lib/core/text.rb in radon-0.1.3 vs lib/core/text.rb in radon-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,84 +1,100 @@
-require 'paint'
-def vprint(*args)
- puts args if $verbose && !$quiet
-def error(*args)
- puts Paint["ERROR", '#e74c3c'] + " - #{args}"
-def report_error_to_github(trace)
- puts %Q{
- :::::::::::::::::: COPY BELOW ::::::::::::::::::
- ### Ruby version
- ### OS
- #{Gem::Platform.local.os}
- ### Radon Version
- ### Date Found
- #{"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")}
- ### Backtrace
- ```
- #{trace}
- ```
- :::::::::::::::::: COPY ABOVE ::::::::::::::::::
- #{Paint["Whoops! Looks like you've found a bug in radon. Please copy the text above and open a new issue at ", '#e74c3c'] + Paint['', :bold, :bright]}
- }
-def create(fname)
- puts Paint[" create", '#2ecc71'] + " #{fname}" unless $quiet
-def skip(fname)
- puts Paint[" skip", '#f1c40f'] + " #{fname}" unless $quiet
-def projectify(name)
- # Name becomes frozen for some reason
- name = name.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/,'\1-\2')
- name.downcase!
- name.gsub!('..', '')
- name.gsub!('/', '')
- name.gsub!('\\', '')
- name[0] = '' if name[0] == '-'
- name.gsub!('--', '-')
- name.gsub!('_-', '-')
- return name
-def classify(name)
- name = name.gsub(/-[a-z]/) {|s| s.upcase }
- name.delete!('-')
- return name.slice(0,1).capitalize + name.slice(1..-1)
-def find_and_replace_all(target_dir, find, repl)
- files = Dir[File.join(target_dir,'**','*')]
- files.each do |file_name|
- next if
- begin
- text =
- # Do the find and replace
- new_contents = text.gsub(find, repl)
-, 'w') {|f| f.puts new_contents}
- rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
- # Something weird happened (this shouldn't come up)
- error "ERROR GSUBING FILE #{file_name}"
- report_error_to_github(e.backtrace)
- next
- end
- end
+require 'paint'
+def vprint(*args)
+ puts args if $verbose && !$quiet
+def error(*args)
+ puts Paint["ERROR", '#e74c3c'] + " - #{args}"
+def report_error_to_github(trace)
+ puts %Q{
+ :::::::::::::::::: COPY BELOW ::::::::::::::::::
+ ### Ruby version
+ ### OS
+ #{Gem::Platform.local.os}
+ ### Radon Version
+ ### Date Found
+ #{"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")}
+ ### Backtrace
+ ```
+ #{trace}
+ ```
+ :::::::::::::::::: COPY ABOVE ::::::::::::::::::
+ #{Paint["Whoops! Looks like you've found a bug in radon. Please copy the text above and open a new issue at ", '#e74c3c'] + Paint['', :bold, :bright]}
+ }
+def create(fname)
+ puts Paint[" create", '#2ecc71'] + " #{fname}" unless $quiet
+def skip(fname)
+ puts Paint[" skip", '#f1c40f'] + " #{fname}" unless $quiet
+# Gets the project name in capitalized format. Eg: MyProjectName
+def projectify(name)
+ # Name becomes frozen for some reason
+ name = name.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/,'\1-\2')
+ name.downcase!
+ name.gsub!('..', '')
+ name.gsub!('/', '')
+ name.gsub!('\\', '')
+ name[0] = '' if name[0] == '-'
+ name.gsub!('--', '-')
+ name.gsub!('_-', '-')
+ return name
+# Prompts the user for input
+def ask(*args)
+ print(*args)
+ $stdin.gets.chomp
+# Gets the project name in dash-seperated format. Eg: my-project-name
+def classify(name)
+ name = name.gsub(/-[a-z]/) {|s| s.upcase }
+ name.delete!('-')
+ return name.slice(0,1).capitalize + name.slice(1..-1)
+# Replaces `find` with `repl` in every file and directory
+def find_and_replace_all(target_dir, find, repl)
+ files = Dir[File.join(target_dir,'**','*')]
+ files.each do |file_name|
+ next if
+ begin
+ text =
+ # Do the find and replace
+ new_contents = text.gsub(find, repl)
+, 'w') {|f| f.puts new_contents}
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
+ # Something weird happened (this shouldn't come up)
+ error "ERROR GSUBING FILE #{file_name}"
+ report_error_to_github(e.backtrace)
+ next
+ end
+ end
+# Replaces all tokens in all files in the target directory
+def replace_all_tokens(target)
+ find_and_replace_all(target, '{{NAME}}', projectify(target))
+ find_and_replace_all(target, '{{CAPSNAME}}', classify(target))
+ find_and_replace_all(target, '{{EMAIL}}', Radon::Util.get_email)
+ find_and_replace_all(target, '{{GHNAME}}', Radon::Util.get_github_username)
\ No newline at end of file