vendor/plugins/haml/test/sass/script_test.rb in radiant-0.9.1 vs vendor/plugins/haml/test/sass/script_test.rb in radiant-1.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,38 +1,171 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
require 'sass/engine'
+module Sass::Script::Functions::UserFunctions
+ def assert_options(val)
+ val.options[:foo]
+"Options defined!")
+ end
class SassScriptTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Sass::Script
def test_color_checks_input
- assert_raise(Sass::SyntaxError, "Color values must be between 0 and 255") {[1, 2, -1])}
- assert_raise(Sass::SyntaxError, "Color values must be between 0 and 255") {[256, 2, 3])}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Blue value must be between 0 and 255") {[1, 2, -1])}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Red value must be between 0 and 255") {[256, 2, 3])}
+ def test_color_checks_rgba_input
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Alpha channel must be between 0 and 1") {[1, 2, 3, 1.1])}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Alpha channel must be between 0 and 1") {[1, 2, 3, -0.1])}
+ end
def test_string_escapes
+ assert_equal "'", resolve("\"'\"")
assert_equal '"', resolve("\"\\\"\"")
- assert_equal "\\", resolve("\"\\\\\"")
+ assert_equal "\\\\", resolve("\"\\\\\"")
assert_equal "\\02fa", resolve("\"\\02fa\"")
+ assert_equal "'", resolve("'\\''")
+ assert_equal '"', resolve("'\"'")
+ assert_equal "\\\\", resolve("'\\\\'")
+ assert_equal "\\02fa", resolve("'\\02fa'")
+ def test_string_interpolation
+ assert_equal "foo2bar", resolve('\'foo#{1 + 1}bar\'')
+ assert_equal "foo2bar", resolve('"foo#{1 + 1}bar"')
+ assert_equal "foo1bar5baz4bang", resolve('\'foo#{1 + "bar#{2 + 3}baz" + 4}bang\'')
+ end
def test_color_names
assert_equal "white", resolve("white")
assert_equal "white", resolve("#ffffff")
assert_equal "#fffffe", resolve("white - #000001")
- def test_implicit_strings
- silence_warnings do
- assert_equal"foo"), eval("foo")
- assert_equal"foo bar"), eval("foo bar")
- assert_equal"foo/bar"), eval("foo/bar")
+ def test_rgba_color_literals
+ assert_equal[1, 2, 3, 0.75]), eval("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.75)")
+ assert_equal "rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.75)", resolve("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.75)")
+ assert_equal[1, 2, 3, 0]), eval("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0)")
+ assert_equal "rgba(1, 2, 3, 0)", resolve("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0)")
+ assert_equal[1, 2, 3]), eval("rgba(1, 2, 3, 1)")
+ assert_equal[1, 2, 3, 1]), eval("rgba(1, 2, 3, 1)")
+ assert_equal "#010203", resolve("rgba(1, 2, 3, 1)")
+ assert_equal "white", resolve("rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)")
+ end
+ def test_rgba_color_math
+ assert_equal "rgba(50, 50, 100, 0.35)", resolve("rgba(1, 1, 2, 0.35) * rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.35)")
+ assert_equal "rgba(52, 52, 52, 0.25)", resolve("rgba(2, 2, 2, 0.25) + rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.25)")
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Alpha channels must be equal: rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.15) + rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75)") do
+ resolve("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.15) + rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75)")
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Alpha channels must be equal: #123456 * rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75)") do
+ resolve("#123456 * rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75)")
+ end
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError, "Alpha channels must be equal: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75) / #123456") do
+ resolve("rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75) / #123456")
