lib/generators/hyperstack/install_generator_base.rb in rails-hyperstack-1.0.alpha1.5 vs lib/generators/hyperstack/install_generator_base.rb in rails-hyperstack-1.0.alpha1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -4,81 +4,122 @@
module Generators
class Base < Thor::Group
+ def warnings
+ @warnings ||= []
+ end
def create_component_file(template)
+ check_javascript_link_directory
+ added = webpack_check
@no_help = options.key?('no-help')
self.components.each do |component|
component_array = component.split('::')
@modules = component_array[0..-2]
@file_name = component_array.last
@indent = 0
template template,
- File.join('app', 'hyperstack', 'components',
+ Rails.root.join('app', 'hyperstack', 'components',
+ return unless added
+ say '📦 Webpack integrated with Hyperstack. '\
+ 'Add javascript assets to app/javascript/packs/client_only.js and /client_and_server.js 📦', :green
def clear_cache
- run 'rm -rf tmp/cache' unless Dir.exist?(File.join('app', 'hyperstack'))
+ run 'rm -rf tmp/cache' unless Dir.exist?(Rails.root.join('app', 'hyperstack'))
def insure_hyperstack_loader_installed
- application_js = File.join(
+ hyperstack_loader = %r{//=\s+require\s+hyperstack-loader\s+}
+ application_js = Rails.root.join(
'app', 'assets', 'javascripts', 'application.js'
- require_tree = %r{//=\s+require_tree\s+}
- hyperstack_loader = %r{//=\s+require\s+hyperstack-loader\s+}
- unless File.foreach(application_js).any? { |l| l =~ hyperstack_loader }
- if File.foreach(application_js).any? { |l| l =~ require_tree }
- inject_into_file 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js', before: require_tree do
- "//= require hyperstack-loader\n"
+ if File.exist? application_js
+ unless File.foreach(application_js).any? { |l| l =~ hyperstack_loader }
+ require_tree = %r{//=\s+require_tree\s+}
+ if File.foreach(application_js).any? { |l| l =~ require_tree }
+ inject_into_file 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js', verbose: false, before: require_tree do
+ "//= require hyperstack-loader\n"
+ end
+ else
+ warnings <<
+ " ***********************************************************\n"\
+ " * Could not add `//= require hyperstack-loader` directive *\n"\
+ " * to the app/assets/application.js file. *\n"\
+ " * Normally this directive is added just before the *\n"\
+ " * `//= require_tree .` directive at the end of the file, *\n"\
+ " * but no require_tree directive was found. You need to *\n"\
+ " * manually add `//= require hyperstack-loader` to the *\n"\
+ " * app/assets/application.js file. *\n"\
+ " ***********************************************************\n"
- else
- puts " ***********************************************************\n"\
- " * Could not add `//= require hyperstack-loader` directive *\n"\
- " * to the app/assets/application.js file. *\n"\
- " * Normally this directive is added just before the *\n"\
- " * `//= require_tree .` directive at the end of the file, *\n"\
- " * but no require_tree directive was found. You need to *\n"\
- " * manually add `//= require hyperstack-loader` to the *\n"\
- " * app/assets/application.js file. *\n"\
- " ***********************************************************\n"
+ else
+ create_file application_js, "//= require hyperstack-loader\n"
+ warnings <<
+ " ***********************************************************\n"\
+ " * Could not find the app/assets/application.js file. *\n"\
+ " * We created one for you, and added the *\n"\
+ " * `<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>` to your *\n"\
+ " * `html.erb` files immediately after any *\n"\
+ " * `<%= javascript_pack 'application' %>` tags we found. *\n"\
+ " ***********************************************************\n"
+ application_pack_tag =
+ /\s*\<\%\=\s+javascript_pack_tag\s+(\'|\")application(\'|\").*\%\>.*$/
+ Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('app', 'views', '**', '*.erb')) do |file|
+ if File.foreach(file).any? { |l| l =~ application_pack_tag }
+ inject_into_file file, verbose: false, after: application_pack_tag do
+ "\n <%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def check_javascript_link_directory
+ manifest_js_file = Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "config", "manifest.js")
+ return unless File.exist? manifest_js_file
+ return unless File.readlines(manifest_js_file).grep(/javascripts \.js/).empty?
