spec/dummy/log/test.log in rails-portfolio-0.0.2 vs spec/dummy/log/test.log in rails-portfolio-0.0.3

- old
+ new

@@ -20386,5 +20386,2980 @@ Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_list.html.erb (4.2ms) Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (16.9ms) Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]]  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (1.8ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar NOT NULL)  +  (0.3ms) select sqlite_version(*) +  (0.6ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version") + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +Migrating to CreatePortfolioTables (20150714235507) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_sites" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "key" varchar NOT NULL, "person_name" varchar NOT NULL, "job_title" varchar NOT NULL, "greetings" varchar, "summary" text, "email" varchar, "default" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "avatar_file_name" varchar, "avatar_content_type" varchar, "avatar_file_size" integer, "avatar_updated_at" datetime, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL) +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_sites_on_key" ON "portfolio_sites" ("key") +  (0.2ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_social_links" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "url_pattern" varchar, "image_file_name" varchar, "image_content_type" varchar, "image_file_size" integer, "image_updated_at" datetime, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL) +  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_social_links" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "site_id" integer, "social_link_id" integer, "user_name" varchar, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_site_id" ON "portfolio_site_social_links" ("site_id") +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_site_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_site_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_social_link_id" ON "portfolio_site_social_links" ("social_link_id") +  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_menu_links" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "site_id" integer, "name" varchar, "url" varchar, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_menu_links_on_site_id" ON "portfolio_site_menu_links" ("site_id") +  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_items" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "site_id" integer NOT NULL, "title" varchar, "body" text, "url" varchar, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_items_on_site_id" ON "portfolio_site_items" ("site_id") +  (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_item_images" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "site_item_id" integer, "image_file_name" varchar, "image_content_type" varchar, "image_file_size" integer, "image_updated_at" datetime, "default" boolean DEFAULT 'f', "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_item_images_on_site_item_id" ON "portfolio_site_item_images" ("site_item_id") +Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-tgfgxa.png' +Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-16rtbux.png[0]' 2>/dev/null +Command :: identify -format %m '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-16rtbux.png[0]' +Command :: convert '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-16rtbux.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "32x32>" '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/c786641ea0b3f421992e17f76023c1eb20160129-78118-elbpi5' +Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-16rtbux.png[0]' 2>/dev/null +Command :: identify -format %m '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-16rtbux.png[0]' +Command :: convert '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-16rtbux.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "64x64>" '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/c786641ea0b3f421992e17f76023c1eb20160129-78118-d3opw5' +Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/bf215181b5140522137b3d4f6b73544a20160129-78118-g543h.png' + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_social_links" ("name", "url_pattern", "image_file_name", "image_content_type", "image_file_size", "image_updated_at", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Github"], ["url_pattern", "http://github.com/[user_name]"], ["image_file_name", "github.png"], ["image_content_type", "image/png"], ["image_file_size", 1609], ["image_updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.562927"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.700948"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.700948"]] +Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-q1toid.png' +Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1h80kyp.png[0]' 2>/dev/null +Command :: identify -format %m '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1h80kyp.png[0]' +Command :: convert '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1h80kyp.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "32x32>" '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b4d5814701a52325e06c102d0d117a9f20160129-78118-3ney7a' +Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1h80kyp.png[0]' 2>/dev/null +Command :: identify -format %m '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1h80kyp.png[0]' +Command :: convert '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1h80kyp.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "64x64>" '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b4d5814701a52325e06c102d0d117a9f20160129-78118-1uh7oem' +Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/b73c2d22763d1ce2143a3755c1d0ad3a20160129-78118-1aovtz3.png' + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_social_links" ("name", "url_pattern", "image_file_name", "image_content_type", "image_file_size", "image_updated_at", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Twitter"], ["url_pattern", "http://twitter.com/[user_name]"], ["image_file_name", "twitter.png"], ["image_content_type", "image/png"], ["image_file_size", 1085], ["image_updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.711530"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.826929"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.826929"]] +Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-29f2go.png' +Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-6pghyq.png[0]' 2>/dev/null +Command :: identify -format %m '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-6pghyq.png[0]' +Command :: convert '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-6pghyq.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "32x32>" '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/c94aea007247c2f76c5d1163e98993a820160129-78118-1iwaucg' +Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-6pghyq.png[0]' 2>/dev/null +Command :: identify -format %m '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-6pghyq.png[0]' +Command :: convert '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-6pghyq.png[0]' -auto-orient -resize "64x64>" '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/c94aea007247c2f76c5d1163e98993a820160129-78118-esjybe' +Command :: file -b --mime '/var/folders/c0/cg02vc3x0k506hx79h_yz73m0000gn/T/f1576406b382b7d1c8c2607f7c563d4f20160129-78118-19nyvya.png' + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_social_links" ("name", "url_pattern", "image_file_name", "image_content_type", "image_file_size", "image_updated_at", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Linkedin"], ["url_pattern", "http://www.linkedin.com/in/[user_name]"], ["image_file_name", "linkedin.png"], ["image_content_type", "image/png"], ["image_file_size", 959], ["image_updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.837692"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.945458"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:27.945458"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20150714235507"]] +  (0.7ms) commit transaction +Migrating to DeviseCreatePortfolioAdminUsers (20150916001106) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_admin_users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar, "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime, "sign_in_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "current_sign_in_at" datetime, "last_sign_in_at" datetime, "current_sign_in_ip" varchar, "last_sign_in_ip" varchar, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)  +  (0.5ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_portfolio_admin_users_on_email" ON "portfolio_admin_users" ("email") +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_admin_users_on_email' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_admin_users_on_email' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_portfolio_admin_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "portfolio_admin_users" ("reset_password_token") + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20150916001106"]] +  (1.5ms) commit transaction +Migrating to CreatePortfolioAdminSiteItemCategories (20151124202355) +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "key" varchar, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL) + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20151124202355"]] +  (0.5ms) commit transaction +Migrating to AddSiteItemCategoryIdToSiteItem (20151124210602) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "portfolio_site_items" ADD "site_item_category_id" integer + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20151124210602"]] +  (0.6ms) commit transaction +Migrating to AddFeaturedToSiteItem (20151125132700) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "portfolio_site_items" ADD "featured" boolean DEFAULT 'f' + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20151125132700"]] +  (0.5ms) commit transaction +Migrating to CreatePortfolioSiteItemTags (20151125141154) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "key" varchar, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL) + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20151125141154"]] +  (0.5ms) commit transaction +Migrating to CreatePortfolioSiteItemTagsItems (20151125151535) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_id" integer, "site_item_tag_id" integer) +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_id" ON "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_id") +  (0.0ms) SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) CREATE INDEX "index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_tag_id" ON "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id") + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20151125151535"]] +  (0.6ms) commit transaction +Migrating to AddPublicToPortfolioSiteItem (20151203105347) +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "portfolio_site_items" ADD "public" boolean DEFAULT 'f' + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20151203105347"]] +  (0.5ms) commit transaction +Migrating to AddTypeToSiteItem (20160126162607) +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "portfolio_site_items" ADD "type" varchar + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20160126162607"]] +  (0.5ms) commit transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_admin_users_on_reset_password_token' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_admin_users_on_reset_password_token' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_admin_users_on_email' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_admin_users_on_email' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_images_on_site_item_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_images_on_site_item_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.4ms) SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_tag_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_tag_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_item_tags_items_on_site_item_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_items_on_site_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_items_on_site_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_menu_links_on_site_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_menu_links_on_site_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_social_link_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_social_link_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms)  SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_site_id' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_site_social_links_on_site_id' AND type='index' + +  (0.1ms) SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_sites_on_key' AND type='index' + UNION ALL + SELECT sql + FROM sqlite_temp_master + WHERE name='index_portfolio_sites_on_key' AND type='index' + + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'tina_kemmer@willbogisich.name' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "tina_kemmer@willbogisich.name"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$TyV6MlT73IEGepRzY6X07OAcaKMZms0YfDckV1JE1Klv85l/YGe2a"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.798972"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.798972"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Lyla Marquardt"], ["job_title", "Senior Optimization Agent"], ["greetings", "Accusamus a in ut voluptas deleniti sit ea asperiores."], ["summary", "Nisi facere sint in enim aperiam voluptate. Quibusdam saepe animi cumque molestias aut. Eaque voluptas tenetur debitis soluta quibusdam unde exercitationem. Corporis enim vitae maxime. Eum dolorem deserunt reprehenderit possimus vel."], ["key", "lyla_marquardt"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.886064"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.886064"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/admin/site_items/index.html.erb within layouts/portfolio/admin (0.3ms) +Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 5.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.0ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'tina_kemmer@willbogisich.name' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "tina_kemmer@willbogisich.name"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$Q0BA8qF.JSOFJTJsEP//DeKV7WsZrMQoi2kBujx3kpRWsHfPHbY.2"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.909139"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.909139"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jana Pfeffer"], ["job_title", "Central Tactics Representative"], ["greetings", "Dolore voluptas omnis illo."], ["summary", "Laudantium eum magnam nihil officiis ducimus aut. Amet voluptate repellendus provident qui repellat necessitatibus. Alias et et quasi qui modi iusto adipisci. Voluptas eos laboriosam atque maxime voluptate facere."], ["key", "jana_pfeffer"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.911970"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.911970"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_project"=>{"title"=>"proj1"}, "site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "proj1"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.932463"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.932463"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Redirected to http://test.host/admin/sites/1/site_projects/1/edit +Completed 302 Found in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms) +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SitesController#index as HTML +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Brooks Zulauf"], ["job_title", "Principal Brand Supervisor"], ["greetings", "Consequatur dolores fugiat sed deleniti voluptatem."], ["summary", "Odit laboriosam doloribus. Laboriosam ea iste sint in est ipsum iusto. Ut eum nihil quis."], ["key", "brooks_zulauf"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.944244"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.944244"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.962227"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.962227"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Michele Batz"], ["job_title", "Principal Group Strategist"], ["greetings", "Et non qui ab omnis labore voluptatibus autem."], ["summary", "Perspiciatis illo similique odio et. Vel et sit rerum velit commodi iste. Doloremque dolor blanditiis voluptatem. Temporibus eos reprehenderit et quia."], ["key", "michele_batz"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.968782"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.968782"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.970833"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.970833"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Desmond Boehm"], ["job_title", "Human Interactions Technician"], ["greetings", "Minus quo aut soluta repudiandae ullam sit."], ["summary", "Omnis corporis et consequatur aut. Quidem sit numquam. Nesciunt molestiae expedita harum debitis aliquid quia. Voluptatum ut veritatis aliquam. Quo culpa omnis magni."], ["key", "desmond_boehm"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.974270"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.974270"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.976269"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.976269"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') + Portfolio::SiteItemChild Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Muhammad Wisozk III"], ["job_title", "Human Creative Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Eos et cupiditate velit earum."], ["summary", "Quis et eveniet quasi. Nisi optio nihil iste dicta ut qui et. Quidem eos rem id quia. Et assumenda ab."], ["key", "muhammad_wisozk_iii"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.985179"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.985179"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.987725"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.987725"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mrs. Bailey White"], ["job_title", "Principal Metrics Technician"], ["greetings", "Iure ipsum omnis maiores tempore."], ["summary", "Eos natus ullam ducimus. Quis ut facere autem excepturi voluptatem nisi nihil. Voluptatem voluptas facilis sunt reprehenderit qui at labore. Ut voluptas sed in rem. Molestiae qui quae sint illum aut facilis eveniet."], ["key", "mrs_bailey_white"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.993986"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.993986"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.996975"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:30.996975"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Dr. Elwin Emard"], ["job_title", "International Infrastructure Consultant"], ["greetings", "Accusamus consequatur asperiores eveniet voluptas."], ["summary", "Et eum consequuntur molestiae possimus