+ end
- def test_interpolation
+ def test_rgba_number_math
+ assert_equal "rgba(49, 49, 49, 0.75)", resolve("rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75) - 1")
+ assert_equal "rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.75)", resolve("rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75) * 2")
+ end
+ def test_rgba_rounding
+ assert_equal "rgba(10, 1, 0, 0.123)", resolve("rgba(10.0, 1.23456789, 0.0, 0.1234567)")
+ end
+ def test_compressed_colors
+ assert_equal "#123456", resolve("#123456", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "rgba(1,2,3,0.5)", resolve("rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.5)", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "#123", resolve("#112233", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "#000", resolve("black", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "red", resolve("#f00", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "blue", resolve("#00f", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "navy", resolve("#000080", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "navy #fff", resolve("#000080 white", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "This color is #fff", resolve('"This color is #{ white }"', :style => :compressed)
+ end
+ def test_compressed_comma
+ # assert_equal "foo,bar,baz", resolve("foo, bar, baz", :style => :compressed)
+ # assert_equal "foo,#baf,baz", resolve("foo, #baf, baz", :style => :compressed)
+ assert_equal "foo,#baf,red", resolve("foo, #baf, #f00", :style => :compressed)
+ end
+ def test_implicit_strings
+ assert_equal"foo"), eval("foo")
+ assert_equal"foo bar"), eval("foo bar")
+ assert_equal"foo/bar"), eval("foo/bar")
+ end
+ def test_basic_interpolation
+ assert_equal "foo3bar", resolve("foo\#{1 + 2}bar")
+ assert_equal "foo3 bar", resolve("foo\#{1 + 2} bar")
+ assert_equal "foo 3bar", resolve("foo \#{1 + 2}bar")
+ assert_equal "foo 3 bar", resolve("foo \#{1 + 2} bar")
+ assert_equal "foo 35 bar", resolve("foo \#{1 + 2}\#{2 + 3} bar")
+ assert_equal "foo 3 5 bar", resolve("foo \#{1 + 2} \#{2 + 3} bar")
+ assert_equal "3bar", resolve("\#{1 + 2}bar")
+ assert_equal "foo3", resolve("foo\#{1 + 2}")
+ assert_equal "3", resolve("\#{1 + 2}")
+ end
+ def test_interpolation_in_function
+ assert_equal 'flabnabbit(1foo)', resolve('flabnabbit(#{1 + "foo"})')
+ assert_equal 'flabnabbit(foo 1foobaz)', resolve('flabnabbit(foo #{1 + "foo"}baz)')
+ assert_equal('flabnabbit(foo 1foo2bar baz)',
+ resolve('flabnabbit(foo #{1 + "foo"}#{2 + "bar"} baz)'))
+ end
+ def test_interpolation_near_operators
+ assert_equal '3 , 7', resolve('#{1 + 2} , #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3, 7', resolve('#{1 + 2}, #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3 ,7', resolve('#{1 + 2} ,#{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3,7', resolve('#{1 + 2},#{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3 / 7', resolve('3 / #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3 /7', resolve('3 /#{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3/ 7', resolve('3/ #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3/7', resolve('3/#{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3 * 7', resolve('#{1 + 2} * 7')
+ assert_equal '3* 7', resolve('#{1 + 2}* 7')
+ assert_equal '3 *7', resolve('#{1 + 2} *7')
+ assert_equal '3*7', resolve('#{1 + 2}*7')
+ assert_equal '-3', resolve('-#{1 + 2}')
+ assert_equal '- 3', resolve('- #{1 + 2}')
+ assert_equal '5 + 3 * 7', resolve('5 + #{1 + 2} * #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '5 +3 * 7', resolve('5 +#{1 + 2} * #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '5+3 * 7', resolve('5+#{1 + 2} * #{3 + 4}')
+ assert_equal '3 * 7 + 5', resolve('#{1 + 2} * #{3 + 4} + 5')
+ assert_equal '3 * 7+ 5', resolve('#{1 + 2} * #{3 + 4}+ 5')
+ assert_equal '3 * 7+5', resolve('#{1 + 2} * #{3 + 4}+5')
