rails_generators/qadmin/templates/functional_test.rb in quirkey-qadmin-0.1.1 vs rails_generators/qadmin/templates/functional_test.rb in quirkey-qadmin-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,77 +1,114 @@
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '<%= '/..' * controller_class_nesting_depth %>/../test_helper'
-require '<%= controller_file_path %>_controller'
+require 'test_helper'
-# Re-raise errors caught by the controller.
-class <%= controller_class_name %>Controller; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end
+class <%= controller_class_name %>ControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ context "<%= controller_class_name %>" do
+ setup do
+ @<%= file_name %> = <%= table_name %>(!!FIXTURE_NAME)
+ @<%= file_name %>_params = {
+<%= attributes.collect { |a| ":#{a.name} => '#{a.default}'" }.join(",\n\t") %>
+ }
+ end
-class <%= controller_class_name %>ControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- fixtures :<%= model_name.tableize %>#, :users
+ context "html" do
+ context "GET index" do
+ setup do
+ get :index
+ end
- def setup
- @controller = <%= controller_class_name %>Controller.new
- @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
- @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
- #login_as(:aaron)
- @<%= file_name %> = <%= model_name.tableize %>(!!FIXTURENAME)
- end
+ should_respond_with :success
- # def test_should_require_login
- # logout
- # get :index
- # assert_redirected_to_login
- # end
+ should "load paginated collection of <%= table_name %>" do
+ assert assigns(:<%= table_name %>)
+ assert assigns(:<%= table_name %>).respond_to?(:next_page)
+ end
- def test_should_get_index
- get :index
- assert_response :success
- assert assigns(:<%= model_name.tableize %>)
- end
+ should "display <%= file_name %>" do
+ assert_select "#<%= file_name %>_#{@<%= file_name %>.id}"
+ end
+ end
- def test_should_get_new
- get :new
- assert_response :success
- assert_select 'form'
- end
- def test_should_create_<%= file_name %>
- assert_difference '<%= model_name %>.count' do
- post :create, :<%= file_name %> => <%= file_name %>_params
- assert_redirected_to <%= table_name.singularize %>_path(assigns(:<%= file_name %>))
- end
- end
+ context "GET show" do
+ setup do
+ get :show, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id
+ end
- def test_should_show_<%= file_name %>
- get :show, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id
- assert_response :success
- assert assigns(:<%= file_name %>)
- end
+ should_respond_with :success
+ should_assign_to :<%= file_name %>
- def test_should_get_edit
- get :edit, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id
- assert_response :success
- assert assigns(:<%= file_name %>)
- assert_select 'form'
- end
- def test_should_update_<%= file_name %>
- assert_no_difference '<%= model_name %>.count' do
- put :update, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id, :<%= file_name %> => <%= file_name %>_params
- assert_redirected_to <%= table_name.singularize %>_path(assigns(:<%= file_name %>))
+ should "load <%= file_name %>" do
+ assert_equal @<%= file_name %>, assigns(:<%= file_name %>)
+ end
+ should "display <%= file_name %>" do
+ assert_select "#<%= file_name %>_#{@<%= file_name %>.id}"
+ end
+ end
+ context "GET new" do
+ setup do
+ get :new
+ end
+ should_respond_with :success
+ should_assign_to :<%= file_name %>
+ should "display form" do
+ assert_select 'form'
+ end
+ end
+ context "POST create with valid <%= file_name %>" do
+ setup do
+ post :create, :<%= file_name %> => @<%= file_name %>_params
+ end
+ should_change '<%= model_name %>.count', :by => 1
+ should_redirect_to "<%= file_name %>_path(@<%= file_name %>)"
+ should_assign_to :<%= file_name %>
+ end
+ context "GET edit" do
+ setup do
+ get :edit, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id
+ end
+ should_respond_with :success
+ should_assign_to :<%= file_name %>
+ should "load <%= file_name %>" do
+ assert_equal @<%= file_name %>, assigns(:<%= file_name %>)
+ end
+ should "display form" do
+ assert_select 'form'
+ end
+ end
+ context "PUT update" do
+ setup do
+ put :update, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id, :<%= file_name %> => @<%= file_name %>_params
+ end
+ should_not_change '<%= model_name %>.count'
+ should_redirect_to "<%= file_name %>_path(@<%= file_name %>)"
+ should_assign_to :<%= file_name %>
+ should "load <%= file_name %>" do
+ assert_equal @<%= file_name %>, assigns(:<%= file_name %>)
+ end
+ end
+ context "DELETE destroy" do
+ setup do
+ delete :destroy, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id
+ end
+ should_change '<%= model_name %>.count', :by => -1
+ should_redirect_to "<%= table_name %>_path"
+ should_assign_to :<%= file_name %>
+ end
- def test_should_destroy_<%= file_name %>
- assert_difference '<%= model_name %>.count', -1 do
- delete :destroy, :id => @<%= file_name %>.id
- assert_redirected_to <%= table_name %>_path
- end
- end
- protected
- def <%= file_name %>_params(options = {})
- {
- <%= attributes.collect { |a| ":#{a.name} => #{a.default}" }.join(', ') %>
- }.update(options)
- end