eius. Cum sed fuga omnis blanditiis sed. Soluta reprehenderit id tempore vel. Sed nulla deleniti omnis labore."], ["key", "dr_elwin_emard"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.002189"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.002189"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.004353"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.004353"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Leopold Kuphal"], ["job_title", "Investor Infrastructure Assistant"], ["greetings", "Beatae voluptas dicta modi quis nesciunt maxime."], ["summary", "Quia illo earum voluptatibus molestiae sequi asperiores debitis. Dolores adipisci mollitia sed architecto facilis. Eius voluptas odio quo consequatur qui. Non assumenda laborum odio repudiandae molestias nam."], ["key", "leopold_kuphal"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.008886"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.008886"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "iusto"], ["key", "iusto"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.013457"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.013457"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "qui"], ["key", "qui"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.015467"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.015467"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quaerat"], ["key", "quaerat"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.020761"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.020761"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Cotton Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.040841"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.040841"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Fantastic Aluminum Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.044388"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.044388"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Wooden Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.047330"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.047330"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Concrete Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.050737"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.050737"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Granville Kuhic"], ["job_title", "Corporate Applications Designer"], ["greetings", "Consectetur et quis libero modi qui."], ["summary", "Tempora ut dolorum. Totam modi earum. Et fugiat reiciendis impedit consequatur rem voluptatem. Vel error voluptatem consequatur natus."], ["key", "granville_kuhic"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.072779"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.072779"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "architecto"], ["key", "architecto"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.074903"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.074903"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "optio"], ["key", "optio"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.076491"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.076491"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "fugit"], ["key", "fugit"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.077871"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.077871"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Marble Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.080795"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.080795"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Granite Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.084792"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.084792"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Silk Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.086919"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.086919"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Bronze Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.088781"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.088781"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Carlie Yost"], ["job_title", "Central Operations Administrator"], ["greetings", "Vitae rerum maxime porro."], ["summary", "Dolores consequuntur velit quo est. Dolores et maiores est est et velit. Ipsam labore officiis ea amet. Quae enim reiciendis ea fugiat. Quibusdam ut blanditiis totam nihil."], ["key", "carlie_yost"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.098637"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.098637"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "consequatur"], ["key", "consequatur"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.100811"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.100811"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "voluptatem"], ["key", "voluptatem"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.102396"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.102396"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "rem"], ["key", "rem"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.103701"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.103701"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Fantastic Linen Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.107693"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.107693"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Cotton Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.111413"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.111413"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Concrete Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.113648"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.113648"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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Et et cupiditate maiores."], ["key", "lacy_sanford"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.121957"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.121957"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "velit"], ["key", "velit"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.124146"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.124146"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Wool Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.132193"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.132193"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Granite Knife"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.135497"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.135497"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Paper Watch"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.137351"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.137351"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Wooden Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.139105"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.139105"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteItemTag Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_tags".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_tags" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_tags"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Preston Mitchell"], ["job_title", "Chief Integration Technician"], ["greetings", "Odit quia repellendus ea est ducimus."], ["summary", "Ut dolore et quia iure. Quia provident ullam incidunt esse aut. Et cupiditate aspernatur est ipsam qui ut in."], ["key", "preston_mitchell"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.145676"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.145676"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Marble Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.148178"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.148178"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Paper Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.151588"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.151588"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Silk Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.154008"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.154008"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["person_name", "Jaylon Balistreri"], ["job_title", "Central Communications Assistant"], ["greetings", "Ea ea et sed."], ["summary", "Molestiae incidunt facere illum velit ea aut sint. Vitae molestiae praesentium. Nostrum facere qui quia error."], ["key", "jaylon_balistreri"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.259249"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.259249"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Granite Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.261641"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.261641"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Iron Shoes"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.263842"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.263842"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Cotton Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.266099"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.266099"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Steel Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.268822"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.268822"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? 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[["name", "quaerat"], ["key", "quaerat"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.336322"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.336322"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "aut"], ["key", "aut"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.337574"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.337574"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Iron Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.340649"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.340649"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Linen Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.343503"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.343503"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Bronze Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.345219"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.345219"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Plastic Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.346914"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.346914"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (53.2ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (53.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (53.8ms) +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Bailey Greenfelder"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Identity Liaison"], ["greetings", "Sed magnam dolor mollitia iure recusandae."], ["summary", "Adipisci consequatur magnam qui error nihil. In ut et deserunt est reiciendis. Consequuntur similique ab. Non itaque sit ipsam. Aut dicta expedita esse consequatur quia dolore consequuntur."], ["key", "bailey_greenfelder"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.406448"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.406448"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "excepturi"], ["key", "excepturi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.408457"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.408457"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.410010"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.410010"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Linen Shoes"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.419230"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.419230"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Marble Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.421351"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.421351"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Linen Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.423293"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.423293"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? 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Culpa quam illum tempora velit sed porro unde."], ["key", "garry_wiza"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.482698"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.482698"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.8ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (7.5ms) +  (0.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Simeon Smith"], ["job_title", "Regional Intranet Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Expedita minus dolores ipsam consequuntur ex."], ["summary", "Sed placeat nisi commodi ut. Maiores nemo dolorum aspernatur corporis autem ut. Nostrum et rerum quibusdam asperiores vel ut et."], ["key", "simeon_smith"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.511059"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.511059"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.1ms) +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (5.3ms) +  (0.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Vance Little"], ["job_title", "Chief Data Planner"], ["greetings", "Voluptas qui iusto cum error."], ["summary", "Asperiores voluptatibus et ut. Veniam accusamus nemo asperiores. Et ut velit. Harum debitis voluptas eum. Aspernatur aliquam rerum consequatur aperiam."], ["key", "vance_little"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.523247"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.523247"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ut"], ["key", "ut"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.525525"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.525525"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "mollitia"], ["key", "mollitia"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.527382"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.527382"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quibusdam"], ["key", "quibusdam"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.528892"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.528892"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Linen Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.532579"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.532579"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Marble Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.536092"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.536092"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Plastic Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.538256"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.538256"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Bronze Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.540221"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:21:31.540221"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (59.1ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (59.4ms) +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.2ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mrs. Emelia Wilkinson"], ["job_title", "Direct Solutions Facilitator"], ["greetings", "Qui quaerat maiores incidunt."], ["summary", "Adipisci est et. Quis reprehenderit in magnam vel magni commodi consequatur. Aut eius et. Repellendus ipsum similique."], ["key", "mrs_emelia_wilkinson"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.712736"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.712736"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "commodi"], ["key", "commodi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.719775"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.719775"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "rerum"], ["key", "rerum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.722048"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.722048"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "atque"], ["key", "atque"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.726394"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.726394"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Granite Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.759086"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.759086"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Steel Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.763529"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.763529"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Copper Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.765894"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.765894"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Leather Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.767862"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:10.767862"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (46.