ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyc in qrscanner-0.3.1 vs ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyc in qrscanner-0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
- @ s
d Z d d k Z d d k l Z d Z d Z d d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z
+âqLc @ s
d Z d d l Z d d l m Z d Z d Z d d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z
d „ Z e d
„ Z
d d d „ Z d d d d „ Z d d d d
„ Z d d d d „ Z d d d „ Z d d d d d d e d „ Z d d „ Z d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d S( sX SCons.Conftest
Autoconf-like configuration support; low level implementation of tests.
-iÿÿÿÿN( t IntTypei c C s} t | ƒ \ } } } | o | i d | ƒ | S| p
- d } n | i d | ƒ | i | | ƒ } t | | d | ƒ | S( sš
+iÿÿÿÿN( t IntTypei c C sy t | ƒ \ } } } | r0 | j d | ƒ | S| s? d } n | j d | ƒ | j | | ƒ } t | | d | ƒ | S( sš
Configure check to see if the compiler works.
Note that this uses the current value of compiler and linker flags, make
sure $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS and $LIBS are set correctly.
"language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler.
Default is "C".
@@ -18,12 +16,11 @@
int main() {
return 0;
s( Checking if building a %s file works... N( t _lang2suffixt Displayt BuildProgt _YesNoResultt None( t contextt textt languaget langt suffixt msgt ret( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckBuilder{ s
-c C s? | i d ƒ d } t | d | d ƒ } t | | d | ƒ | S( s
+ c C s? | j d ƒ d } t | d | d ƒ } t | | d | ƒ | S( s
Configure check for a working C compiler.
This checks whether the C compiler, as defined in the $CC construction
variable, can compile a C source file. It uses the current $CCCOM value
too, so that it can test against non working flags.
@@ -32,11 +29,11 @@
int main()
return 0;
t CCt CN( R t _check_empty_programR R ( R R R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckCC– s
c C sE | i d ƒ d } t | d | d d t ƒ} t | | d | ƒ | S( s
c C sE | j d ƒ d } t | d | d d t ƒ} t | | d | ƒ | S( s
Configure check for a working shared C compiler.
This checks whether the C compiler, as defined in the $SHCC construction
variable, can compile a C source file. It uses the current $SHCCCOM value
too, so that it can test against non working flags.
@@ -46,11 +43,11 @@
return 0;
use_sharedN( R R t TrueR R ( R R R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckSHCCª s
c C s? | i d ƒ d } t | d | d ƒ } t | | d | ƒ | S( s
c C s? | j d ƒ d } t | d | d ƒ } t | | d | ƒ | S( s
Configure check for a working CXX compiler.
This checks whether the CXX compiler, as defined in the $CXX construction
variable, can compile a CXX source file. It uses the current $CXXCOM value
too, so that it can test against non working flags.
@@ -59,11 +56,11 @@
int main()
return 0;
t CXXs C++N( R R R R ( R R R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckCXX¾ s
c C sE | i d ƒ d } t | d | d d t ƒ} t | | d | ƒ | S( s
c C sE | j d ƒ d } t | d | d d t ƒ} t | | d | ƒ | S( s
Configure check for a working shared CXX compiler.
This checks whether the CXX compiler, as defined in the $SHCXX construction
variable, can compile a CXX source file. It uses the current $SHCXXCOM value
too, so that it can test against non working flags.
@@ -73,13 +70,13 @@
return 0;
t SHCXXs C++R N( R R R R R ( R R R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt
c C sq | | i j p | i | o d St | ƒ \ } } } | o d S| o | i | | ƒ S| i | | ƒ Sd S( s! Return 0 on success, 1 otherwise.i N( t envR t CompileSharedObjectt CompileProg( R t compR R R R R
- R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyR æ s c
- C sØ | i o d | i } n d } | p d | } n t | ƒ \ } } } | o | i d | | f ƒ | Sd h | d 6| d 6| d 6} | i d | | f ƒ | i | | ƒ } t | | d
c C sj | | j k s | j | r! d St | ƒ \ } } } | r@ d S| rV | j | | ƒ S| j | | ƒ Sd S( s! Return 0 on success, 1 otherwise.i N( t envR t CompileSharedObjectt CompileProg( R t compR R R R R
+ R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyR æ s c
+ C sÒ | j r d | j } n d } | s2 d | } n t | ƒ \ } } } | rh | j d | | f ƒ | Sd i | d 6| d 6| d 6} | j d | | f ƒ | j | | ƒ } t | | d
| | d | ƒ | S( s7
Configure check for a function "function_name".
"language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler.
Default is "C".
Optional "header" can be defined to define a function prototype, include a
@@ -107,14 +104,11 @@
return 0;
t namet includet hdrs! Checking for %s function %s()... t HAVE_s0 Define to 1 if the system has the function `%s'.( t headerfilenameR R R R (
R t
function_namet headerR t includetextR R
- R R R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckFuncö s$
c C sç | i o d | i } n d } | p
- d } n t | ƒ \ } } } | o | i d | | f ƒ | S| p
- d } n d | | | d | | d f } | i d | | f ƒ | i | | ƒ }
+ R R R ( ( s^ /home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckFuncö s$
c C sß | j r d | j } n d } | s. d } n t | ƒ \ } } } | rd | j d | | f ƒ | S| ss d } n d | | | d | | d f } | j d | | f ƒ | j | | ƒ }
t | |
d | | d
| ƒ |
S( s.
Configure check for a C or C++ header file "header_name".
@@ -130,19 +124,15 @@
R s$ Cannot check for header file %s: %s
s <>s %s%s
#include %s%s%s
i i s"