tmp/sass-cache/498f638c328ef866598d27f690c2553dd295c84a/_transform.scssc in radiant-1.0.0.rc3 vs tmp/sass-cache/498f638c328ef866598d27f690c2553dd295c84a/_transform.scssc in radiant-1.0.0.rc4

- old
+ new

@@ -1,36 +1,30 @@ 3.1.7 (Brainy Betty) 1faeeb68ccdcb0b2c4cbe63133e1285a536c5067 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode -:@children[io:Sass::Tree::ImportNode -;[:@template0:@imported_filename" shared: @options{: -@lineio:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;[: -@loud0: @value"/* @doc off +: @options{:@children[io:Sass::Tree::ImportNode +;@;[: +@linei:@template0:@imported_filename" sharedo:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;@: @silenti;[: @lines[; i: @value"/* @doc off * Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Safari is the only browser that currently supports 3D transforms. * Because of that it can be important to control whether a given 2D transform * uses the full range of experimental browser prefixes, or only the 3D list. * To make that easy, all 2D transforms include an browser-targeting toggle ($only3d) * to switch between the two support lists. The toggle defaults to 'false' (2D), * and also accepts 'true' (3D). Currently the lists are as follows: * 2D: Mozilla, Webkit, Opera, Official - * 3D: Webkit, Official **(Only Safari Supports 3D perspective)** */: @silenti: @lines[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"/* Available Transforms ------------------------------------------------------ + * 3D: Webkit, Official **(Only Safari Supports 3D perspective)** */: +@loud0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Available Transforms ------------------------------------------------------ * - Scale (2d and 3d) * - Rotate (2d and 3d) * - Translate (2d and 3d) - * - Skew (2d only) */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"/* Transform Parameters ------------------------------------------------------ + * - Skew (2d only) */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Transform Parameters ------------------------------------------------------ * - Transform Origin (2d and 3d) * - Perspective (3d) * - Perspective Origin (3d) * - Transform Style (3d) - * - Backface Visibility (3d) */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"p/* Mixins -------------------------------------------------------------------- + * - Backface Visibility (3d) */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i ;"p/* Mixins -------------------------------------------------------------------- * transform-origin * - shortcuts: transform-origin2d, transform-origin3d * - helpers: apply-origin * transform * - shortcuts: transform2d, transform3d @@ -44,1486 +38,621 @@ * rotate * - shortcuts: rotateX, rotateY, rotate3d * translate * - shortcuts: translateX, translateY, translateZ, translate3d * skew - * - shortcuts: skewX, skewY */;i;[; -@ -; i o; ;[; 0;"a/* Defaults ------------------------------------------------------------------ - * @doc on */;i;[; -@ -; i4o; ;[; 0;"./* The default x-origin for transforms */;i;[; -@ -; i7o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;[: @guarded" !default: -@expro:Sass::Script::Number ;i7:@denominator_units[:@numerator_units["%:@original"50%; -@ -; i8: -@name"default-origin-x; -@ -; i8o; ;[; 0;"./* The default y-origin for transforms */;i;[; -@ -; i9o; ;[;" !default;o; ;i7;[;["%;"50%; -@ -; i:;"default-origin-y; -@ -; i:o; ;[; 0;"./* The default z-origin for transforms */;i;[; -@ -; i;o; ;[;" !default;o; ;i7;[;["%;"50%; -@ -; i<;"default-origin-z; -@ -; i<o; ;[; 0;"//* The default x-multiplier for scaling */;i;[; -@ -; i?o; ;[;" !default;o; ;f 1.25;[;[;" 1.25; -@ -; i@;"default-scale-x; -@ -; i@o; ;[; 0;"//* The default y-multiplier for scaling */;i;[; -@ -; iAo; ;[;" !default;o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"default_scale_x;"default-scale-x; -@ -; iB;"default-scale-y; -@ -; iBo; ;[; 0;"//* The default z-multiplier for scaling */;i;[; -@ -; iCo; ;[;" !default;o; ;"default_scale_x;"default-scale-x; -@ -; iD;"default-scale-z; -@ -; iDo; ;[; 0;"*/* The default angle for rotations */;i;[; -@ -; iGo; ;[;" !default;o; ;i2;[;["deg;" -45deg; -@ -; iH;"default-rotate; -@ -; iHo; ;[; 0;"</* The default x-vector for the axis of 3d rotations */;i;[; -@ -; iKo; ;[;" !default;o; ;i;@O;[;"1; -@ -; iL;"default-vector-x; -@ -; iLo; ;[; 0;"</* The default y-vector for the axis of 3d rotations */;i;[; -@ -; iMo; ;[;" !default;o; ;i;@O;[;"1; -@ -; iN;"default-vector-y; -@ -; iNo; ;[; 0;"</* The default z-vector for the axis of 3d rotations */;i;[; -@ -; iOo; ;[;" !default;o; ;i;@O;[;"1; -@ -; iP;"default-vector-z; -@ -; iPo; ;[; 0;"0/* The default x-length for translations */;i;[; -@ -; iSo; ;[;" !default;o; ;i;[;["em;"1em; -@ -; iT;"default-translate-x; -@ -; iTo; ;[; 0;"0/* The default y-length for translations */;i;[; -@ -; iUo; ;[;" !default;o; ;"default_translate_x;"default-translate-x; -@ -; iV;"default-translate-y; -@ -; iVo; ;[; 0;"0/* The default z-length for translations */;i;[; -@ -; iWo; ;[;" !default;o; ;"default_translate_x;"default-translate-x; -@ -; iX;"default-translate-z; -@ -; iXo; ;[; 0;"*/* The default x-angle for skewing */;i;[; -@ -; i[o; ;[;" !default;o; ;i -;[;["deg;" 5deg; -@ -; i\;"default-skew-x; -@ -; i\o; ;[; 0;"*/* The default y-angle for skewing */;i;[; -@ -; i]o; ;[;" !default;o; ;i -;[;["deg;" 5deg; -@ -; i^;"default-skew-y; -@ -; i^o; ;[; 0;"/* **Transform-origin** + * - shortcuts: skewX, skewY */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i4;"a/* Defaults ------------------------------------------------------------------ + * @doc on */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i7;"./* The default x-origin for transforms */;0o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@;[: @guarded" !default; i8: +@name"default-origin-x: +@expro:Sass::Script::Number ;@:@denominator_units[; i8;i7:@numerator_units["%:@original"50%o; ;@; i;[;[; i9;"./* The default y-origin for transforms */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; i:;"default-origin-y;o; ;@;[; i:;i7;["%;"50%o; ;@; i;[;[; i;;"./* The default z-origin for transforms */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; i<;"default-origin-z;o; ;@;[; i<;i7;["%;"50%o; ;@; i;[;[; i?;"//* The default x-multiplier for scaling */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; i@;"default-scale-x;o; ;@;[; i@;f 1.25;[;" 1.25o; ;@; i;[;[; iA;"//* The default y-multiplier for scaling */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iB;"default-scale-y;o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@; iB;"default-scale-x:@underscored_name"default_scale_xo; ;@; i;[;[; iC;"//* The default z-multiplier for scaling */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iD;"default-scale-z;o; ;@; iD;"default-scale-x;"default_scale_xo; ;@; i;[;[; iG;"*/* The default angle for rotations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iH;"default-rotate;o; ;@;[; iH;i2;["deg;" +45dego; ;@; i;[;[; iK;"</* The default x-vector for the axis of 3d rotations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iL;"default-vector-x;o; ;@;@O; iL;i;[;"1o; ;@; i;[;[; iM;"</* The default y-vector for the axis of 3d rotations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iN;"default-vector-y;o; ;@;@O; iN;i;[;"1o; ;@; i;[;[; iO;"</* The default z-vector for the axis of 