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (60.2ms) +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Anastasia Bogisich II"], ["job_title", "Legacy Division Coordinator"], ["greetings", "Consectetur accusamus veniam harum voluptates atque exercitationem."], ["summary", "Provident nam molestias neque amet soluta eius. Temporibus sunt doloremque debitis aliquid illum corporis. Assumenda dolore commodi temporibus ea rem ipsam dolor."], ["key", "anastasia_bogisich_ii"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.659878"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.659878"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ad"], ["key", "ad"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.667097"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.667097"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "commodi"], ["key", "commodi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.668944"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.668944"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quo"], ["key", "quo"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.672887"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.672887"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Granite Plate"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.702578"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.702578"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Wooden Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.705860"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.705860"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Wool Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.707810"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:30.707810"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (62.8ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (76.3ms) +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (1.0ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ayden Johnson"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Identity Architect"], ["greetings", "Qui velit voluptatum iure qui."], ["summary", "Velit ut omnis et nihil. Nam qui nisi quisquam dignissimos magnam. Dolorem et cum quasi aperiam consequatur. Facere quia minus ut odio optio inventore."], ["key", "ayden_johnson"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.480488"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.480488"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "voluptates"], ["key", "voluptates"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.488084"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.488084"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "aut"], ["key", "aut"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.489998"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.489998"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "accusantium"], ["key", "accusantium"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.494685"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.494685"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Steel Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.523494"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.523494"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Paper Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.526737"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.526737"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Steel Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.528573"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.528573"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Plastic Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.530534"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:23:55.530534"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (10.8ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_list.html.erb (252.8ms) + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (303.2ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.3ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'elise@witting.info' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "elise@witting.info"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$bdSbKB07t/qgd5X8KJ7WOe50MLpTXLo3UIpM2KJ9CV.6UfXNYzd5G"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.711021"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.711021"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Madonna Casper MD"], ["job_title", "Product Paradigm Assistant"], ["greetings", "Et eum vel doloribus minima mollitia quod sit."], ["summary", "Omnis aliquam et amet. Et possimus aliquid voluptatem voluptates odio. Quisquam officia placeat est voluptatem ipsa."], ["key", "madonna_casper_md"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.793846"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.793846"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/admin/site_items/index.html.erb within layouts/portfolio/admin (0.2ms) +Completed 200 OK in 12ms (Views: 5.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'elise@witting.info' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "elise@witting.info"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$XJ8s7TzIVVWdTiog/aq0YOuj5c5aOixjT4RHmXd3dCfNizUevf3LG"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.818185"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.818185"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Gonzalo Beatty"], ["job_title", "Forward Brand Coordinator"], ["greetings", "Dolor eos consequatur recusandae sint dolorem eveniet hic neque."], ["summary", "Voluptatem qui optio dolores. Sint ut eum non enim ipsam. Architecto hic odit velit. Harum debitis commodi. Unde magnam eaque ex ut illum."], ["key", "gonzalo_beatty"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.821249"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.821249"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_project"=>{"title"=>"proj1"}, "site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "proj1"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.842859"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.842859"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Redirected to http://test.host/admin/sites/1/site_projects/1/edit +Completed 302 Found in 20ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms) +  (0.7ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SitesController#index as HTML +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mr. Efrain Schoen"], ["job_title", "Chief Configuration Assistant"], ["greetings", "Eum aut dolorem eos corrupti minus sit."], ["summary", "Et officiis perferendis. Temporibus qui voluptas consectetur. Odio enim ut iusto eos aut voluptatem."], ["key", "mr_efrain_schoen"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.856352"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.856352"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.863174"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.863174"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Antonette Daugherty"], ["job_title", "Global Factors Consultant"], ["greetings", "Odit quia ut nihil veritatis ipsum quos."], ["summary", "Nihil laboriosam earum eos iusto. Suscipit ut ab quas aliquid. Eveniet velit quo id ullam voluptatibus praesentium. Placeat vitae qui voluptates animi."], ["key", "antonette_daugherty"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.869086"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.869086"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.871513"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.871513"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ms. Marielle Runolfsson"], ["job_title", "National Quality Producer"], ["greetings", "Est excepturi magni animi."], ["summary", "Nostrum qui consequatur sed sit alias ut neque. Repudiandae qui aut. Ad animi et illo repudiandae sed quod. Quisquam iste dolor quaerat. Fugit eos illo eaque."], ["key", "ms_marielle_runolfsson"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.874654"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.874654"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.877163"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.877163"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') + Portfolio::SiteItemChild Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Garland Collier"], ["job_title", "International Identity Coordinator"], ["greetings", "Error nihil laudantium perspiciatis molestiae culpa laborum."], ["summary", "Et fuga ea. Illum quaerat consequatur incidunt veritatis voluptates. Tempore commodi aut magni ratione ullam quae perferendis. Architecto dolorem incidunt laboriosam quia ad quos aut. Laboriosam eius eaque fuga."], ["key", "garland_collier"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.883898"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.883898"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.887725"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.887725"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ned Wiegand"], ["job_title", "District Integration Consultant"], ["greetings", "Qui quisquam ut et non fuga exercitationem."], ["summary", "Saepe voluptas fuga mollitia itaque. Corrupti maiores et aut quia enim eum quam. Rerum incidunt numquam quidem rerum aspernatur veritatis. Minus ea omnis id est voluptas mollitia neque."], ["key", "ned_wiegand"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.892058"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.892058"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.894270"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.894270"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Kris Bernhard III"], ["job_title", "Internal Response Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Vel quo quae rem."], ["summary", "Consequuntur sed ut aut maiores. Aut cumque neque. Sapiente aut atque molestiae."], ["key", "kris_bernhard_iii"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.898393"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.898393"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.900415"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.900415"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Janie Goodwin"], ["job_title", "Principal Applications Developer"], ["greetings", "Deserunt delectus architecto sint a est."], ["summary", "Ex et dicta aperiam cum fugit labore. Voluptas necessitatibus praesentium. Voluptatum fugit quaerat rem explicabo. Eum voluptas eos provident ut nulla sed nisi."], ["key", "janie_goodwin"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.904981"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.904981"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "id"], ["key", "id"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.910114"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.910114"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.911973"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.911973"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "est"], ["key", "est"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.916241"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.916241"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Concrete Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.930901"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.930901"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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Non rem saepe perspiciatis velit."], ["key", "mallie_crooks"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.960775"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.960775"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "culpa"], ["key", "culpa"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.962866"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.962866"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Bronze Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.972577"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.972577"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Iron Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.974410"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.974410"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Bronze Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.976145"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.976145"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Keshawn Ruecker DVM"], ["job_title", "Global Infrastructure Assistant"], ["greetings", "Dolorem quia accusantium officia."], ["summary", "Iure corporis explicabo. Possimus dolores ratione dolores eos. Sunt nemo odio rerum corrupti. Tempora est iure qui ea deserunt iste molestias. Occaecati facilis vel voluptatem asperiores est quod amet."], ["key", "keshawn_ruecker_dvm"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.986150"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.986150"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "dignissimos"], ["key", "dignissimos"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.988351"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.988351"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quaerat"], ["key", "quaerat"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.989965"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.989965"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "deleniti"], ["key", "deleniti"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.991443"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.991443"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Linen Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.998014"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:02.998014"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Iron Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.013822"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.013822"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Concrete Knife"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.015760"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.015760"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Rubber Shoes"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.017565"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.017565"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.7ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jackeline D'Amore"], ["job_title", "District Infrastructure Engineer"], ["greetings", "Dolores iure fugit voluptatem quo voluptatibus et."], ["summary", "Qui enim inventore et odit qui earum. Exercitationem nihil soluta est corporis perferendis. Voluptas exercitationem nobis itaque aut consequatur cupiditate."], ["key", "jackeline_d_amore"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.022275"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.022275"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ex"], ["key", "ex"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.024362"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.024362"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.026241"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.026241"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "eos"], ["key", "eos"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.027814"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.027814"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Aluminum Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.034951"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.034951"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Concrete Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.037263"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.037263"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Wooden Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.039363"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.039363"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteItemTag Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_tags".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_tags" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_tags"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Bettie Ankunding"], ["job_title", "Central Creative Engineer"], ["greetings", "Voluptates officiis maiores sapiente ea commodi."], ["summary", "Aperiam labore quaerat. Voluptatem nostrum optio. Consequuntur dolorum sunt magni eos vero ut aperiam."], ["key", "bettie_ankunding"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.046187"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.046187"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Leather Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.048449"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.048449"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Wool Plate"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.050709"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.050709"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Enormous Wooden Watch"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.053624"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.053624"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Plastic Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.055879"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.055879"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (54.7ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (66.1ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (81.4ms) +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Quinton Hessel"], ["job_title", "District Research Designer"], ["greetings", "Ipsum architecto ea nihil vel."], ["summary", "Nihil culpa eum et placeat consequatur doloremque magnam. Quasi facere similique inventore. Voluptatem reprehenderit rem ea. Modi aspernatur odit placeat maxime. Aut quia molestiae ut sit."], ["key", "quinton_hessel"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.156321"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.156321"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Rubber Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.159669"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.159669"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Fantastic Cotton Shoes"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.161925"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.161925"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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Laudantium consequatur natus voluptatibus."], ["key", "reyes_padberg"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.241433"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.241433"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "reprehenderit"], ["key", "reprehenderit"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.243443"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.243443"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Copper Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.249463"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.249463"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Leather Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.252492"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.252492"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Enormous Linen Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.254297"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.254297"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Silk Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.256012"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.256012"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (54.8ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (55.4ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (55.6ms) +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Myah Hartmann MD"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Response Officer"], ["greetings", "Eius blanditiis quam et molestias omnis et ut."], ["summary", "Harum illum ut ea reiciendis similique impedit quae. Id consequatur est corporis praesentium amet. Quis nulla voluptas ut sint aliquam."], ["key", "myah_hartmann_md"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.317431"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.317431"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "illo"], ["key", "illo"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.319806"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.319806"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Bronze Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.330644"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.330644"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Fantastic