lib/rack/insight/panel.rb in rack-insight-0.5.7 vs lib/rack/insight/panel.rb in rack-insight-0.5.8
- old
+ new
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@
include Rack::Insight::Instrumentation::Client
attr_reader :request
class << self
+ include Rack::Insight::Logging
attr_accessor :template_root
def file_index
return @file_index ||= do |h,k|
h[k] = []
@@ -39,34 +42,37 @@
return (file_index[rel_path] - panel_exclusion)
Thread::current['rack-panel_file'] = old_rel
+ def set_sub_class_template_root(sub_class, path)
+ sub_class.template_root = path
+ end
def current_panel_file(sub)
- return Thread::current['rack-panel_file'] ||
- begin
- file_name = nil
- matched_line = nil
- caller.each do |line|
- # First make sure we are not matching rack-insight's own panel class, which will be in the caller stack,
- # and which may match some custom load path added (try adding 'rack' as a custom load path!)
- next if line =~ /rack-insight.*\/lib\/rack\/insight\/panel.rb:/
- Rack::Insight::Config.config[:panel_load_paths].each do |load_path|
- regex = %r{^[^:]*#{load_path}/([^:]*)\.rb:}
- md = regex.match line
- file_name = md[1] unless md.nil?
- matched_line = line unless file_name.nil?
- break unless file_name.nil?
- end
- break unless file_name.nil?
- end
- sub.template_root = File.dirname(matched_line.split(':')[0]) if matched_line.respond_to?(:split)
- file_name
+ file_name = nil
+ matched_line = nil
+ caller.each do |line|
+ # First make sure we are not matching rack-insight's own panel class, which will be in the caller stack,
+ # and which may match some custom load path added (try adding 'rack' as a custom load path!)
+ # .*panel because the panels that ship with rack-insight also do not need custom template roots.
+ next if line =~ /rack-insight.*\/lib\/rack\/insight\/.*panel.rb:/
+ Rack::Insight::Config.config[:panel_load_paths].each do |load_path|
+ regex = %r{^[^:]*#{load_path}/([^:]*)\.rb:}
+ md = regex.match line
+ file_name = md[1] unless md.nil?
+ matched_line = line unless file_name.nil?
+ break unless file_name.nil?
+ break unless file_name.nil?
+ end
+ set_sub_class_template_root(sub, File.dirname(matched_line.split(':')[0])) if matched_line.respond_to?(:split)
+ return Thread::current['rack-panel_file'] || file_name
def inherited(sub)
if filename = current_panel_file(sub)
+ logger.debug("panel inherited by #{sub.inspect} with template_root: #{sub.template_root}") if verbose(:high)
Panel::file_index[filename] << sub
warn "Rack::Insight::Panel inherited by #{} outside rack-insight's :panel_load_paths. Discarded. Configured panel load paths are: #{Rack::Insight::Config.config[:panel_load_paths].inspect}"