ext/pyroscope/lib/libpyroscope.rbspy.combo.a in pyroscope-0.0.13 vs ext/pyroscope/lib/libpyroscope.rbspy.combo.a in pyroscope-0.0.14
- old
+ new
@@ -91879,10 +91879,10 @@
& '
e k k k r
S Go MZ4PWf5nYHXm5-Hql1yM/6ofz9T-EbvQc0yNm4Ogw/QqxmySA5KEpF8E7gRJwF/zPevYg29nS5DhreT0cEF A B C D E F G I L N P Q R S X Y _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n p r s t v w x y io os .F At Do Dp Dq Fd Gx Gy Hi ID IP Id In Is Lo OS Op Or PC a1 a2 as at bp br bw ca cc ch cm cs do dp fd fn fp fr fs g0 gp gs gx gy h1 h2 hd hi hl id in ip is it iv ka ks l1 l2 lk ll lo lr mh mp mu nb nd nx ok op or ot pa pc pd pp ps r1 r2 r8 r9 rb rc rd rg ro rs rt rw sc sd sp ss t1 t2 tn tw tx wd wg wr wt zr fmt log net Abs Add And Arg Bit CCC CGI Cap Cmp Day Del Dev Div Dup Err Exp GCD Get Gid Has Ino Int Jar Key Len Log Lsh MAC MTU Max Min Mod Msg Mul Neg Net New Not Num Old Out Pad Pid Pos Put Quo R16 R32 Raw Rem Rsh Sec Seq Set Str Sub Sum Sys TLS TTL Tag To4 URL UTC Uid Val Xor _g_ _p_ abs add all alt and arg bad bbb bit bss buf cap cas cat ccc cfg ckx cmd cmp ctr ctx dec div dot dst dup ekm enc end err ext fmt fun gcw gen get has hdr key kvs len lfs lns loc log low mOS mac max min msg mul neg net new nop now obj off old out pad pcs pfd pid pin pop pos prf psk ptr put r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 raw rax rbp rbx rcx rdi rdx rel req res ret rip rsi rsp run s64 sct sec seq set shl shr sid sig siz sp1 sp2 sp3 sqr src stk str sub sym sys tag tap tls tmp typ val vec wid wmu xor hash path sort sync time *int AAAA Addr Atim Attr Back Base Bits Body Bool Call Cert Code Conn Copy Ctim Data Date Dial Diff Done Elem Exit Expr File Find Fire Flag Form Func Grow Hash Head Host Hour Info Init Inst Intn IsCA Keys Kind Leaf Less Line Load Lock Logf Mask Mode Mtim Name Nano Next Nsec Once Open PPid Path Peek Perm Ping Port Post Prev Qinv Rand Rdev Read Recv Rune Scan Seal Seed Seek Send Sign Size Skip Sort Span Sqrt Stat Stop Sub0 Swap Sync Tags Text Time To16 Trie Type URIs Uint Unix User Wait Warn Wire Year Zero Zone addr aead argp args auth base big4 big8 bitp bits body bptr bufp byte call cbuf cert cidr code cond conf conn copy crit ctxt curg data date dial dict diff divW done down dups ebss elem emit ents eofc errc expr fail fdmu feed file fill find fint flag flow fmtC fmtQ fmtS form free freq ftab ftyp full goid gopc grow hand hash hbuf hdec head heap henc high hist host info init inst ipad itoa ityp jobs keys kind lane last leaf left line link list load lock logf make mask mhdr modW mode moff mono more move msgs name nbuf ncgo newg next nobj node norm nret nsec nsrc nstk oldp once opad open opts orig pack park path pcln pcsp peek pgrp pids plus pool port ppid prec preq prev prog prot ptab push rand rank rcvr read recv regs reqs rerr resc resp rest root rseq rune runq scan scav scts seal seek sema send sign size skip sort span sqrt srcs star stat step stop tail take tccc test text time tiny uris used user utoa vals varp vers wait wall wbuf werr when wseq zero zerr zone bufio bytes **int *bool *int8 *uint Addrs After Align Bytes Cause Chdir Chmod Chown Class Clock Clone Close Coeff Curve Debug Empty Entry Equal Error Extra Fatal Field Flags Float Flush Front Fstat Fsync Halen Hooks Hours Index Infof Inner Int31 Int63 Int64 IsAbs IsAck IsDir IsNil Label Level Local LogFn Logln Match Merge Month Mutex Names Nlink NumIn Panic Parse Pread Print Proto Proxy Query RLock Reset Roots Round Rune0 Scope SetIV Slice Split Start Store Sysfd Token Trace Units Valid Value Warnf Width Write _Func _byte _cgo0 _func _type addrs align alloc altMu arena array atEOF block bound build bytep bytes cache certs chain chans check child chmod chunk class clear clone close cname code_ codes conns count csema datap delay dense donec dying edata elems empty entry equal error etext everr evict expNN expWW extra fault final find1 first flags flush fmtBs fmtBx fmtQc fmtSx frame free1 gFree gList gcbss group hash0 hello inUse incgo index inner input inter inuse is224 isDST