in rails-patterns-0.3.0 vs in rails-patterns-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
# Pattern
A collection of lightweight, standardized, rails-oriented patterns.
+- [Query - complex querying on active record relation](#query)
+- [Service - useful for handling processes involving multiple steps](#service)
+- [Collection - when in need to add a method that relates to the collection a whole](#collection)
+- [Form - when you need a place for callbacks, want to replace strong parameters or handle virtual/composite resources](#form)
## Installation
# Gemfile
@@ -164,11 +169,105 @@
#### Usage
-CustomerEventsCollection.for(customer, label_method: "name")
+CustomerEventsByTypeCollection.for(customer, label_method: "name")
+## Form
+### When to use it
+Form objects, just like service objects, are commonly used to mitigate problems with model callbacks that interact with external classes ([read more...](
+Form objects can also be used as replacement for `ActionController::StrongParameters` strategy, as all writable attributes are re-defined within each form.
+Finally form objects can be used as wrappers for virtual (with no model representation) or composite (saving multiple models at once) resources.
+In the latter case this may act as replacement for `ActiveRecord::NestedAttributes`.
+### Assumptions and rules
+* Forms include `ActiveModel::Validations` to support validation.
+* Forms include `Virtus.model` to support `attribute` static method with all [corresponding capabilities](
+* Forms can be initialized using `.new`.
+* Forms accept optional resource object as first constructor argument.
+* Forms accept optional attributes hash as latter constructor argument.
+* forms have to implement `#persist` method that returns falsey (if failed) or truthy (if succeeded) value.
+* Forms provide access to first constructor argument using `#resource`.
+* Forms are saved using their `#save` or `#save!` methods.
+* Forms will attempt to pre-populate their fields using `resource#attributes` and public getters for `resource`
+* Form's fields are populated with passed-in attributes hash reverse-merged with pre-populated attributes if possible.
+* Forms provide `#as` builder method that populates internal `@form_owner` variable (can be used to store current user).
+* Forms allow defining/overriding their `#param_key` method result by using `.param_key` static method. This defaults to `#resource#model_name#param_key`.
+* Forms delegate `#persisted?` method to `#resource` if possible.
+* Forms do handle `ActionController::Parameters` as attributes hash (using `to_unsafe_h`)
+* It is recommended to wrap `#persist` method in transaction if possible and if multiple model are affected.
+### Examples
+#### Declaration
+class UserForm < Patterns::Form
+ param_key "person"
+ attribute :first_name, String
+ attribute :last_name, String
+ attribute :age, Integer
+ attribute :full_address, String
+ attribute :skip_notification, Boolean
+ validate :first_name, :last_name, presence: true
+ private
+ def persist
+ update_user and
+ update_address and
+ deliver_notification
+ end
+ def update_user
+ resource.update_attributes(attributes.except(:full_address, :skip_notification))
+ end
+ def update_address
+ resource.address.update_attributes(full_address: full_address)
+ end
+ def deliver_notification
+ skip_notification || UserNotifier.user_update_notification(user, form_owner).deliver
+ end
+class ReportConfigurationForm < Patterns::Form
+ param_key "report"
+ attribute :include_extra_data, Boolean
+ attribute :dump_as_csv, Boolean
+ attribute :comma_separated_column_names, String
+ attribute :date_start, Date
+ attribute :date_end, Date
+ private
+ def persist
+ end
+#### Usage
+form =, params[:person])
+form =, params[:person]).as(current_user)!
+{ include_extra_data: true, dump_as_csv: true })
## Further reading
* [7 ways to decompose fat active record models](