spec/timeago/helper_spec.rb in rails-timeago-2.14.0 vs spec/timeago/helper_spec.rb in rails-timeago-2.15.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,163 +1,208 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
-describe Rails::Timeago::Helper do
+RSpec.describe Rails::Timeago::Helper do
before { @stub = TimeagoStub.new }
- after { Rails::Timeago.reset_default_options }
let(:time) { Time.now }
context "#timeago_tag" do
- it 'should create a time tag' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should =~ /<time.*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ let(:kwargs) { {} }
+ subject { @stub.timeago_tag(time, **kwargs) }
- it 'should have title attribute' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should =~ /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
+ it 'creates a time tag' do
+ is_expected.to match /<time.*>.*<\/time>/
- it 'should have human readable datetime as title attribute' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should include("title=\"#{I18n.l time}\"")
+ it 'has a title attribute' do
+ is_expected.to match /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- it 'should have human readable datetime as title attribute with given format' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :format => :short).should include("title=\"#{I18n.l time, :format => :short}\"")
+ it 'has a human readable datetime as title attribute' do
+ is_expected.to include "title=\"#{I18n.l time}\""
- it 'should have human readable datetime as title attribute with given format' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :format => proc { |time, options| :long }).should include("title=\"#{I18n.l time, :format => :long}\"")
+ it 'has a data-time-ago attribute' do
+ is_expected.to match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- it 'should have human readable datetime as title attribute with global format' do
- Rails::Timeago.default_options :format => :short
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should include("title=\"#{I18n.l time, :format => :short}\"")
+ context 'with nil as timestamp' do
+ let(:time) { nil }
+ it 'returns default string' do
+ is_expected.to eq '-'
+ end
- it 'should have no title attribute if title is set to false globally' do
- Rails::Timeago.default_options :title => false
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should_not =~ /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ describe 'format parameter' do
+ let(:kwargs) { {format: format} }
- it 'should have no title attribute if title is set to nil globally' do
- Rails::Timeago.default_options :title => nil
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should_not =~ /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ context 'with symbolic format' do
+ let(:format) { :short }
+ it { is_expected.to include "title=\"#{I18n.l time, format: :short}\"" }
+ end
- it 'should have title attribute with proc value globally' do
- Rails::Timeago.default_options :title => proc { |time, options| options[:format] }
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :format => :short).should =~ /<time.*title="short".*>.*<\/time>/
+ context 'with proc format' do
+ let(:format) { proc {|time, options| :long } }
+ it { is_expected.to include "title=\"#{I18n.l time, format: :long}\"" }
+ end
- it 'should have title attribute with proc value locally' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :format => :long,
- :title => proc { |time, options| options[:format] }).should =~ /<time.*title="long".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ describe 'format global configuration' do
+ before { Rails::Timeago.default_options format: format }
- it 'should have format attribute with proc value locally' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time,
- :format => proc { |time, options| :long }).should include(">#{I18n.l time.to_date, :format => :long}<")
- end
+ context 'with symbolic format' do
+ let(:format) { :short }
+ it { is_expected.to include "title=\"#{I18n.l time, format: :short}\"" }
+ end
- it 'should have data-time-ago attribute' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
+ context 'with proc format' do
+ let(:format) { proc {|time, options| :long } }
+ it { is_expected.to include "title=\"#{I18n.l time, format: :long}\"" }
+ end
- it 'should not have data-time-ago attribute for times before limit' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(5.days.ago).should_not =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ describe 'title parameter' do
+ let(:kwargs) { {title: title} }
- it 'should have data-time-ago attribute for times after given limit' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(5.days.ago, :limit => 6.days.ago).
- should =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ context 'with title disable' do
+ let(:title) { false }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- it 'should have not data-time-ago attribute for times before given limit' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(6.days.ago, :limit => 5.days.ago).
- should_not =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ context 'with title set to nil' do
+ let(:title) { nil }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- it 'should have data-time-ago attribute for times before given limit if limit is in the future' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(5.days.from_now, :limit => 6.days.from_now).
- should =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
+ context 'with title set to proc' do
+ let(:title) { proc {|_, o| o[:format] } }
+ let(:kwargs) { super().merge format: :short }
+ it { is_expected.to match /<time.*title="short".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- it 'should have not data-time-ago attribute for times in the past if limit is in the future' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(1.days.ago, :limit => 5.days.from_now).
- should_not =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ describe 'title global configuration' do
+ before { Rails::Timeago.default_options title: title }
- it 'should have not data-time-ago attribute for times after given limit if limit is in the future' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(6.days.from_now, :limit => 5.days.from_now).
- should_not =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ context 'with title disabled' do
+ let(:title) { false }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- it 'should have data-time-ago attribute for times before limit if forced' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(6.days.ago, :force => true).