isMax isRSA isSet isstd isutc ivLen label laddr level limit links local locks match maxpc minpc minus mpool mtime mutex nLead nbits nbyte ndots nextp nobjs nonce nrune on100 outer pages param pcbuf pings plusV pread probe proto proxy ptrTo quest rLock raddr rdPos ready recvq recvx reqMu reqch reset reuse right rlock rsema rtype runes sched sendq sendx sharp siglr sigpc sigsp slice space spans spies spine split ss_sp ssave stack start state suite sweep table tconn tflag timer token trace tries types useBy vaddr valid value vlogf wLock wbBuf wbuf1 wbuf2 wrPos write wsema crypto errors regexp *[]int *error *int16 *int32 *int64 *uint8 Accept AndNot Answer Append Before BitLen Blocks Buffer Caller CanSet Cancel CmpAbs Config Cookie Debugf Decode Detail Dialer DivMod DoChan Domain Double Enable Encode Errorf Expand Family Fatalf Fchdir Fchmod Fchown Fields Finish Format Getenv Groups Hatype Header InfoFn Infoln Insert Int31n Int63n IsZero Issuer Labels Layout Length Levels Logger Lookup MaxAge MaxCap Method Minute NewCTR NewGCM NumCap NumOut Offset Opaque Output Panicf Params Policy Prefix Primes Printf Public Pwrite QuoRem ReadAt Reader Reason Remove Reused Scheme Search Second Secure Server SetBit SetCap SetInt SetLen Shared Signal Slice3 Source Status Strict Stride String Tracef Uint32 Uint64 Unlock Unwrap Upload Values Verify WarnFn Warnln Weight Writer Writev ZoneId _defer _panic accept action addSec addTLS aesKey ageAdd allocN andNot append arenas argLen arglen argmap asciiF attach binary binder bitLen bitmap broken bucket buffer byName cancel chains chunks cipher client closed common concat condfn config cookie curEnd cutset decref delete dialIP digest divMul divmod doCall doScan doSlow domain dynTab encode etypes expand extend factor family fields finder fixLen flushF fmtSbx fnonce frames funcID gcdata getPtr goAway goexit hangul hasher header hlSize idleAt idleMu inList incSeq incref inflow insert int31n intbuf iovecs isFile isFree isYesC isYesD keyLen labels layout length lineno locabs logger lookup macLen mapped maxWid mcache mcount method mustBe nchunk negate nelems noCopy noscan notEOF notify npages num1xx numCap nwrite offset okVerb oldnew onlyH1 opAddr opaque outBuf palloc params parent pcache pcfile period prefix procid ptrbit putGen putPtr pwrite qcount random ranges readFn reader refill op0 remain remove repeat result reused rflags rotate runeAt rwlock sawEOF scases scheme search server setAll setBit setErr setLoc shared sharpV signed sotype source sparse state1 status sticky stopCh strict string symOff symtab tagLen ticket timers toRead tryGet unlock unpack unread unused update useTCP values vd_aux vd_cnt vd_ndx vdsoPC vdsoSP verdef versym victim volLen writer xcount context net/url reflect runtime strconv strings syscall unicode *[1]int *[8]int *[]bool *[]int8 *fmt.pp *fmt.ss *func() *net.IP *string *uint16 *uint32 *uint64 AddASN1 AddCert AddDate AddHook AppName BitSize Blksize CanAddr ChanDir Chunked Comment Complex Context Control Convert Cookies Country CurveID DNSDone DNSName DebugFn Debugln Decrypt DialTLS DictKey Disable Discard Divider Encrypt EndTime ErrCode ErrorFn Errorln Expires FatalFn Fatalln Feature FindAll Float32 Float64 GetBody GetConn GotConn Headers ISOWeek Ifindex Inverse IsInt64 IsValid Iterate LeadCCC Longest MapKeys Marshal Message Minutes ModSqrt ModTime Network NoProxy PanicFn Panicln Payload PkgPath Pkttype Pointer PrintFn Println RLocker RUnlock RawPath RawRead ReadMsg Readdir Referer Refresh Replace Request RootCAs Seconds SetBits SetBool SetUint Setting Shuffle SpyName Subject Syscall Timeout TraceFn Traceln Trailer TreeKey TryRecv TrySend Unwrite Version Warning WasIdle Weekday WriteAt WriteTo X__pad0 YearDay aborted address advance ai_addr ai_next alllink allnext amended answers appName argSize badVerb balance block64 blocked buckets bufPipe bytesAt callers cancelc central certReq cgoCtxt chanDir checker chunkOf cipher1 cipher2 cipher3 cleanup closech closing codeLen compile compose connect consume