lib/rack/reverse_proxy.rb in rack-reverse-proxy-0.9.1 vs lib/rack/reverse_proxy.rb in rack-reverse-proxy-0.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,131 +1,6 @@
-require 'net/http'
-require 'net/https'
-require "rack-proxy"
-require "rack/reverse_proxy_matcher"
-require "rack/exception"
-require "rack/reverse_proxy/http_streaming_response"
+require "rack_reverse_proxy"
+# Re-opening Rack module only to define ReverseProxy constant
module Rack
- class ReverseProxy
- include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation if defined? NewRelic
- def initialize(app = nil, &b)
- @app = app || lambda {|env| [404, [], []] }
- @matchers = []
- @global_options = {:preserve_host => true, :x_forwarded_host => true, :matching => :all, :replace_response_host => false}
- instance_eval(&b) if block_given?
- end
- def call(env)
- rackreq =
- matcher = get_matcher(rackreq.fullpath, Proxy.extract_http_request_headers(rackreq.env), rackreq)
- return if matcher.nil?
- if @global_options[:newrelic_instrumentation]
- action_name = "#{rackreq.path.gsub(/\/\d+/,'/:id').gsub(/^\//,'')}/#{rackreq.request_method}" # Rack::ReverseProxy/foo/bar#GET
- perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(:name => action_name, :request => rackreq) do
- proxy(env, rackreq, matcher)
- end
- else
- proxy(env, rackreq, matcher)
- end
- end
- private
- def proxy(env, source_request, matcher)
- uri = matcher.get_uri(source_request.fullpath,env)
- if uri.nil?
- return
- end
- options = @global_options.dup.merge(matcher.options)
- # Initialize request
- target_request = Net::HTTP.const_get(source_request.request_method.capitalize).new(uri.request_uri)
- # Setup headers
- target_request_headers = Proxy.extract_http_request_headers(source_request.env)
- if options[:preserve_host]
- if uri.port == uri.default_port
- target_request_headers['HOST'] =
- else
- target_request_headers['HOST'] = "#{}:#{uri.port}"
- end
- end
- if options[:x_forwarded_host]
- target_request_headers['X-Forwarded-Host'] =
- target_request_headers['X-Forwarded-Port'] = "#{source_request.port}"
- end
- target_request.initialize_http_header(target_request_headers)
- # Basic auth
- target_request.basic_auth options[:username], options[:password] if options[:username] and options[:password]
- # Setup body
- if target_request.request_body_permitted? && source_request.body
- source_request.body.rewind
- target_request.body_stream = source_request.body
- end
- target_request.content_length = source_request.content_length || 0
- target_request.content_type = source_request.content_type if source_request.content_type
- # Create a streaming response (the actual network communication is deferred, a.k.a. streamed)
- target_response =,, uri.port)
- # pass the timeout configuration through
- target_response.set_read_timeout(options[:timeout]) if options[:timeout].to_i > 0
- target_response.use_ssl = "https" == uri.scheme
- # Let rack set the transfer-encoding header
- response_headers = Proxy.normalize_headers(format_headers(target_response.headers))
- response_headers.delete('Transfer-Encoding')
- response_headers.delete('Status')
- # Replace the location header with the proxy domain
- if response_headers['Location'] && options[:replace_response_host]
- response_location = URI(response_headers['location'])
- =
- response_location.port = source_request.port
- response_headers['Location'] = response_location.to_s
- end
- [target_response.status, response_headers, target_response.body]
- end
- def get_matcher(path, headers, rackreq)
- matches = do |matcher|
- matcher.match?(path, headers, rackreq)
- end
- if matches.length < 1
- nil
- elsif matches.length > 1 && @global_options[:matching] != :first
- raise, matches)
- else
- matches.first
- end
- end
- def reverse_proxy_options(options)
- @global_options=options
- end
- def reverse_proxy(matcher, url=nil, opts={})
- raise if matcher.is_a?(String) && url.is_a?(String) && URI(url).class == URI::Generic
- @matchers <<,url,opts)
- end
- def format_headers(headers)
- headers.reduce({}) do |acc, (key, val)|
- formated_key = key.split('-').map(&:capitalize).join('-')
- acc[formated_key] = Array(val)
- acc
- end
- end
- end
+ ReverseProxy = RackReverseProxy::Middleware