in rails-sandbox-assets-0.0.1 vs in rails-sandbox-assets-0.0.2

- old
+ new

@@ -6,22 +6,69 @@ Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rails-sandbox-assets' +Or if you prefer to use the master branch: + + gem 'rails-sandbox-assets', git: 'git://' # or: + gem 'rails-sandbox-assets', github: 'rosenfeld/rails-sandbox-assets' # Bundler-pre syntax + And then execute: $ bundle ## Usage +Place your tests under _test/javascripts/\*\_test.js_ or _specs/javascripts/\*\_spec.js.coffee_. +Use JavaScript or CoffeeScript. + +You can add your test assets to _test/assets/javascripts_, _test/assets/stylesheets_,. +_specs/assets/javascripts_ and _specs/assets/stylesheets_. + $ rake sandbox_assets:serve Follow the instructions in http://localhost:5000 for how to override the void bundled test-runner. +You can run a subset of your tests by specifying a path like _http://localhost:5000/products_. + +This will only run your tests which path starts with _test/javascripts/products_, for example. + ## Settings -TODO: Talk about the engine config options +You can change your settings directly from config/application.rb, if you want to: + + config.sandbox_assets.template = 'spec_runner/runner' + +By default this setting is nil, which will follow the Rails convention and use +_app/views/sandbox_assets/test_runner/index.html.erb_. You could actually use HAML if you prefer. + +Just create such file in your application to override the default one. With the option in the +example above, you should create your view in _app/views/spec_runner/runner.html.erb_. + +Or you can create a separate initializer if you prefer: + + # config/initializers/setup_sandbox_assets.rb + SandboxAssets::Engine.config.sandbox_assets.tap do |c| + c.template = 'test_runner/index' # set the runner template path + c.disable_template_param = true + end + +Default settings: + + c.port = 5000 + # By default, sandbox_assets will look for your tests in test/javascripts and specs/javascripts + c.tests_roots = %w(test/javascripts specs/javascripts) + # Add to Rails assets path. Besides your tests/specs, any assets in those paths will be served + # by the asset pipeline: + c.assets_paths = c.tests_roots + + %w(test/assets/javascripts test/assets/stylesheets + specs/assets/javascripts specs/assets/stylesheets) + # Pattern to find your tests or specs inside the tests_roots directories: + c.tests_patterns = %w(**/*_{test,spec}.{js,coffee}*) + # By default, you can override which template to use in the params, like: + # http://localhost:5000/?template=spec_runner/runner + c.disable_template_param = false ## Examples TODO: Add some examples, like Jasmine and Mocha/Chai.js.