azure-pipelines.yml in r10k-3.0.4 vs azure-pipelines.yml in r10k-3.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,19 +3,13 @@
# includes newer Docker engine with LCOW enabled, new build of LCOW image
# includes Ruby 2.5, Go 1.10, Node.js 10.10, hadolint
name: Default
- NAMESPACE: puppet
-# completely disables the pipeline
-trigger: none
-pr: none
-- checkout: self
- clean: true
- powershell: |
$line = '=' * 80
Write-Host "$line`nWindows`n$line`n"
Get-ComputerInfo |
select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion, OsHardwareAbstractionLayer |
@@ -50,29 +44,29 @@
Get-ChildItem Env: | % { Write-Host "$($_.Key): $($_.Value)" }
displayName: Diagnostic Host Information
name: hostinfo
- powershell: |
. ./docker/ci/build.ps1
- Lint-Dockerfile -Path ./docker/r10k/Dockerfile
- displayName: Lint r10k Dockerfile
- name: lint_dockerfile
+ Invoke-ContainerBuildSetup
+ displayName: Prepare Build Environment
+ name: build_prepare
- powershell: |
. ./docker/ci/build.ps1
- Build-Container -Namespace $ENV:NAMESPACE
- displayName: Build r10k Container
- name: build_r10k_container
+ Build-Container -Name r10k -Repository $ENV:BUILD_REPOSITORY
+ displayName: Build r10k
+ name: build_r10k
- powershell: |
. ./docker/ci/build.ps1
- Invoke-ContainerTest -Namespace $ENV:NAMESPACE
+ Invoke-ContainerTest -Name r10k -Repository $ENV:BUILD_REPOSITORY
displayName: Test r10k
name: test_r10k
- task: PublishTestResults@2
displayName: Publish r10k test results
testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
- testResultsFiles: 'docker/TEST-*.xml'
+ testResultsFiles: 'docker/**/TEST-*.xml'
testRunTitle: r10k Test Results
- powershell: |
. ./docker/ci/build.ps1
- Clear-ContainerBuilds -Name r10k
+ Clear-ContainerBuilds
displayName: Container Cleanup
condition: always()