lib/dt.rb in rails_dt-0.1.4 vs lib/dt.rb in rails_dt-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,227 +1,43 @@
-require "cgi"
-require "erb"
-Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "dt/**/*.rb")].each {|fn| require fn}
+require "logger"
+require "pathname"
-# Debug toolkit.
+# Ruby/Rails debug toolkit.
-# Allows to print debug messages from anywhere in your Rails project. Do a:
+# Features:
-# DT.p "Hello, world!"
+# * As simple as possible.
+# * Suits Rails projects and stand-alone Ruby projects.
+# * Has none or minimal dependencies.
+# * Compatible with Ruby 1.9 and up.
-# , and see the message in log, <tt>log/dt.log</tt>, console and web.
-# To set up web output, in your application root do a:
-# $ rails generate rails_dt # Rails 3
-# $ script/generate rails_dt # Rails 2
-# Follow the instructions the generator gives you then.
-module DT #:doc:
- # Maximum number of stored messages, if they're not cleared.
- # If web output is configured, messages are cleared before every request.
+# @see DT.p
+module DT
+ require_relative "dt/config"
+ require_relative "dt/instance"
- # Initializer.
- def self._initialize #:nodoc:
- clear_web_messages
+ class << self
+ attr_writer :conf, :instance
- # NOTES:
- # * Stuffing is inserted in order to work around buggy RDoc parser.
- # "a""bc" => "abc", just in case.
- # * Don't forget to update generator/initializers/dt.rb with these.
- # * "Canonical" order of imporance: log, console, web.
- @log_prefix = "[DT <""%= file_rel %>:<""%= line %>] "
- @console_prefix = @log_prefix.dup
- @web_prefix = '<a href="txmt://open?url=file://<''%= file %>&line=<''%= line %>"><''%= file_rel %>:<''%= line %></a> '
- # In case of path problems @log will be nil.
- @log = + "log/dt.log") rescue nil
- end
- # On-the-fly initializer.
- def self._otf_init #:nodoc:
- # Consider job done, replace self with a blank.
- class_eval {
- def self._otf_init #:nodoc:
- end
- }
- _initialize
- end
- # Set message prefix for console. See <tt>log_prefix=</tt>.
- def self.console_prefix=(s)
- _otf_init
- @console_prefix = s
- end
- def self.console_prefix
- _otf_init
- @console_prefix
- end
- # Set logger to use. Must be a <tt>Logger</tt>.
- #
- # log ="log/my.log")
- def self.log=(obj)
- _otf_init
- raise "Logger expected, #{obj.class} given" if not obj.is_a? Logger
- @log = obj
- end
- def self.log
- _otf_init
- @log
- end
- # Set message prefix for log. Syntax is ERB.
- #
- # log_prefix = "[DT <""%= file_rel %>:<""%= line %>] "
- #
- # NOTE: In the above example some stuffing was made to satisfy the buggy RDoc parser.
- # Just in case, <tt>"a""bc"</tt> is <tt>"abc"</tt> in Ruby.
- #
- # Template variables:
- #
- # * <tt>file</tt> -- full path to file.
- # * <tt>file_base</tt> -- file base name.
- # * <tt>file_rel</tt> -- file name relative to Rails application root.
- # * <tt>line</tt> -- line number.
- #
- # By setting prefix to <tt>nil</tt> you disable respective output.
- #
- # web_prefix = nil # Disable web output.
- def self.log_prefix=(s)
- _otf_init
- @log_prefix = s
- end
- def self.log_prefix
- _otf_init
- @log_prefix
- end
- # Return messages accumulated since last cleared.
- def self.web_messages
- _otf_init
- @web_messages
- end
- # Set message prefix for web. See <tt>log_prefix=</tt>.
- def self.web_prefix=(s)
- _otf_init
- @web_prefix = s
- end
- def self.web_prefix
- _otf_init
- @web_prefix
- end
- #---------------------------------------
- # Clear messages.
- def self.clear_web_messages
- _otf_init
- @web_messages = []
- end
- # Print a debug message or dump a value. Somewhat similar to Ruby's native <tt>p</tt>.
- #
- # p "Hello, world!"
- # p "myvar", myvar
- def self.p(*args)
- _otf_init
- # Fetch caller information.
- # NOTE: May be lacking file information, e.g. when in an irb session.
- file, line = caller.first.split(":")
- # Assign template variables.
- hc = {
- :file => file,
- :line => line,
- :file_base => (begin; File.basename(file); rescue; file; end),
- :file_rel => (begin; Pathname(file).relative_path_from(Rails.root).to_s; rescue; file; end),
- }
- args.each do |r|
- s = r.is_a?(String) ? r : r.inspect
- # To log.
- if @log_prefix
- ##Kernel.p "@log", @log #DEBUG
- if @log
- pfx =, nil, "-").result(_hash_kbinding(hc))
- msg = [pfx, s].join
- msg
- msg rescue nil # In case something's wrong with `Rails.logger`.
- end
- end
- # To console.
- if @console_prefix
- pfx =, nil, "-").result(_hash_kbinding(hc))
- puts [pfx, s].join
- end
- # To web.
- if @web_prefix
- pfx =, nil, "-").result(_hash_kbinding(hc))
- pcs = []
- pcs << pfx
- pcs << CGI.escapeHTML(s).gsub("\n", "<br/>\n")
- @web_messages << pcs.join
- # Rotate messages.
- @web_messages.slice!(0..-(MAX_WEB_MESSAGES + 1))
- end
+ # @return [Config]
+ def conf
+ @conf ||=
- # Be like `puts`, return nil.
- nil
- end
- # Format accumulated web messages as HTML. Usually called from a view template.
- #
- # web_messages_as_html # => Something like "<ul><li>Message 1</li><li>Message 2</li>...</ul>".
- def self.web_messages_as_html
- _otf_init
- pcs = []
- pcs << "<ul>"
- @web_messages.each do |s|
- pcs << ["<li>", s, "</li>"].join
+ # @return [Instance]
+ def instance
+ @instance ||=
- pcs << "</ul>"
- if (out = pcs.join).respond_to? :html_safe
- out.html_safe
- else
- out
+ # Print a debug message, dump values etc.
+ #
+ # DT.p "checkpoint 1"
+ # DT.p "user", user
+ #
+ # @return [nil]
+ # @see Instance#_p
+ def p(*args)
+ instance._p(caller, *args)
- end
- #---------------------------------------
- # NOTE: Singletons can't be private, so mark them syntactically.
- # Turn hash's entries into locals and return binding.
- # Useful for simple templating.
- def self._hash_kbinding(h) #:nodoc:
- # NOTE: This IS important, since assignment is eval'd in this context.
- bnd = binding
- _value = nil
- h.each do |k, v|
- ##puts "-- k-#{k.inspect} v-#{_value.inspect}" #DEBUG
- _value = v # IMPORTANT: Ruby 1.9 compatibility hack.
- eval("#{k} = _value", bnd)
- end
- bnd
- end
- # DO NOT invoke `_initialize` load-time, it won't see Rails3 stuff.
-end # DT
+ end # class << self