Rubber Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.332963"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.332963"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Wool Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.335662"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.335662"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (50.9ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (51.5ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (51.7ms) +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mrs. Coby Kiehn"], ["job_title", "District Creative Strategist"], ["greetings", "Nulla et quo et et corporis exercitationem magnam aliquam."], ["summary", "Velit voluptatem dolorem. Fugit est ut quod ut nulla voluptas. Iste voluptatem ut debitis qui tempore. Qui maiores debitis non non recusandae qui ut. Architecto commodi labore occaecati id non."], ["key", "mrs_coby_kiehn"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.394105"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.394105"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.6ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (6.3ms) +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mrs. Ashleigh Cronin"], ["job_title", "Internal Mobility Technician"], ["greetings", "Inventore quaerat odit eligendi qui."], ["summary", "Perspiciatis vel sit. Est vel possimus architecto enim. Et ut laborum delectus facere perspiciatis voluptate. Iste excepturi est ad eaque minus quas molestiae. Et nihil sint."], ["key", "mrs_ashleigh_cronin"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.416915"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.416915"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.4ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (2.7ms) +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Dr. Adell Steuber"], ["job_title", "Central Interactions Producer"], ["greetings", "Aut doloremque esse ut."], ["summary", "Nulla quam enim repellat. Eum accusantium ea animi id. Asperiores eaque consequatur earum neque animi qui. Veniam officia odio repudiandae sed."], ["key", "dr_adell_steuber"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.426793"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.426793"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "officia"], ["key", "officia"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.428877"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.428877"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "eum"], ["key", "eum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.430396"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.430396"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "sed"], ["key", "sed"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.431670"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.431670"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Steel Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.434610"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.434610"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Aluminum Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.440281"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.440281"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Cotton Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.442487"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.442487"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Granite Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.444701"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:03.444701"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (3.0ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? 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Recusandae occaecati libero quia saepe vitae quod et."], ["key", "payton_senger"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.776135"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.776135"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "omnis"], ["key", "omnis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.783995"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.783995"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "voluptatem"], ["key", "voluptatem"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.785834"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.785834"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "debitis"], ["key", "debitis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.789892"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.789892"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Paper Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.818282"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.818282"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Silk Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.821529"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.821529"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Linen Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.823530"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.823530"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Linen Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.826735"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:36.826735"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (19.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (34.3ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (47.8ms) +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Connor Lebsack"], ["job_title", "Forward Implementation Designer"], ["greetings", "Eum a modi excepturi maxime cum consectetur est aut."], ["summary", "Harum itaque consequatur enim dignissimos rerum non ut. Voluptatem est ex tempora esse numquam. In ut aspernatur ut dolore sed consequatur ab. Provident omnis aut ab ea non dolor."], ["key", "connor_lebsack"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.535729"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.535729"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "cumque"], ["key", "cumque"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.544072"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.544072"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quisquam"], ["key", "quisquam"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.546612"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.546612"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "doloribus"], ["key", "doloribus"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.551277"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.551277"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Linen Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.581952"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.581952"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Silk Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.585690"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.585690"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Granite Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.587559"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.587559"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Leather Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.590427"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:24:48.590427"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (18.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (31.8ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (44.8ms) +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Margaretta Kunze"], ["job_title", "Global Operations Designer"], ["greetings", "Atque nam ipsum quo voluptatum laborum reiciendis porro est."], ["summary", "Delectus eum ut aut facere sequi. Atque consequatur placeat dolores est. Et delectus earum. Quia et soluta dolore non odit eos. Quidem est est et inventore delectus aut."], ["key", "margaretta_kunze"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.649552"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.649552"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "perspiciatis"], ["key", "perspiciatis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.656536"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.656536"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quisquam"], ["key", "quisquam"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.658369"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.658369"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "aliquam"], ["key", "aliquam"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.663706"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.663706"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Steel Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.693895"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.693895"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Silk Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.697366"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.697366"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Silk Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.699323"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.699323"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Bronze Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.701236"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:25:09.701236"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (3.5ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (16.8ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (246.0ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (7.7ms) +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (1.4ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (331.2ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.3ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Coralie Koelpin"], ["job_title", "District Communications Officer"], ["greetings", "Nulla beatae dolorem laboriosam illo aliquam."], ["summary", "Quibusdam alias eligendi voluptatem commodi. Voluptatum molestias modi similique nihil voluptas et velit. Nesciunt id amet hic nemo qui corrupti. Assumenda commodi at sapiente sit quam."], ["key", "coralie_koelpin"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.372555"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.372555"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "magni"], ["key", "magni"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.380296"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.380296"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "eaque"], ["key", "eaque"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.382309"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.382309"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "corporis"], ["key", "corporis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.386050"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.386050"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Marble Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.417724"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.417724"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Wool Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.420937"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.420937"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Cotton Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.422805"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.422805"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Linen Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.425171"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:36.425171"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (8.9ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (23.0ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.3ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (243.6ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (7.2ms) +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (1.3ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (329.4ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'jalon@stammhomenick.co' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "jalon@stammhomenick.co"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$D4Wi4DbbMX3mOcJXFZzYou0LVQROAFE.gmSpxnLwsMh52mMchN9tG"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:42.902725"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:42.902725"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mr. Adela Walter"], ["job_title", "Regional Interactions Assistant"], ["greetings", "Quidem ad qui dolorem."], ["summary", "Totam autem dolore harum in ipsum voluptas ex. Vel aliquid rem et consequatur omnis rerum. Vero aspernatur atque. Vero eum sit reprehenderit dolores harum."], ["key", "mr_adela_walter"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:42.992444"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:42.992444"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/admin/site_items/index.html.erb within layouts/portfolio/admin (0.2ms) +Completed 200 OK in 14ms (Views: 6.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.5ms) +  (1.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'jalon@stammhomenick.co' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "jalon@stammhomenick.co"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$DwiKfy1wrxENBw24.nUmyePwzQbznQ4/FqZJe0oAhkB060mTbFHQu"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.018572"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.018572"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Idell Stiedemann"], ["job_title", "Global Integration Analyst"], ["greetings", "Consequatur voluptate architecto qui nam facilis nisi."], ["summary", "Dolores dolor nam. Incidunt saepe eligendi. Vitae voluptatibus aut. Tempora hic nostrum consequuntur enim facilis. Ab dolor natus."], ["key", "idell_stiedemann"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.021971"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.021971"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_project"=>{"title"=>"proj1"}, "site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "proj1"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.040745"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.040745"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Redirected to http://test.host/admin/sites/1/site_projects/1/edit +Completed 302 Found in 19ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms) +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SitesController#index as HTML +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.1ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Dwight Bauch"], ["job_title", "Corporate Factors Associate"], ["greetings", "Quis sed consectetur dolor esse."], ["summary", "Voluptatem est occaecati qui ad sit. Quas dolor fuga quibusdam quo culpa. Et sed commodi sapiente hic. Itaque pariatur dolores reiciendis possimus soluta numquam. Consequuntur libero reprehenderit sunt iure a."], ["key", "dwight_bauch"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.051974"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.051974"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.059536"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.059536"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jarred Stroman IV"], ["job_title", "Legacy Brand Officer"], ["greetings", "Ratione voluptatem dolor nihil explicabo voluptas eaque odio."], ["summary", "Velit eius numquam. Odit officia voluptates. Distinctio repellendus sunt rem impedit vel eum. Et vel excepturi id. Et facilis qui ab porro."], ["key", "jarred_stroman_iv"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.065705"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.065705"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.067799"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.067799"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Destinee Terry"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Configuration Agent"], ["greetings", "Earum libero est quia a."], ["summary", "Quis incidunt consectetur velit adipisci totam quia dolorem. Eos id qui ut quisquam aliquid molestiae. Rerum dolores autem quo."], ["key", "destinee_terry"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.070510"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.070510"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.072287"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.072287"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') + Portfolio::SiteItemChild Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Pietro Ratke"], ["job_title", "International Applications Representative"], ["greetings", "Voluptas omnis fugit officia ut temporibus voluptatem dolores."], ["summary", "Earum eligendi et fugiat. Quisquam ex quia eos sit. Odio numquam reprehenderit velit temporibus. Et illo pariatur quis rerum quasi voluptatum et. Doloremque odit voluptatem voluptate ipsam."], ["key", "pietro_ratke"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.078171"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.078171"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.080291"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.080291"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Joey Kerluke"], ["job_title", "Legacy Operations Developer"], ["greetings", "Hic consectetur qui vero ipsum."], ["summary", "Perspiciatis ut sapiente aut sit consequatur esse sit. Eum aliquid quos. Exercitationem quis iste unde eum est esse saepe. Velit alias facere ipsa. Amet impedit molestiae necessitatibus doloribus."], ["key", "joey_kerluke"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.084508"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.084508"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.087560"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.087560"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Raul Schinner MD"], ["job_title", "Regional Configuration Developer"], ["greetings", "Neque non magnam voluptatibus."], ["summary", "Dignissimos fuga quo beatae. Voluptatum saepe a autem dignissimos sed. Dolorum dolorem fugit accusamus perspiciatis asperiores et est. Et placeat quia provident molestias dolorem itaque adipisci."], ["key", "raul_schinner_md"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.091640"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.091640"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.093564"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.093564"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Dallas Gulgowski"], ["job_title", "Forward Identity Planner"], ["greetings", "Aliquid commodi natus voluptates ad quia tempora."], ["summary", "Et natus voluptatem. Occaecati qui consequatur adipisci. Nulla voluptatem est. Deleniti facere rem. Quibusdam saepe et labore dolor facere et