spec/unit/git/working_dir_spec.rb in r10k-1.2.4 vs spec/unit/git/working_dir_spec.rb in r10k-1.3.0rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,121 +1,12 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'r10k/git'
describe R10K::Git::WorkingDir do
- include_context "fail on execution"
describe "initializing" do
it "generates a new cache for the remote" do
- wd = described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/some/nonexistent/dir')
+ wd = described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/tmp')
wd.cache.should be_kind_of R10K::Git::Cache
- end
- it "uses the provided ref as the dirname when no dirname is given" do
- wd = described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/some/nonexistent/dir')
- expect(wd.dirname).to eq('master')
- end
- it "uses an explicit dirname when given" do
- wd = described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/some/nonexistent/dir', 'mydir')
- expect(wd.dirname).to eq('mydir')
- end
- end
- describe "synchronizing the working directory" do
- subject { described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/some/nonexistent/dir') }
- it "clones the repository when the repository doesn't exist" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:cloned?).and_return false
- expect(subject).to receive(:clone)
- subject.sync
- end
- it "updates the repository when the repository already exists" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:cloned?).and_return true
- expect(subject).to receive(:update)
- subject.sync
- end
- end
- describe "when cloning a new repository" do
- subject { described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/some/nonexistent/dir') }
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:cloned?).and_return false
- end
- it "updates the cache before cloning" do
- expect(subject.cache).to receive(:sync)
- allow(subject).to receive(:git)
- allow(subject).to receive(:checkout)
- subject.sync
- end
- it "clones the repository and uses the cache git dir as an object reference" do
- allow(subject.cache).to receive(:sync)
- expect(subject).to receive(:git).with(['clone', '--reference', subject.cache.git_dir,
- 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo',
- '/some/nonexistent/dir/master'])
- expect(subject).to receive(:git).with(['remote', 'add', 'cache', subject.cache.git_dir],
- an_instance_of(Hash))
- expect(subject).to receive(:git).with(['fetch', 'cache'], an_instance_of(Hash))
- allow(subject).to receive(:checkout)
- subject.sync
- end
- it 'checks out the specific ref after the clone' do
- allow(subject.cache).to receive(:sync)
- allow(subject).to receive(:git)
- expect(subject).to receive(:checkout)
- subject.sync
- end
- end
- describe "updating an existing repository" do
- subject { described_class.new('master', 'git://github.com/adrienthebo/r10k-fixture-repo', '/some/nonexistent/dir') }
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:cloned?).and_return true
- end
- it "updates the remotes when they are out of sync" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:ref_needs_fetch?).and_return false
- allow(subject).to receive(:needs_checkout?).and_return false
- expect(subject).to receive(:update_remotes?).and_return true
- expect(subject).to receive(:update_remotes)
- subject.sync
- end
- it "updates the cache when the ref requires an update" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:update_remotes?).and_return false
- expect(subject).to receive(:ref_needs_fetch?).and_return true
- expect(subject).to receive(:fetch_from_cache)
- expect(subject).to receive(:checkout).with(an_instance_of(R10K::Git::Ref))
- subject.sync
- end
- it "checks out the ref when the wrong commit is checked out" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:update_remotes?).and_return false
- allow(subject).to receive(:ref_needs_fetch?).and_return false
- expect(subject).to receive(:needs_checkout?).and_return true
- expect(subject).to receive(:checkout).with(an_instance_of(R10K::Git::Ref))
- subject.sync
- end
- it "doesn't update the repo when everything is in sync" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:update_remotes?).and_return false
- allow(subject).to receive(:ref_needs_fetch?).and_return false
- allow(subject).to receive(:needs_checkout?).and_return false
- expect(subject).to_not receive(:checkout)
- subject.sync