recipes/readme.rb in rails_apps_composer-3.0.9 vs recipes/readme.rb in rails_apps_composer-3.0.10
- old
+ new
@@ -9,74 +9,150 @@
}.each { |file| remove_file file }
- # add placeholder READMEs and humans.txt file
- copy_from_repo 'public/humans.txt'
- copy_from_repo 'README'
- copy_from_repo ''
- gsub_file "README", /App_Name/, "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}"
- gsub_file "", /App_Name/, "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}"
+ # add diagnostics to README
+ create_file 'README', "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}\n================\n\n"
+ append_to_file 'README' do <<-TEXT
+Rails Composer, open source, supported by subscribers.
+Please join RailsApps to support development of Rails Composer.
+Need help? Ask on Stack Overflow with the tag 'railsapps.'
+Problems? Submit an issue:
+Your application contains diagnostics in this README file.
+Please provide a copy of this README file when reporting any issues.
+ end
+ append_to_file 'README' do <<-TEXT
+option Build a starter application?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:apps4]}]
+option Get on the mailing list for Rails Composer news?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:announcements]}]
+option Web server for development?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:dev_webserver]}]
+option Web server for production?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:prod_webserver]}]
+option Database used in development?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:database]}]
+option Template engine?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:templates]}]
+option Test framework?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:tests]}]
+option Continuous testing?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:continuous_testing]}]
+option Front-end framework?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:frontend]}]
+option Add support for sending email?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:email]}]
+option Authentication?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:authentication]}]
+option Devise modules?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:devise_modules]}]
+option OmniAuth provider?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:omniauth_provider]}]
+option Authorization?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:authorization]}]
+option Use a form builder gem?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:form_builder]}]
+option Add pages?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:pages]}]
+option Set a locale?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:locale]}]
+option Install page-view analytics?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:analytics]}]
+option Add a deployment mechanism?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:deployment]}]
+option Set a robots.txt file to ban spiders?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:ban_spiders]}]
+option Create a GitHub repository? (y/n)
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:github]}]
+option Add gem and file for environment variables?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:local_env_file]}]
+option Reduce assets logger noise during development?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:quiet_assets]}]
+option Improve error reporting with 'better_errors' during development?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:better_errors]}]
+option Use 'pry' as console replacement during development and test?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:pry]}]
+option Use or create a project-specific rvm gemset?
+choose Enter your selection: [#{prefs[:rvmrc]}]
+ end
- # Diagnostics
- gsub_file "", /recipes that are known/, "recipes that are NOT known" if diagnostics[:recipes] == 'fail'
- gsub_file "", /preferences that are known/, "preferences that are NOT known" if diagnostics[:prefs] == 'fail'
- print_recipes = { |r| "\n* #{r}" }.join('')
- print_preferences = { |k, v| "\n* #{k}: #{v}" }.join('')
- gsub_file "", /RECIPES/, print_recipes
- gsub_file "", /PREFERENCES/, print_preferences
- gsub_file "README", /RECIPES/, print_recipes
- gsub_file "README", /PREFERENCES/, print_preferences
+ create_file 'public/humans.txt' do <<-TEXT
+/* the humans responsible & colophon */
+/* */
- # Ruby on Rails
- gsub_file "", /\* Ruby/, "* Ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION}"
- gsub_file "", /\* Rails/, "* Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}"
- # Database
- gsub_file "", /SQLite/, "PostgreSQL" if prefer :database, 'postgresql'
- gsub_file "", /SQLite/, "MySQL" if prefer :database, 'mysql'
- gsub_file "", /SQLite/, "MongoDB" if prefer :database, 'mongodb'
- gsub_file "", /ActiveRecord/, "the Mongoid ORM" if prefer :orm, 'mongoid'
+/* TEAM */
+ <your title>: <your name>
+ Site:
+ Twitter:
+ Location:
- # Template Engine
- gsub_file "", /ERB/, "Haml" if prefer :templates, 'haml'
- gsub_file "", /ERB/, "Slim" if prefer :templates, 'slim'
+/* THANKS */
+ Daniel Kehoe (@rails_apps) for the RailsApps project
- # Testing Framework
- gsub_file "", /Test::Unit/, "RSpec" if prefer :tests, 'rspec'
+/* SITE */
+ Standards: HTML5, CSS3
+ Components: jQuery
+ Software: Ruby on Rails
- # Front-end Framework
- gsub_file "", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Bootstrap 2.3 (Sass)" if prefer :frontend, 'bootstrap2'
- gsub_file "", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Bootstrap 3.0 (Sass)" if prefer :frontend, 'bootstrap3'
- gsub_file "", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Zurb Foundation 4" if prefer :frontend, 'foundation4'
- gsub_file "", /Front-end Framework: None/, "Front-end Framework: Zurb Foundation 5" if prefer :frontend, 'foundation5'
+Rails Composer:
+ end
- # Form Builder
- gsub_file "", /Form Builder: None/, "Form Builder: SimpleForm" if prefer :form_builder, 'simple_form'
+ create_file '', "#{app_name.humanize.titleize}\n================\n\n"
+ append_to_file '' do <<-TEXT
+This application was generated with the [rails_apps_composer]( gem
+provided by the [RailsApps Project](
- # Email
- unless prefer :email, 'none'
- gsub_file "", /Gmail/, "SMTP" if prefer :email, 'smtp'
- gsub_file "", /Gmail/, "SendGrid" if prefer :email, 'sendgrid'
- gsub_file "", /Gmail/, "Mandrill" if prefer :email, 'mandrill'
- gsub_file "", /Email delivery is disabled in development./, "Email delivery is configured via MailCatcher in development." if prefer :mailcatcher, true
- insert_into_file '', "\nEmail rendering in development enabled via MailView.", :after => /Email delivery is.*\n/ if prefer :mail_view, true
- else
- gsub_file "", /Email/, ""
- gsub_file "", /-----/, ""
- gsub_file "", /The application is configured to send email using a Gmail account./, ""
- gsub_file "", /Email delivery is disabled in development./, ""
- end
+Rails Composer is open source and supported by subscribers. Please join RailsApps to support development of Rails Composer.
- # Authentication and Authorization
- gsub_file "", /Authentication: None/, "Authentication: Devise" if prefer :authentication, 'devise'
- gsub_file "", /Authentication: None/, "Authentication: OmniAuth" if prefer :authentication, 'omniauth'
- gsub_file "", /Authorization: None/, "Authorization: Pundit" if prefer :authorization, 'pundit'
+Problems? Issues?
- # Admin
- gsub_file "", /Admin: None/, "Admin: ActiveAdmin" if prefer :admin, 'activeadmin'
- gsub_file "", /Admin: None/, "Admin: RailsAdmin" if prefer :admin, 'rails_admin'
+Need help? Ask on Stack Overflow with the tag 'railsapps.'
+Your application contains diagnostics in the README file. Please provide a copy of the README file when reporting any issues.
+If the application doesn’t work as expected, please [report an issue](
+and include the diagnostics.
+Ruby on Rails
+This application requires:
+- Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}
+Learn more about [Installing Rails](
+Getting Started
+Documentation and Support
+Similar Projects
+ end
git :add => '-A' if prefer :git, true
git :commit => '-qm "rails_apps_composer: add README files"' if prefer :git, true