lib/rails_autolink.rb in rails_autolink-1.0.1 vs lib/rails_autolink.rb in rails_autolink-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,149 +1,11 @@
module RailsAutolink
- VERSION = '1.0.1'
+ VERSION = '1.0.2'
class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie
- initializer 'nested_form' do |app|
+ initializer 'rails_autolink' do |app|
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do
- require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys'
- module ::ActionView
- module Helpers # :nodoc:
- module TextHelper
- # Turns all URLs and e-mail addresses into clickable links. The <tt>:link</tt> option
- # will limit what should be linked. You can add HTML attributes to the links using
- # <tt>:html</tt>. Possible values for <tt>:link</tt> are <tt>:all</tt> (default),
- # <tt>:email_addresses</tt>, and <tt>:urls</tt>. If a block is given, each URL and
- # e-mail address is yielded and the result is used as the link text. By default the
- # text given is sanitized, you can override this behaviour setting the
- # <tt>:sanitize</tt> option to false.
- #
- # ==== Examples
- # auto_link("Go to and say hello to")
- # # => "Go to <a href=\"\"></a> and
- # # say hello to <a href=\"\"></a>"
- #
- # auto_link("Visit or e-mail", :link => :urls)
- # # => "Visit <a href=\"\"></a>
- # # or e-mail"
- #
- # auto_link("Visit or e-mail", :link => :email_addresses)
- # # => "Visit or e-mail <a href=\"\"></a>"
- #
- # post_body = "Welcome to my new blog at Please e-mail me at"
- # auto_link(post_body, :html => { :target => '_blank' }) do |text|
- # truncate(text, :length => 15)
- # end
- # # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.m...</a>.
- # Please e-mail me at <a href=\"\"></a>."
- #
- #
- # You can still use <tt>auto_link</tt> with the old API that accepts the
- # +link+ as its optional second parameter and the +html_options+ hash
- # as its optional third parameter:
- # post_body = "Welcome to my new blog at Please e-mail me at"
- # auto_link(post_body, :urls)
- # # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"\"></a>.
- # Please e-mail me at"
- #
- # auto_link(post_body, :all, :target => "_blank")
- # # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.
- # Please e-mail me at <a href=\"\"></a>."
- def auto_link(text, *args, &block)#link = :all, html = {}, &block)
- return ''.html_safe if text.blank?
- options = args.size == 2 ? {} : args.extract_options! # this is necessary because the old auto_link API has a Hash as its last parameter
- unless args.empty?
- options[:link] = args[0] || :all
- options[:html] = args[1] || {}
- end
- options.reverse_merge!(:link => :all, :html => {})
- text = sanitize(text) unless options[:sanitize] == false
- case options[:link].to_sym
- when :all then auto_link_email_addresses(auto_link_urls(text, options[:html], options, &block), options[:html], &block)
- when :email_addresses then auto_link_email_addresses(text, options[:html], &block)
- when :urls then auto_link_urls(text, options[:html], options, &block)
- end
- end
- private
- AUTO_LINK_RE = %r{
- (?: ([0-9A-Za-z+.:-]+:)// | www\. )
- [^\s<]+
- }x
- # regexps for determining context, used high-volume
- AUTO_LINK_CRE = [/<[^>]+$/, /^[^>]*>/, /<a\b.*?>/i, /<\/a>/i]
- AUTO_EMAIL_RE = /[\w.!#\$%+-]+@[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)+/
- BRACKETS = { ']' => '[', ')' => '(', '}' => '{' }
- # Turns all urls into clickable links. If a block is given, each url
- # is yielded and the result is used as the link text.
- def auto_link_urls(text, html_options = {}, options = {})
- link_attributes = html_options.stringify_keys
- text.gsub(AUTO_LINK_RE) do
- scheme, href = $1, $&
- punctuation = []
- if auto_linked?($`, $')
- # do not change string; URL is already linked
- href
- else
- # don't include trailing punctuation character as part of the URL
- while href.sub!(/[^\w\/-]$/, '')
- punctuation.push $&
- if opening = BRACKETS[punctuation.last] and href.scan(opening).size > href.scan(punctuation.last).size
- href << punctuation.pop
- break
- end
- end
- link_text = block_given?? yield(href) : href
- href = 'http://' + href unless scheme
- unless options[:sanitize] == false
- link_text = sanitize(link_text)
- href = sanitize(href)
- end
- content_tag(:a, link_text, link_attributes.merge('href' => href), !!options[:sanitize]) + punctuation.reverse.join('')
- end
- end
- end
- # Turns all email addresses into clickable links. If a block is given,
- # each email is yielded and the result is used as the link text.
- def auto_link_email_addresses(text, html_options = {}, options = {})
- text.gsub(AUTO_EMAIL_RE) do
- text = $&
- if auto_linked?($`, $')
- text.html_safe
- else
- display_text = (block_given?) ? yield(text) : text
- unless options[:sanitize] == false
- text = sanitize(text)
- display_text = sanitize(display_text) unless text == display_text
- end
- mail_to text, display_text, html_options
- end
- end
- end
- # Detects already linked context or position in the middle of a tag
- def auto_linked?(left, right)
- (left =~ AUTO_LINK_CRE[0] and right =~ AUTO_LINK_CRE[1]) or
- (left.rindex(AUTO_LINK_CRE[2]) and $' !~ AUTO_LINK_CRE[3])
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ require 'rails_autolink/helpers'