praesentium."], ["key", "dallas_gulgowski"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.099682"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.099682"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "id"], ["key", "id"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.104604"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.104604"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "nam"], ["key", "nam"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.106411"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.106411"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "magni"], ["key", "magni"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.110277"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.110277"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Rubber Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.125317"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.125317"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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Eveniet architecto molestias."], ["key", "hans_hintz"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.155085"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.155085"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quod"], ["key", "quod"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.157050"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.157050"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Leather Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.166736"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.166736"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Wool Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.168574"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.168574"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Rubber Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.204957"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.204957"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Copper Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.206998"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.206998"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Wooden Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.209032"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.209032"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mrs. Meagan Lind"], ["job_title", "Global Factors Executive"], ["greetings", "Earum aperiam commodi voluptas est recusandae distinctio atque laudantium."], ["summary", "Similique exercitationem animi. Itaque officiis est natus dolores voluptatem officia. Ut optio et repellendus harum maxime sunt."], ["key", "mrs_meagan_lind"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.213700"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.213700"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "sunt"], ["key", "sunt"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.215985"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.215985"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Iron Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.244584"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.244584"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Enormous Cotton Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.247417"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.247417"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Adeline Kuphal"], ["job_title", "Product Research Technician"], ["greetings", "Modi vero magni ad et fugit consequatur consequatur sunt."], ["summary", "Cum omnis architecto incidunt. Voluptatum necessitatibus qui molestias ad eos tenetur. Molestiae ex sed vero et repellendus error omnis. Ut deserunt omnis et ut."], ["key", "adeline_kuphal"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.546420"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.546420"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Cotton Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.551565"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.551565"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Rubber Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.556337"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.556337"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Steel Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.560467"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.560467"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Cotton Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.564310"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.564310"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (6.3ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (7.1ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 2]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (11.2ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (24.3ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (1.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ofelia Funk"], ["job_title", "Regional Quality Facilitator"], ["greetings", "Numquam et enim odio veniam doloremque rerum praesentium consequatur."], ["summary", "Atque voluptas est quia est maiores quo. Nihil sapiente omnis quia adipisci rerum qui. Totam ea eius."], ["key", "ofelia_funk"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.601790"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.601790"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.604699"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.604699"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "veritatis"], ["key", "veritatis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.606374"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.606374"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "libero"], ["key", "libero"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.607683"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.607683"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Linen Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.610503"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.610503"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Aluminum Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.614131"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.614131"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Plastic Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.616331"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.616331"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Steel Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.618310"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.618310"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.7ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (3.1ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.2ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.8ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (0.5ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (15.6ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Kraig Hegmann"], ["job_title", "Regional Creative Associate"], ["greetings", "Qui tenetur deserunt quia id."], ["summary", "Ullam molestias voluptas voluptas ut sunt corrupti. Quo non dolore minus dicta. Ad nihil omnis magnam voluptate iusto. Quis animi consequatur assumenda rerum quia. Veniam quod animi sed sint perspiciatis aut."], ["key", "kraig_hegmann"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.641838"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.641838"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "excepturi"], ["key", "excepturi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.644750"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.644750"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "maiores"], ["key", "maiores"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.647805"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.647805"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "veritatis"], ["key", "veritatis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.649655"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.649655"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Granite Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.653251"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.653251"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Aluminum Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.656698"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.656698"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Steel Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.658680"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.658680"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Enormous Iron Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.660516"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.660516"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (3.0ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.3ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (2.7ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (0.5ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (14.1ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mrs. Ibrahim Pollich"], ["job_title", "Central Accountability Planner"], ["greetings", "Placeat rem qui cupiditate ex."], ["summary", "Enim esse sunt. Nesciunt sint minus repudiandae. Et voluptatem sunt quaerat soluta fugiat. Voluptates laborum consequatur."], ["key", "mrs_ibrahim_pollich"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.682520"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.682520"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.4ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (6.0ms) +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Amir Nolan"], ["job_title", "Principal Accountability Administrator"], ["greetings", "Magni aut hic et cupiditate."], ["summary", "Cumque itaque eveniet maiores quidem. Autem rerum quia ea doloremque neque qui laudantium. Quas at illo ea repellendus deleniti quaerat fugiat. Dolorem occaecati soluta."], ["key", "amir_nolan"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.705367"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.705367"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.3ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (2.5ms) +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Destany Predovic"], ["job_title", "Global Identity Manager"], ["greetings", "Error similique cum est."], ["summary", "Est voluptas itaque dolore porro. Illo necessitatibus quisquam inventore. Architecto iure eius vitae rerum similique velit fugiat. Inventore repellendus odio delectus earum facere."], ["key", "destany_predovic"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.714550"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.714550"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ut"], ["key", "ut"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.716941"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.716941"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "placeat"], ["key", "placeat"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.718667"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.718667"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "distinctio"], ["key", "distinctio"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.720046"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.720046"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Wooden Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.723470"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.723470"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Wooden Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.726387"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.726387"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Steel Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.730392"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.730392"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Plastic Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.732699"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 18:26:43.732699"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (3.2ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_list.html.erb (5.2ms) + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (20.6ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'eileen.oconner@luettgencummerata.co' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "eileen.oconner@luettgencummerata.co"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$YrMHLHvm0wrsvRnxXnS94e.YROixTSri0Hv7ndfNxeBdjyKkHK4jC"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.769748"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.769748"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Dr. Deangelo Kulas"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Response Designer"], ["greetings", "Quo ipsam nesciunt inventore sunt saepe tenetur est est."], ["summary", "Natus odio sit quisquam nihil. Sunt dolore sit sint tenetur explicabo. Quos rem dolorem. Id vel doloremque. Voluptas rerum sit est est."], ["key", "dr_deangelo_kulas"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.853931"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.853931"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/admin/site_items/index.html.erb within layouts/portfolio/admin (0.3ms) +Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 5.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'eileen.oconner@luettgencummerata.co' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "eileen.oconner@luettgencummerata.co"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$pkyukjWTOieY48tuBSGlweTv4tCEpFvvtXBswVeyANaqANjOYu7Oi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.877830"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.877830"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Estefania Veum III"], ["job_title", "Human Marketing Strategist"], ["greetings", "Illum ea iusto sit."], ["summary", "Et accusamus est quaerat ut. Fuga quia doloremque non iusto ut dolor nihil. Iure rem sapiente."], ["key", "estefania_veum_iii"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.881468"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.881468"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_project"=>{"title"=>"proj1"}, "site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "proj1"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.904312"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.904312"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Redirected to http://test.host/admin/sites/1/site_projects/1/edit +Completed 302 Found in 22ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms) +  (1.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SitesController#index as HTML +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jesus Schuster DDS"], ["job_title", "Internal Implementation Developer"], ["greetings", "Et fugiat voluptas voluptatum adipisci ea perferendis."], ["summary", "Sint omnis architecto temporibus ducimus ut nemo ut. Laudantium quia qui officiis. Molestiae adipisci laborum. Distinctio quo consectetur a est. Optio doloremque autem ea et veritatis."], ["key", "jesus_schuster_dds"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.919654"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.919654"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.927309"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.927309"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Drew Muller"], ["job_title", "Human Identity Representative"], ["greetings", "Exercitationem eius cupiditate qui unde qui placeat minus."], ["summary", "Consequatur dolorem et minus tempore. Voluptas exercitationem ipsam sunt sequi quo vel. Porro nihil autem quia."], ["key", "drew_muller"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.932885"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.932885"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.934937"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.934937"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Noemi Renner"], ["job_title", "Investor Usability Administrator"], ["greetings", "Mollitia vel dignissimos odit inventore perferendis nihil aut."], ["summary", "Autem enim quis qui aut ipsa. Excepturi deleniti voluptatem et optio sit ducimus. Pariatur neque ullam maiores consequatur cupiditate et recusandae. Libero aliquid et dolores. Rerum est dolorem voluptate aspernatur inventore."], ["key", "noemi_renner"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.937812"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.937812"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.939365"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.939365"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') + Portfolio::SiteItemChild Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ettie Senger"], ["job_title", "Direct Applications Assistant"], ["greetings", "Consequatur ex exercitationem omnis sint esse inventore placeat nihil."], ["summary", "Velit praesentium commodi eius magnam culpa et dolor. Aut velit deserunt neque. Id illum nemo ipsum sapiente enim eaque laudantium. Animi molestiae incidunt et."], ["key", "ettie_senger"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.945296"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.945296"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.947367"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.947367"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Clementine Hand"], ["job_title", "Internal Assurance Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Quis dolor voluptatem deleniti sed accusantium."], ["summary", "Doloribus ex aspernatur modi. Vitae reprehenderit porro aliquid incidunt est. Qui aut unde voluptates. Iure quisquam debitis."], ["key", "clementine_hand"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.951084"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.951084"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.953253"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.953253"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Keenan Daniel DVM"], ["job_title", "Corporate Functionality Officer"], ["greetings", "Ducimus rerum vel temporibus quia non."], ["summary", "Perspiciatis omnis unde voluptatum eaque deleniti eos voluptas. Architecto sequi doloremque. Labore non amet eius dolores ullam."], ["key", "keenan_daniel_dvm"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.956999"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.956999"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.959307"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.959307"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Malika Hahn"], ["job_title", "Legacy Metrics Administrator"], ["greetings", "Itaque praesentium aliquam debitis aliquid ut maiores quasi."], ["summary", "Eligendi quibusdam numquam voluptatem est aliquam illo nemo. Sed quaerat id. Saepe ut sint voluptatem at totam voluptatem. Rerum voluptatibus magnam et et dicta