the log level. For example:
-Rails.logger.benchmark_info "Calling external interface" do
- # Code to call external service ...
-The following output will be written to file:
- 2012-08-30 15:37:29.474 I [48308:ScriptThreadProcess: script/rails] (5.2ms) Rails -- Calling external interface
-If an exception is raised during the block the exception is logged
-at the same log level as the benchmark along with the duration and message.
-The exception will flow through to the caller unchanged
-The following benchmarking methods are available
-benchmark_trace(message, params=nil, &block)
-benchmark_debug(message, params=nil, &block)
-benchmark_info(message, params=nil, &block)
-benchmark_warn(message, params=nil, &block)
-benchmark_error(message, params=nil, &block)
-benchmark_fatal(message, params=nil, &block)
-- message: The mandatory text message to log.
-- params:
- :log_exception
- Control whether or how an exception thrown in the block is
- reported by Semantic Logger. Values:
- :full
- Log the exception class, message, and backtrace
- :partial
- Log the exception class and messag
- The backtrace will not be logged
- :off
- Any unhandled exception from the block will not be logged
- :min_duration
- Only log if the block takes longer than this duration in ms
- Default: 0.0
- :payload
- Optional, Hash payload
- :exception
- Optional, Ruby Exception object to log along with the duration of the supplied block
-### Logging levels
-The following logging levels are available through Semantic Logger
- :trace, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
-The log levels are listed above in the order of precedence with the most detail to the least.
-For example :debug would include :info, :warn, :error, :fatal levels but not :trace
-And :fatal would only log :fatal error messages and nothing else
-:unknown has been mapped to :fatal for Rails and Ruby Logger
-:trace is a new level that is often used for tracing low level calls such
-as the data sent or received to external web services. It is also commonly used
-in the development environment for low level trace logging of methods calls etc.
-If only the rails logger is being used, then :trace level calls will be logged
-as debug calls only if the log level is set to trace
-### Changing the Class name for Log Entries
-When Semantic Logger is included in a Rails project it automatically replaces the
-loggers for Rails, ActiveRecord::Base, ActionController::Base, and ActiveResource::Base
-with wrappers that set their Class name. For example:
-ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
-By replacing their loggers we now get the class name in the text logging output:
- 2012-08-30 15:24:13.439 D [47900:main] ActiveRecord -- SQL (12.0ms) SELECT `schema_migrations`.`version` FROM `schema_migrations`
-It is recommended to include a class specific logger for all major classes that will
-be logging using the SemanticLogger::Loggable mix-in. For Example:
-require 'semantic_logger'
-class ExternalSupplier
- # Lazy load logger class variable on first use
- include SemanticLogger::Loggable
- def call_supplier(amount, name)
- logger.debug "Calculating with amount", { :amount => amount, :name => name }
- # Measure and log on completion how long the call took to the external supplier
- logger.benchmark_info "Calling external interface" do
- # Code to call the external supplier ...
- end
- end
-This will result in the log output identifying the log entry as from the ExternalSupplier class
- 2012-08-30 15:37:29.474 I [48308:ScriptThreadProcess: script/rails] (5.2ms) ExternalSupplier -- Calling external interface
-### Tagged Logging
-Semantic Logger allows any Ruby or Rails program to also include tagged logging.
-This means that any logging performed within a block, including any called
-libraries or gems to include the specified tag with every log entry.
-Using Tagged logging is critical in any highly concurrent environment so that
-one can quickly find all related log entries across all levels of code, and even
-across threads
-logger.tagged(tracking_number) do
- logger.debug("Hello World")
- # ...
-### Beyond Tagged Logging
-Blocks of code can be tagged with not only values, but can be tagged with
-entire hashes of data. The additional hash of data will be merged into
-the payload of every log entry
-For example every corresponding log entry could include a hash containing
-a user_id, name, region, zip_code, tracking_number, etc...
-logger.with_payload(:user => 'Jack', :zip_code => 12345) do
- logger.debug("Hello World")
- # ...
