spec/unit/action/deploy/module_spec.rb in r10k-3.10.0 vs spec/unit/action/deploy/module_spec.rb in r10k-3.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -39,10 +39,26 @@
it 'can accept a token option' do
described_class.new({ 'oauth-token': '/nonexistent' }, [], {})
+ it 'can accept an app id option' do
+ described_class.new({ 'github-app-id': '/nonexistent' }, [], {})
+ end
+ it 'can accept a ttl option' do
+ described_class.new({ 'github-app-ttl': '/nonexistent' }, [], {})
+ end
+ it 'can accept a ssl private key option' do
+ described_class.new({ 'github-app-key': '/nonexistent' }, [], {})
+ end
+ it 'can accept a exclude-spec option' do
+ described_class.new({ :'exclude-spec' => true }, [], {})
+ end
describe "with no-force" do
subject { described_class.new({ config: "/some/nonexistent/path", :'no-force' => true}, [], {}) }
@@ -175,10 +191,37 @@
it 'sets token_path' do
expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@oauth_token)).to eq('/nonexistent')
+ describe 'with github-app-id' do
+ subject { described_class.new({ config: '/some/nonexistent/path', 'github-app-id': '/nonexistent' }, [], {}) }
+ it 'sets github-app-id' do
+ expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@github_app_id)).to eq('/nonexistent')
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with github-app-key' do
+ subject { described_class.new({ config: '/some/nonexistent/path', 'github-app-key': '/nonexistent' }, [], {}) }
+ it 'sets github-app-key' do
+ expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@github_app_key)).to eq('/nonexistent')
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with github-app-ttl' do
+ subject { described_class.new({ config: '/some/nonexistent/path', 'github-app-ttl': '/nonexistent' }, [], {}) }
+ it 'sets github-app-ttl' do
+ expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@github_app_ttl)).to eq('/nonexistent')
+ end
+ end
describe 'with modules' do
subject { described_class.new({ config: '/some/nonexistent/path' }, ['mod1', 'mod2'], {}) }
let(:cache) { instance_double("R10K::Git::Cache", 'sanitized_dirname' => 'foo', 'cached?' => true, 'sync' => true) }
@@ -302,9 +345,144 @@
expect(repo).to receive(:sync).once
expect(subject.logger).to receive(:debug1).with(/Updating modules.*in environment.*first/i)
expect(subject.logger).to receive(:debug1).with(/skipping environment.*second/i)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "postrun" do
+ let(:mock_config) do
+ R10K::Deployment::MockConfig.new(
+ :sources => {
+ :control => {
+ :type => :mock,
+ :basedir => '/some/nonexistent/path/control',
+ :environments => %w[first second third],
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ context "basic postrun hook" do
+ let(:settings) { { postrun: ["/path/to/executable", "arg1", "arg2"] } }
+ let(:deployment) { R10K::Deployment.new(mock_config.merge(settings)) }
+ before do
+ expect(R10K::Deployment).to receive(:new).and_return(deployment)
+ end
+ subject do
+ described_class.new({config: "/some/nonexistent/path" },
+ ['mod1'], settings)
+ end
+ it "is passed to Subprocess" do
+ mock_subprocess = double
+ allow(mock_subprocess).to receive(:logger=)
+ expect(mock_subprocess).to receive(:execute)
+ expect(R10K::Util::Subprocess).to receive(:new).
+ with(["/path/to/executable", "arg1", "arg2"]).
+ and_return(mock_subprocess)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:visit_environment).and_wrap_original do |original, environment, &block|
+ modified = subject.instance_variable_get(:@modified_envs) << environment
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:modified_envs, modified)
+ end.exactly(3).times
+ subject.call
+ end
+ end
+ context "supports environments" do
+ context "with one environment" do
+ let(:settings) { { postrun: ["/generate/types/wrapper", "$modifiedenvs"] } }
+ let(:deployment) { R10K::Deployment.new(mock_config.merge(settings)) }
+ before do
+ expect(R10K::Deployment).to receive(:new).and_return(deployment)
+ end
+ subject do
+ described_class.new({ config: '/some/nonexistent/path',
+ environment: 'first' },
+ ['mod1'], settings)
+ end
+ it "properly substitutes the environment" do
+ mock_subprocess = double
+ allow(mock_subprocess).to receive(:logger=)
+ expect(mock_subprocess).to receive(:execute)
+ mock_mod = double('mock_mod', name: 'mod1')
+ expect(R10K::Util::Subprocess).to receive(:new).
+ with(["/generate/types/wrapper", "first"]).
+ and_return(mock_subprocess)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:visit_environment).and_wrap_original do |original, environment, &block|
+ if environment.name == 'first'
+ expect(environment).to receive(:deploy).and_return(true)
+ expect(environment).to receive(:modules).and_return([mock_mod])
+ end
+ original.call(environment, &block)
+ end.exactly(3).times
+ subject.call
+ end
+ end
+ context "with all environments" do
+ let(:settings) { { postrun: ["/generate/types/wrapper", "$modifiedenvs"] } }
+ let(:deployment) { R10K::Deployment.new(mock_config.merge(settings)) }
+ before do
+ expect(R10K::Deployment).to receive(:new).and_return(deployment)
+ end
+ subject do
+ described_class.new({ config: '/some/nonexistent/path' },
+ ['mod1'], settings)
+ end
+ it "properly substitutes the environment where modules were deployed" do
+ mock_subprocess = double
+ allow(mock_subprocess).to receive(:logger=)
+ expect(mock_subprocess).to receive(:execute)
+ expect(R10K::Util::Subprocess).to receive(:new).
+ with(["/generate/types/wrapper", "first third"]).
+ and_return(mock_subprocess)
+ mock_mod = double('mock_mod', name: 'mod1')
+ expect(subject).to receive(:visit_environment).and_wrap_original do |original, environment, &block|
+ expect(environment).to receive(:deploy).and_return(true)
+ if ['first', 'third'].include?(environment.name)
+ expect(environment).to receive(:modules).and_return([mock_mod])
+ end
+ original.call(environment, &block)
+ end.exactly(3).times
+ subject.call
+ end
+ it "does not execute the command if no envs had the module" do
+ expect(R10K::Util::Subprocess).not_to receive(:new)
+ mock_mod2 = double('mock_mod', name: 'mod2')
+ expect(subject).to receive(:visit_environment).and_wrap_original do |original, environment, &block|
+ expect(environment).to receive(:deploy).and_return(true)
+ # Envs have a different module than the one we asked to deploy
+ expect(environment).to receive(:modules).and_return([mock_mod2])
+ original.call(environment, &block)
+ end.exactly(3).times
+ subject.call
+ end
+ end