fugit."], ["key", "malika_hahn"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.965077"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.965077"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "est"], ["key", "est"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.970209"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.970209"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "asperiores"], ["key", "asperiores"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.972150"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.972150"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quis"], ["key", "quis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.976058"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.976058"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Plastic Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.991689"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.991689"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Wooden Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.994857"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.994857"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Linen Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.998604"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:27.998604"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Marble Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.000655"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.000655"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.8ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Neha Gaylord"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Integration Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Sunt qui et et non eveniet."], ["summary", "Accusantium saepe id at molestiae. Iste vitae qui reiciendis sed. Quia est nemo."], ["key", "neha_gaylord"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.019309"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.019309"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "tenetur"], ["key", "tenetur"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.021518"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.021518"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.023182"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.023182"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "culpa"], ["key", "culpa"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.024525"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.024525"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Copper Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.027646"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.027646"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Linen Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.030583"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.030583"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Concrete Bench"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.032377"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.032377"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Linen Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.034292"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.034292"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Samantha Wunsch"], ["job_title", "Lead Research Technician"], ["greetings", "Sit occaecati ipsam quo aspernatur qui."], ["summary", "Molestiae officiis quia. Cum odio et error magni atque. Quo iure quidem eos voluptas. Qui repellat amet aliquam."], ["key", "samantha_wunsch"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.043343"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.043343"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "cumque"], ["key", "cumque"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.045335"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.045335"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "autem"], ["key", "autem"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.046922"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.046922"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ea"], ["key", "ea"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.048760"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.048760"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Silk Knife"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.069507"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.069507"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Iron Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.071511"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.071511"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Copper Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.073354"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.073354"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Daphne Feeney"], ["job_title", "District Tactics Associate"], ["greetings", "Consequatur nesciunt facilis odio provident voluptatem iusto aut quia."], ["summary", "Repellat id consequatur error. Repellat beatae at architecto. Modi cupiditate animi eveniet ut."], ["key", "daphne_feeney"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.077488"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.077488"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "voluptatibus"], ["key", "voluptatibus"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.079751"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.079751"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "deserunt"], ["key", "deserunt"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.081624"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.081624"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "cum"], ["key", "cum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.083479"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.083479"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Concrete Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.106530"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.106530"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Aluminum Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.108352"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.108352"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Lucio Wiegand"], ["job_title", "Forward Branding Analyst"], ["greetings", "Iusto ut excepturi sit culpa earum aut repudiandae."], ["summary", "Iusto id sed adipisci non eum et. Distinctio consectetur ipsam totam est a. Incidunt laboriosam illum corrupti impedit aspernatur. Hic aut quaerat nisi illo aut quo sint. Error culpa quo."], ["key", "lucio_wiegand"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.411998"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.411998"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Copper Watch"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.416824"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.416824"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Rubber Knife"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.421787"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.421787"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Plastic Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.476404"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.476404"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Wooden Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.478199"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.478199"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Nelle Spinka"], ["job_title", "International Metrics Planner"], ["greetings", "Nesciunt ratione molestiae voluptatem."], ["summary", "Hic quos perferendis. Fugit iure ad harum at. Ex maiores distinctio odit qui perspiciatis. Architecto ut et. Earum voluptatibus quis."], ["key", "nelle_spinka"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.505644"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.505644"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "nulla"], ["key", "nulla"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.507635"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.507635"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "animi"], ["key", "animi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.509260"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.509260"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "dignissimos"], ["key", "dignissimos"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.510632"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.510632"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Wool Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.515388"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.515388"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Plastic Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.518309"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.518309"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Silk Watch"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.520298"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.520298"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Copper Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.522332"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.522332"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (3.0ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.4ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (2.7ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (0.4ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (13.5ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (0.8ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Moriah Witting"], ["job_title", "Regional Functionality Planner"], ["greetings", "Odit quia expedita tempore error natus voluptatibus repellat."], ["summary", "Velit qui id. Vitae ratione placeat qui fuga dolorem laudantium qui. Totam eum ex ipsam quod. Quibusdam ipsam molestias enim modi qui rerum quaerat. Tenetur enim quod exercitationem consequuntur debitis neque."], ["key", "moriah_witting"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.543114"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.543114"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.5ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (6.1ms) +  (0.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Maximillia Gusikowski"], ["job_title", "Central Branding Agent"], ["greetings", "Fugit et possimus nihil ab autem alias quae."], ["summary", "Perspiciatis cumque delectus dolores aliquam nesciunt minus. Modi sint odit quisquam totam et. Sint doloremque repellendus saepe."], ["key", "maximillia_gusikowski"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.567289"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.567289"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.3ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (2.6ms) +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.2ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Treva Herman"], ["job_title", "Legacy Web Director"], ["greetings", "Voluptas aspernatur fugit a et molestias."], ["summary", "Neque aut quam iste amet. Tempora a aut ullam molestias deserunt molestiae repudiandae. Temporibus quibusdam aut veritatis."], ["key", "treva_herman"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.577306"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.577306"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "non"], ["key", "non"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.579462"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.579462"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "iusto"], ["key", "iusto"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.582651"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.582651"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.584036"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.584036"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Iron Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.587036"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.587036"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Copper Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.590266"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.590266"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Iron Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.592351"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.592351"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Rubber Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.594094"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:51:28.594094"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.6ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.2ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_list.html.erb (5.3ms) + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (19.6ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] +  (1.3ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'junius_thompson@moenkoelpin.io' LIMIT 1 + SQL (1.0ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "junius_thompson@moenkoelpin.io"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$E/nFDoBqKy7UhG8VdttWjeHb0qHG6hW4FomtwAFFVOUvtVJjxEqZe"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.646899"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.646899"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Rebeca Runte Sr."], ["job_title", "Customer Solutions Assistant"], ["greetings", "Aut omnis eos voluptatibus quaerat quos."], ["summary", "Rerum vel et beatae. At sapiente in vel veniam. Perferendis nisi cupiditate voluptatem molestias aspernatur alias."], ["key", "rebeca_runte_sr"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.734358"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.734358"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/admin/site_items/index.html.erb within layouts/portfolio/admin (0.2ms) +Completed 200 OK in 12ms (Views: 5.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'junius_thompson@moenkoelpin.io' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "junius_thompson@moenkoelpin.io"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$EvUS/F5Cc.aszZTTMkmuv.QohX1CSH3bc6LyU0Na8PM/pf3HSxpkO"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.758756"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.758756"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ramona Cartwright"], ["job_title", "Human Mobility Technician"], ["greetings", "Ea id ut rerum sed repudiandae et."], ["summary", "Eveniet nam exercitationem quibusdam quas. Qui sequi quis accusantium eum enim. Vel sit eligendi nobis illo quo odio et."], ["key", "ramona_cartwright"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.761492"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.761492"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_project"=>{"title"=>"proj1"}, "site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "proj1"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.780212"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.780212"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Redirected to http://test.host/admin/sites/1/site_projects/1/edit +Completed 302 Found in 19ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms) +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SitesController#index as HTML +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.2ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Pamela O'Keefe"], ["job_title", "Forward Integration Engineer"], ["greetings", "Dignissimos inventore adipisci maxime nemo aut voluptates sint veniam."], ["summary", "Expedita animi alias dolor consectetur ratione. Sed ut fugit autem sunt deleniti. In sed molestiae voluptas quidem. Occaecati praesentium neque qui fuga minus eum."], ["key", "pamela_o_keefe"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.793040"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.793040"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.799808"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.799808"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ms. Marlon Jenkins"], ["job_title", "Forward Tactics Designer"], ["greetings", "Corporis sit voluptas repudiandae."], ["summary", "Itaque quam voluptas. In hic dicta. Officiis qui earum aut placeat eos voluptatem animi."], ["key", "ms_marlon_jenkins"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.804353"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.804353"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.807028"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.807028"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ceasar Feeney"], ["job_title", "Product Interactions Executive"], ["greetings", "Fugit vero itaque dolor aliquid ut."], ["summary", "Optio veritatis a. Commodi rem et facilis ut. Atque dolorem reprehenderit harum placeat. Repudiandae sequi voluptatem. Iure cum est."], ["key", "ceasar_feeney"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.810029"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.810029"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.811623"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.811623"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') + Portfolio::SiteItemChild Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Waino Kessler DVM"], ["job_title", "Direct Intranet Facilitator"], ["greetings", "Illum id nemo distinctio est non."], ["summary", "Adipisci quibusdam ea non natus at minus. Aut tenetur nam omnis labore. Quis enim eius nemo mollitia consequatur ipsam praesentium."], ["key", "waino_kessler_dvm"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.817444"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.817444"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.819719"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.819719"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jerel Feeney"], ["job_title", "Direct Web Associate"], ["greetings", "Incidunt delectus autem suscipit ut."], ["summary", "Et cum ullam voluptatem quam. Autem eum voluptatem. Nesciunt iure et rem eos illum."], ["key", "jerel_feeney"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.823708"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.823708"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.826445"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.826445"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Nikita Runolfsdottir"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Brand Developer"], ["greetings", "Quibusdam ut atque quo rem."], ["summary", "Enim nulla debitis ab. Est quasi qui iure. Rerum dolorem rem autem quas. Iusto animi et eos sequi."], ["key", "nikita_runolfsdottir"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.830927"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.830927"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.832853"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.832853"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Easter Kutch"], ["job_title", "Product Solutions Representative"], ["greetings", "Est totam deleniti cupiditate earum nostrum assumenda expedita."], ["summary", "Modi ut fugit. Aut laudantium quasi enim. Laboriosam incidunt recusandae