3d rotations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iP;"default-vector-z;o; ;@;@O; iP;i;[;"1o; ;@; i;[;[; iS;"0/* The default x-length for translations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iT;"default-translate-x;o; ;@;[; iT;i;["em;"1emo; ;@; i;[;[; iU;"0/* The default y-length for translations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iV;"default-translate-y;o; ;@; iV;"default-translate-x;"default_translate_xo; ;@; i;[;[; iW;"0/* The default z-length for translations */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; iX;"default-translate-z;o; ;@; iX;"default-translate-x;"default_translate_xo; ;@; i;[;[; i[;"*/* The default x-angle for skewing */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; i\;"default-skew-x;o; ;@;[; i\;i +;["deg;" 5dego; ;@; i;[;[; i];"*/* The default y-angle for skewing */;0o; ;@;[;" !default; i^;"default-skew-y;o; ;@;[; i^;i +;["deg;" 5dego; ;@; i;[;[; ia;"/* **Transform-origin** * Transform-origin sent as a complete string * * @include apply-origin( origin [, 3D-only ] ) * * where 'origin' is a space separated list containing 1-3 (x/y/z) coordinates * in percentages, absolute (px, cm, in, em etc..) or relative * (left, top, right, bottom, center) units * * @param only3d Set this to true to only apply this - * mixin where browsers have 3D support. */;i;[; -@ -; iao:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;[o; ;[;0;o:Sass::Script::Operation -:@operand2o; -;o; ;i;@O;[;"2; -@ -; im:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"-compass-list-size; -@ -; im: -@args[o; -; {;"-compass-list; -@ -; im;![o; ;" origin;" origin; -@ -; im:@operator:gt; -@ -; im;o; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; im;":or; -@ -; im;" only3d; -@ -; imu:Sass::Tree::IfNode [o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" only3d: -@name" only3d: @options{: -@lineinu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode :@children[:@keywords{: -@name"experimental: @options{: + * mixin where browsers have 3D support. */;0o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; im;" only3d;o:Sass::Script::Operation +;@:@operand2o; +;@;o; ;@;@O; im;i;[;"2; im:@operator:gt:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@; im;"-compass-list-size:@keywords{: +@args[o;! +;@; im;"-compass-list;"{;#[o; ;@; im;" origin;" origin; im;:or; o; ;@; im;" only3d;" only3du:Sass::Tree::IfNode [o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linein: +@name" only3d:@underscored_name" only3du:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode : @options{:@children[: @lineiu: -@args[ o:Sass::Script::String : @value"transform-origin: -@type:identifier; @ ; -iso:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" origin;" origin; @ ; -iso; ; " -moz;;; @ ; -ito; ; " -webkit;;; @ ; -ito; ; "-o;;; @ ; -ito; ; "-ms;;; @ ; -ito:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ; " -khtml;;; @ ; -it:@operator:not; @ ; -ito; ; " official;;; @ ; -it[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode :@children[:@keywords{;"experimental;@ ; iq: -@args[ o:Sass::Script::String : @value"transform-origin: -@type:identifier;@ ; ioo; ;" origin;" origin;@ ; ioo:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ;" -moz;;;@ ; ip:@operator:not;@ ; ipo; ;" -webkit;;;@ ; ipo; ;o; ;"-o;;;@ ; ip;;;@ ; ipo; ;o; ;"-ms;;;@ ; ip;;;@ ; ipo; ;o; ;" -khtml;;;@ ; ip;;;@ ; ipo; ;" official;;;@ ; ip:@has_childrenT;"apply-origin; -@ -; il;![[o;;" origin;" origin; -{0[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@0o; ;[; 0;"#/* Transform-origin sent as individual arguments: +@name"experimental:@keywords{: +@args[ o:Sass::Script::String ;@;is: +@type:identifier: @value"transform-origino:Sass::Script::Variable ;@;is; " origin:@underscored_name" origino; ;@;it; ;;" -mozo; ;@;it; ;;" -webkito; ;@;it; ;;"-oo; ;@;it; ;;"-mso:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@;it:@operator:not: @operando; ;@;it; ;;" -khtmlo; ;@;it; ;;" official[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@:@children[;iq;"experimental:@keywords{: +@args[ o:Sass::Script::String ;@;io: +@type:identifier: @value"transform-origino; ;@;io;" origin; " origino:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@;ip:@operator:not: @operando; ;@;ip;;;" -mozo; ;@;ip;;;" -webkito; ;@;ip;;;o; ;@;ip;;;"-oo; ;@;ip;;;o; ;@;ip;;;"-mso; ;@;ip;;;o; ;@;ip;;;" -khtmlo; ;@;ip;;;" official; il;"apply-origin:@has_childrenT;#[[o;;{;" origin;" origin0[o;;@;" only3d;" only3d0o; ;@; i;[;[; iy;"#/* Transform-origin sent as individual arguments: * * @include transform-origin( [ origin-x, origin-y, origin-z, 3D-only ] ) * * where the 3 'origin-' arguments represent x/y/z coordinates. * - * **NOTE:** setting z coordinates triggers 3D support list, leave false for 2D support */;i;[; -@ -; iyo; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" unquote; -@ -; i;![o:Sass::Script::String ;": -@type: string; -@ -; i;" origin; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Operation -:@operand2o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" origin_z: -@name" origin-z: @options{: -@linei:@operand1o; -;o; ;" origin_y; " origin-y; -@ -; i; o; ;" origin_x; " origin-x; -@ -; i:@operator:or; -@ -; i; ;; -@ -; i0[ u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" origin_x: -@name" origin-x: @options{: -@lineiu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei7:@denominator_units[:@numerator_units["%:@original"50%: @options{: + * **NOTE:** setting z coordinates triggers 3D support list, leave false for 2D support */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" origin;o;! +;@; i;" unquote;"{;#[o:Sass::Script::String ;@; i: +@type: string;"u;%[o:Sass::Script::Operation +: @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: +@linei: +@name" origin-z:@underscored_name" origin_z; i:@operator:or:@operand1o; +;@;o; ;@; i; +" origin-y; " origin_y; i; ; ;o; ;@; i; +" origin-x; " origin_x0[ u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: @linei: -@name" origin;@;i[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro; ;" origin_x;" origin-x;@ ; i;" origin;@ ; iu;[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" origin_y: -@name" origin-y: @options{: -@lineiu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[u:Sass::Tree::IfNoder[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" origin_z: -@name" origin-z: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o; ;" origin;" origin;@ ; io:Sass::Script::Number ;i7:@denominator_units[:@numerator_units["%:@original"50%;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" origin;@ ; i[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o; ;" origin;" origin;@ ; io; ;" origin_y;" origin-y;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" origin;@ ; iu;5[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" origin_z: -@name" origin-z: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o; ;" origin;" origin;@ ; io; ;" origin_z;" origin-z;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" origin;@ ; io:Sass::Tree::MixinNode :@children[:@keywords{; "apply-origin; -@ -; i: -@args[o; ;" origin; " origin; -@ -; io; ;" only3d; " only3d; -@ -; i;&T;"transform-origin; -@ -; i;![ [o;;" origin_x;" origin-x; -{o; ;"default_origin_x;"default-origin-x; -@ ; i|[o;;" origin_y;" origin-y; -@ o; ;"default_origin_y;"default-origin-y; -@ ; i}[o;;" origin_z;" origin-z; -@ o:Sass::Script::Bool;F; -@ ; i~[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@ o; -; {;"if; -@ ; i;![o; ;" origin_z;" origin-z; -@ ; io;*;T; -@ ; io;*;F; -@ ; io; ;[; 0;"/* Transform sent as a complete string: +@name" origin-x:@underscored_name" origin_xu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @options{:@children[: @guarded0: +@linei: +@name" origin: +@expro:Sass::Script::Number ;@:@denominator_units[; i: @valuei7:@numerator_units["%:@original"50%[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" origin: +@expro; ;@;i;" origin-x; " origin_xu;[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name" origin-y:@underscored_name" origin_yu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[u:Sass::Tree::IfNoder[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name" origin-z:@underscored_name" origin_z0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" origin: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o; ;@;i;" origin; " origino:Sass::Script::Number ;@:@denominator_units[;i;i7:@numerator_units["%:@original"50%:@separator: +space[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" origin: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o; ;@;i;" origin; " origino; ;@;i;" origin-y; " origin_y:@separator: +spaceu;5[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name" origin-z:@underscored_name" origin_z0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" origin: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o; ;@;i;" origin; " origino; ;@;i;" origin-z; " origin_z:@separator: +spaceo:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@:@children[; i; +"apply-origin:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@; i; +" origin; " origino; ;@; i; +" only3d; " only3d; i;"transform-origin;&T;#[ [o;;{;" origin-x;" origin_xo; ;@ ; i|;"default-origin-x;"default_origin_x[o;;@ ;" origin-y;" origin_yo; ;@ ; i};"default-origin-y;"default_origin_y[o;;@ ;" origin-z;" origin_zo:Sass::Script::Bool;@ ; i~;F[o;;@ ;" only3d;" only3do;! +;@ ; i;"if;"{;#[o; ;@ ; i;" origin-z;" origin_zo;*;@ ; i;To;*;@ ; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Transform sent as a complete string: * * @include transform( transforms [, 3D-only ] ) * - * where 'transforms' is a space separated list of all the transforms to be applied */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[u;%6[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" only3d: -@name" only3d: @options{: -@lineiu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode :@children[:@keywords{: -@name"experimental: @options{: + * where 'transforms' is a space separated list of all the transforms to be applied */;0o; ;@;[u;%6[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name" only3d:@underscored_name" only3du:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode : @options{:@children[: @linei: -@args[ o:Sass::Script::String : @value"transform: -@type:identifier; @ ; -io:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"transform;"transform; @ ; -io; ; " -moz;;; @ ; -io; ; " -webkit;;; @ ; -io; ; "-o;;; @ ; -io; ; "-ms;;; @ ; -io:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ; " -khtml;;; @ ; -i:@operator:not; @ ; -io; ; " official;;; @ ; -i[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode :@children[:@keywords{;"experimental;@ ; i: -@args[ o:Sass::Script::String : @value"transform: -@type:identifier;@ ; io; ;"transform;"transform;@ ; io:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando; ;" -moz;;;@ ; i:@operator:not;@ ; io; ;" -webkit;;;@ ; io; ;o; ;"-o;;;@ ; i;;;@ ; io; ;o; ;"-ms;;;@ ; i;;;@ ; io; ;o; ;" -khtml;;;@ ; i;;;@ ; io; ;" official;;;@ ; i;&T;"transform; -@ -; i;![[o;;"transform;"transform; -{0[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@7o;*;F; -@7; io; ;[; 0;"D/* Shortcut to target all browsers with 2D transform support */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io;*;F; -@ -; i;&T;"transform2d; -@ -; i;![[o;;" -trans;" -trans; -{0o; ;[; 0;"E/* Shortcut to target only browsers with 3D transform support */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io;*;T; -@ -; i;&T;"transform3d; -@ -; i;![[o;;" -trans;" -trans; -{0o; ;[; 0;"m/* @doc off +@name"experimental:@keywords{: +@args[ o:Sass::Script::String ;@;i: +@type:identifier: @value"transformo:Sass::Script::Variable ;@;i; "transform:@underscored_name"transformo; ;@;i; ;;" -mozo; ;@;i; ;;" -webkito; ;@;i; ;;"-oo; ;@;i; ;;"-mso:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@;i:@operator:not: @operando; ;@;i; ;;" -khtmlo; ;@;i; ;;" official[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@:@children[;i;"experimental:@keywords{: +@args[ o:Sass::Script::String ;@;i: +@type:identifier: @value"transformo; ;@;i;"transform; "transformo:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@;i:@operator:not: @operando; ;@;i;;;" -mozo; ;@;i;;;" -webkito; ;@;i;;;o; ;@;i;;;"-oo; ;@;i;;;o; ;@;i;;;"-mso; ;@;i;;;o; ;@;i;;;" -khtmlo; ;@;i;;;" official; i;"transform;&T;#[[o;;{;"transform;"transform0[o;;@5;" only3d;" only3do;*;@5; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"D/* Shortcut to target all browsers with 2D transform support */;0o; ;@;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo;*;@; i;F; i;"transform2d;&T;#[[o;;{;" +trans;" +trans0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"E/* Shortcut to target only browsers with 3D transform support */;0o; ;@;[o;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo;*;@; i;T; i;"transform3d;&T;#[[o;;{;" +trans;" +trans0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"m/* @doc off * 3D Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------- - * @doc on */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"`/* Set the perspective of 3D transforms on the children of an element: + * @doc on */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"`/* Set the perspective of 3D transforms on the children of an element: * * @include perspective( perspective ) * * where 'perspective' is a uniless number representing the depth of the z-axis * the higher the perspective, the more exagerated the foreshortening. - * values from 500 to 1000 are more-or-less "normal" - a good starting-point. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o;+ ;[; {;"experimental; -@ -; i;![ o;' ;"perspective;(:identifier; -@ -; io; ;"p;"p; -@ -; io:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando;' ;" -moz;(;,; -@ -; i;":not; -@ -; io;' ;" -webkit;(;,; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-o;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-ms;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -khtml;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" official;(;,; -@ -; i;&T;"perspective; -@ -; i;![[o;;"p;"p; -{0o; ;[; 0;"/* Set the origin position for the perspective + * values from 500 to 1000 are more-or-less "normal" - a good starting-point. */;0o; ;@;[o;+ ;@;[; i;"experimental;"{;#[ o;' ;@; i;(:identifier;"perspectiveo; ;@; i;"p;"po:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;@; i;:not: @operando;' ;@; i;(;,;" -mozo;' ;@; i;(;,;" -webkito;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-oo;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-mso;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -khtmlo;' ;@; i;(;,;" official; i;"perspective;&T;#[[o;;{;"p;"p0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Set the origin position for the perspective * * @include perspective-origin(origin-x [origin-y]) * - * where the two arguments represent x/y coordinates */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o;+ ;[; {;"experimental; -@ -; i;![ o;' ;"perspective-origin;(;,; -@ -; io; ;" origin;" origin; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -moz;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" -webkit;(;,; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-o;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-ms;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -khtml;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" official;(;,; -@ -; i;&T;"perspective-origin; -@ -; i;![[o;;" origin;" origin; -{o; ;i7;[;["%;"50%; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Determine whether a 3D objects children also live in the given 3D space + * where the two arguments represent x/y coordinates */;0o; ;@;[o;+ ;@;[; i;"experimental;"{;#[ o;' ;@; i;(;,;"perspective-origino; ;@; i;" origin;" origino;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -mozo;' ;@; i;(;,;" -webkito;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-oo;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-mso;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -khtmlo;' ;@; i;(;,;" official; i;"perspective-origin;&T;#[[o;;{;" origin;" origino; ;@;[; i;i7;["%;"50%o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Determine whether a 3D objects children also live in the given 3D space * * @include transform-style( [ style ] ) * * where `style` can be either `flat` or `preserve-3d` - * browsers default to `flat`, mixin defaults to `preserve-3d` */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o;+ ;[; {;"experimental; -@ -; i;![ o;' ;"transform-style;(;,; -@ -; io; ;" -style;" -style; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -moz;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" -webkit;(;,; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-o;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-ms;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -khtml;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" official;(;,; -@ -; i;&T;"transform-style; -@ -; i;![[o;;" -style;" -style; -{o;' ;"preserve-3d;(;,; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Determine the visibility of an element when it's back is turned + * browsers default to `flat`, mixin defaults to `preserve-3d` */;0o; ;@;[o;+ ;@;[; i;"experimental;"{;#[ o;' ;@; i;(;,;"transform-styleo; ;@; i;" +style;" +styleo;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -mozo;' ;@; i;(;,;" -webkito;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-oo;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-mso;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -khtmlo;' ;@; i;(;,;" official; i;"transform-style;&T;#[[o;;{;" +style;" +styleo;' ;@; i;(;,;"preserve-3do; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Determine the visibility of an element when it's back is turned * * @include backface-visibility( [ visibility ] ) * * where `visibility` can be either `visible` or `hidden` - * browsers default to visible, mixin defaults to hidden */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o;+ ;[; {;"experimental; -@ -; i;![ o;' ;"backface-visibility;(;,; -@ -; io; ;"visibility;"visibility; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -moz;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" -webkit;(;,; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-o;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;"-ms;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;- ;.o;' ;" -khtml;(;,; -@ -; i;";/; -@ -; io;' ;" official;(;,; -@ -; i;&T;"backface-visibility; -@ -; i;![[o;;"visibility;"visibility; -{o;' ;" hidden;(;,; -@; io; ;[; 0;"S/* @doc off + * browsers default to visible, mixin defaults to hidden */;0o; ;@;[o;+ ;@;[; i;"experimental;"{;#[ o;' ;@; i;(;,;"backface-visibilityo; ;@; i;"visibility;"visibilityo;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -mozo;' ;@; i;(;,;" -webkito;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-oo;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;"-mso;- ;@; i;;.;/o;' ;@; i;(;,;" -khtmlo;' ;@; i;(;,;" official; i;"backface-visibility;&T;#[[o;;{;"visibility;"visibilityo;' ;@ ; i;(;,;" hiddeno; ;@; i;[;[; i;"S/* @doc off * Transform Partials -------------------------------------------------------- * These work well on their own, but they don't add to each other, they override. * Use along with transform parameter mixins to adjust origin, perspective and style - * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"a/* Scale --------------------------------------------------------------------- - * @doc on */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"/* Scale an object along the x and y axis: + * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"a/* Scale --------------------------------------------------------------------- + * @doc on */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Scale an object along the x and y axis: * * @include scale( [ scale-x, scale-y, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * * where the 'scale-' arguments are unitless multipliers of the x and y dimensions * and perspective, which works the same as the stand-alone perspective property/mixin * but applies to the individual element (multiplied with any parent perspective) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" -scale; -@ -; i;![o; ;" scale_x;" scale-x; -@ -; io; ;" scale_y;" scale-y; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;" -scale; -@ -; i;![ [o;;" scale_x;" scale-x; -{o; ;"default_scale_x;"default-scale-x; -@?; i[o;;" scale_y;" scale-y; -@?o; ;" scale_x;" scale-x; -@?; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@?o;*;F; -@?; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@?o;*;F; -@?; io; ;[; 0;"/* Scale an object along the x axis + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" +scale;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" scale-x;" scale_xo; ;@; i;" scale-y;" scale_yu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;" +scale;&T;#[ [o;;{;" scale-x;" scale_xo; ;@=; i;"default-scale-x;"default_scale_x[o;;@=;" scale-y;" scale_yo; ;@=; i;" scale-x;" scale_x[o;;@=;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@=; i;F[o;;@=;" only3d;" only3do;*;@=; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Scale an object along the x axis * @include scaleX( [ scale-x, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" scaleX; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -scale;" -scale; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;" scaleX; -@ -; i;![[o;;" -scale;" -scale; -{o; ;"default_scale_x;"default-scale-x; -@v; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@vo;*;F; -@v; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@vo;*;F; -@v; io; ;[; 0;"/* Scale an object along the y axis + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" scaleX;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +scale;" +scaleu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;" scaleX;&T;#[[o;;{;" +scale;" +scaleo; ;@t; i;"default-scale-x;"default_scale_x[o;;@t;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@t; i;F[o;;@t;" only3d;" only3do;*;@t; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i ;"/* Scale an object along the y axis * @include scaleY( [ scale-y, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; i o; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" scaleY; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -scale;" -scale; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;" scaleY; -@ -; i;![[o;;" -scale;" -scale; -{o; ;"default_scale_y;"default-scale-y; -@; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@o;*;F; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Scale an object along the z axis + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" scaleY;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +scale;" +scaleu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;" scaleY;&T;#[[o;;{;" +scale;" +scaleo; ;@; i;"default-scale-y;"default_scale_y[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; i;F[o;;@;" only3d;" only3do;*;@; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Scale an object along the z axis * @include scaleZ( [ scale-z, perspective ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" scaleZ; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -scale;" -scale; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i : -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; i o; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i :@separator: -space;@ ; i ;" -trans;@ ; i o;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; i!;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; i!;&T;" scaleZ; -@ -; i;![[o;;" -scale;" -scale; -{o; ;"default_scale_z;"default-scale-z; -@; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Scale and object along all three axis + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" scaleZ;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +scale;" +scaleu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei : +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i ;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i ;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i ;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i ;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i!;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i!;" +trans;" +trans; i;" scaleZ;&T;#[[o;;{;" +scale;" +scaleo; ;@; i;"default-scale-z;"default_scale_z[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i$;"/* Scale and object along all three axis * @include scale3d( [ scale-x, scale-y, scale-z, perspective ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; i$o; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" scale3d; -@ -; i.;![o; ;" scale_x;" scale-x; -@ -; i.o; ;" scale_y;" scale-y; -@ -; i.o; ;" scale_z;" scale-z; -@ -; i.;" -trans; -@ -; i.u;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei/0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i/: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; i/o; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i/:@separator: -space;@ ; i/;" -trans;@ ; i/o;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; i0;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; i0;&T;" scale3d; -@ -; i-;![ [o;;" scale_x;" scale-x; -{o; ;"default_scale_x;"default-scale-x; -@; i)[o;;" scale_y;" scale-y; -@o; ;"default_scale_y;"default-scale-y; -@; i*[o;;" scale_z;" scale-z; -@o; ;"default_scale_z;"default-scale-z; -@; i+[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; i,o; ;[; 0;"m/* @doc off + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i.;" +trans;o;! +;@; i.;" scale3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i.;" scale-x;" scale_xo; ;@; i.;" scale-y;" scale_yo; ;@; i.;" scale-z;" scale_zu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei/: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i/;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i/: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i/;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i/;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i/;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i0;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i0;" +trans;" +trans; i-;" scale3d;&T;#[ [o;;{;" scale-x;" scale_xo; ;@; i);"default-scale-x;"default_scale_x[o;;@;" scale-y;" scale_yo; ;@; i*;"default-scale-y;"default_scale_y[o;;@;" scale-z;" scale_zo; ;@; i+;"default-scale-z;"default_scale_z[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; i,;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i3;"m/* @doc off * Rotate -------------------------------------------------------------------- - * @doc on */;i;[; -@ -; i3o; ;[; 0;"/* Rotate an object around the z axis (2D) + * @doc on */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i7;"/* Rotate an object around the z axis (2D) * @include rotate( [ rotation, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * where 'rotation' is an angle set in degrees (deg) or radian (rad) units * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; i7o; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" rotate; -@ -; iA;![o; ;" rotate;" rotate; -@ -; iA;" -trans; -@ -; iAu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@lineiB0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; iB: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; iBo; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; iB:@separator: -space;@ ; iB;" -trans;@ ; iBo;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; iC;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; iCo; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; iC;&T;" rotate; -@ -; i@;![[o;;" rotate;" rotate; -{o; ;"default_rotate;"default-rotate; -@>; i=[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@>o;*;F; -@>; i>[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@>o;*;F; -@>; i?o; ;[; 0;"/* A longcut for 'rotate' in case you forget that 'z' is implied + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; iA;" +trans;o;! +;@; iA;" rotate;"{;#[o; ;@; iA;" rotate;" rotateu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@lineiB: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;iB;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;iB: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;iB;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;iB;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;iB;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; iC;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; iC;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; iC;" only3d;" only3d; i@;" rotate;&T;#[[o;;{;" rotate;" rotateo; ;@<; i=;"default-rotate;"default_rotate[o;;@<;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@<; i>;F[o;;@<;" only3d;" only3do;*;@<; i?;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; iF;"/* A longcut for 'rotate' in case you forget that 'z' is implied * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; iFo; ;[o;+ ;[; {;" rotate; -@ -; iN;![o; ;" rotate;" rotate; -@ -; iNo; ;"perspective;"perspective; -@ -; iNo; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; iN;&T;" rotateZ; -@ -; iM;![[o;;" rotate;" rotate; -{o; ;"default_rotate;"default-rotate; -@f; iJ[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@fo;*;F; -@f; iK[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@fo;*;F; -@f; iLo; ;[; 