+ append_file manifest_js_file, "//= link_directory ../javascripts .js\n", verbose: false
+ end
def insure_base_component_class_exists
@component_base_class = options['base-class'] || Hyperstack.component_base_class
- file_name = File.join(
+ file_name = Rails.root.join(
'app', 'hyperstack', 'components', "#{@component_base_class.underscore}.rb"
template 'hyper_component_template.rb', file_name unless File.exist? file_name
def add_to_manifest(manifest, &block)
if File.exist? "app/javascript/packs/#{manifest}"
- append_file "app/javascript/packs/#{manifest}", &block
+ append_file "app/javascript/packs/#{manifest}", verbose: false, &block
- create_file "app/javascript/packs/#{manifest}", &block
+ create_file "app/javascript/packs/#{manifest}", verbose: false, &block
def add_route
return unless options['add-route']
if self.components.count > 1
- puts " ***********************************************************\n"\
- " * The add-route option ignored because more than one *\n"\
- " * component is being generated. *\n"\
- " ***********************************************************\n"
+ warnings <<
+ " ***********************************************************\n"\
+ " * The add-route option ignored because more than one *\n"\
+ " * component is being generated. *\n"\
+ " ***********************************************************\n"
action_name = (@modules+[@file_name.underscore]).join('__')
path = options['add-route'] == 'add-route' ? '/(*others)' : options['add-route']
routing_code = "get '#{path}', to: 'hyperstack##{action_name}'\n"
@@ -91,9 +132,157 @@
def yarn(package, version = nil)
return if system("yarn add #{package}#{'@' + version if version}")
raise"yarn failed to install #{package} with version #{version}")
+ end
+ def install_webpack
+ insure_yarn_loaded
+ add_webpacker_manifests
+ add_webpacks
+ cancel_react_source_import
+ install_webpacker
+ end
+ def inject_into_initializer(s)
+ file_name = Rails.root.join('config', 'initializers', 'hyperstack.rb')
+ if File.exist?(file_name)
+ prepend_to_file(file_name, verbose: false) { "#{s}\n" }
+ else
+ create_file file_name, <<-RUBY
+# server_side_auto_require will patch the ActiveSupport Dependencies module
+# so that you can define classes and modules with files in both the
+# app/hyperstack/xxx and app/xxx directories. For example you can split
+# a Todo model into server and client related definitions and place this
+# in `app/hyperstack/models/todo.rb`, and place any server only definitions in
+# `app/models/todo.rb`.
+require "hyperstack/server_side_auto_require.rb"
+# set the component base class
+Hyperstack.component_base_class = 'HyperComponent' # i.e. 'ApplicationComponent'
+# prerendering is default :off, you should wait until your
+# application is relatively well debugged before turning on.
+Hyperstack.prerendering = :off # or :on
+# add this line if you need jQuery AND ARE NOT USING WEBPACK
+# Hyperstack.import 'hyperstack/component/jquery', client_only: true
+# change definition of on_error to control how errors such as validation
+# exceptions are reported on the server
+module Hyperstack
+ def self.on_error(operation, err, params, formatted_error_message)
+ ::Rails.logger.debug(
+ "\#{formatted_error_message}\\n\\n" +
+ 'To further investigate you may want to add a debugging '\\
+ 'breakpoint to the on_error method in config/initializers/hyperstack.rb'
+ )
+ )
+ end
+end if Rails.env.development?
+ end
+ # whenever we modify the initializer its best to empty the cache, BUT
+ # we only need to it once per generator execution
+ run 'rm -rf tmp/cache' unless @cache_emptied_already
+ @cache_emptied_already = true
+ end
+ private
+ def webpack_check
+ return unless defined? ::Webpacker
+ client_and_server = Rails.root.join("app", "javascript", "packs", "client_only.js")
+ return if File.exist? client_and_server
+ # Dir.chdir(Rails.root.join.to_s) { run 'bundle exec rails hyperstack:install:webpack' }
+ # say "warning: you are running webpacker, but the hyperstack webpack files have not been created.\n"\
+ # " Suggest you run bundle exec rails hyperstack:install:webpack soon.\n"\
+ # " Or to avoid this warning create an empty file named app/javascript/packs/client_only.js",
+ # :red
+ install_webpack
+ true
+ end
+ def insure_yarn_loaded
+ begin
+ yarn_version = `yarn --version`
+ raise Errno::ENOENT if yarn_version.blank?
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise"please insure nodejs is installed and the yarn command is available if using webpacker")
+ end
+ end
+ def add_webpacker_manifests
+ create_file 'app/javascript/packs/client_and_server.js', <<-JAVASCRIPT
+// these packages will be loaded both during prerendering and on the client
+React = require('react'); // react-js library
+createReactClass = require('create-react-class'); // backwards compatibility with ECMA5
+History = require('history'); // react-router history library
+ReactRouter = require('react-router'); // react-router js library
+ReactRouterDOM = require('react-router-dom'); // react-router DOM interface
+ReactRailsUJS = require('react_ujs'); // interface to react-rails
+// to add additional NPM packages run `yarn add package-name@version`
+// then add the require here.
+ create_file 'app/javascript/packs/client_only.js', <<-JAVASCRIPT
+// add any requires for packages that will run client side only
+ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); // react-js client side code
+jQuery = require('jquery'); // remove if you don't need jQuery
+// to add additional NPM packages call run yarn add package-name@version
+// then add the require here.
+ append_file 'config/initializers/assets.rb', verbose: false do
+ <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('public', 'packs', 'js').to_s
+ end
+ inject_into_file 'config/environments/test.rb', verbose: false, before: /^end/ do
+ <<-RUBY
+ # added by hyperstack installer
+ config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('public', 'packs-test', 'js').to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def add_webpacks
+ yarn 'react', '16'
+ yarn 'react-dom', '16'
+ yarn 'react-router', '^5.0.0'
+ yarn 'react-router-dom', '^5.0.0'
+ yarn 'react_ujs', '^2.5.0'
+ yarn 'jquery', '^3.4.1'
+ yarn 'create-react-class'
+ end
+ def cancel_react_source_import
+ inject_into_initializer(
+ "# Hyperstack.import 'react/react-source-browser' "\
+ "# uncomment this line if you want hyperstack to use its copy of react"
+ )
+ end
+ def install_webpacker
+ return if defined?(::Webpacker)
+ gem "webpacker"
+ Bundler.with_unbundled_env do
+ run "bundle install"
+ end
+ `spring stop`
+ Dir.chdir(Rails.root.join.to_s) { run 'bundle exec rails webpacker:install' }