+ assert_equal '5/3 + 7', resolve('5 / (#{1 + 2} + #{3 + 4})')
+ assert_equal '5/3 + 7', resolve('5 /(#{1 + 2} + #{3 + 4})')
+ assert_equal '5/3 + 7', resolve('5 /( #{1 + 2} + #{3 + 4} )')
+ assert_equal '3 + 7/5', resolve('(#{1 + 2} + #{3 + 4}) / 5')
+ assert_equal '3 + 7/5', resolve('(#{1 + 2} + #{3 + 4})/ 5')
+ assert_equal '3 + 7/5', resolve('( #{1 + 2} + #{3 + 4} )/ 5')
+ assert_equal '3 + 5', resolve('#{1 + 2} + 2 + 3')
+ assert_equal '3 +5', resolve('#{1 + 2} +2 + 3')
+ end
+ def test_string_interpolation
assert_equal "foo bar, baz bang", resolve('"foo #{"bar"}, #{"baz"} bang"')
assert_equal "foo bar baz bang", resolve('"foo #{"#{"ba" + "r"} baz"} bang"')
assert_equal 'foo #{bar baz} bang', resolve('"foo \#{#{"ba" + "r"} baz} bang"')
assert_equal 'foo #{baz bang', resolve('"foo #{"\#{" + "baz"} bang"')
@@ -44,84 +177,63 @@
foo \#{"\#{"ba" + "r"} baz"} bang
a: b
assert_equal(<<CSS, render(<<SASS))
-foo \#{bar baz} bang {
+foo [bar="\#{bar baz}"] bang {
a: b; }
-foo \\\#{\#{"ba" + "r"} baz} bang
+foo [bar="\\\#{\#{"ba" + "r"} baz}"] bang
a: b
assert_equal(<<CSS, render(<<SASS))
-foo \#{baz bang {
+foo [bar="\#{baz"] bang {
a: b; }
-foo \#{"\\\#{" + "baz"} bang
+foo [bar="\#{"\\\#{" + "baz"}"] bang
a: b
- def test_implicit_string_warning
- assert_warning(<<WARN) {eval("foo")}
-On line 1, character 1 of 'test_implicit_string_warning_inline.sass'
-Implicit strings have been deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.
-'foo' was not quoted. Please add double quotes (e.g. "foo").
- assert_warning(<<WARN) {eval("1 + foo")}
-On line 1, character 5 of 'test_implicit_string_warning_inline.sass'
-Implicit strings have been deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.
-'foo' was not quoted. Please add double quotes (e.g. "foo").
- assert_warning(<<WARN) {render("@if 1 + foo")}
-On line 1, character 9 of 'test_implicit_string_warning_inline.sass'
-Implicit strings have been deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.
-'foo' was not quoted. Please add double quotes (e.g. "foo").
+ def test_inaccessible_functions
+ assert_equal "send(to_s)", resolve("send(to_s)", :line => 2)
+ assert_equal "public_instance_methods()", resolve("public_instance_methods()")
+ end
- # Regression
- assert_warning(<<WARN) {render("@if if")}
-On line 1, character 5 of 'test_implicit_string_warning_inline.sass'
-Implicit strings have been deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.
-'if' was not quoted. Please add double quotes (e.g. "if").
+ def test_default_functions
+ assert_equal "url(12)", resolve("url(12)")
+ assert_equal 'blam("foo")', resolve('blam("foo")')
- def test_inaccessible_functions
- assert_warning <<WARN do
-On line 2, character 6 of 'test_inaccessible_functions_inline.sass'
-Implicit strings have been deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.
-'to_s' was not quoted. Please add double quotes (e.g. "to_s").
- assert_equal "send(to_s)", resolve("send(to_s)", :line => 2)
- end
- assert_equal "public_instance_methods()", resolve("public_instance_methods()")
+ def test_function_results_have_options
+ assert_equal "Options defined!", resolve("assert_options(abs(1))")
+ assert_equal "Options defined!", resolve("assert_options(round(1.2))")
- def test_hyphen_warning
- a ="a")
- b ="b")
- assert_warning(<<WARN) {eval("!a-!b", {}, env("a" => a, "b" => b))}
-On line 1, character 3 of 'test_hyphen_warning_inline.sass'
-- will be allowed as part of variable names in version 3.0.
-Please add whitespace to separate it from the previous token.
+ def test_funcall_requires_no_whitespace_before_lparen
+ assert_equal "no-repeat 15px", resolve("no-repeat (7px + 8px)")
+ assert_equal "no-repeat(15px)", resolve("no-repeat(7px + 8px)")
+ end
- assert_warning(<<WARN) {eval("true-false")}
-On line 1, character 5 of 'test_hyphen_warning_inline.sass'
-- will be allowed as part of variable names in version 3.0.