0;"/* Rotate an object around the x axis (3D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o;+ ;@;[; iN;" rotate;"{;#[o; ;@; iN;" rotate;" rotateo; ;@; iN;"perspective;"perspectiveo; ;@; iN;" only3d;" only3d; iM;" rotateZ;&T;#[[o;;{;" rotate;" rotateo; ;@d; iJ;"default-rotate;"default_rotate[o;;@d;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@d; iK;F[o;;@d;" only3d;" only3do;*;@d; iL;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; iQ;"/* Rotate an object around the x axis (3D) * @include rotateX( [ rotation, perspective ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; iQo; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" rotateX; -@ -; iY;![o; ;" rotate;" rotate; -@ -; iY;" -trans; -@ -; iYu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@lineiZ0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; iZ: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; iZo; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; iZ:@separator: -space;@ ; iZ;" -trans;@ ; iZo;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; i[;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; i[;&T;" rotateX; -@ -; iX;![[o;;" rotate;" rotate; -{o; ;"default_rotate;"default-rotate; -@; iV[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; iWo; ;[; 0;"/* Rotate an object around the y axis (3D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; iY;" +trans;o;! +;@; iY;" rotateX;"{;#[o; ;@; iY;" rotate;" rotateu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@lineiZ: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;iZ;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;iZ: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;iZ;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;iZ;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;iZ;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i[;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i[;" +trans;" +trans; iX;" rotateX;&T;#[[o;;{;" rotate;" rotateo; ;@; iV;"default-rotate;"default_rotate[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; iW;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i^;"/* Rotate an object around the y axis (3D) * @include rotate( [ rotation, perspective ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; i^o; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" rotateY; -@ -; if;![o; ;" rotate;" rotate; -@ -; if;" -trans; -@ -; ifu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@lineig0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; ig: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; igo; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; ig:@separator: -space;@ ; ig;" -trans;@ ; igo;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; ih;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; ih;&T;" rotateY; -@ -; ie;![[o;;" rotate;" rotate; -{o; ;"default_rotate;"default-rotate; -@; ic[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; ido; ;[; 0;"/* Rotate an object around an arbitrary axis (3D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; if;" +trans;o;! +;@; if;" rotateY;"{;#[o; ;@; if;" rotate;" rotateu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@lineig: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;ig;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;ig: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;ig;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;ig;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;ig;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; ih;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; ih;" +trans;" +trans; ie;" rotateY;&T;#[[o;;{;" rotate;" rotateo; ;@; ic;"default-rotate;"default_rotate[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; id;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; ik;"/* Rotate an object around an arbitrary axis (3D) * @include rotate( [ vector-x, vector-y, vector-z, rotation, perspective ] ) * where the 'vector-' arguments accept unitless numbers * these numbers are not important on their own, but in relation to one another * creating an axis from your transform-origin, along the axis of Xx = Yy = Zz * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; iko; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" rotate3d; -@ -; iy;![ o; ;" vector_x;" vector-x; -@ -; iyo; ;" vector_y;" vector-y; -@ -; iyo; ;" vector_z;" vector-z; -@ -; iyo; ;" rotate;" rotate; -@ -; iy;" -trans; -@ -; iyu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@lineiz0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; iz: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; izo; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; iz:@separator: -space;@ ; iz;" -trans;@ ; izo;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; i{;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; i{;&T;" rotate3d; -@ -; ix;![ -[o;;" vector_x;" vector-x; -{o; ;"default_vector_x;"default-vector-x; -@; is[o;;" vector_y;" vector-y; -@o; ;"default_vector_y;"default-vector-y; -@; it[o;;" vector_z;" vector-z; -@o; ;"default_vector_z;"default-vector-z; -@; iu[o;;" rotate;" rotate; -@o; ;"default_rotate;"default-rotate; -@; iv[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; iwo; ;[; 0;"m/* @doc off + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; iy;" +trans;o;! +;@; iy;" rotate3d;"{;#[ o; ;@; iy;" vector-x;" vector_xo; ;@; iy;" vector-y;" vector_yo; ;@; iy;" vector-z;" vector_zo; ;@; iy;" rotate;" rotateu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@lineiz: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;iz;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;iz: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;iz;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;iz;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;iz;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i{;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i{;" +trans;" +trans; ix;" rotate3d;&T;#[ +[o;;{;" vector-x;" vector_xo; ;@; is;"default-vector-x;"default_vector_x[o;;@;" vector-y;" vector_yo; ;@; it;"default-vector-y;"default_vector_y[o;;@;" vector-z;" vector_zo; ;@; iu;"default-vector-z;"default_vector_z[o;;@;" rotate;" rotateo; ;@; iv;"default-rotate;"default_rotate[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; iw;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i~;"m/* @doc off * Translate ----------------------------------------------------------------- - * @doc on */;i;[; -@ -; i~o; ;[; 0;"5/* Move an object along the x or y axis (2D) + * @doc on */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"5/* Move an object along the x or y axis (2D) * @include translate( [ translate-x, translate-y, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * where the 'translate-' arguments accept any distance in percentages or absolute (px, cm, in, em etc..) units * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;"translate; -@ -; i;![o; ;"translate_x;"translate-x; -@ -; io; ;"translate_y;"translate-y; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;"translate; -@ -; i;![ [o;;"translate_x;"translate-x; -{o; ;"default_translate_x;"default-translate-x; -@3; i[o;;"translate_y;"translate-y; -@3o; ;"default_translate_y;"default-translate-y; -@3; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@3o;*;F; -@3; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@3o;*;F; -@3; io; ;[; 