common_rubocop_rails.yml in radius-spec-0.4.0 vs common_rubocop_rails.yml in radius-spec-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -104,10 +104,38 @@
# Configuration parameters: Include.
# Include: db/migrate/*.rb
Enabled: false
+# Usage of `find_by` is more expressive of intent than `where.first`. We should
+# check all app code, not just the models to improve intent expression.
+# Since rake tasks often live in `lib` we also check all of lib as well.
+# Configuration parameters: Include.
+# Include: app/models/**/*.rb
+ Enabled: true
+ Include:
+ - 'app/**/*.rb'
+ - 'lib/**/*.rb'
+# Usage of `each` for large datasets can be a performance issue; specially a
+# drain on system memory. When possible it's better to use `find_each` so that
+# chunks of data are evaluated at a time.
+# We should check all app code, not just the models to help prevent this. Since
+# rake tasks often live in `lib` we also check all of lib as well.
+# Configuration parameters: Include.
+# Include: app/models/**/*.rb
+ Enabled: true
+ Include:
+ - 'app/**/*.rb'
+ - 'lib/**/*.rb'
# We understand the trade-offs for using the through model versus a lookup
# table. As such this cop is just noise as it flags only those cases we really
# do want a lookup table.
# Configuration parameters: Include.
@@ -120,11 +148,11 @@
# !blank?
# For most of us `unless blank?` reads just as easily as `if present?`.
# Sometimes contextually, it can read better depending on the branch logic and
# surrounding context. As `if present?` requires an additional negation and
-# method call it is technically slower. In the general case the perf different
+# method call it is technically slower. In the general case the perf difference
# isn't much but in some cases it matters. Thus, we are not enforcing changing
# `unless blank?` to `if present?` and are leaving it up to the context to
# decide which is a better fit.
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
@@ -141,9 +169,40 @@
# Configuration parameters: Include.
# Include: app/models/**/*.rb
Enabled: false
+# This ensures we do not ignore potential validation issues in the code. Doing
+# so can lead to strange and surprising bugs where records are expected to
+# be created, or be modified, but are not.
+# # If author is a new record the book may not be created since the FK is
+# # invalid. Perhaps omitting other fields, maybe new required fields, is
+# # an oversight in the book creation as well.
+# Book.create(author: author)
+# Or side effects are expected to occur but they do not:
+# # This is a condensed default Rails scaffold controller for `destroy`.
+# #
+# # Once a `has_many` or `has_one` associations is added which specifies
+# # `dependent: :restrict_with_error` this no longer behaves as expected.
+# # Given such associations are often added much later in time errors in
+# # this action are an all to common oversight in Rails.
+# def destroy
+# @book.destroy
+# respond_to do |format|
+# format.html do
+# redirect_to books_url, notice: 'Book was successfully destroyed.'
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# Configuration parameters: AllowImplicitReturn, AllowedReceivers.
+ Enabled: true
# According to the Rails docs while the following methods skip validations they
# only update the specified (single) attribute reducing risks. We'd rather not
# warn for those cases: