lib/qb/cli/run.rb in qb-0.3.4 vs lib/qb/cli/run.rb in qb-0.3.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,290 +1,581 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+# Requirements
+# =====================================================================
+# package
+require 'qb/cli/help'
+# Declarations
+# =======================================================================
+module QB; end
+# Definitions
+# =======================================================================
+module QB::CLI
+ # Run a QB role.
+ #
+ # @param [Array<String>] args
+ # CLI args to work with.
+ #
+ # @return [Fixnum]
+ # Exit status code from `ansible-playbook` command, unless we invoked
+ # help or error'd out in another way before the run (in which case `1`
+ # is returned).
+ #
+ def args
+ role_arg = args.shift
+ QB.debug "role arg", role_arg
+ begin
+ role = QB::Role.require role_arg
+ rescue QB::Role::NoMatchesError => e
+ puts "ERROR - #{ e.message }\n\n"
+ # exits with status code 1
+ return help
+ rescue QB::Role::MultipleMatchesError => e
+ puts "ERROR - #{ e.message }\n\n"
+ return 1
+ end
+ QB.check_qb_version role
+ options = role, args
+ QB.debug "role options set on cli", {|k, o|
+ !o.value.nil?
+ }
+ QB.debug "qb options", options.qb
+ cwd = Dir.getwd
+ dir = nil
+ if role.uses_default_dir?
+ # get the target dir
+ dir = case args.length
+ when 0
+ # in this case, a dir has not been provided
+ #
+ # in some cases (like projects) the dir can be figured out in other ways:
+ #
+ if options.ask?
+ default = begin
+ role.default_dir cwd, options.role_options
+ rescue QB::UserInputError => e
+ end
+ QB::CLI.ask name: "target directory (`qb_dir`)",
+ type: t.non_empty_str,
+ default: default
+ else
+ role.default_dir cwd, options.role_options
+ end
+ when 1
+ # there is a single positional arg, which is used as dir
+ args[0]
+ else
+ # there are multiple positional args, which is not allowed
+ raise "can't supply more than one argument: #{ args.inspect }"
+ end
+ QB.debug "input_dir", dir
+ # normalize to expanded path (has no trailing slash)
+ dir = File.expand_path dir
+ QB.debug "normalized_dir", dir
+ # create the dir if it doesn't exist (so don't have to cover this in
+ # every role)
+ if role.mkdir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p dir unless File.exists? dir
+ end
+ saved_options_path = + '.qb-options.yml'
+ saved_options = if saved_options_path.exist?
+ # convert old _ separated names to - separated
+ YAML.load( {|role_options_key, role_options|
+ [
+ role_options_key,
+ {|name, value|
+ [QB::Options.cli_ize_name(name), value]
+ }.to_h
+ ]
+ }.to_h.tap {|saved_options|
+ QB.debug "found saved options", saved_options
+ }
+ else
+ QB.debug "no saved options"
+ {}
+ end
+ if saved_options.key? role.options_key
+ role_saved_options = saved_options[role.options_key]
+ QB.debug "found saved options for role", role_saved_options
+ role_saved_options.each do |option_cli_name, value|
+ option = options.role_options[option_cli_name]
+ if option.value.nil?
+ QB.debug "setting from saved options", option: option, value: value
+ option.value = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end # unless default_dir == false
+ # Interactive Input
+ # =====================================================================
+ if options.ask?
+ # Incomplete
+ raise "COMING SOON!!!...?"
+ QB::CLI.ask_for_options role: role, options: options
+ end
+ # Validation
+ # =====================================================================
+ #
+ # Should have already been taken care of if we used interactive input.
+ #
+ # check that required options are present
+ missing = {|option|
+ option.required? && option.value.nil?
+ }
+ unless missing.empty?
+ puts "ERROR: options #{ {|o| o.cli_name } } are required."
+ return 1
+ end
+ set_options = {|k, o| !o.value.nil?}
+ QB.debug "set options", set_options
+ playbook_role = {'role' =>}
+ playbook_vars = {
+ 'qb_dir' => dir,
+ # depreciated due to mass potential for conflict
+ 'dir' => dir,
+ 'qb_cwd' => cwd,
+ 'qb_user_roles_dir' => QB::USER_ROLES_DIR.to_s,
+ }
+ set_options.values.each do |option|
+ playbook_role[option.var_name] = option.value
+ end
+ play =
+ {
+ 'hosts' => options.qb['hosts'],
+ 'vars' => playbook_vars,
+ # 'gather_subset' => ['!all'],
+ 'gather_facts' => options.qb['facts'],
+ 'pre_tasks' => [
+ {
+ 'qb_facts' => {
+ 'qb_dir' => dir,
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ 'roles' => [
+ 'nrser.blockinfile',
+ playbook_role
+ ],
+ }
+ if options.qb['user']
+ play['become'] = true
+ play['become_user'] = options.qb['user']
+ end
+ playbook = [play]
+ QB.debug "playbook", playbook
+ env =
+ # stick the role path in front to make sure we get **that** role
+ env.roles_path.unshift role.path.expand_path.dirname
+ cmd = \
+ env: env,
+ playbook: playbook,
+ role_options: options,
+ chdir: (File.exists?('./ansible/ansible.cfg') ? './ansible' : nil)
+ # print
+ # =====
+ #
+ # print useful stuff for debugging / running outside of qb
+ #
+ if options.qb['print'].include? 'options'
+ puts "SET OPTIONS:\n\n#{ YAML.dump set_options }\n\n"
+ end
+ if options.qb['print'].include? 'env'
+ puts "ENV:\n\n#{ YAML.dump cmd.env.to_h }\n\n"
+ end
+ if options.qb['print'].include? 'cmd'
+ puts "COMMAND:\n\n#{ cmd.prepare }\n\n"
+ end
+ if options.qb['print'].include? 'playbook'
+ puts "PLAYBOOK:\n\n#{ YAML.dump playbook }\n\n"
+ end
+ # stop here if we're not supposed to run
+ exit 0 if !options.qb['run']
+ # run
+ # ===
+ #
+ # stuff below here does stuff
+ #
+ # save the options back
+ if (
+ dir &&
+ # we set some options that we can save
+ {|o| }.length > 0 &&
+ # the role says to save options
+ role.save_options
+ )
+ saved_options[role.options_key] ={|key, option|
+ }.map {|key, option|
+ [key, option.value]
+ }.to_h
+ unless saved_options_path.dirname.exist?
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p saved_options_path.dirname
+ end
+'w') do |f|
+ f.write YAML.dump(saved_options)
+ end
+ end
+ status =
+ if status != 0
+ $stderr.puts "ERROR ansible-playbook failed."
+ end
+ # exit status
+ status
+ end # .run
+end # module QB::CLI