0;"/* Move an object along the x axis (2D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;"translate;"{;#[o; ;@; i;"translate-x;"translate_xo; ;@; i;"translate-y;"translate_yu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;"translate;&T;#[ [o;;{;"translate-x;"translate_xo; ;@1; i;"default-translate-x;"default_translate_x[o;;@1;"translate-y;"translate_yo; ;@1; i;"default-translate-y;"default_translate_y[o;;@1;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@1; i;F[o;;@1;" only3d;" only3do;*;@1; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Move an object along the x axis (2D) * @include translate( [ translate-x, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;"translateX; -@ -; i;![o; ;" trans_x;" trans-x; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;"translateX; -@ -; i;![[o;;" trans_x;" trans-x; -{o; ;"default_translate_x;"default-translate-x; -@j; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@jo;*;F; -@j; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@jo;*;F; -@j; io; ;[; 0;"/* Move an object along the y axis (2D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;"translateX;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" trans-x;" trans_xu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;"translateX;&T;#[[o;;{;" trans-x;" trans_xo; ;@h; i;"default-translate-x;"default_translate_x[o;;@h;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@h; i;F[o;;@h;" only3d;" only3do;*;@h; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Move an object along the y axis (2D) * @include translate( [ translate-y, perspective, 3D-only ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;"translateY; -@ -; i;![o; ;" trans_y;" trans-y; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;"translateY; -@ -; i;![[o;;" trans_y;" trans-y; -{o; ;"default_translate_y;"default-translate-y; -@; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@o;*;F; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Move an object along the z axis (3D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;"translateY;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" trans-y;" trans_yu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;"translateY;&T;#[[o;;{;" trans-y;" trans_yo; ;@; i;"default-translate-y;"default_translate_y[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; i;F[o;;@;" only3d;" only3do;*;@; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Move an object along the z axis (3D) * @include translate( [ translate-z, perspective ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;"translateZ; -@ -; i;![o; ;" trans_z;" trans-z; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; i;&T;"translateZ; -@ -; i;![[o;;" trans_z;" trans-z; -{o; ;"default_translate_z;"default-translate-z; -@; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Move an object along the x, y and z axis (3D) + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;"translateZ;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" trans-z;" trans_zu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +trans; i;"translateZ;&T;#[[o;;{;" trans-z;" trans_zo; ;@; i;"default-translate-z;"default_translate_z[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Move an object along the x, y and z axis (3D) * @include translate( [ translate-x, translate-y, translate-z, perspective ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;"translate3d; -@ -; i;![o; ;"translate_x;"translate-x; -@ -; io; ;"translate_y;"translate-y; -@ -; io; ;"translate_z;"translate-z; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; io; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io;+ ;[; {;"transform3d; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; i;&T;"translate3d; -@ -; i;![ [o;;"translate_x;"translate-x; -{o; ;"default_translate_x;"default-translate-x; -@; i[o;;"translate_y;"translate-y; -@o; ;"default_translate_y;"default-translate-y; -@; i[o;;"translate_z;"translate-z; -@o; ;"default_translate_z;"default-translate-z; -@; i[o;;"perspective;"perspective; -@o;*;F; -@; io; ;[; 0;"m/* @doc off + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;"translate3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i;"translate-x;"translate_xo; ;@; i;"translate-y;"translate_yo; ;@; i;"translate-z;"translate_zu;%[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@;i;" +trans; " +trans:@separator: +spaceo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform3d;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +trans; i;"translate3d;&T;#[ [o;;{;"translate-x;"translate_xo; ;@; i;"default-translate-x;"default_translate_x[o;;@;"translate-y;"translate_yo; ;@; i;"default-translate-y;"default_translate_y[o;;@;"translate-z;"translate_zo; ;@; i;"default-translate-z;"default_translate_z[o;;@;"perspective;"perspectiveo;*;@; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"m/* @doc off * Skew ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - * @doc on */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"/* Skew an element: + * @doc on */;0o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Skew an element: * * @include skew( [ skew-x, skew-y, 3D-only ] ) * * where the 'skew-' arguments accept css angles in degrees (deg) or radian (rad) units * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" skew; -@ -; i;![o; ;" skew_x;" skew-x; -@ -; io; ;" skew_y;" skew-y; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;" skew; -@ -; i;![[o;;" skew_x;" skew-x; -{o; ;"default_skew_x;"default-skew-x; -@4; i[o;;" skew_y;" skew-y; -@4o; ;"default_skew_y;"default-skew-y; -@4; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@4o;*;F; -@4; io; ;[; 0;"/* Skew an element along the x axiz + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" skew;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" skew-x;" skew_xo; ;@; i;" skew-y;" skew_yo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;" skew;&T;#[[o;;{;" skew-x;" skew_xo; ;@2; i;"default-skew-x;"default_skew_x[o;;@2;" skew-y;" skew_yo; ;@2; i;"default-skew-y;"default_skew_y[o;;@2;" only3d;" only3do;*;@2; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Skew an element along the x axiz * * @include skew( [ skew-x, 3D-only ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" -skewX; -@ -; i;![o; ;" skew_x;" skew-x; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;" -skewX; -@ -; i;![[o;;" skew_x;" skew-x; -{o; ;"default_skew_x;"default-skew-x; -@e; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@eo;*;F; -@e; io; ;[; 0;"/* Skew an element along the y axis + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" +skewX;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" skew-x;" skew_xo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;" +skewX;&T;#[[o;;{;" skew-x;" skew_xo; ;@c; i;"default-skew-x;"default_skew_x[o;;@c;" only3d;" only3do;*;@c; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Skew an element along the y axis * * @include skew( [ skew-y, 3D-only ] ) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" -skewY; -@ -; i;![o; ;" skew_y;" skew-y; -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; io;+ ;[; {;"transform; -@ -; i;![o; ;" -trans;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;" only3d;" only3d; -@ -; i;&T;" -skewY; -@ -; i;![[o;;" skew_y;" skew-y; -{o; ;"default_skew_y;"default-skew-y; -@; i[o;;" only3d;" only3d; -@o;*;F; -@; io; ;[; 0;"/* Full transform mixins + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" +skewY;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" skew-y;" skew_yo;+ ;@;[; i;"transform;"{;#[o; ;@; i;" +trans;" +transo; ;@; i;" only3d;" only3d; i;" +skewY;&T;#[[o;;{;" skew-y;" skew_yo; ;@; i;"default-skew-y;"default_skew_y[o;;@;" only3d;" only3do;*;@; i;Fo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* Full transform mixins * For settings any combination of transforms as arguments * These are complex and not highly recommended for daily use * They are mainly here for backwards-compatability purposes * * * they include origin adjustments * * scale takes a multiplier (unitless), rotate and skew take degrees (deg) * - * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;i;[; -@ -; io; ;[o; ;[;0;o; -; {;" unquote; -@ -; i;![o;' ;";(;); -@ -; i;" -trans; -@ -; io; ;[; 0;"/* perspective */;i;[; -@ -; iu;%.