sit vitae."], ["key", "easter_kutch"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.836907"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.836907"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "asperiores"], ["key", "asperiores"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.843728"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.843728"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "hic"], ["key", "hic"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.845560"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.845560"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ducimus"], ["key", "ducimus"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.849361"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.849361"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Steel Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.863205"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.863205"]] + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Concrete Shirt"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.867505"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.867505"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Marble Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.869777"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.869777"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Wooden Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.873149"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.873149"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Lauretta Robel PhD"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Factors Administrator"], ["greetings", "Fugit magnam sint error harum explicabo rem."], ["summary", "Sit voluptas est rerum ad. Repellat rem excepturi aut nam est dolores sint. Fugit expedita dolorem cum hic aut architecto."], ["key", "lauretta_robel_phd"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.893743"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.893743"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "enim"], ["key", "enim"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.895820"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.895820"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "quis"], ["key", "quis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.897413"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.897413"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "in"], ["key", "in"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.898725"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.898725"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Iron Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.901877"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.901877"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Wooden Bag"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.904953"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.904953"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Iron Plate"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.907654"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.907654"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Incredible Marble Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.909826"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.909826"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ms. Earline Ferry"], ["job_title", "Investor Creative Strategist"], ["greetings", "Fugiat aut dolorem accusantium nihil aut."], ["summary", "Aut dicta occaecati quas ullam. Aut similique ut est consequatur non cum. Sequi ad aut tenetur quidem natus dolorem."], ["key", "ms_earline_ferry"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.919766"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.919766"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "vel"], ["key", "vel"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.922348"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.922348"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Wool Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.949707"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.949707"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Rubber Chair"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.953241"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.953241"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Leather Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.956435"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.956435"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (1.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ms. Glen Yost"], ["job_title", "Product Usability Liaison"], ["greetings", "Nam aut id suscipit."], ["summary", "Laborum hic adipisci qui dicta veniam. Laborum natus qui. Ipsa itaque quasi assumenda. Iste quaerat quam et pariatur est. Quia et sint."], ["key", "ms_glen_yost"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.962079"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.962079"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "voluptatem"], ["key", "voluptatem"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.964157"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.964157"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "iusto"], ["key", "iusto"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.965725"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.965725"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "est"], ["key", "est"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.967194"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.967194"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Plastic Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.973671"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.973671"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Steel Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.975663"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.975663"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Plastic Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.988637"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.988637"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Marble Gloves"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.990601"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:29.990601"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Breanna Rowe"], ["job_title", "Lead Usability Assistant"], ["greetings", "Inventore deserunt unde qui ipsum."], ["summary", "Voluptatibus corrupti tempore dolorum laborum aperiam. Autem exercitationem deserunt et nam occaecati et sunt. Voluptatem vero aut harum omnis velit."], ["key", "breanna_rowe"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.289984"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.289984"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Rustic Wool Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.295117"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.295117"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Wool Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.299938"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.299938"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 2]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (11.5ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (25.1ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Teagan Renner"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Operations Planner"], ["greetings", "Porro quo quia voluptas et est nostrum inventore aliquid."], ["summary", "Quia harum ea inventore quidem omnis nisi odio. 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Aerodynamic Granite Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.359655"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.359655"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Fantastic Aluminum Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.362181"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.362181"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Bronze Watch"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.364351"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.364351"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (3.1ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (3.5ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.2ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.7ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? 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AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.7ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Zelda Koss"], ["job_title", "Future Markets Executive"], ["greetings", "Beatae enim omnis dolor."], ["summary", "In provident et. Eum ratione provident ut quae repudiandae nihil. Vitae ut dignissimos. Est aut quis et perferendis eum quo. Corporis quibusdam est quis similique asperiores dolorum."], ["key", "zelda_koss"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.387893"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.387893"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "sit"], ["key", "sit"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.391658"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.391658"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "nemo"], ["key", "nemo"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.393592"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.393592"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "hic"], ["key", "hic"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.395221"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.395221"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Cotton Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.398379"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.398379"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Linen Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.401247"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.401247"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Granite Watch"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.403168"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.403168"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Wooden Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.406493"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.406493"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? 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[["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (2.9ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.0ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? 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AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Percival Blanda IV"], ["job_title", "Chief Tactics Developer"], ["greetings", "Adipisci harum cupiditate repellat libero dolor maxime."], ["summary", "Asperiores molestiae necessitatibus quod omnis. Possimus aut eum et et. Quam inventore cumque nam atque quidem et."], ["key", "percival_blanda_iv"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.431159"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.431159"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.9ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (7.1ms) +  (0.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Clarabelle Wintheiser"], ["job_title", "Legacy Accounts Technician"], ["greetings", "Distinctio aut aperiam voluptate dolores sapiente aut."], ["summary", "Consequatur id excepturi rerum quas architecto corporis. Ab quia aspernatur. Qui facere debitis enim qui sunt."], ["key", "clarabelle_wintheiser"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.454359"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.454359"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.6ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (3.0ms) +  (0.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Edward Schneider PhD"], ["job_title", "Central Functionality Assistant"], ["greetings", "Consequatur et asperiores animi debitis cum reiciendis eos."], ["summary", "Esse similique aut consectetur dolores error. Iste quis laborum hic neque deserunt. Et nemo est velit repellendus rerum."], ["key", "edward_schneider_phd"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.464976"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.464976"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "dolore"], ["key", "dolore"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.466903"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.466903"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ipsum"], ["key", "ipsum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.468497"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.468497"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "id"], ["key", "id"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.470089"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.470089"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Copper Plate"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.475229"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.475229"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Wool Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.479182"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.479182"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Wool Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.481720"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.481720"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Steel Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.485249"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:52:30.485249"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (3.2ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_list.html.erb (5.1ms) + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (20.7ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] +  (1.6ms) rollback transaction + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" + ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations" +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'lue_smith@terry.info' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "lue_smith@terry.info"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$ni1qC7Eh1SxN0/1Q57Og6e7nJXlY5eUfXbsZNfnCVMYoAGqCGhR7W"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.211015"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.211015"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Ms. Walter Bode"], ["job_title", "International Tactics Designer"], ["greetings", "Quae a iusto fugiat enim amet."], ["summary", "Doloremque qui vero accusantium nobis. Nemo et et placeat sequi. Quisquam beatae at illum."], ["key", "ms_walter_bode"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.299505"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.299505"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#index as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/admin/site_items/index.html.erb within layouts/portfolio/admin (0.2ms) +Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 5.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_id"=>"0"} +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.0ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::AdminUser Exists (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."email" = 'lue_smith@terry.info' LIMIT 1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_admin_users" ("email", "encrypted_password", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["email", "lue_smith@terry.info"], ["encrypted_password", "$2a$04$VSeKRNmqzhvz8ri5hLwD9.t9mWXtVQ1gOFnzo6mBysp2ry3K68wEi"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.323453"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.323453"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jaida Johnston DDS"], ["job_title", "Dynamic Paradigm Developer"], ["greetings", "Sit harum illo dolores qui maiores."], ["summary", "Tempora ipsa molestiae voluptatem in eius. Ea harum nihil aliquam dolorem eveniet ut. Tempore ullam culpa eos sapiente ab et."], ["key", "jaida_johnston_dds"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.326303"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.326303"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SiteProjectsController#create as HTML + Parameters: {"site_project"=>{"title"=>"proj1"}, "site_id"=>"1"} + Portfolio::AdminUser Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_admin_users".