content context copyLen counter created curveID dataBuf dataPtr decHead decrypt dequeue destroy dialTCP dialTLS dialUDP dialing didRead dirinfo discard dispose dnsMode doFlush doMatch doPrint doScanf docrash empties encrypt enqueue entries extract filetab fmt0x64 fmtBool framepc freeAll freeBuf freeHWM funcoff gcSlice getBase getConn getRune getSlow growing gsignal hasName hasmain headPos hexByte hintErr hmacKey hsErrCh huffSym idleLRU inCount incHead incTail invalid ireqhdr isBlank isEmpty isInert isProxy isValid keyName keysize libcall literal lockedg lockedm longest mapping marshal maxSize methods minSize modTime morebuf nameLen nameOff nameoff ndigits network nextMac nlIsEnd nmalloc npcdata onepass outUsed padChar pages64 partial pattern pendBuf pending pinSlow pkgPath pkgpath pointer popHead popTail portnum preempt prepare primary private ptrdata pushAll pushcnt putFast racectx readBuf readErr readMax readMsg readPos readVal readdir readers reclaim resolve restart results roffset runlock runnext pop( sa_data sa_mask saveBuf scanInt scanOne scavLWM scratch section seedPos sendBuf servers session setAddr setDone setMono setPath setTrue setType setWord set_rip set_rsp si_addr si_code sigaddr sigcode sigmask skipNop soffset sortkey sources special spyName srcAttr ss_size st_info st_name st_size started startpc streams subkeys summary sysGrow sysInit sysStat syscall tagSize takeAll textOff timeout tlsHost tmpfile toLocal topbits tophash trailer typeOff typemap unixSec vd_hash vd_next version waiting wrapErr wrapped writeTo writech written encoding math/big net/http *[19]int *[2]int8 *[8]bool *[][]int *[]int16 *[]int32 *[]int64 *[]uint8 *big.Int *big.nat *float32 *float64 *fmt.fmt *os.File *os.file *poll.FD *spy.Spy *uintptr *url.URL AddBytes AddUint8 AddValue Binomial Buffered CapNames ConnPool Contains DNSNames DNSStart Deadline ExitFunc FieldMap FileLine Filename Flowinfo FormFile Fragment Function GetLevel GoString HashFunc Hostname HttpOnly IdleTime IsNormal IsPseudo IsStream IsUint64 KeyUsage Locality Location LookupIP LookupMX LookupNS MapIndex MapRange MarkDead MulRange NotAfter NumField Overhead Password PostForm PreferGo Priority Protocol Province PushBack Question RawQuery RawWrite ReadASN1 ReadByte ReadFrom ReadLine ReadRune Redacted Required Resolver Response SameSite Scope_id SetBytes SetEDNS0 SetError SetFlags SetFloat SetInt64 SetLevel Shutdown Simplify SkipASN1 Snapshot StreamID Subjects TrailCCC Truncate UnixNano Unparsed Upstream Username Validate Validity Warningf WithTime WriteMsg addEntry addrAttr addrFunc ai_flags allocAll allspans altProto argLimit asserted assignTo attempts baseMask baseaddr bitCount breakErr bytedata cacheEnd cacheKey callEmit callerpc callingG canceled capNames checkEnd checkPut checkSum children clearAll closeDot closeErr codebits collapse concrete connPool constSum contains continpc copyData copyDist criteria curArena curStart dataqsiz deadline debugGen dialConn dialUnix didReset disabled dispatch divBasic divLarge divShift dlogPerM dnsNames doAppend doPrintf dstNodes elemsize elemtype embedded endWrite eofError errorBuf errorPtr erroring exchange expander expected explicit fastrand findSucc flushGen fmtBytes fmtFlags fmtFloat freeSpan freeWait freelink funcInfo funcName funcType function generate hashFunc haveVers headTail hintCert histSize icookies idleConn initOnce isBroken isClient isMarked isRSAPSS isReused isSelect lastByte lastIdle lastRead lazyInit lessThan libcallg lifetime linkMask loadAddr lockAddr lockSlow logReads logWrite lookupIP lookupMX lookupNS matchcap mcentral metadata minPages moreBits mstartfn mulAddWW mulRange multiSeg nameList ncgocall needzero newEntry nextFree nextMain nextwhen nonblock nonempty noptrbss objIndex oldSweep onHitEOF optional outCount overflow parseInt password pauseGen peekRune pointers pollable popFront preferGo prevRune printArg priority proxyURL pskModes pushBack pushCall pushHead putBatch raceaddr rawInput readASN1 readByte readFrom readLine readLock readLoop realType released resetErr resolver resource response returned runqhead runqtail push( rwunlock sa_flags scanBool scanRune scanUint scanWork scavenge setBytes setError setFalse setRange setRunes setSpans shutdown si_errno si_signo sigcode0 sigcode1 snapshot sockaddr specials spineCap spineLen spinning srcNodes ss_flags st_other st_shndx st_value stktopsp subtract sudogbuf sweepers sweepgen sysAlloc targetpc throwing timeType tlsState tmpBytes tmpClass tracebuf traceseq trailers truncate tryStore uncommon upstream useProxy username usingPSK vd_flags waitRead waitlink waitlock waittail wrapErrs writeBuf writeMsg writebuf io/ioutil math/rand **big.Int *[1]uint8 *[256]int *[2]int32 *[2]uint8 *[316]int *[3]int64 *[4]uint8 *[5]uint8 *[7]uint8 *[8][]int *[8]int32 *[8]int64 *[8]uint8 *[9]uint8 *[]func() *[]net.IP *[]string *[]uint16 *[]uint32 *[]uint64 *asn1.Tag *big.Word *chan int *ecdsa.zr *net.Addr *net.Conn *net.conn *net.file *tls.Conn *tls.aead AResource AddCookie AddUint16 AddUint24 AddUint32 Algorithm AllowHTTP Anonymous AuthToken Authority Available BasicAuth BitLength BlockSize Broadcast CRTValues CallSlice ClientCAs CloseRead Coalesced CopyBytes CreateCRL DebugData DidResume DotReader DualStack Exclusive FillBytes FindIndex FormValue Formatter Ftruncate FullBytes GobDecode GobEncode HTTPProxy Handshake HasCaller Increment Interface IsOnCurve IsRegular IsTimeout KeepAlive KeyUsages LocalAddr LookupSRV LookupTXT MatchRune MoveAfter NonceSize NotBefore NumMethod NumSubexp ParseForm Precision PromiseID ProxyDial ProxyFunc PublicKey PushFront QuickSpan RawIssuer ReadBytes ReadFrame ReadMsgIP ReadSlice ReadUint8 RemoveAll RoundTrip ScanState Sensitive Serialize SetLinger SetNoLock SetOutput SetPrefix SetString SetUint64 SharedKey Signature SkipSpace Specified StartCond StartTime StreamDep TLSUnique Temporary Transform Transport Truncated UserAgent ValueElem WaitWrite WarningFn Warningln WithError WithField WriteByte WriteData WriteOnce WritePing WriteRune WriteToIP X__unused addObject addedGzip aesCipher afterDial ai_family allArenas allocBits allocSpan alternate ancestors argNumber availRead available backtrack backwards badArgNum binderKey bitCounts bitLength blockSize buffering buildOnce bytesSent cacheSpan cacheZone cancelCtx cancelKey caughtsig clientMD5 clientSum cloneInto closeBody closeIdle closeRead composing connError copyCheck copySlice dataBlock dataFrame debugData decodeMap deferpool didResume divShift2 dnsConfig doDialTCP doExecute doOnePass doPrintln dualStack earlyData endStream enoptrbss entryPool errDetail fallbacks fireHooks firstByte firstFree fixedSize flushCopy fmtString framePool freeindex freqcache fullSwept gcbssmask goidcache handshake headerBuf hexString httpProxy idToIndex idleState idleTimer insertCGJ insertNew instQueue isColored isGNUHash itablinks keyShares largefree lastFrame lehmerGCD lessEqual libcallpc libcallsp localSize lockedExt lockedInt lockorder locksHeld logWrites lookupSRV lookupTXT mallocing marshaled matchHost maxStrLen mheapLock nevacuate newRegexp newStream nextBlock nextIndex nextwaitm nfuncdata nlIsSpace nonceMask nonceSize noptrdata noverflow numBlocks numSubexp numTimers omitEmpty openDefer padString pad_cgo_0 pageInUse pageMarks panicking partition pathAddrs pclntable peekFront peerReset pkghashes prefixEnd prevDefer primaries printlock profilehz proxyAuth ptrToThis publicKey questions quickSpan readFlush readLimit readSlice readerErr readerSem recovered reordered resHeader retOffset roundTrip empty( sa_family scavenged schedlink schedtick schedwhen sendAlert serverMD5 serverSum sessionId setGoAway setMarked setString setUint64 sigChecks signature singleUse sizeclass skipASCII skipSpace spanalloc spanclass spineLock sprintlnn stackLock stacksize startAddr startTime stepState stripMono summarize sweepdone syscallpc syscallsp tableSize toReplace traceback traceskip transform transport trieMutex tryUpdate typelinks unhandled unmarshal validSave waitWrite waitsince writeBody writeByte writeCopy writeLock writeLoop writeMark writeRune writerSem