- should =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ context 'with title set to nil' do
+ let(:title) { nil }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*title=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- it 'should have localized date as content' do
- time = 3.days.ago
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).should include(">#{I18n.l time.to_date}<")
+ context 'with title set to proc' do
+ let(:title) { proc {|_, o| o[:format] } }
+ let(:kwargs) { {format: :short} }
+ it { is_expected.to match /<time.*title="short".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- it 'should have localized time as content if date_only is false' do
- time = 3.days.ago
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :date_only => false).should include(">#{I18n.l time}<")
- end
+ describe 'limit' do
+ let(:time) { 5.days.ago }
- it 'should have time ago in words as content if nojs is true' do
- time = 3.days.ago
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :nojs => true).should =~ /<time.*>%time_ago_in_words%<\/time>/
- end
+ it 'should not have data-time-ago attribute for times before limit' do
+ is_expected.to_not match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
+ end
- it 'should pass format option to localize method' do
- time = 3.days.ago
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :format => :short).
- should include(">#{I18n.l time.to_date, :format => :short}<")
- end
+ context 'with given limit' do
+ let(:kwargs) { {limit: limit} }
- it 'should pass html option to tag helper' do
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :myattr => 'abc').should =~ /<time.*myattr="abc".*>.*<\/time>/
- end
+ context 'in past' do
+ let(:limit) { 6.days.ago }
- it "should allow to set global options" do
- Rails::Timeago.default_options :format => :short, :limit => proc { 8.days.ago }
- time = 7.days.ago
+ context 'and past timestamp after limit' do
+ let(:time) { 5.days.ago }
+ it { is_expected.to match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).
- should include(">#{I18n.l time.to_date, :format => :short}<")
- @stub.timeago_tag(time).
- should =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
+ context 'and past timestamp before limit' do
+ let(:time) { 8.days.ago }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ context 'when forced' do
+ let(:kwargs) { super().merge force: true }
+ it { is_expected.to match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'in future' do
+ let(:limit) { 5.days.from_now }
+ context 'and future timestamp after limit' do
+ let(:time) { 7.days.from_now }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
+ context 'and future timestamp before limit' do
+ let(:time) { 3.days.from_now }
+ it { is_expected.to match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
+ context 'and past timestamp' do
+ let(:time) { 3.days.ago }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it "should allow to override global options" do
- Rails::Timeago.default_options :format => :short, :limit => proc { 8.days.ago }
- time = 7.days.ago
+ describe 'content' do
+ let(:time) { 3.days.ago }
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :format => :long).
- should include(">#{I18n.l time.to_date, :format => :long}<")
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :limit => 4.days.ago).
- should_not =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
+ it 'has localized date as content' do
+ is_expected.to include ">#{I18n.l time.to_date}<"
+ end
+ context 'with :format option' do
+ let(:kwargs) { {format: :short} }
+ it 'has correctly formatted date as content' do
+ is_expected.to include ">#{I18n.l time.to_date, format: :short}<"
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with :date_only set to false' do
+ let(:kwargs) { {date_only: false} }
+ it 'has localized time as content' do
+ is_expected.to include ">#{I18n.l time}<"
+ end
+ end
- it "should return default string if time is nil" do
- @stub.timeago_tag(nil).should == '-'
+ describe ':nojs set to true' do
+ let(:time) { 3.days.ago }
+ let(:kwargs) { {nojs: true} }
+ it 'has time in words as content' do
+ is_expected.to match /<time.*>%time_ago_in_words%<\/time>/
+ end
+ context 'with limit' do
+ let(:kwargs) { super().merge limit: 2.days.ago }
+ it { is_expected.to_not match /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/ }
+ it { is_expected.to include ">#{I18n.l time.to_date}<" }
+ end
- it 'should respect limit option also in nojs tag content' do
- time = 6.days.ago
+ context 'with HTML options' do
+ let(:kwargs) { {myattr: 'abc'} }
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :nojs => true, :limit => 5.days.ago).
- should_not =~ /<time.*data-time-ago=".*".*>.*<\/time>/
- @stub.timeago_tag(time, :nojs => true, :limit => 5.days.ago).
- should include(">#{I18n.l time.to_date}<")
+ it 'passes them to #tag_helper' do
+ is_expected.to match /<time.*myattr="abc".*>.*<\/time>/
+ end
context "#timeago_script_tag" do
+ subject { @stub.timeago_script_tag }
it "should return a javascript snippet to set jQuery timeago locale" do
I18n.locale = "en"
- @stub.timeago_script_tag.should == '<script>jQuery.timeago.settings.lang="en";</script>'
+ is_expected.to eq '<script>jQuery.timeago.settings.lang="en";</script>'