-Please add whitespace to separate it from the previous token.
+ def test_dynamic_url
+ assert_equal "url(foo-bar)", resolve("url($foo)", {}, env('foo' =>"foo-bar")))
+ assert_equal "url(foo-bar baz)", resolve("url($foo $bar)", {}, env('foo' =>"foo-bar"), 'bar' =>"baz")))
+ assert_equal "url(foo baz)", resolve("url(foo $bar)", {}, env('bar' =>"baz")))
+ assert_equal "url(foo bar)", resolve("url(foo bar)")
+ def test_url_with_interpolation
+ assert_equal "url(", resolve("url(\#{foo-bar})")
+ assert_equal 'url("")', resolve("url('\#{foo-bar}')")
+ assert_equal 'url("")', resolve('url("{foo-bar}")')
+ assert_unquoted "url(\#{foo-bar})"
+ end
+ def test_hyphenated_variables
+ assert_equal("a-b", resolve("$a-b", {}, env("a-b" =>"a-b"))))
+ end
def test_ruby_equality
assert_equal eval('"foo"'), eval('"foo"')
assert_equal eval('1'), eval('1.0')
assert_not_equal eval('1'), eval('"1"')
@@ -153,31 +265,31 @@
def test_arithmetic_ops
assert_equal "2", resolve("1 + 1")
assert_equal "0", resolve("1 - 1")
assert_equal "8", resolve("2 * 4")
- assert_equal "0.5", resolve("2 / 4")
- assert_equal "2", resolve("4 / 2")
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("(2 / 4)")
+ assert_equal "2", resolve("(4 / 2)")
assert_equal "-1", resolve("-1")
def test_string_ops
- assert_equal "foo bar", resolve('"foo" "bar"')
+ assert_equal '"foo" "bar"', resolve('"foo" "bar"')
assert_equal "true 1", resolve('true 1')
- assert_equal "foo, bar", resolve('"foo" , "bar"')
+ assert_equal '"foo", "bar"', resolve("'foo' , 'bar'")
assert_equal "true, 1", resolve('true , 1')
assert_equal "foobar", resolve('"foo" + "bar"')
assert_equal "true1", resolve('true + 1')
- assert_equal "foo-bar", resolve('"foo" - "bar"')
+ assert_equal '"foo"-"bar"', resolve("'foo' - 'bar'")
assert_equal "true-1", resolve('true - 1')
- assert_equal "foo/bar", resolve('"foo" / "bar"')
+ assert_equal '"foo"/"bar"', resolve('"foo" / "bar"')
assert_equal "true/1", resolve('true / 1')
- assert_equal "-bar", resolve('- "bar"')
+ assert_equal '-"bar"', resolve("- 'bar'")
assert_equal "-true", resolve('- true')
- assert_equal "/bar", resolve('/ "bar"')
+ assert_equal '/"bar"', resolve('/ "bar"')
assert_equal "/true", resolve('/ true')
def test_relational_ops
assert_equal "false", resolve("1 > 2")
@@ -193,11 +305,11 @@
assert_equal "true", resolve("2 <= 2")
assert_equal "false", resolve("3 <= 2")
def test_equals
- assert_equal("true", resolve('"foo" == !foo', {},
+ assert_equal("true", resolve('"foo" == $foo', {},
env("foo" =>"foo"))))
assert_equal "true", resolve("1 == 1.0")
assert_equal "true", resolve("false != true")
assert_equal "false", resolve("1em == 1px")
assert_equal "false", resolve("12 != 12")
@@ -223,26 +335,117 @@
assert_equal "true", resolve("10mm == 1cm")
assert_equal "true", resolve("1 == 1cm")
assert_equal "true", resolve("1.1cm == 11mm")
- # Regression tests
+ def test_operations_have_options
+ assert_equal "Options defined!", resolve("assert_options(1 + 1)")
+ assert_equal "Options defined!", resolve("assert_options('bar' + 'baz')")
+ end
+ def test_slash_compiles_literally_when_left_alone
+ assert_equal "1px/2px", resolve("1px/2px")
+ assert_equal "1px/2px/3px/4px", resolve("1px/2px/3px/4px")
+ assert_equal "1px/2px redpx bluepx", resolve("1px/2px redpx bluepx")
+ assert_equal "foo 1px/2px/3px bar", resolve("foo 1px/2px/3px bar")
+ end
+ def test_slash_divides_with_parens
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("(1px/2px)")