S Go ow7pYGvmKsJH_FTljkdH/6ofz9T-EbvQc0yNm4Ogw/QqxmySA5KEpF8E7gRJwF/zPevYg29nS5DhreT0cEF A B C D E F G I L N P Q R S X Y _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n p r s t v w x y io os .F At Do Dp Dq Fd Gx Gy Hi ID IP Id In Is Lo OS Op Or PC a1 a2 as at bp br bw ca cc ch cm cs do dp fd fn fp fr fs g0 gp gs gx gy h1 h2 hd hi hl id in ip is it iv ka ks l1 l2 lk ll lo lr mh mp mu nb nd nx ok op or ot pa pc pd pp ps r1 r2 r8 r9 rb rc rd rg ro rs rt rw sc sd sp ss t1 t2 tn tw tx wd wg wr wt zr fmt log net Abs Add And Arg Bit CCC CGI Cap Cmp Day Del Dev Div Dup Err Exp GCD Get Gid Has Ino Int Jar Key Len Log Lsh MAC MTU Max Min Mod Msg Mul Neg Net New Not Num Old Out Pad Pid Pos Put Quo R16 R32 Raw Rem Rsh Sec Seq Set Str Sub Sum Sys TLS TTL Tag To4 URL UTC Uid Val Xor _g_ _p_ abs add all alt and arg bad bbb bit bss buf cap cas cat ccc cfg ckx cmd cmp ctr ctx dec div dot dst dup ekm enc end err ext fmt fun gcw gen get has hdr key kvs len lfs lns loc log low mOS mac max min msg mul neg net new nop now obj off old out pad pcs pfd pid pin pop pos prf psk ptr put r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 raw rax rbp rbx rcx rdi rdx rel req res ret rip rsi rsp run s64 sct sec seq set shl shr sid sig siz sp1 sp2 sp3 sqr src stk str sub sym sys tag tap tls tmp typ val vec wid wmu xor hash path sort sync time *int AAAA Addr Atim Attr Back Base Bits Body Bool Call Cert Code Conn Copy Ctim Data Date Dial Diff Done Elem Exit Expr File Find Fire Flag Form Func Grow Hash Head Host Hour Info Init Inst Intn IsCA Keys Kind Leaf Less Line Load Lock Logf Mask Mode Mtim Name Nano Next Nsec Once Open PPid Path Peek Perm Ping Port Post Prev Qinv Rand Rdev Read Recv Rune Scan Seal Seed Seek Send Sign Size Skip Sort Span Sqrt Stat Stop Sub0 Swap Sync Tags Text Time To16 Trie Type URIs Uint Unix User Wait Warn Wire Year Zero Zone addr aead argp args auth base big4 big8 bitp bits body bptr bufp byte call cbuf cert cidr code cond conf conn copy crit ctxt curg data date dial dict diff divW done down dups ebss elem emit ents eofc errc expr fail fdmu feed file fill find fint flag flow fmtC fmtQ fmtS form free freq ftab ftyp full goid gopc grow hand hash hbuf hdec head heap henc high hist host info init inst ipad itoa ityp jobs keys kind lane last leaf left line link list load lock logf make mask mhdr modW mode moff mono more move msgs name nbuf ncgo newg next nobj node norm nret nsec nsrc nstk oldp once opad open opts orig pack park path pcln pcsp peek pgrp pids plus pool port ppid prec preq prev prog prot ptab push rand rank rcvr read recv regs reqs rerr resc resp rest root rseq rune runq scan scav scts seal seek sema send sign size skip sort span sqrt srcs star stat step stop tail take tccc test text time tiny uris used user utoa vals varp vers wait wall wbuf werr when wseq zero zerr zone bufio bytes **int *bool *int8 *uint Addrs After Align Bytes Cause Chdir Chmod Chown Class Clock Clone Close Coeff Curve Debug Empty Entry Equal Error Extra Fatal Field Flags Float Flush Front Fstat Fsync Halen Hooks Hours Index Infof Inner Int31 Int63 Int64 IsAbs IsAck IsDir IsNil Label Level Local LogFn Logln Match Merge Month Mutex Names Nlink NumIn Panic Parse Pread Print Proto Proxy Query RLock Reset Roots Round Rune0 Scope SetIV Slice Split Start Store Sysfd Token Trace Units Valid Value Warnf Width Write _Func _byte _cgo0 _func _type addrs align alloc altMu arena array atEOF block bound build bytep bytes cache certs chain chans check child chmod chunk class clear clone close cname code_ codes conns count csema datap delay dense donec dying edata elems empty entry equal error etext everr evict expNN expWW extra fault final find1 first flags flush fmtBs fmtBx fmtQc fmtSx frame free1 gFree gList gcbss group hash0 hello inUse incgo index inner input inter inuse is224 isDST isMax isRSA isSet isstd isutc ivLen label laddr level limit links local locks match maxpc minpc minus mpool mtime mutex