[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"perspective: -@name"perspective: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: + * **Note** This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins. */;0o; ;@;[o; ;@;[;0; i;" +trans;o;! +;@; i;" unquote;"{;#[o;' ;@; i;(;);"o; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* perspective */;0u;%.[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name"perspective:@underscored_name"perspective0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" +trans: @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;"perspective;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;"perspective;"perspective;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; io; ;[; 0;"/* scale */;i;[; -@ -; iu;%[o:Sass::Script::Operation -:@operand2o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" scale_y: -@name" scale-y: @options{: -@linei:@operand1o; ;" scale_x; " scale-x; -@ -; i:@operator:and; -@ -; iu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[u:Sass::Tree::IfNodev[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" scale_x: -@name" scale-x: @options{: -@linei0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; io:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;" scaleX;@ ; i: -@args[o; ;" scale_x;" scale-x;@ ; i:@separator: -space;@ ; i;" -trans;@ ; iu;v[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" scale_y: -@name" scale-y: @options{: -@linei 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;" scaleY;@ ; i : -@args[o; ;" scale_y;" scale-y;@ ; i :@separator: -space;@ ; i ;" -trans;@ ; i u;v[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" scale_z: -@name" scale-z: @options{: -@linei!0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o; ;" -trans;" -trans;@ ; i!o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{;" scaleZ;@ ; i!: -@args[o; ;" scale_z;" scale-z;@ ; i!:@separator: -space;@ ; i!;" -trans;@ ; i![u;L[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" scale_z: -@name" scale-z: @options{: -@lineiu:Sass::Tree::IfNodev[00[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode :@children[: @guarded0: -@expro:Sass::Script::List : @value[o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name" +;@;i;"perspective:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;"perspective; "perspectiveo; ;@; i;[;[; i;"/* scale */;0u;%[o:Sass::Script::Operation +: @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: +@linei: +@name" scale-y:@underscored_name" scale_y; i:@operator:and:@operand1o; ;@; i; +" scale-x; " scale_xu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[u:Sass::Tree::IfNodev[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei: +@name" scale-x:@underscored_name" scale_x0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i;" trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i: @value[o; ;@;i;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;" scaleX:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;" scale-x; " scale_x:@separator: +spaceu;v[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei : +@name" scale-y:@underscored_name" scale_y0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i ;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i : @value[o; ;@;i ;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i ;" scaleY:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i ;" scale-y; " scale_y:@separator: +spaceu;v[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei!: +@name" scale-z:@underscored_name" scale_z0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i!;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i!: @value[o; ;@;i!;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i!;" scaleZ:@keywords{: +@args[o; 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;@;i;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i;" scale3d:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i;" scale-x; " scale_xo; ;@;i;" scale-y; " scale_yo; ;@;i;" scale-z; " scale_z:@separator: +spaceo; ;@; i;[;[; i$;"/* rotate */;0u;%{[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei%: +@name" rotate-x:@underscored_name" rotate_x0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i%;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i%: @value[o; ;@;i%;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i%;" rotateX:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i%;" rotate-x; " rotate_x:@separator: +spaceu;%{[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei&: +@name" rotate-y:@underscored_name" rotate_y0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i&;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i&: @value[o; ;@;i&;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i&;" rotateY:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i&;" rotate-y; " rotate_y:@separator: +spaceu;%{[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei': +@name" rotate-z:@underscored_name" rotate_z0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i';" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i': @value[o; 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;@;i/;" trans-x; " trans_x:@separator: +spaceu;z[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei0: +@name" trans-y:@underscored_name" trans_y0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i0;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i0: @value[o; ;@;i0;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i0;"translateY:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i0;" trans-y; " trans_y:@separator: +spaceu;z[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei1: +@name" trans-z:@underscored_name" trans_z0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;i1;" +trans: +@expro:Sass::Script::List ;@;i1: @value[o; ;@;i1;" +trans; " +transo:Sass::Script::Funcall +;@;i1;"translateZ:@keywords{: +@args[o; ;@;i1;" trans-z; " trans_z:@separator: +space[u;T[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: +@linei,: +@name" trans-z:@underscored_name" trans_zu:Sass::Tree::IfNodez[00[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @options{:@children[: @guarded0: +@linei-: @name" -trans: @options{: -@linei-o:Sass::Script::Funcall -:@keywords{; "translate;@;i-: -@args[o; 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