in pwwka-0.6.0 vs in pwwka-0.7.0.RC1
- old
+ new
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@
send_message!(payload, routing_key)
### Error Handling
This method accepts several strategies for handling errors, pass in using the `on_error` parameter:
* `:raise`: Log the error and raise the exception received from Bunny. (default strategy)
* `:ignore`: Log the error and return false.
- * `:resque`: Log the error and return false. Also, enqueue a job with Resque
- to send the message. See `send_message_async` below.
+ * `:resque`: Log the error and return false. Also, enqueue a job with Resque to send the message. See `send_message_async` below. **Note, this doesn't guarantee the message will actually be sent—it just guarantees an attempt is made to queue a Resque job [which could fail]**
### Delayed Messages
You might want to delay sending a message (for example, if you have just created a database
record and a race condition keeps catching you out). In that case you can use delayed message
@@ -215,9 +215,35 @@
+#### Handling Errors
+By default, if your handler raises an uncaught exception, the message will be Nacked, **but not requeued**. This means
+it's dropped on the floor and likely won't have been completely processed.
+You can configure `requeue_on_error` in the configuration to change this behavior:
+require 'pwwka'
+Pwwka.configure do |config|
+ # ...
+ config.requeue_on_error = true
+This will requeue the message **exactly once**. It uses the headers to check if the message has been retried. If it
+hasn't, and your handler raises an exception, it will be placed back on the queue. The second time your handler
+processes it, there is a header indicating it's been retried, so if a failure happens again, the message **is not
+Because requeuing puts the message at the head of the queue, a hard failure will result in an infinite loop, which will
+lead to filling up your queue. Nevertheless, this should address intermittent failures.
+**It is recommended that you set this option**. It's off for backwards compatibility.
#### Handling Messages with Resque
If you use [Resque][resque], and you wish to handle messages in a resque job, you can use `Pwwka::QueueResqueJobHandler`, which is an adapter between the
standard `handle!` method provided by pwwka and your Resque job.