nLead nbits nbyte ndots nextp nobjs nonce nrune on100 outer pages param pcbuf pings plusV pread probe proto proxy ptrTo quest rLock raddr rdPos ready recvq recvx reqMu reqch reset reuse right rlock rsema rtype runes sched sendq sendx sharp siglr sigpc sigsp slice space spans spies spine split ss_sp ssave stack start state suite sweep table tconn tflag timer token trace tries types useBy vaddr valid value vlogf wLock wbBuf wbuf1 wbuf2 wrPos write wsema crypto errors regexp *[]int *error *int16 *int32 *int64 *uint8 Accept AndNot Answer Append Before BitLen Blocks Buffer Caller CanSet Cancel CmpAbs Config Cookie Debugf Decode Detail Dialer DivMod DoChan Domain Double Enable Encode Errorf Expand Family Fatalf Fchdir Fchmod Fchown Fields Finish Format Getenv Groups Hatype Header InfoFn Infoln Insert Int31n Int63n IsZero Issuer Labels Layout Length Levels Logger Lookup MaxAge MaxCap Method Minute NewCTR NewGCM NumCap NumOut Offset Opaque Output Panicf Params Policy Prefix Primes Printf Public Pwrite QuoRem ReadAt Reader Reason Remove Reused Scheme Search Second Secure Server SetBit SetCap SetInt SetLen Shared Signal Slice3 Source Status Strict Stride String Tracef Uint32 Uint64 Unlock Unwrap Upload Values Verify WarnFn Warnln Weight Writer Writev ZoneId _defer _panic accept action addSec addTLS aesKey ageAdd allocN andNot append arenas argLen arglen argmap asciiF attach binary binder bitLen bitmap broken bucket buffer byName cancel chains chunks cipher client closed common concat condfn config cookie curEnd cutset decref delete dialIP digest divMul divmod doCall doScan doSlow domain dynTab encode etypes expand extend factor family fields finder fixLen flushF fmtSbx fnonce frames funcID gcdata getPtr goAway goexit hangul hasher header hlSize idleAt idleMu inList incSeq incref inflow insert int31n intbuf iovecs isFile isFree isYesC isYesD keyLen labels layout length lineno locabs logger lookup macLen mapped maxWid mcache mcount method mustBe nchunk negate nelems noCopy noscan notEOF notify npages num1xx numCap nwrite offset okVerb oldnew onlyH1 opAddr opaque outBuf palloc params parent pcache pcfile period prefix procid ptrbit putGen putPtr pwrite qcount random ranges readFn reader refill op0 remain remove repeat result reused rflags rotate runeAt rwlock sawEOF scases scheme search server setAll setBit setErr setLoc shared sharpV signed sotype source sparse state1 status sticky stopCh strict string symOff symtab tagLen ticket timers toRead tryGet unlock unpack unread unused update useTCP values vd_aux vd_cnt vd_ndx vdsoPC vdsoSP verdef versym victim volLen writer xcount context net/url reflect runtime strconv strings syscall unicode *[1]int *[8]int *[]bool *[]int8 *fmt.pp *fmt.ss *func() *net.IP *string *uint16 *uint32 *uint64 AddASN1 AddCert AddDate AddHook AppName BitSize Blksize CanAddr ChanDir Chunked Comment Complex Context Control Convert Cookies Country CurveID DNSDone DNSName DebugFn Debugln Decrypt DialTLS DictKey Disable Discard Divider Encrypt EndTime ErrCode ErrorFn Errorln Expires FatalFn Fatalln Feature FindAll Float32 Float64 GetBody GetConn GotConn Headers ISOWeek Ifindex Inverse IsInt64 IsValid Iterate LeadCCC Longest MapKeys Marshal Message Minutes ModSqrt ModTime Network NoProxy PanicFn Panicln Payload PkgPath Pkttype Pointer PrintFn Println RLocker RUnlock RawPath RawRead ReadMsg Readdir Referer Refresh Replace Request RootCAs Seconds SetBits SetBool SetUint Setting Shuffle SpyName Subject Syscall Timeout TraceFn Traceln Trailer TreeKey TryRecv TrySend Unwrite Version Warning WasIdle Weekday WriteAt WriteTo X__pad0 YearDay aborted address advance ai_addr ai_next alllink allnext amended answers appName argSize badVerb balance block64 blocked buckets bufPipe bytesAt callers cancelc central certReq cgoCtxt chanDir checker chunkOf cipher1 cipher2 cipher3 cleanup closech closing codeLen compile compose connect consume content context copyLen counter created curveID dataBuf dataPtr decHead decrypt dequeue destroy dialTCP dialTLS