-### Installation
-Add the following line to Gemfile
-gem 'rails_semantic_logger'
-Install required gems with bundler
- bundle install
-This will automatically replace the standard Rails logger with Semantic Logger
-which will write all log data to the configured Rails logger.
-### Configuration
-By default Semantic Logger will detect the log level from Rails. To set the
-log level explicitly, add the following line to
-config/environments/production.rb inside the Application.configure block
-config.log_level = :trace
-#### MongoDB logging
-To log to both the Rails log file and MongoDB add the following lines to
-config/environments/production.rb inside the Application.configure block
-config.after_initialize do
- # Re-use the existing MongoDB connection, or create a new one here
- db =['production_logging']
- # Besides logging to the standard Rails logger, also log to MongoDB
- config.semantic_logger.add_appender
- :db => db,
- :collection_name => 'semantic_logger',
- :collection_size => 25.gigabytes
- )
-#### Logging to Syslog
-Configuring rails to also log to a local Syslog:
-config.after_initialize do
- config.semantic_logger.add_appender(
-Configuring rails to also log to a remote Syslog server such as syslog-ng over TCP:
-config.after_initialize do
- config.semantic_logger.add_appender( => 'tcp://myloghost:514'))
-#### Colorized Logging
-If the Rails colorized logging is enabled, then the colorized formatter will be used
-by default. To disable colorized logging in both Rails and SemanticLogger:
-config.colorize_logging = false
-## Custom Appenders and Formatters
-The format of data logged by Semantic Logger is specific to each appender.
-To change the text file log format in Rails SemanticLogger, create a rails initializer with the following code and customize as needed.
-For example: 'config/initializers/semantic_logger_formatter.rb'
-# Replace the format of the existing log file appender
-SemanticLogger.appenders.first.formatter = do |log|
- tags = log.tags.collect { |tag| "[#{tag}]" }.join(" ") + " " if log.tags && (log.tags.size > 0)
- message = log.message.to_s
- message << " -- " << log.payload.inspect if log.payload
- message << " -- " << "#{log.exception.class}: #{log.exception.message}\n#{(log.exception.backtrace || []).join("\n")}" if log.exception
- duration_str = log.duration ? "(#{'%.1f' % log.duration}ms) " : ''
- "#{SemanticLogger::Appender::Base.formatted_time(log.time)} #{log.level.to_s[0..0].upcase} [#{$$}:#{log.thread_name}] #{tags}#{duration_str}#{} : #{message}"
-To write your own appenders or formatting, see [SemanticLogger](
-## Log Rotation
-Since the log file is not re-opened with every call, when the log file needs
-to be rotated, use a copy-truncate operation rather than deleting the file.
-## Process Forking
-The following frameworks are automatically detected when rails is configured
-so that the necessary callbacks are registered to re-open appenders after a process fork:
-- Phusion Passenger
-- Resque
-### Unicorn
-With Unicorn, add the following code to you Unicorn configuration:
-# config/unicorn.conf.rb
-after_fork do |server, worker|
- # Re-open appenders after forking the process
- SemanticLogger.reopen
-### Puma
-If running Puma 2 in Clustered mode and you're preloading your application,
-add the following to your worker boot code:
-# config/puma.rb
-on_worker_boot do
- # Re-open appenders after forking the process
- SemanticLogger.reopen
## Dependencies
-- Ruby MRI 1.8.7, 1.9.3, 2.0 (or above) Or, JRuby 1.6.3 (or above)
-- Rails 2, 3, 4 or above
+- Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1 (and above) Or, JRuby 1.6.3 (or above)
+- Rails 2, 3, 4 and above
+## Meta
* Code: `git clone git://`
* Home: <>
* Bugs: <>
* Gems: <>
This project uses [Semantic Versioning](
+## Author
Reid Morrison :: :: @reidmorrison
+## Contributors
Marc Bellingrath ::
+## License
Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014 Reid Morrison
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.