* FROM "portfolio_admin_users" WHERE "portfolio_admin_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_admin_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "proj1"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.345437"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.345437"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +Redirected to http://test.host/admin/sites/1/site_projects/1/edit +Completed 302 Found in 19ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms) +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +Processing by Portfolio::Admin::SitesController#index as HTML +Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) + Rendered text template (0.0ms) +  (0.1ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Misty Greenfelder"], ["job_title", "Senior Configuration Administrator"], ["greetings", "Nesciunt exercitationem ullam autem ut et."], ["summary", "Tenetur ea quia perferendis cum autem necessitatibus. Ab et ex id dolores laudantium nobis eveniet. Perspiciatis corporis voluptatem nihil atque sunt. Aut non dignissimos ab voluptatibus sunt."], ["key", "misty_greenfelder"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.356578"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.356578"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.363320"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.363320"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mariane Greenholt"], ["job_title", "Legacy Mobility Producer"], ["greetings", "A ad repudiandae nam."], ["summary", "Saepe praesentium repellendus maxime ab maiores ut qui. Quam sunt magnam eos minima nam. Labore occaecati eos corporis quidem distinctio. Vel voluptatum eum magni architecto vel recusandae."], ["key", "mariane_greenholt"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.367823"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.367823"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.371361"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.371361"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Casper Kutch"], ["job_title", "Internal Marketing Administrator"], ["greetings", "Voluptatum nihil qui exercitationem."], ["summary", "Dolorem id ipsum. Voluptas dolor impedit qui iure quibusdam. Eum earum ut amet enim quisquam. Possimus distinctio quis sit facere."], ["key", "casper_kutch"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.374416"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.374416"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.376481"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.376481"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') + Portfolio::SiteItemChild Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteItemChild') ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Lawrence Runolfsdottir"], ["job_title", "Direct Brand Specialist"], ["greetings", "Occaecati est hic non totam ex et quo consequatur."], ["summary", "Quis aliquam enim est. Aut ipsum et doloremque deleniti exercitationem. Eligendi omnis ad est quaerat suscipit animi sed. Reprehenderit illo numquam voluptatem molestias eos soluta. Et id magnam."], ["key", "lawrence_runolfsdottir"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.382317"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.382317"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.384404"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.384404"]] +  (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Abby Torphy DDS"], ["job_title", "Direct Functionality Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Modi molestias aut nisi consequatur ea."], ["summary", "Sapiente quia dolores sequi eum sint quam. Quo voluptatibus dolore eum ea quia alias esse. Unde rerum id maxime in totam aspernatur."], ["key", "abby_torphy_dds"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.389574"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.389574"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.392197"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.392197"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Aletha Cummerata"], ["job_title", "Legacy Security Associate"], ["greetings", "Rerum ex cum est veritatis."], ["summary", "Et vel maiores quia. Quibusdam ipsum earum explicabo quidem. Odio illo magnam sed consequatur. Qui non omnis omnis. Enim aut incidunt odit rerum perspiciatis a at."], ["key", "aletha_cummerata"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.396212"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.396212"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteItemChild"], ["title", "Test child"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.398135"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.398135"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Mr. Nelle Williamson"], ["job_title", "District Quality Architect"], ["greetings", "Error adipisci optio quo totam qui."], ["summary", "Dolor et aut et id incidunt asperiores in. Sequi ex rem animi praesentium voluptas deleniti. Ipsum illo tenetur odit voluptates dolorem aspernatur. Doloremque et quia. Ut voluptas sed aut pariatur quia consequuntur officia."], ["key", "mr_nelle_williamson"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.404957"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.404957"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "et"], ["key", "et"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.410068"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.410068"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "dicta"], ["key", "dicta"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.411870"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.411870"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "vel"], ["key", "vel"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.415583"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.415583"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Paper Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.429388"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.429388"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) 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[["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Steel Lamp"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.472282"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.472282"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Paper Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.474318"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.474318"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Cotton Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.476254"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.476254"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.7ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Nickolas Schinner"], ["job_title", "Forward Accounts Orchestrator"], ["greetings", "Adipisci reiciendis autem laudantium in qui et molestiae."], ["summary", "Sint est voluptate rerum delectus nulla non vel. Quia blanditiis et quam libero. Modi voluptas perspiciatis accusantium error et iusto. Debitis fuga ullam deserunt excepturi."], ["key", "nickolas_schinner"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.486157"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.486157"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "in"], ["key", "in"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.488554"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.488554"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "perspiciatis"], ["key", "perspiciatis"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.490535"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.490535"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Fantastic Plastic Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.510426"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.510426"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Steel Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.512608"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.512608"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Awesome Copper Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.514749"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.514749"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Therese Miller"], ["job_title", "Future Solutions Representative"], ["greetings", "Officiis quia quo sed vel optio eos facilis et."], ["summary", "Ea modi voluptatum officiis unde labore qui. Non voluptas vel natus voluptate. Et et tempore consequatur voluptas. Et laborum fugiat ad. Sit consequatur et animi."], ["key", "therese_miller"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.519322"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.519322"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "nostrum"], ["key", "nostrum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.521596"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.521596"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "unde"], ["key", "unde"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.523389"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.523389"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "inventore"], ["key", "inventore"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.525132"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.525132"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Practical Linen Hat"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.531989"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.531989"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Lightweight Granite Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.534014"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.534014"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Sleek Cotton Wallet"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.536213"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.536213"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + Portfolio::SiteItemTag Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_tags".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_tags" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_tags"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 +  (0.6ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Lew Morar I"], ["job_title", "Customer Integration Liaison"], ["greetings", "Voluptates labore excepturi voluptas at eos debitis sunt ducimus."], ["summary", "Aperiam nemo ea. Esse deserunt nisi asperiores harum. Commodi vero quam aut nesciunt neque."], ["key", "lew_morar_i"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.542769"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.542769"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Silk Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.544986"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.544986"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Small Leather Car"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.547144"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.547144"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Cotton Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.548864"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.548864"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (1.4ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Jayne Volkman"], ["job_title", "District Program Coordinator"], ["greetings", "Facilis alias corrupti iure dolores."], ["summary", "Id blanditiis doloribus. Autem omnis et esse placeat harum vitae tenetur. Omnis animi vel."], ["key", "jayne_volkman"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.853722"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.853722"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Aluminum Coat"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.859057"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.859057"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Durable Marble Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.863691"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.863691"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Heavy Duty Copper Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.867682"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.867682"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Enormous Linen Clock"], ["site_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.872069"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.872069"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? 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AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? 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Numquam atque libero repellendus amet id. Quibusdam ut pariatur voluptatem aut."], ["key", "leon_wintheiser"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.909385"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.909385"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "rerum"], ["key", "rerum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.911430"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.911430"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "dolorem"], ["key", "dolorem"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.912946"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.912946"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "rerum"], ["key", "rerum"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.914641"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.914641"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Steel Computer"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.920640"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.920640"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Silk Plate"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.922586"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.922586"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Synergistic Paper Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.924446"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.924446"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? 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[["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Wool Bottle"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.966923"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.966923"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 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[["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.7ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header.html.erb (3.1ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" IN (SELECT "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ?) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (2.8ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 3]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (3.6ms) +  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND ("portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NOT NULL) [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_item_category_id" IS NULL [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_projects_group.html.erb (0.6ms) + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/index.html.erb (15.8ms) + Portfolio::SiteItemCategory Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_item_categories".* FROM "portfolio_site_item_categories" ORDER BY "portfolio_site_item_categories"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "f"]] +  (1.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Emie Baumbach"], ["job_title", "Regional Factors Administrator"], ["greetings", "Quisquam sunt quae qui."], ["summary", "Sed cupiditate quia commodi minima perferendis veritatis et. Quasi voluptas facere. Et aut quia explicabo qui. Doloribus odio corrupti et numquam sed vero. Saepe et provident."], ["key", "emie_baumbach"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.995306"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:37.995306"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.5ms) +  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (6.2ms) +  (0.3ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Rashad Waelchi III"], ["job_title", "Principal Accounts Specialist"], ["greetings", "Non nam numquam inventore omnis ut quibusdam magnam."], ["summary", "Minus perspiciatis tempora omnis. Perspiciatis eum nemo autem dolores. Laboriosam natus vel."], ["key", "rashad_waelchi_iii"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.018209"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.018209"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (1.5ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (2.8ms) +  (0.5ms) rollback transaction +  (0.1ms) begin transaction +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_sites" ("person_name", "job_title", "greetings", "summary", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["person_name", "Hortense Trantow DVM"], ["job_title", "Regional Configuration Architect"], ["greetings", "Similique quas nam repudiandae praesentium quis."], ["summary", "Eum omnis vel natus accusamus vel porro. Est porro dolor. At nisi maxime. Ut in dolores facilis non quis."], ["key", "hortense_trantow_dvm"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.027991"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.027991"]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "minima"], ["key", "minima"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.030049"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.030049"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_categories" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "voluptas"], ["key", "voluptas"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.031681"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.031681"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags" ("name", "key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "qui"], ["key", "qui"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.033009"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.033009"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "featured", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Ergonomic Aluminum Keyboard"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.035888"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.035888"]] + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_item_tags_items" ("site_item_tag_id", "site_item_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["site_item_tag_id", 1], ["site_item_id", 1]] +  (0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Mediocre Silk Table"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.041347"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.041347"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "public", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Gorgeous Granite Knife"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 2], ["public", "t"], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.043386"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.043386"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 + SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "portfolio_site_items" ("type", "title", "site_id", "site_item_category_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["type", "Portfolio::SiteProject"], ["title", "Intelligent Concrete Pants"], ["site_id", 1], ["site_item_category_id", 1], ["created_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.045098"], ["updated_at", "2016-01-29 21:57:38.045098"]] +  (0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1 +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = 1 AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? [["public", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteMenuLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_menu_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_menu_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_menu_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/shared/_header_menu.html.erb (2.6ms) +  (0.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] + Portfolio::SiteItemImage Exists (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "portfolio_site_item_images" WHERE "portfolio_site_item_images"."site_item_id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["site_item_id", 1]] + Portfolio::Site Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_sites".* FROM "portfolio_sites" WHERE "portfolio_sites"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/site_projects/_list.html.erb (3.6ms) + Portfolio::SiteSocialLink Load (0.0ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_social_links".* FROM "portfolio_site_social_links" WHERE "portfolio_site_social_links"."site_id" = ? [["site_id", 1]] + Rendered /Users/messutied/Projects/portfolio/app/views/portfolio/sites/show.html.erb (18.5ms) + Portfolio::SiteProject Load (0.1ms) SELECT "portfolio_site_items".* FROM "portfolio_site_items" WHERE "portfolio_site_items"."type" IN ('Portfolio::SiteProject') AND "portfolio_site_items"."site_id" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."public" = ? AND "portfolio_site_items"."featured" = ? ORDER BY "portfolio_site_items"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["site_id", 1], ["public", "t"], ["featured", "t"]] +  (1.3ms) rollback transaction