dialUDP dialing didRead dirinfo discard dispose dnsMode doFlush doMatch doPrint doScanf docrash empties encrypt enqueue entries extract filetab fmt0x64 fmtBool framepc freeAll freeBuf freeHWM funcoff gcSlice getBase getConn getRune getSlow growing gsignal hasName hasmain headPos hexByte hintErr hmacKey hsErrCh huffSym idleLRU inCount incHead incTail invalid ireqhdr isBlank isEmpty isInert isProxy isValid keyName keysize libcall literal lockedg lockedm longest mapping marshal maxSize methods minSize modTime morebuf nameLen nameOff nameoff ndigits network nextMac nlIsEnd nmalloc npcdata onepass outUsed padChar pages64 partial pattern pendBuf pending pinSlow pkgPath pkgpath pointer popHead popTail portnum preempt prepare primary private ptrdata pushAll pushcnt putFast racectx readBuf readErr readMax readMsg readPos readVal readdir readers reclaim resolve restart results roffset runlock runnext pop( sa_data sa_mask saveBuf scanInt scanOne scavLWM scratch section seedPos sendBuf servers session setAddr setDone setMono setPath setTrue setType setWord set_rip set_rsp si_addr si_code sigaddr sigcode sigmask skipNop soffset sortkey sources special spyName srcAttr ss_size st_info st_name st_size started startpc streams subkeys summary sysGrow sysInit sysStat syscall tagSize takeAll textOff timeout tlsHost tmpfile toLocal topbits tophash trailer typeOff typemap unixSec vd_hash vd_next version waiting wrapErr wrapped writeTo writech written encoding math/big net/http *[19]int *[2]int8 *[8]bool *[][]int *[]int16 *[]int32 *[]int64 *[]uint8 *big.Int *big.nat *float32 *float64 *fmt.fmt *os.File *os.file *poll.FD *spy.Spy *uintptr *url.URL AddBytes AddUint8 AddValue Binomial Buffered CapNames ConnPool Contains DNSNames DNSStart Deadline ExitFunc FieldMap FileLine Filename Flowinfo FormFile Fragment Function GetLevel GoString HashFunc Hostname HttpOnly IdleTime IsNormal IsPseudo IsStream IsUint64 KeyUsage Locality Location LookupIP LookupMX LookupNS MapIndex MapRange MarkDead MulRange NotAfter NumField Overhead Password PostForm PreferGo Priority Protocol Province PushBack Question RawQuery RawWrite ReadASN1 ReadByte ReadFrom ReadLine ReadRune Redacted Required Resolver Response SameSite Scope_id SetBytes SetEDNS0 SetError SetFlags SetFloat SetInt64 SetLevel Shutdown Simplify SkipASN1 Snapshot StreamID Subjects TrailCCC Truncate UnixNano Unparsed Upstream Username Validate Validity Warningf WithTime WriteMsg addEntry addrAttr addrFunc ai_flags allocAll allspans altProto argLimit asserted assignTo attempts baseMask baseaddr bitCount breakErr bytedata cacheEnd cacheKey callEmit callerpc callingG canceled capNames checkEnd checkPut checkSum children clearAll closeDot closeErr codebits collapse concrete connPool constSum contains continpc copyData copyDist criteria curArena curStart dataqsiz deadline debugGen dialConn dialUnix didReset disabled dispatch divBasic divLarge divShift dlogPerM dnsNames doAppend doPrintf dstNodes elemsize elemtype embedded endWrite eofError errorBuf errorPtr erroring exchange expander expected explicit fastrand findSucc flushGen fmtBytes fmtFlags fmtFloat freeSpan freeWait freelink funcInfo funcName funcType function generate hashFunc haveVers headTail hintCert histSize icookies idleConn initOnce isBroken isClient isMarked isRSAPSS isReused isSelect lastByte lastIdle lastRead lazyInit lessThan libcallg lifetime linkMask loadAddr lockAddr lockSlow logReads logWrite lookupIP lookupMX lookupNS matchcap mcentral metadata minPages moreBits mstartfn mulAddWW mulRange multiSeg nameList ncgocall needzero newEntry nextFree nextMain nextwhen nonblock nonempty noptrbss objIndex oldSweep onHitEOF optional outCount overflow parseInt password pauseGen peekRune pointers pollable popFront preferGo prevRune printArg priority proxyURL pskModes pushBack pushCall pushHead putBatch raceaddr rawInput readASN1 readByte readFrom readLine readLock readLoop realType released resetErr resolver resource response returned runqhead runqtail push( rwunlock sa_flags