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("(1px)/2px")
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("1px/(2px)")
+ end
+ def test_slash_divides_with_other_arithmetic
+ assert_equal "0.5px", resolve("1px*1px/2px")
+ assert_equal "0.5px", resolve("1px/2px*1px")
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("0+1px/2px")
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("1px/2px+0")
+ end
+ def test_slash_divides_with_variable
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("$var/2px", {}, env("var" => eval("1px")))
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("1px/$var", {}, env("var" => eval("2px")))
+ assert_equal "0.5", resolve("$var", {}, env("var" => eval("1px/2px")))
+ end
+ def test_colors_with_wrong_number_of_digits
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError,
+ "Colors must have either three or six digits: '#0'") {eval("#0")}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError,
+ "Colors must have either three or six digits: '#12'") {eval("#12")}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError,
+ "Colors must have either three or six digits: '#abcd'") {eval("#abcd")}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError,
+ "Colors must have either three or six digits: '#abcdE'") {eval("#abcdE")}
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError,
+ "Colors must have either three or six digits: '#abcdEFA'") {eval("#abcdEFA")}
+ end
+ def test_case_insensitive_color_names
+ assert_equal "blue", resolve("BLUE")
+ assert_equal "red", resolve("rEd")
+ assert_equal "#7f4000", resolve("mix(GrEeN, ReD)")
+ end
+ # Regression Tests
+ def test_funcall_has_higher_precedence_than_color_name
+ assert_equal "teal(12)", resolve("teal(12)")
+ assert_equal "tealbang(12)", resolve("tealbang(12)")
+ assert_equal "teal-bang(12)", resolve("teal-bang(12)")
+ assert_equal "teal\\+bang(12)", resolve("teal\\+bang(12)")
+ end
def test_interpolation_after_hash
assert_equal "#2", resolve('"##{1 + 1}"')
+ def test_misplaced_comma_in_funcall
+ assert_raise_message(Sass::SyntaxError,
+ 'Invalid CSS after "foo(bar, ": expected function argument, was ")"') {eval('foo(bar, )')}
+ end
+ def test_color_prefixed_identifier
+ assert_equal "tealbang", resolve("tealbang")
+ assert_equal "teal-bang", resolve("teal-bang")
+ end
+ def test_op_prefixed_identifier
+ assert_equal "notbang", resolve("notbang")
+ assert_equal "not-bang", resolve("not-bang")
+ assert_equal "or-bang", resolve("or-bang")
+ assert_equal "and-bang", resolve("and-bang")
+ end
def resolve(str, opts = {}, environment = env)
munge_filename opts
- eval(str, opts, environment).to_s
+ val = eval(str, opts, environment)
+ val.is_a?(Sass::Script::String) ? val.value : val.to_s
+ def assert_unquoted(str, opts = {}, environment = env)
+ munge_filename opts
+ val = eval(str, opts, environment)
+ assert_kind_of Sass::Script::String, val
+ assert_equal :identifier, val.type
+ end
+ def assert_quoted(str, opts = {}, environment = env)
+ munge_filename opts
+ val = eval(str, opts, environment)
+ assert_kind_of Sass::Script::String, val
+ assert_equal :string, val.type
+ end
def eval(str, opts = {}, environment = env)
munge_filename opts
- Sass::Script.parse(str, opts[:line] || 1,
- opts[:offset] || 0, opts[:filename]).perform(environment)
+ environment.options = opts
+ Sass::Script.parse(str, opts.delete(:line) || 1,
+ opts.delete(:offset) || 0, opts).perform(environment)
def render(sass, options = {})
munge_filename options, options).render