scanBool scanRune scanUint scanWork scavenge setBytes setError setFalse setRange setRunes setSpans shutdown si_errno si_signo sigcode0 sigcode1 snapshot sockaddr specials spineCap spineLen spinning srcNodes ss_flags st_other st_shndx st_value stktopsp subtract sudogbuf sweepers sweepgen sysAlloc targetpc throwing timeType tlsState tmpBytes tmpClass tracebuf traceseq trailers truncate tryStore uncommon upstream useProxy username usingPSK vd_flags waitRead waitlink waitlock waittail wrapErrs writeBuf writeMsg writebuf io/ioutil math/rand **big.Int *[1]uint8 *[256]int *[2]int32 *[2]uint8 *[316]int *[3]int64 *[4]uint8 *[5]uint8 *[7]uint8 *[8][]int *[8]int32 *[8]int64 *[8]uint8 *[9]uint8 *[]func() *[]net.IP *[]string *[]uint16 *[]uint32 *[]uint64 *asn1.Tag *big.Word *chan int *ecdsa.zr *net.Addr *net.Conn *net.conn *net.file *tls.Conn *tls.aead AResource AddCookie AddUint16 AddUint24 AddUint32 Algorithm AllowHTTP Anonymous AuthToken Authority Available BasicAuth BitLength BlockSize Broadcast CRTValues CallSlice ClientCAs CloseRead Coalesced CopyBytes CreateCRL DebugData DidResume DotReader DualStack Exclusive FillBytes FindIndex FormValue Formatter Ftruncate FullBytes GobDecode GobEncode HTTPProxy Handshake HasCaller Increment Interface IsOnCurve IsRegular IsTimeout KeepAlive KeyUsages LocalAddr LookupSRV LookupTXT MatchRune MoveAfter NonceSize NotBefore NumMethod NumSubexp ParseForm Precision PromiseID ProxyDial ProxyFunc PublicKey PushFront QuickSpan RawIssuer ReadBytes ReadFrame ReadMsgIP ReadSlice ReadUint8 RemoveAll RoundTrip ScanState Sensitive Serialize SetLinger SetNoLock SetOutput SetPrefix SetString SetUint64 SharedKey Signature SkipSpace Specified StartCond StartTime StreamDep TLSUnique Temporary Transform Transport Truncated UserAgent ValueElem WaitWrite WarningFn Warningln WithError WithField WriteByte WriteData WriteOnce WritePing WriteRune WriteToIP X__unused addObject addedGzip aesCipher afterDial ai_family allArenas allocBits allocSpan alternate ancestors argNumber availRead available backtrack backwards badArgNum binderKey bitCounts bitLength blockSize buffering buildOnce bytesSent cacheSpan cacheZone cancelCtx cancelKey caughtsig clientMD5 clientSum cloneInto closeBody closeIdle closeRead composing connError copyCheck copySlice dataBlock dataFrame debugData decodeMap deferpool didResume divShift2 dnsConfig doDialTCP doExecute doOnePass doPrintln dualStack earlyData endStream enoptrbss entryPool errDetail fallbacks fireHooks firstByte firstFree fixedSize flushCopy fmtString framePool freeindex freqcache fullSwept gcbssmask goidcache handshake headerBuf hexString httpProxy idToIndex idleState idleTimer insertCGJ insertNew instQueue isColored isGNUHash itablinks keyShares largefree lastFrame lehmerGCD lessEqual libcallpc libcallsp localSize lockedExt lockedInt lockorder locksHeld logWrites lookupSRV lookupTXT mallocing marshaled matchHost maxStrLen mheapLock nevacuate newRegexp newStream nextBlock nextIndex nextwaitm nfuncdata nlIsSpace nonceMask nonceSize noptrdata noverflow numBlocks numSubexp numTimers omitEmpty openDefer padString pad_cgo_0 pageInUse pageMarks panicking partition pathAddrs pclntable peekFront peerReset pkghashes prefixEnd prevDefer primaries printlock profilehz proxyAuth ptrToThis publicKey questions quickSpan readFlush readLimit readSlice readerErr readerSem recovered reordered resHeader retOffset roundTrip empty( sa_family scavenged schedlink schedtick schedwhen sendAlert serverMD5 serverSum sessionId setGoAway setMarked setString setUint64 sigChecks signature singleUse sizeclass skipASCII skipSpace spanalloc spanclass spineLock sprintlnn stackLock stacksize startAddr startTime stepState stripMono summarize sweepdone syscallpc syscallsp tableSize toReplace traceback traceskip transform transport trieMutex tryUpdate typelinks unhandled unmarshal validSave waitWrite waitsince writeBody writeByte writeCopy writeLock writeLoop writeMark writeRune writerSem
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